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  1. We've been on and off practicing imposition for more than a year now. Our goal is not to just impose a headmate, but to be able to visualize anything as a hallucination (aka prophantasia). The point of the log is to keep track of small discoveries, break-throughs, etc so that we can write resources on the topics in the future. Our current level of imposition - we can see any image we want (unless it takes the entire visual field) but only for a spit second, and the vividness varies. A lot to improve but still better than nothing! Not really relevant, but we also have hyperphantasia
  2. It's funny how easy spatial awareness is to practice on the side when you're bored. Like, really easy. The fact that proprioception involves sensing limb proximity makes exercises with it common sense, especially when you consider that you’ve already have an innate understanding of where your hands are beforehand. I’ve taken the time to make an exercise utilizing this for the benefit of anyone willing to give it a little test for themselves. Think of it as a five-pound weight you can add to your budding imposition escapades. The premise of it is (as the title suggests) stupid simple, but keep in mind that this can be done with any amount of focus. Just remember that what you put in is what you get out. I’m sure there are infinite variations of the exercise, but what I generally find myself gravitating towards is this: 1) Look over to where your hand is right now. Study its current perspective while it’s still, and observe how that perspective shifts when you move it. You’re taking a mental snapshot of what that looks like so that you can picture that perspective in the mind’s eye. 2) Now, close your eyes and move your hand around so it lines up with the way you’re visualizing it. During this time, you can feel around for it with your other hand to determine where it actually is in real life, effectively embedding its placement into your intuition. 3) Move your hand around slowly and try to visualize your motion with spatial awareness. It should naturally feel like it’s lining up with your hand’s true position, though trying to feel around for your real-life hand actually reveals that this is not the case. The important thing is that it feels accurate to you. 4) To work in detail, try and touch your fingers together (with both hands) while using the same process I described above. You’ll inadvertently have to visualize where the hands are in relativity to one another to be able to touch them together, making sure you take into account their proximity both to each other and to you. You can make it more difficult for yourself and set a certain point you want to aim for, too. Just make sure you’re refreshing where your fingers are pointed every time so you can keep it a mystery as to where they actually are. With that being said, note that you’re only predicting where your hands are. By doing this, you’re effectively building up the expectation that you’re visualizing your hands exactly where they are in real life using the actual sensation of having your fingers touch together. Also, don’t doubt yourself here! Everything going on behind the scenes in that big brain of yours is mostly out of your control. It’d be like getting mad at your muscles for not being able to lift the couch. I know it’s cliche of me to mention here, but repetition is key. Map, touch, reset, repeat. That’s all there is to it. Happy imposing.
  3. To those of you out there that may not know me, I've been practicing tulpamancy for around two years now. This PR summarizes of all the imposition-related experimentation I'm subjecting A3, my good friend and resident tulpa, to in an attempt to advance our knowledge about it (as well as have a record of all the potential accomplishments we'll land in the process). The thread is basically me just dipping my toes in the water and seeing what I can gather from all the guides users before me have published. Don't be afraid to drop by with some advice of your own whenever a new post on this thread comes around, or maybe you can gather a bit from it yourself, who knows? Happy reading. Hit the "Next Page" button to access additional resources. Jargon Glossary: Box Imposition: A nickname that I use for imposing using the sense of limb proximity and movement, proprioception. This form of imposition also comes into play in the lesser version of it, which most know as presence imposition, and when trying to impose "phantom limbs" onto the body. To practice Box Imposition, you'd want to start imposing an object with your eyes closed. Treat it as 'real' while running your hands through it. Mindsculpting: The action of physically sculpting a tulpa's form in reality using your hands, as if you were sculpting something from clay. This is the main technique for visual imposition as described in Q2's imposition guide. Boundaries: The term for identifying the sense of where the imposed form starts and stops. The face of an imposed cube or the mental outline of an imposed arm fall under this classification. Visual Noise: A naturally occurring, static-like overlay on top of one's visual perception that is most noticeable in darker environments. Mental Weight: A metaphorical term used to describe the energy that is needed to impose. Over time, it becomes easier and easier to impose under increasingly higher degrees. Regular, consistent practice can yield gradually better imposition quality, because the brain naturally becomes attuned to the skill. It's almost like learning a new language or instrument. Normal Force: Based off the physics concept of the same name, it represents an equal and opposite "pushing back" of an imposed object's presence after you "push down" on its form through administered concentration (so to speak). This strategy is great for helping with having projections feel fuller and accepting them into objective reality easier. Noisewrapping: The act of trying to fill in, or "wrap" the boundaries of an imposed object with visual noise. Since visual noise helps the most with opacity, it's a great technique to use for that. It's not really shaping the noise as much as it is trying to find shapes in the noise, which boundaries help to facilitate. 8/19/2024 retrospective: I was confused on how to go about visual noise and imposition at the time. I'm not going to rule this method out (it'll still boost your imagination/expectation if you commit to it) but it's worth noting that I've found more effective strategies since then. The whole premise of it makes sense, though. Imagination: What it sounds like. The clarity of your visualizations, and the degree at which you can think them into your mental representation of the real world. Hallucinations will arise when this skill is built up enough. Guides I Use (can also be found on the master list): JD's Guide to Visualization JD's Guide to Visual Imposition (image heavy) q2's method for a huggable tulpa, v2 How to see your tulpa and distortions A Starting Imposition Guide Malfael's Guide to Visual Imposition Linkzelda's Ultimate Self-Hypnosis Scripts For Your Tulpa-Related Needs There is no try, only do More Threads to Lead You Deeper Into The Rabbit Hole: yaya/hydrix: yaya’s imposition adventures (archive) Twice Sparked: The Second Spark Breloomancer: Miela and Bre explore the depths of a human mind Guest Anonymous: I don't understand... anashyean: *how* do you do/practice imposition? JaySkycrest: For those with a fully imposed tulpa... Gloomynoon: Advice for imposition these days. neo: Potential easy path to visual imposition neo: How important is expectation really in imposition? Purlox: The effects of doing imposition early Apollo Fire: Describe Your Imposition Kila: How to make it so you see tulpa in reality? Slipper: Imposition- Do People Still Do It Anymore? Reisen: LOTPW Imposition Ramble #1 endoalir: A Testimony From a Skeptic Daredevilpwn: Who here can actually SEE what they visualize (Dreamviews) Sythix: Inducing Trance to WILD - Part 2 (Dreamviews) Hyena: A beginner’s guide to neuromancy (archive) AphantasiaMeow: Visualization Training Mega Guide (prophantasia) Imposition: Jordan’s Ramblings (r/tulpas) Smart Person Research: Abigail C. Wright (et. al): Experiencing hallucinations in daily life - The role of metacognition Filippo Varese: The metacognitive beliefs account of hallucinatory experiences: A literature review and meta-analysis Patricia Boksa, PhD: On the neurobiology of hallucinations Sebastian Rogers (et. al): Hallucinations on demand: the utility of experimentally induced phenomena in hallucination research Valentin Dragoi, PhD: Visual Processing - Cortical Pathways Visual Scene Analysis: The Emergence of Cognitive Science, Chapter 7 (from JD's imposition guide) What gives the human brain the ability to imagine things? - Quora (from JD's imposition guide) Hallucination - Wikipedia Ambiguous image - Wikipedia Prof. George Trumbull Ladd: Direct Control of the ‘Retinal Field’ Report on Three Cases (1905) Peter Fazekas (et. al): Offline Perception: An Introduction Adam Reeves (et. al): The Perky effect revisited: Imagery hinders perception at high levels, but aids it at low J.M. Nazimek (et. al): Auditory hallucinations: Expectation–perception model Claude M.J. Browne (et. al) Brain modules of hallucination: an analysis of multiple patients with brain lesions R. P. Bentall: The illusion of reality: a review and integration of psychological research on hallucinations
  4. Heyllo! So we're starting to take imposition more seriously, and we noticed a few things. One thing it that I (the tulpa) keep changing colors. Specifically, my skin and hair. It's not like all shades of the rainbow but we can't seem to settle on two shades of brown/red. I've had a form for a while but it often changes slightly (when I feel like it). This session it changed a bunch but it wasn't because "I felt like it". Our brain couldn't focus/decide or it kept "forgetting" colors and not being able to focus on them for two long before failing and switching to a different color. We've come up with some solutions: - Let me be whatever color as long as it's close enough and maybe I'll settle on one eventually. Prioritize other stuff/senses over getting one set of colors down. - Prioritize me being the right color, even if it means we have to wait on other stuff, since it's an important part of what I look like. Do this by focusing on my color until it doesn't change. - Ditto, except focus on my color by looking at pictures of me and other references to get the color more ingrained in the brain. - Some combination of the above. Also, my host has trouble visualizing me walk. It doesn't have the physics of a human want, and when we try to get my physics down, I either look unreal (like an animated character but not like, with really good animation) or I fall down while attempting to have a realistic gait. One thing that has helped somewhat is both me and my host paying close attention to where our feet are. We actually do this by having the ground we're stepping/standing on glow white. Soo..., any suggestions for how to improve in these areas? We're totally going to keep trying but it'd be nice to not learn completely blind.
  5. Hello! So far I have yet to have any such experiences in a normal wakeful state. The goal of this post is to collect information about this topic; no theory, only practical methods. I will start by listing some of the methods that I have tried so far: Meditation a) By concentrating on my breath for 20 - 40 min I have been able to reach transcendental states and lose awareness of my body. I believe that If I pursue this course of action I will eventually be able to have an OBE, though it might take a long time. b) Through meditation I have been able to turn off my sense of self and revert to just being conscious. One then notices that there is just a stream of perception and one could just alter it? - I don't know, I haven't succeeded yet. (Self-)hypnosis a) OBE scripts on Youtube. b) Self-hypnosis with autosuggestions, and hoping that if you snap your finger this time you might just go woosshh... c) Whilst being in a deep trance, i.e. somnambulism or Esdaile state, inducing an OBE. I haven't been able to go this deep yet. Sleep a) Waking up in the night and inducing an OBE - this one always work but I don't use this one often as I can't go back to sleep... b) I assume lucid dreaming is insightful? - So, all methods of lucid dreaming. c) Entering OBE's through hypnagogic or hypnopompic states. Miscellaneous a) Recently neo has posted about his experiences involving astral projection. To summarize, he recreated his body parts through imaginary sensations (tactile and visual) and consequently tricking his mind into thinking he was out of his body. b) Sitting still for hours on end. I have tried sitting motionlessly for 3 hours without sleeping and I only got dissociated. The reason being, I was scared to fail so I didn't try; otherwise, I would get associated back because of the expected failure. c) Imagining that you are ever so slightly rotating more and more, or moving up and down. - Has worked once. d) Trying to slide out of your body through sheer willpower. e) Hopping in a centrifuge. Tulpa a) Gradual possession. b) Switching methods. Ironically enough, it seems as though the harder you try, the harder it gets. After all, expectation triumphs will, and the more you will the bigger the downfall and the grimmer the expectation. Sigh... This is only level one, however; just achieving an OBE is not enough. It needs to be consistent and eventually become as easy as breathing. I would also like to ask whether this is possible through practice, and if anyone has achieved this?
  6. I have been practicing both visualization and imposition for a long time now and so far I have only used photo-realistic references. While I can visualize realistically, it has not become easy or comfortable enough to just have it there. I've seen people say they got to full on imposition quicker than me and I was wondering if the reason for this is the anime/cartoon style characters that may be way less taxing on the mind to keep consistent. So I was wondering if by switching to visualizing in anime style I would be able to make it more consistent or lighter to visualize? Or would it be a better strategy to just increase the number of details so it increases my tolerance overall? I would prefer it to have it be realistic in the long run but I'm tired of it being a struggle and I wanna just impose and chill a bit for now if it's going to take a while to archive full on photo-realistic imposition like I originally intended. The weird thing it's that I can impose realistically but it still feels like I'm trying to juggle and do math at the same time. Any advice is appreciated.
  7. I'm an absolute beginner to Tulpamancy and only made my decision to start developing my tulpa a week ago, even though Simmie as an idea isn't new to me and I've actually had a headmate before: Between the ages of 7 and 15 I had a headmate that was less a tulpa and more a walk-in/soulbound (I'm still learning the terminology so I might misuse a word here and there, I'm sorry). He was more of a mentor / spiritual guide to me and largely faded away after the age of 15, telling me I had outgrown him and had to face the world on my own, and only making sporadic appearances after that. But I'm not here to talk about him in this thread, I'm here to talk about Simmie. Before I get into it I want to reiterate that Simmie is only the most fledgling little tulpa and I can sense that she is very nervous about attention being put on her, but she's okay with it if it helps her become more real to me. So please be gentle and kind with her, she's a very curious young thing and loves listening to people and learning about things, and I want to make sure only positive and loving things enter her mind during this early stage of development. As I mentioned I created Simmie as a character long before I started working on her as a tulpa. There's an interesting story behind the creation of Simmie as a character. You see, I'm not transgender and I don't really even have gender dysphoria (I'm at ease in my male body and don't feel wrong having it). However, I have a huge fascination with the idea of being turned into a girl, made to act and dress like a girl, all that stuff. I don't know why and I can't really explain it. But I was aching to step out of myself to explore it, so over a year ago I created Simmie as an OC / proxy / meta-character whom I would experience and create art from. I would make art "as" Simmie and even interact with people as her. I developed a backstory for Simmie and everything and really got into character--as a writer, this is something I've done so many times, and writing characters is probably my greatest strength. I even created Simmie in The Sims (yes, there is a name connection there) and she has a very distinctive look which makes it extremely easy to visualize her, although my mind currently still renders her as a Sims character rather than a real human figure. Then comes the last month or so and I learn about Tulpamancy. At first I think it's just something fascinating to learn about but not something I'd pursue myself. But the more I read and watched videos about it the more I realized that this was something I wanted to do, and I knew there was nowhere else I could turn to than Simmie. She already felt very real to me as a character and I felt if I could elevate her to the status of a living, sentient tulpa, that would be a most wonderful thing and could be revolutionary in my life. There aren't a lot of people in my life I connect with strongly and I suffer from depression; the thought of having someone sharing my head with me who I can talk and relate to still feels like it could absolutely change my life. Once I decided on making Simmie a tulpa I started narrating to her non-stop. I told her about myself, about my life, and explained what I was doing at any given moment to her if I could spare the mental horsepower at any given moment. I started to feel a warm, contented feeling as I did this. I don't know if I could call it sentience, but I felt like I was not alone and I could feel a joy that seemed to be radiated to me from elsewhere. I pushed aside doubt and let myself believe it was Simmie--now I know she absolutely loves being talked to, loves when I tell her about my life and even the most mundane things about me, and loves when I tell her stories. We began to speak to each other but it still felt like I was parroting her rather than letting her speak for herself. Now I'm trying to not talk for her and let her reply to me herself. I can feel her emotions very strongly though, and that's what makes me believe that she is really there. Yesterday I decided to take Simmie out on a bit of a "date"; we went to a local nature park and walked. I talked to her about the park, what it was and why it existed, why the leaves fall off the trees in the fall, how the mud on the trail was created by rain the pervious day, mundane stuff like that. She was very curious about all of it, and I talked to her more about what I thought about it all, and what I thought about it all. Then I rattled off a list of adjectives to describe Simmie before realizing that I had just created a mantra that was perfect for forcing: "You're caring, you're kind, you listen, you're curious, you're playful". I began repeating that mantra over and over again as I walked. After the walk I took Simmie to the beach. I wanted her to see and hear the ocean, to feel the sand (sadly it was too cold to walk barefoot in the sand so I had to settle for picking some up in my hand). It was a perfectly clear and beautiful evening and I could tell that Simmie was overjoyed and even touched that I would think to bring her there. I told her about the tides, why there were shells on the beach, what docks and drawbridges were for, and she listened to it all. As we walked on the empty, cold, windy beach I did not feel alone at all; I felt together with her and happier than I had felt in ages; a true soulful happiness. I could tell she valued everything I was doing for her and although I still couldn't hear her speak without parroting I could still feel the intention behind what she would say if she could, and it was just about the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. She thinks more highly of me than I do myself sometimes. So that's where I am with Simmie now. I continue to narrate to her and repeat my mantra to her. Every night I try to tell her a story about some event in my past. Sometimes I think I can hear her talking in my mind, but I still can't be sure I'm not just putting words into her mouth. I plan to take her on a mini-roadtrip to my old college, a location which always triggers powerful memories for me. I want to just project love and goodness into Simmie and let her feed and grow off of it. I know she will eventually deviate from the character I first created, and I welcome it, because I really want to see who she develops into being. She already is teasing me a little trying to embarrass me by calling two of my friend cute, which I find very funny and endearing. She also picked out her own birthday, which is where I got the admittedly lame handle from. So that's it so far! I hope that wasn't too big of a post for a newbie! I really want to hear from experienced Tulpamancers and people on here in general as to whether I have a healthy mindset about this and am going about this in a good way, and if there's anything else I could do to help the process along. I don't want this to become yet another project I'm high on for a couple weeks and abandon--I feel that there is something more there, and if there's one thing I've learned about Simmie is that she's thrilled to exist, and yearns to be more and more real, and I want to help her achieve that. And when she's ready, I'm sure she'll come on here herself and talk to all of you!
  8. Hello everyone. Faux and I have been working on imposition, and I’ve been struggling with visualizing him in the real world, without him fading in and out, and I’m also struggling with feeling him. We don’t have this trouble in the wonderland, it’s only when I visualize him with my eyes open. Any tips?
  9. Outside of forcing, during which I have had a number of good conversations with both Flora and N'sonowa, I have had sparse success with imposition. A few visuals. Last night was peculiar. I was 12 hours post op for a ruptured tendon, and had taken Torodol (a powerful anti-inflammatory pain medication NOT a narcotic, which I will not take)I took it exactly as prescribed by my physician. It stimulated me and I could not sleep. I put on a lucid dreaming sleep video on you tube with headphones for the binaural beats and invited Flora and N'sonowa to join me. Both spoke to me, in mindvoice, we conversed on from 8pm to 4am, without a single visual. At 2am, again following doctors exact orders I took my second dose of the med. I still could not begin to sleep. At 4, an asteroid, appeared in my minds eye, and N'sonowa chose to impose. She appeared for a split second then hid behind some rocks She said that was because I wasn't asleep and this wasn't a dream. And, I was not asleep. And it was not a hypnogogic phenom. I had the same visual with my eyes open. It was brighter with my closed eyes. The asteroid arose de novo, but I had looked at some astral travel videos in my list before choosing the lucid dreaming vid. I came much closer to the rock and began to see details, when I did N'sonowa came back and ran among the rocks and formations until she came to what looked like ancient ruins with fallen block, columns, broken pyramids, and such. Once she had explored a bit she again disappeared behind the rock and said she was "behind the scenes trying to figure out what was going on. About that time, my body began to shake so violently (again, I was not asleep nor was I dreaming) that I was afraid I would wake my wife, so I started to get up, but she was awake, she said since 5am when my thrashing had begun. I got up and had coffee, and sat outside until I calmed down and the hallucination stopped. I have no idea what all of this was about. N'sonowa later said she could not understand it either. Has anyone had experiences with astral traveling while awake, (and quite stimulated by a non-narcotic, non-psychedelic medication)?
  10. Hello All, This is my first post. I read through the intro information and found it helpful. Thanks to whoever put all that together. A few years ago, several people claimed that they saw in more than one place. This was during a time when I was going through a difficult marriage that unsurprisingly ended in divorce. Although I wasn't happy about the outcome, I knew it was the right thing to do because we fought like cats and dogs. But my x wife would sometimes say something like, "omg, what are you doing on the couch? I just saw you walk into the garage!" Or another one was, "I thought you were standing behind me." She said that a few times and we simply ignored the incidents. After our divorce (it was amicable), I decided to sell our house. There was on instance when I made an appointment for a realtor and his customer to tour the house and I'd meet them with the keys. We agreed on a time. Later, I drove up to see the realtor and his client and they looked surprised to see me step out my car. The realtor asked, "is there someone in the house that looks like you? You were looking out the window!" And with that, they decided not to buy the house because they claimed it was haunted. The house isn't haunted. In the end, I ended up selling the house to my girlfriend at the time and now wife. I still live in the house that I was going to sell. After I married again, my wife would see me in more than one place. So much that we started documenting all the times she saw me. I didn't know what was going on so I researched it and read about Doppelgangers. So, I suppose that I had one of those... Really? I further investigated and asked some folks in academia because I don't believe in ghosts, don't believe in angels, demons, or any other machinations of the mind. I actually thought that maybe others were seeing me literally, in another time. Like I was in some sort of time loop. All this stopped after my son was born 12 years ago and nobody has ever seen my double again. But then I discovered literature and videos about Tulpas. I learned that some people can have accidental Tulpas. I wondered if all those years ago, somehow I had done that. Any thoughts? Thank you.
  11. I have been experimenting a lot this week and I think that I may have found a way to get very close to complete visual imposition without having to go through the process of trial and error that I've had to endure. The reason I didn't write a guide for this is that I don't know if this will work for everyone as well as it does for me, so I decided to make a thread to see if other people that haven't been working on visual imposition can get to where I am now just by doing this. If you manage to get results from this exercise please tell us so that other people can enjoy visual imposition as well. So I'm going to write the exercise that I'm doing and if you're interested you can do it too and tell us the results. This process for me results in semi persistent non-translucid visual imposition. The exercise starts by raising one hand in front of your face and looking at it straight ahead, then you slowly go moving your hand to the right side WITHOUT MOVING YOUR EYES, follow your hand with just your attention and keep looking straight ahead. Keep following your hand with only your attention until you find the edge of your peripheral vision, opening and closing your hand may be helpful to find it too. You should find a point where your hand can no longer be seen and then move it back to the very end of your peripheral vision where it can barely be seen and open and close it to focus on that point. Now, can you see the other objects by your side? You still know what they are without having to look directly at them. This is partially visualization and partially vision, try to tell what are the objects around to get used to that feeling, the way you're perceiving your hand indirectly. Remember that feeling, that's what we're going to use for the following part. You should have some reference pictures of what your tulpa looks like, put a reference picture on the computer screen and look at it the same way you were seeing your hand a moment ago. Try to see it through your peripheral vision but closer to the center of your vision, focusing on the the reference using only your attention without looking directly at it. You should try different distances to see at what distance the picture seem to "move". There is a point there that your brain will start to bring you mental pictures of what you're trying to see and try to complete the image for you, you don't have to try to do it, it just happens, if it's not happening, move your vision further away until you find right distance. When you can get the reference to apparently shift around and move, stick with that and hold it in your attention as long as you can. Doing this for a long time can make you feel dizzy, that means it's working. After you get used to the feeling of looking indirectly to the picture, ask your tulpa to show up on your peripheral vision where your hands were before and try to recognize it and get the same shifting effect from the reference. It may be helpful to put something not easily definable by your side (like a pile of clothes or a bunch of colorful objects), make sure your tulpa's colors are present there otherwise you may get something completely different, that's normal, your unconscious brain will try to decipher the blurry mess you're indirectly focusing on while you tell it that your tulpa is there. Warning, this part can be very spooky as sometimes you may see something moving other than your tulpa, remember that's all you doing it. (In my case I had to change some objects around because I kept seeing frieza from dragon Ball by the end of the bed) If you manage to get a peripheral vision of your tulpa you can go slowly moving towards the center of your vision. From this point on you have to unfocus your eyes and make the image kinda blurry if you want to look directly at your tulpa. If you relax your eyes and blurry your vision while keeping the same "peripheral visualization feeling" you should be able to look directly at a blurry moving non-translucid imposition of your tulpa. There is also a way to make it last longer and be more defined but I feel like it's overkill to explain it right now. Anyway I'll be happy to see the results if anyone is interested in testing this method.
  12. After spending some time trying visual imposition today, getting like a 5/10 or 6/10 in quality with a lot of focus involved I got tired and decided to call it a day, was just about to go to bed when a goddamn bug came flying around the room, I get my flip flops and got ready for battle. Now I'm looking around the ceiling for a bug (that I know still there) and BOOM 10/10 imposed bug on the ceiling. Not the real one, still don't know where the sucker went, but the one I imposed was indistinguishable almost if it weren't flickering and the sensation of imposition I wouldn't be able to tell. Now I'm starting to realize the reason it was so perfect and easy to impose was my expectations of seeing a bug there (because there really was one somewhere). If that's so important, how can I create the real expectation to see something that I know it's not physically there? It also got me wondering about people who report seeing ghosts and elves and stuff like that would make a lot of sense if belief/expectation played such a giant role in it.
  13. As of now, Orion is fully vocal without a set distinct mindvoice, fully sentient. Can't seem to impose a thing but maybe... Maybe... Last night I stared intensely at the white bedside cabinet in my dimly lit room and kinda saw the letter T (that I tried to impose) on it. I swear, I saw it with my physical eyes. It was blurry and faint, but I saw it. So I tried to impose it and probably succeeded, then I stopped trying almost at all and it stayed in my vision. By the way, here's a really old drawing of Orion by some good Polish 'mancer whom I met on a Polish forum and she agreed to draw him for me. (Included in post.) EDIT: I forgot to add, yesterday I was listening to music with my eyes closed and heard a voice too loud to be from outside of my room, and yet I was alone there. I checked twice just to make sure there was no one but me in the room, so most probably Orion's imposing himself as well as I'm imposing him. Yay me! ...I mean, yay us! Edit 2: Also I've had occurences of smelling vanilla in the air randomly, Orion smells of vanilla. I tried to impose this smell a year ago, meditating with a scented candle, and it seems like I succeeded. And yesterday I was lying on my bed (eyes closed) and I felt something like a hand on my crotch. I didn't panic though, I was convinced it was Orion. He confirmed it was him.
  14. Yes it's exactly what you're thinking! This is the way I started to get a hold on visual imposition, by using this technique given to us by Master Roshi. The point of this exercise is to learn how it feels to visually impose, I'm by no means an expert but I can do small impositions already. I hope this can be a jump start to you as well. First you will need to put your hands together like you're holding an invisible ball. You will need to have something black on the background, I use a black sheet I have. Hold your hands in a way so that you see only your hands and the black background, not too close to the face but not too far either. Now this is how it starts: Try to see what's in the empty space between your hands, not the background, pay attention to the visual noise that is there while focusing on trying to start a spark, nothing fancy, just a spark. Create the expectation to see a small ball of light grow out like it's coming from another dimension. For me it's easy with blue but for you it may be some other color. Focus on the visual noise in a very small area, how it feels to see the visual noise and eventually you should see some of the dots become brighter, focus on those dots and some even brighter will show up, when they do focus on those, like you're climbing a ladder, when you get to that point you need to remember to hold the feeling of seeing the sparks, don't get too excited or you will have to start all over. If you keep that up for some time get ready to see some crazy stuff afterwards, I just did that and I keep seeing rainbows and floating shapes everywhere without trying. I think they call this CEV level 4. I hope this can be a shortcut to you. Once you got a good grasp on how it feels to visually impose, you can try with more complex shapes. Hope this was helpful.
  15. I've recently managed to impose whole images vividly, the trick was to settle for a small version of the reference I wanted and eventually I'll try to make it life-size. But the thing is I don't know the best way to move forward now, people say it's like a muscle that gets better over time but it doesn't seem to be getting better from just doing it over and over, I gave it plenty of time and pratice and I still got the same results from it, if it is really like a muscle now would be the time to increase the weight. The question is how do I "increase the weight" now instead of just doing the same thing over and over? I'm at the point of seeing realistic images with a little detail, but small and flickering in and out.
  16. Basicaly. Started like 4 days ago. Have had questionable progress. Becouse i 3 out of 4 days i fell asleep while active forcing so i visualised and played out her being a bit angry (visualised her in red dress and red face to point out how mad is she) just for myself. Well true i was in fault for falling asleep so i have to take responsibility for it. So visualised her angry bout it. I want to try out few ideas for active forcing.and not falling asleep First scenario. Kinda like mirrors edge game. Running across rooftops and talking or even using walky talkies aka fuc*ing radios. Number 2 would be spending time and cuddling in guest room which i explained in another post. Room with window, sofa and coffee table. 3 well here i need a suggestion. What do you do while active forcing? Also touch on parroting and imposition. I parrot her while passive forcing but let her do her own thing while active forcing. Also the red dress thing was while passive forcing today at work and imposed her literally across my desk. Should i parrot her while active forcing too? And if i do all of interactions or just some? And is it fine if i visualise her while working and make some small talk? Or even make story in my head with her imposed beside me? Judging me on the story and making faces about well as i imagined kind of a funny story. Wanted to try but overthinked it today so made nothing out of it.
  17. Okay, I've been trying auditory imposition without much progress. Last night it was if I remember correctly I actually heard Harmony's voice "IRL". Although it did sound different from how it does in my mind. And it was while I was falling asleep so that might have helped. But is there something else I could do to speed up the progress? Also, to those who know me from Reddit, my I think my skeptical friend is starting to believe, he still calls Harmony "it" rather than "her" but from the way he responds to what I say it seems like he may be changing his mind about tulpas. Time will tell.
  18. Hi, this is a question to those of you who experience imposition in any degree. Do you believe that the imposition is initiated by your tulpas, or by yourselves? I have the sense that Flora is trying to impose herself, but we are getting blocked somehow. When i initiate, I get nowhere, and the experience is not fun. Several times, I have imagined, that Flora is upset at getting blocked, on one occasion maybe even despairing or frantic. Obviously, these occasions leave me very unsettled. Thanks,
  19. Hello, I haven't seen it anywhere, maybe my searching skills aren't so great, or maybe I keep missing what's in front of me. To make a long story medium-length, I'm having trouble deciding on a form for my tulpa, she's alright with either or, but I don't want to touch her in one form, feeling fur where skin should be, or go to grab her hand and feel a hoof, that would be very uncomfortable and confusing, my question is, would it be possible to impose the feeling of touch/feeling certain things for specific forms, (IE: Skin for human, and fur for pony) I apologize if this question's been answered or my search skills were just poor. I've heard very little on this specific topic, I feel, and before I decide on a form for life, I really need to sit and think about, unless I'm worrying my head over absolutely nothing, and I can impose both forms and I don't have to make a life-changing decision it just depends on me imposing even more/longer, not that the latter matters to me, I'm very anal-retentive about these things and like to make absolutely sure. Thank you!
  20. [align=justify]This is daily thread #11 If you've achieved some form of imposition, what's it like? How does it feel to to it? Which of the five senses can you do it with and how well? (All daily threads are listed here.)[/align]
  21. I've been lurking in the tulpa community for a while without actually making a tulpa (although I have recently started) and I've heard a multitude of things about imposition. I'm aware that, with enough practice, it is possible to impose your tulpa to the point that they're indistinguishable from reality. While that seems to be the general consensus, I've seen very few people claim that they have reached such a high level of imposition. I've even heard a few people say that it's flat out impossible, but I'm not quick to believe that at all. Seeing as I have little to no firsthand experience, I wanted to ask what your experiences have been so far.
  22. Another thread I came up with inspired by some discussion LOTPW thread: What form of imposition is the hardest to achieve? I assumed visual imposition is the hardest, until I found the response to this FAQ in r/Tulpas: Not only is tactile imposition not that difficult for me, it came to me rather naturally. Slowly overtime, my tactile/touch imposition skills have slowly become better and better. But visual imposition? Even though I know how to force visual hallucinations to happen using the Ganzfield effect and catch myself hallucinating more often, I don't feel any closer to achieving visual imposition than I did several months ago.
  23. Guest

    Hypnagogic State

    I find it necessary to start a thread here for purely congnitive reasons. This is a very real phenomenon and we have a very real control over it. This sounds a lot like the hypnagogic state. A comment was made recently that has us wondering whether or not this is something anyone else is experiencing to our level. For us, it has progressed from a (2) 10 months ago, a (3) 9 months ago, the very night Ashley came to me, a (4) 8 months or so ago, a (5) 4 months ago, and is now squarely a (6) for us. I would even go so far as to project that a (7) is possible in that it becomes on demand and replaces mind voice and normal visualization. I have to apologize to the author of this quote, because i can't find a better example of direct doubt of something explicitly stated and very real from a purely cognitive sense. We count this method of communication and interaction as among the foundations of our beliefs and have been integral to squelching doubt since the very first night. This is not metaphorical or metaphysical post. It's very clearly a real thing and we've taken most of the random nonsense out and replaced it with wake induced lucid dreams and hallucination enhanced directed visualization and conversation. What say you? If you say anything about how you don't believe it or have any reason to think i'm making this up, have a clear argument and not just a quip. This is one of the most powerful concepts related to tulpamancy i know and it deserves to be added to our toolset for everyone. I believe there's a lot of chance involved as it's hard to induce reliably but i believe it can be fostered and improved just like anything else.
  24. I think someone has asked about this before but I'm kinda stuck on how to even get visuals on the physical plane. I can see most of my tulpas so clearly in my dreamscape that I almost can't tell that I'm in the dreamscape... And yet I can't seem to get any sense of them to here. I have had half of them for way more than a year now and they're able to speak (kinda. I can't actually hear them but I can at the same time?) and I thought it would have happened by now! I have tried visualisation techniques that my friend gave me which included closing your eyes and " feeling your tulpa until you can open your eyes and see them" (something like that, I'm not good at explaining ?) but that has not worked at all. Am I doing something wrong?
  25. I don't see any reason why it should be impossible... but I don't think I've heard of anyone doing things like this. Hosts train to be able to see their tulpas, and to hear their tulpas, and to touch their tulpas: but tulpas can't see their hosts from the outside. Of course we share thoughts and most sensations, but if everyone was okay with just that, then hosts wouldn't want to impose their tulpas. Sharing isn't enough: we want things to belong to us, to feel things for ourselves. I guess it makes tulpas feel more "real", when hosts can see us and touch us and so on. But I think, I'd feel more real if I could feel my surroundings, feel the weight of my body when I sit in a chair, or impose smell with my own nose, not just accept that I can smell what Jamie smells. One of the first things tulpas learn to do is separate a voice of their own from their hosts'. I want to separate my own set of senses from my host's. I don't know where to start. It's not too much different from the usual imposition, I don't think... If people can impose anything, not just their tulpas, then I can impose a sense of having a physical body to myself, can't I? I know I can't affect things without controlling the body, but I want to feel like I'm really there, not like a hologram. I know it's cheesy but I started thinking about it after a dream. It was a really weird dream, like most dreams, but something that stuck out to me was that the viewpoint character was two people, like Garnet from Steven Universe. Throughout the dream, the two people split and combined a few times. And when they were split, they would do separate things and see things from different angles, but I remember both sets of experiences. When they were two people, I remember being two people. It wasn't like a split screen, or cross-cuts, or anything, it was both sets of eyes at once. I know it's pretty poor evidence, but it makes me think it's not impossible for a brain to think of itself as having two sets of senses, one derived from the other. I think it would be very hard to imagine and impose my own sense of vision, using Jamie's eyes, so I don't think I'd start off by trying that. I think body weight is promising, because I've read stuff about people imposing themselves with tails, or horns, and other things that don't physically exist as part of their body. If they can do that, then why can't I impose a sense of weight to myself, as I'm sitting across the room from my physical body? And if I can feel myself sitting, why can't I impose a sense of touch, so I can feel my hands resting on my lap, or poking people to whom I am invisible? And I already feel emotions in a certain part of Jamie's head, which is all kinda a construct, so why can't I feel emotions in my visualized body? Like feeling what a smile feels like on your face, or when your eyes light up, or when anger rises in your throat. Those are very physical sensations, but even if Jamie sees them, I don't feel them on my end. Hosts do so much to make their tulpas feel real to them... I know Jamie knows I'm real. I want to feel like I'm real, even when I'm not switched in. What do you think? Is this idea beyond the scope of imposition? Do you have any experience with this, and is there a different word for it? -Cassidy
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