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Hey all, It's been a while since we did the last tulpamancy census and we figure it's time for us to get up to that again! We have partnered with McGill university in order to do this rigorously and apply the best practices in the field to ensure that we can get the best data analysis possible. We plan to publish this in a scientific journal upon completion of our analysis. We're doing the census as a questionnaire as usual, but this time we will have a lot more questions, including some standardized question scales used in academic research. We'll also compare with previous censuses to see if any trends have changed. Anyways, if you want to participate in our census, click the link here: It's a lot of questions and will take at most two hours to complete. We're going into absurd detail so that we can do the most analysis possible. Don't worry, you can take breaks and do it in chunks. Thanks! We know it's a lot.
If you want to contribute to development of tulpamancy knowledge base, we ask you to provide detailed (as if you are teaching a beginner) and well-reasoned (within framework of your experience and concepts) answers* to these questions. They will contribute to a more holistic study of theoretical and practical aspects of tulpamancy. Collected information will facilitate and accelerate creation of a collection of synthesized answers (comprehensive guide), which will contain experience of those who answered. * Create a text document → Answer each question → Send the document (txt/md/doc/docx - these formats are preferred) with your answers to this email: or News channel: Tulpamancy questions: 1. What is a tulpa? 2. How to create a tulpa? 3. How to make a tulpa become autonomous (show independent activity, including communication)? 4. What can hinder development of autonomy and how to get rid of such obstacles? 5. Describe process of active forcing. 6. Describe process of passive forcing. 7. What mistakes can be made in forcing and how to avoid/correct them? 8. What do you usually do with a tulpa? 9. What does a tulpa do when host is temporarily not in contact with it (does not direct attention/does not interact)? 10. How to achieve complete "immersion" in wonderland? 11. How to meet a tulpa and interact with it in a lucid dream? 12. How to learn imposition (to see, hear, smell, touch tulpa as if it were material)? 13. How to perform possession and switching? 14. Tell about phenomena encountered in tulpamancy (co-front, fusion, etc.), and also describe how to implement them. 15. How to improve/increase abilities/skills of a tulpa? 16. What to do if a tulpa behaves badly/interferes? 17. Share any useful information (which you did not mention in answering questions, as it was inappropriate in those cases). P.S. Apologize for terribly written text. I don't know English.
I was talking to Cassidy about how he was born right here, right in my room where I'm typing this now. The joke is that Gavin gets to be baby Jesus in all the nativity scenes, because he was born on a bus. I imagine that most tulpas were also created in their host's rooms, or previous rooms, but if you're a tulpa and you fit into that "Other" box up there, let me know where you were! And, if you were unintentionally created, I'd love to hear what it was like when your host recognized you as a tulpa. Also, on a different note, where were you emotionally (hosts)? Was anyone here not lonely out of their skull, or already a plural system? -J Edit: clarification
Hello! I am working on writing a guide to possession, fronting, and switching. I would like to collect information on what questions people commonly have in regards to these subjects so that I may answer them in the guide. This survey is completely anonymous and you are free to submit as many times as you like. Thank you!
I would like to see if tulpas are able to tickle their hosts. Most of the time people can't tickle themselves because they know it's themself doing the tickling. My hypothesis is that tulpas are different enough from their hosts that they can tickle them. Link to the survey here: No personal information is requested and it is suggested to not provide any. Thank you, be well.
I'm curious to know more about other people's experiences with tulpas. My own has been life-changing, and I find the whole concept to be really fascinating. If you're interested, here is the link. Thanks in advance to those who decide to participate. I will post the results whenever I stop getting responses. As the description of the survey states, please be patient with me if I made any errors. You're free to suggest changes that you think would improve it.
Hello! I am a student working on a research essay regarding the tulpa community and I have a couple of questions for any tulpamancers who would be willing to answer them and provide me with further to knowledge to aid me in completing this research essay. I apologize in advance if my questions or anything I say come across as offensive, that is not my intention but if it comes across as such please kindly educate me so I can correct my mistakes. Free to answer how many you'd like. 1. How was your tulpa(s) formed? Was there a specific event in your life that caused the creation of your tulpa(s) or caused you to create one? 2.Are tulpa(s) made from will or does something such as a traumatic event need to occur in order to gain one? 3.. Before having a tulpa were you experiencing any mental illnesses? 4.. If so, did your tulpa help with your mental illness by helping you gain a better mental health through increased feelings of positivity and happiness? 5.. Are there only positive outcomes with having a tulpa or are there negative outcomes as well? If so, what are some of the negative outcomes you have experienced? How have they affected you? 6. How has your life changed positively and negatively after gaining your tulpa? 7. Have you told any of your family or friends about your tulpa? What were there reactions? How did you react to their reactions? 8. What do you think are some of the most common misconceptions tulpamancers and the tulpa community as a whole face?
Hello hosts! I'm writing a paper for school on the Tulpa community, so I would appreciate if I could get some answers to these open-ended questions! If you want to answer some but not all, that's fine! Just answer as many as you'd like. I'm just trying to get a general understanding about what it's like to have Tulpas. How long have you known about tulpamancy? Why did you originally decide to make a tulpa? How has having a tulpa affected your life? Tell me about your tulpa(s)! Are they human, male/female/nonbinary, young/old, etc.? What is their personality like? Are they based on a character or person? Do people in your life know about your tulpa(s)? If yes, what do they think? If no, what do you think they would think? How would you feel if they found out? Would you be embarrassed, proud, or neutral? Did you make your tulpa after finding tulpa communities, or did you find tulpa communities after creating your tulpa? What do you think of tulpa communities? How much time do you spend with your tulpa? Would you recommend creating a tulpa to others? What advice do you have for someone considering creating a tulpa? Any other thoughts or comments? Thank you very much to anyone who responds! Like I said, this is for an academic paper, the goal of which is to gain an understanding of a community I am not a part of. That being said, I'm considering joining!
- After finishing, you can immediately see the responses so far! 7 responses at this minute.
We already see tomatoes flying into us, but the theme is very interesting and as we see no one raised this issue before. Anyway, if you can't look on the problem from different points of view, please, do not continue to read. First of all, to avoid misunderstandings, what prompted us to start this discussion. Not long time ago I found in social network a post about the tulpas. And, as usual, in comments began a holy war between different people: first told that we a schizophrenics, the others trying to tell that it is not true, but they were in the minority. Classic. But on the next day there appeared a new message, where the old host trying to tell his experience after the war was over. In short he told that he was an usual tulpamancer, but when his tulpa truly appear, when he started to hear the voice (as he tell), he found that he started to move away from people, and even quarreled with his best friend. At last he decided to forget about his tulpa and he reached it, but first time it was painful. And he return to normal life. I had a PM chatting with him, because my experience is oppositely another, my life become better after Her appearance. All in all, we agreed that tulpamancy is not for everyone. We with Her thought about it for a bit time and decided to ask a community about your own experience. So, we came to the topic of this post. The discussion is predominantly for hosts. First of all, try to move aside from your tulpa (tulpas), that's for the purity of the experiment. Try to answer as impartially as you can. You can answer not especially from number to number, only try to answer on all questions in your text. 1. Why were you decide to create tulpa? 2. Think about you life before making a decision of creation. How it changed? 3. Didn't you find any problems with communicating with people before and after creating? If it was previous, does it get worse? 4. Do you have real friends (not colleagues or familiar) irl? What about your relations with your family? 5. What is your usual condition? Do you usually sad, or opposite, happy, or you are grey 24/7? 6. Do you have a depression now or earlier, after creating tulpa, or at time not far from decision about creating? P. S. I didn't want to hurt someone or your tulpas. It's only interesting. If there are a lot of real (and sober thinking) histories, we will have a strong argument in any discussion with other people (for example if you would like once to tell about your tulpa to your relatives) Thanks for your answers. Everyone can discuss here about additions for the questions and amendments. But try to answer on the question in one post, and write something hallmark, like Answers Will try to make a conclusion +-week after starting discussion
Do you have 20 minutes to answer questions for our study about unusual experiences and metacognition? We are specifically interested in the experiences of Tulpamancers. [
Survey HERE! I'm writing a tulpa creation guide. I wanted some stats about naming conventions. The survey is only 6 very fast questions. The survey will be closed and the results made public in one month on November 26th. Thank you for your participation :D - Cassidy [EDIT: The survey questions were unclear and not mutually exclusive. The survey has been revised and the outdated responses were deleted. The link is the same- if you were one of the 6 respondents, please resubmit!]
(Indigo posted a GD thread on this topic, but we wanted to make a survey on it to really see the results. If this survey ends by the time you find it, you can post your types in this thread) This is a survey designed to gauge the most common Enneagram personality types for hosts of tulpas, and tulpas. Enneagram is a model of 9 personality descriptions. You will be able to submit multiple responses, one for each systemmate. This survey is not something you can simply read and then answer. This survey will require you to do research/reading on the Enneagram personality model. An extensive explanation of Ennea can be found here: Extensive explanations of each of the nine types can be found here: In short, please read each of the descriptions and determine what your “dominant” personality type is. This type will be a number 1-9. Remember, your type should be determined by how you actually are, not how you want to be. (PS: It might be best to look at the flaws, rather than the positives, to determine your personality type.) If you are stuck between two types and need help figuring out which best fits you, this page can provide explanations: You may take a free online quiz. I recommend that if you do choose to take a quiz, take it multiple times and answer as honestly as possible. This link may be useful, please take either the top quiz alone (repeated if necessary), or the top quiz and the bottom quiz. I don’t recommend the bottom quiz on its own. Read and verify if your result in accurate (you don't need to worry about the wing, only the dominant type). There are other quizzes available online, however some may require you to enter an email. The one linked does not. Please do not pay money for any quiz for this survey. Be sure to check out the result you got so you can verify if you think it’s correct or not. About the survey itself: You may take this survey if you are either a host, a former host, or an aspiring host, to a tulpa or tulpas. Please do not take this survey if you don’t have any tulpas, never had any tulpas, and don’t plan to make tulpas. If your host isn’t active in the system, you can take this survey for them if you like. You may take this survey if you are a tulpa or could reasonably be considered a tulpa (ex: you came from a character). It doesn’t matter if you were intentionally created or not so long as you could be called a tulpa. Please do not take this survey if you are not a tulpa (for example: if you are an alter). If you are a tulpa or similar, however, you should only take this survey if you have been in existence for at least six months. This is to ensure that the reported personality types are accurate, as the tulpas have been developing for a decent amount of time. If you are a host and your tulpa has not reached six months yet, you can still take the survey yourself, but not the tulpa. Note: If you have a lot of tulpas, please limit your responses to five maximum (host + 4 tulpas). The survey: (only take this when you’re ready for it)
This short survey investigates how tulpas communicate their first responses. If you intentionally created your first tulpa with the knowledge of what tulpas are, please take a minute to put down your response. Please do not respond if you have non-tulpas/hosts (DID/OSDD, endogenic, etc) in your system.
Now, loaded questions; Tell me if this doesn't make sense - How does the host/tulapmancer/original/ whatever you want to use to describe the original mind and that who made a tulpa, how do they feel about being nor normal, something out of the average, different, does it impact their thoughts positively, or does it harm them by knowing that others cannot relate to them? What do they think of them, with their tulpa, of not being normal? - From your experience of having a tulpa, what are your thoughts on what is sentient, alive, and on how the mind can affect the body? And how have your thoughts about that changed after 'obtaining' a tulpa? Basically, - How do feel about being not normal in the sense of having a tulpa? - What do you think of what sentient life is and how has 'obtaining' a tulpa changed your views on that? This information is being used in a psychological "report" (and by that i mean a report on how the mind, the brain, and the body interact with one another), of which the responses given will be used in a mix of paraphrasing, quotes, and other forms of referencing data while using substitute names for anonymity. And while it does not focus primarily on tulpae, a large section of it will be devoted towards them, and i will post the "report" here, and on another thread ( once i have completed it.
Hello, I'm from China, a tulpamancer the same as you. I would like to learn some information about histories and the present in other regions. Before this thread is posted, I searched right here and found a brief introduction of the timeline of tulpa communities made by Albatross, who is seemingly not registered as a member. The intro stops at 2012, and there is no further info I can found yet. Thus, we don't have a clue about what happened after was present, nor we know anything about the communities. We are eager to know what happened from then on. So we would like a timeline starting from 2012. We would also like some data from the surveys, e.g.: Age on average or Mental status. About our own development, we have already a brief summary here. As you can see, loads of problems bothered us for a long time. By chance, we want to acquire some tips on management and planning. We don't have many members right now, about 1800 registered members and 600 active members, not sufficient enough to form a forum. Most of them are teenagers. Core members(tulpamancers) could be even less. So our future planning would be focused on our group chat -- equivalent to the well known IRC, but in an IM call QQ in China.
So, I'm with two tulpas now, and they have very different goals in life. I'm absolutely sure it has to do with their origins, but Cassidy is much more invested in the outside world than Gavin. Cassidy likes to front, to have his own things, and very quickly developed interests that I don't have. He wants to be visually imposed and enjoys being visualized around me most of the time. On the other hand, it seems Gavin doesn't want to be visualized in the outside world. He's developing some of his own tastes in things like food and music, but hasn't asked me to try/eat/do anything for him yet (though it's only been a few days). After some conversation, he agreed to try to front. Just like with Cassidy, it came easily and intuitively to us. He only stayed in a few minutes and found the entire experience, I quote, "unappealing and distressful." There are no plans to try it again, which is fine by me. Gavin primarily uses his form to interact with Cassidy or me when I'm in the mindscape. Otherwise, he's just a voice in my head. What are your tulpas like? (Or what do you, a tulpa, think about this?) Do your tulpas have their own physical possessions? Do they have a desire to control the body? Do they want to be imposed or visualized? Or, are they content to be without a form at all? On another note, Cassidy and Gavin have had a few back-and-forths about their roles in life as tulpas. To sum up their points, Gavin thinks he has a duty to be a sounding board for me, to give advice, and help me better my life. In his view, tulpas are created with an inborn responsibility to be good for the host. Cassidy says that his existence is his, and past a certain point, he doesn't have to think about how or what I'm doing. As the host, it's my responsibility to enable my tulpas to find fulfillment in their own lives. In Cassidy's case, I have the responsibility to work on imposition, to allow him to enjoy his own interests, to visit in wonderland, and to let Cassidy front when it's a good time and we both agree to do so. So, either the strongest responsibility is that of the tulpa toward host, or the strongest responsibility is of the host toward tulpa. I guess I'll take the middle position and say that both the tulpa and host have responsibilities. If a tulpa is being a jerk, belittling the host, or doing things in the body without the host's consent, they aren't being responsible, even if that's what they want to do with themselves. If the host is being a jerk to the tulpa (or straight-up abusing them, as we see in some of the greentext horror stories), they're also not being responsible. This is where it gets a bit muddy for me, at least. Tulpas should not have a strong negative impact on their host's life, but do they have a responsibility to be good? Is it alright if a tulpa drifts away from the host, isn't really friends with them, and doesn't care about them past being courteous? Is it alright if the host does the same thing? I suppose it's a similar question to "Do you have a duty to stay in contact with your family?" If they abused you, probably not. But what if you just... drift apart? Is it morally okay to cease contact with your parents, siblings, or your (adult) children? Do you have to be close to your tulpa/host? I'd love to hear what you all think. -J Edit: missing a random word
I'm ripping off of Breloomancer because I thought doing a survey for guide research was a really good idea, so thank you for the idea. The point of this survey is to talk about anxiety and depression to see how they are connected to Tulpamancy. All of the questions are anonymous and the survey will skip stuff that does not apply to you. Most of the 11 questions are paragraph responses, so it may be really fast or really long depending on how much detail you provide and what does or does not apply to you. Here is the link:
I was curious to see if there was a correlation between a host going through mental issues and them ending up with a substantial amount of tulpas. I created this survey to gauge the correlation. This is the first time I've used Google Forms for any sort of poll/research, so we'll see how it goes. [align=justify]Here is the link. Thanks! Edit: I added a fourth question. If you submitted before that, then please submit again. I'll probably end up discarding the responses from before adding that question.[/align]
This survey is meant to see if there is any correlation between specific forcing methods, and time required to create a tulpa, as well as any possible side effects of specific forcing methods. I also plan to use it as data for the guide I am currently writing. I would greatly appreciate if you filled it out: survey closed This is the link to the new survey:
I made a poll about tulpa forms, could you answer? If you have any question, just ask. Also, I don't have a reddit account, could someone post it in the tulpa subreddit? The more people answer the poll, the better. I already posted it in some discord servers. Feel free to share it with your friends if you want. I'll post the results in a few days.
Are tulpas based primarily on faith? A few weeks ago I was called out by one of the fellow redditors who stated that there are absolutely scientific methods to create a tulpa, following the strict scientific method. That sounded odd. I was under an impression that all the popular tulpa guides get you into a mindset where you’re not only open to believe whatever; you are actively suspending your disbelief too. My hypothesis was that tulpas require at least some amount of faith to make the whole thing work. I ran a short survey on most popular tulpa guides and I’ve got forty responses, which attributes to about twelve per cent of the active community population. Three most popular guides were: Methos’s with thirty per cent votes, Tulpa’s DIY Guide (twenty-five per cent) and Kiah’s guide (twenty per cent). FAQ Man’s took the fourth place with ten per cent. Proceed to the analysis and the results →
Take the Survey! I'm following up on my research with another research. This time we're measuring the reactions to observed experiences of others (it's an actual test known in the wild). I have my expectations about the results in plurals and I need your help to confirm or disprove my hypothesis. As usual; the results will come up as an essay on when I have enough data.
If you've been around this community for any amount of time you've probably noticed that people use "switching" to mean different things, with different methods, results, and experiences. This has caused much confusion and strife. I want to fix that, so I've created a survey, which you can find below. The goal of this survey is to collect experiences and descriptions so they can hopefully be categorized and separated. It is short but fairly open-ended, so please give as much detail as you can. Use the last question to provide any feedback. Thank you for your time! Note that responses are welcome whether you can switch or not, although it's preferred if you can.
INFORMATION SHEET Please read the following carefully My name is Ciarán Dervan, I am currently conducting and undergraduate research project in the School of Psychology in University College Dublin, under the supervision of Dr. Michelle Downes. Thank you for your interest in taking part in this study. STUDY TITLE: Tulpamancy: An Exploration. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: This study aims to assess aspects of Tulpamancy using two distinct investigative methods. Firstly, an in-depth thematic analysis will be conducted on relevant threads of the website to detail the major aspects of the practice. Secondly, an online questionnaire will be administered to gather participants’ demographic information, accounts of their methods, as well as their experiences and attitudes regarding Tulpamancy. This phase of the study will also utilize four standardized tests to assess aspects of everyday thinking and behaviour of the Host (person who created the Tulpa/s). WHAT HAPPENS IF I VOLUNTEER?: Your participation is entirely voluntary. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate, and be of sound mind – meaning you can legally give your own consent to participate in this study. If you decide to take part and subsequently change your mind, you may withdraw from the study at any time without difficulty, so long as you have not submitted your finished questionnaire. If you agree to participate in this study you will complete a self-report questionnaire, details of which can be found above and in the cover sheet of the questionnaire. RIGHT TO WITHDRAW: You can withdraw from the study at any point provided you have not yet submitted your finished questionnaire. However, once the questionnaire has been submitted it will no longer be possible to withdraw your data as it will be anonymous and unidentifiable. ARE THERE ANY BENEFITS TO MY PARTICIPATION?: Tulpamancy is a new practice, as such there is sparsely any literature on the topic, yet alone scientific studies. Your participation will help to build on the existing research, and aid in providing more first-hand information on Tulpas to a wider audience. ARE THERE ANY RISKS INVOLVED IN PARTICIPATING? The risks associated with participation in this study are minimal, there are questions relating to personal opinions and experiences but none of these are gathered unnecessarily. Furthermore, all information given will be anonymized and confidential. Upon completion of the questionnaire, you may return to this thread to avail of the mental health resources linked below if you have been negatively affected by any of the topics raised. CONFIDENTIALITY: All information gathered via this questionnaire will remain anonymous, and you are asked not to put your name, or the name of your Tupla/s anywhere on the questionnaire. Direct quotations may be presented to illustrate an unforeseen point or consideration, but will not be identifiable, and only used if essential. Data from the questionnaire will be kept digitally in anonymized form in a password protected file on a password protected computer, and kept for a maximum of one year after the thesis has been examined by the university. As this is a thesis the finished study will be reviewed by members of the university, and it may subsequently be published. You are reminded that all publicly viewed and published versions of the final thesis will be deidentified and anonymous. Should the study be published, a link will be provided in the original research thread so that you can read the results of the study you helped to complete. If you agree to the terms listed above, please follow the link below to continue to the questionnaire. MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES: If you have been affected by the questions or topics raised in this study and would like to talk to someone about how you are feeling, the resources below offer excellent counselling services and advice. • Visit to talk with someone if you are in crisis. • Visit and click on the section “Talk about mental health” to talk to someone, or “How to get help” for further instructions on seeking help. • You can email the Samaritans at: to talk to someone about any negative feelings, or give them a call at 116123 UK and ROI