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About Me





  1. Edit: As of January 20, 2025 I go by Chloe and use she/her pronouns. Before this time I was known as Phil, or simply September13, and went by he/him. I'm an absolute beginner to Tulpamancy and only made my decision to start developing my tulpa a week ago, even though Simmie as an idea isn't new to me and I've actually had a headmate before: Between the ages of 7 and 15 I had a headmate that was less a tulpa and more a walk-in/soulbound (I'm still learning the terminology so I might misuse a word here and there, I'm sorry). He was more of a mentor / spiritual guide to me and largely faded away after the age of 15, telling me I had outgrown him and had to face the world on my own, and only making sporadic appearances after that. But I'm not here to talk about him in this thread, I'm here to talk about Simmie. Before I get into it I want to reiterate that Simmie is only the most fledgling little tulpa and I can sense that she is very nervous about attention being put on her, but she's okay with it if it helps her become more real to me. So please be gentle and kind with her, she's a very curious young thing and loves listening to people and learning about things, and I want to make sure only positive and loving things enter her mind during this early stage of development. As I mentioned I created Simmie as a character long before I started working on her as a tulpa. There's an interesting story behind the creation of Simmie as a character. You see, I'm not transgender and I don't really even have gender dysphoria (I'm at ease in my male body and don't feel wrong having it). However, I have a huge fascination with the idea of being turned into a girl, made to act and dress like a girl, all that stuff. I don't know why and I can't really explain it. But I was aching to step out of myself to explore it, so over a year ago I created Simmie as an OC / proxy / meta-character whom I would experience and create art from. I would make art "as" Simmie and even interact with people as her. I developed a backstory for Simmie and everything and really got into character--as a writer, this is something I've done so many times, and writing characters is probably my greatest strength. I even created Simmie in The Sims (yes, there is a name connection there) and she has a very distinctive look which makes it extremely easy to visualize her, although my mind currently still renders her as a Sims character rather than a real human figure. Then comes the last month or so and I learn about Tulpamancy. At first I think it's just something fascinating to learn about but not something I'd pursue myself. But the more I read and watched videos about it the more I realized that this was something I wanted to do, and I knew there was nowhere else I could turn to than Simmie. She already felt very real to me as a character and I felt if I could elevate her to the status of a living, sentient tulpa, that would be a most wonderful thing and could be revolutionary in my life. There aren't a lot of people in my life I connect with strongly and I suffer from depression; the thought of having someone sharing my head with me who I can talk and relate to still feels like it could absolutely change my life. Once I decided on making Simmie a tulpa I started narrating to her non-stop. I told her about myself, about my life, and explained what I was doing at any given moment to her if I could spare the mental horsepower at any given moment. I started to feel a warm, contented feeling as I did this. I don't know if I could call it sentience, but I felt like I was not alone and I could feel a joy that seemed to be radiated to me from elsewhere. I pushed aside doubt and let myself believe it was Simmie--now I know she absolutely loves being talked to, loves when I tell her about my life and even the most mundane things about me, and loves when I tell her stories. We began to speak to each other but it still felt like I was parroting her rather than letting her speak for herself. Now I'm trying to not talk for her and let her reply to me herself. I can feel her emotions very strongly though, and that's what makes me believe that she is really there. Yesterday I decided to take Simmie out on a bit of a "date"; we went to a local nature park and walked. I talked to her about the park, what it was and why it existed, why the leaves fall off the trees in the fall, how the mud on the trail was created by rain the pervious day, mundane stuff like that. She was very curious about all of it, and I talked to her more about what I thought about it all, and what I thought about it all. Then I rattled off a list of adjectives to describe Simmie before realizing that I had just created a mantra that was perfect for forcing: "You're caring, you're kind, you listen, you're curious, you're playful". I began repeating that mantra over and over again as I walked. After the walk I took Simmie to the beach. I wanted her to see and hear the ocean, to feel the sand (sadly it was too cold to walk barefoot in the sand so I had to settle for picking some up in my hand). It was a perfectly clear and beautiful evening and I could tell that Simmie was overjoyed and even touched that I would think to bring her there. I told her about the tides, why there were shells on the beach, what docks and drawbridges were for, and she listened to it all. As we walked on the empty, cold, windy beach I did not feel alone at all; I felt together with her and happier than I had felt in ages; a true soulful happiness. I could tell she valued everything I was doing for her and although I still couldn't hear her speak without parroting I could still feel the intention behind what she would say if she could, and it was just about the nicest thing anyone had ever said to me. She thinks more highly of me than I do myself sometimes. So that's where I am with Simmie now. I continue to narrate to her and repeat my mantra to her. Every night I try to tell her a story about some event in my past. Sometimes I think I can hear her talking in my mind, but I still can't be sure I'm not just putting words into her mouth. I plan to take her on a mini-roadtrip to my old college, a location which always triggers powerful memories for me. I want to just project love and goodness into Simmie and let her feed and grow off of it. I know she will eventually deviate from the character I first created, and I welcome it, because I really want to see who she develops into being. She already is teasing me a little trying to embarrass me by calling two of my friend cute, which I find very funny and endearing. She also picked out her own birthday, which is where I got the admittedly lame handle from. So that's it so far! I hope that wasn't too big of a post for a newbie! I really want to hear from experienced Tulpamancers and people on here in general as to whether I have a healthy mindset about this and am going about this in a good way, and if there's anything else I could do to help the process along. I don't want this to become yet another project I'm high on for a couple weeks and abandon--I feel that there is something more there, and if there's one thing I've learned about Simmie is that she's thrilled to exist, and yearns to be more and more real, and I want to help her achieve that. And when she's ready, I'm sure she'll come on here herself and talk to all of you!
  2. Edit (10/30/21): Fixed formatting and typos. Changed color coding to our current color coding. Added small edits to some of these older entries. Stone: Hello all. I’ve been writing down my experiences with Betty for a few days, and I decided I’d post them here, especially since things have gotten interesting pretty quickly for me. Feel free to comment with any advice you may have. Day 0 (11/10/20) As I was lying on the couch, in a position in which I could fall asleep, I decided to force a bit with Betty. I was in a room full of bins and other stuff, but I wanted to place her form in the room, as opposed to my developing wonderland, as I wanted her to be with me in a real location. I decided to put her in the crib, and as she is the size of an adult woman, she looked unamused. I’m unsure if what I’m about to detail is parroting/puppeting: I started talking to her. As this was a casual forcing session before bed, I did not write down what we talked about, and I don’t remember what we talked about. However, I remember getting verbal and non-verbal responses. When I asked her questions, sometimes she’d verbally respond before I was finished asking the question, and sometimes she wouldn’t respond at all. She also responded non-verbally with facial expressions. I remember these expressions as being somewhat unnatural but making sense. When I say somewhat unnatural, I mean she used non-verbal expressions more than a human would use, and used them in instances a human would likely not use them. However, these expressions made sense, as they weren’t completely random and did convey some sort of answer to my question. It almost seemed she’d answer with a face because my brain was too lazy to generate a response from her, or couldn’t figure out how. I hypothesize that giving her a form has given my brain an out when it cannot generate words for her, and I’m hoping this will speed up the process. This is not the first day interacting with Betty, but I’ve barely talked to her at all before this, and have pretty much only imposed her in my room and puppeted her. I feel like I got a response too early, and I’m worried this may have been parroting/puppetry on my part. I am excited if these were “real” responses though. I’m not sure if there’s much of a difference this early though. It’s partially a shame this happened, as I want to organize these notes into some sort of study, but after opening with, “Maybe my tulpa answered as soon as I started talking to her,” this likely won’t be taken as seriously. And, that’s valid. Day 1 (11/11/20) I didn’t talk with Betty today. Day 2 (11/12/20) I haven’t done any forcing yet today, as it is 3:40a.m. (I was woken up by family). I was thinking about meditating before each active forcing session, as it clears my mind and I like it, but these stats are making me think twice about that idea. Still, I tend to get distracted and have trouble jumping into forcing. I believe short meditation before forcing may help me. Though meditation, at least the way I do it, focuses more on plain reality than the world of thought, and it might take me out of the world of thought (where Betty lives). Perhaps this is why it seems to hinder some people. I’m thinking if I meditate on my tulpa, and not on my body as I usually do, it may help more than hurt. I plan to not meditate the first week, then meditate the second week, and see how I feel. People are different and meditate differently, so I’d like to see how meditation works for me. I would like to personality force soon, and I would like to use Man’s method along with food-based symbolism. I have a list of personality traits here. I want her to be a rounded person, but I wonder how ethical it is to purposefully give her negative traits. I suppose I will give her positive and neutral traits, and, those traits will naturally have negative sides. Virtue is the mean of two vices, after all. 31 personality traits: Affectionate - bun (they hug whatever they surround) Amusing - Laffy Taffy Charming - Pringles (the Pringles guy seems like a charming fellow) Clever - barbecue chips on Bun (how does this taste so good!) Confident - kettle chips (tougher and more sure than regular chips?) Edgy - chips and salsa (chips have edges, and salsa has bite) Empathetic - marshmellows (soft empathy) Esthetic - That’s It bar (minimalist aesthetic) Ethical - (ethical alternative) Extroverted - Fruit Loops (idk just seems fitting) Familial - Rice Krispies (families commonly make treats out of these) Friendly - peaches (sweet and good for you) Healthy - plain Cheerios (healthier) High-spirited - Skittles (sugar rush) Honest - plain toast (it is what it is) Irreligious - pretzel rods (secularized pretzels) Leisurely - sub sandwich (this takes longer to make, but it’s worth it) Loyal - saltines (there even when you’re sick) Maternal - applesauce (often given to babies) Neat - mints (keep yourself and your breath clean) Observant - Fritos (have you noticed these smell like dog feet?) Outdoorsy - seaweed (or is it lakeweed in Michigan?) Protective - oyster crackers (oysters have shells to protect themselves, and you use yours to protect others as well) Ritualistic - Mobius strip Bagel (the endless cycle of traditions) Romantic - strawberry lemon ice (pink) Sarcastic - mint chocolate Oreos (means one thing [toothpaste] says the other [cookie]) Stylish - Gardetto's (the fancy Chex Mix) Spontaneous - doughnut (doughnut think about the calories) Trendy - (health food trends) Vivacious - strawberry ramune (lively and carbonated) Witty - “Berry Good” Lemonade (get it?) Edit (10/30/21): To clarify, I would share this food with Betty as we forced. We never ended up getting to all the foods. After a while, Betty wanted to just be herself without personality forcing. Below are some interactions I recorded. They are not exhaustive: Interaction 1 “How are you?” “Ok.” “Yeah I’m sure you are. I’m sure you’re not just parroting.” “...” I feel mean now. “Apologize to the nice lady," I think. “...” I feel a stare. “God this is so awkward,” I say instead of apologizing. I turn away. I feel her watching me. I turn to her. “How are you?” ”...” Interaction 2 “Are you listening?” “No.” “What are you doing?” “Paying attention.” “Paying attention to what?” “To, Hefty.” I burst into laughter. Interaction 3 “I’m sorry.” “No that’s alright.” “Everything’s ‘no that’s alright’ with you. That’s your main thing, isn’t it?” “No.” “Really? What’s your main thing?” “Bicycles.” “No. I made you say that.” “Yes you did.” She smirks. I laugh. “Yes I did. No really, what’s your main thing?” “Shopping carts.” “Now you’re just thinking of things with wheels.” “No. You are.” “No I’m not.” “Yes. Think of shopping carts.” “Ah you got me. Let me write that down.” Day 3 (11/13/20) Stone: I talked to Betty today. I talked to her a little bit about spontaneity with a doughnut. But, I think I could have explained it more. I will after I sleep, as I’ve been up all night. I got a lot of great responses out of her, and she felt there, but she tended to sound like me. I kept mentioning that, then felt bad for being overly critical of her, as she was doing so well. I also felt bad interrupting her and making her wait so I could write something down. It’s only been three days and I hate this clinical approach I set up. This “study.” Or maybe I’m embarrassed by how I acted and am taking it out on the format. I don’t know. What I do know is that this process is for her, then for me, then for whoever may end up reading this. I’m not going to interrupt our fun and give us imposter syndrome so I can analyze every goddamn thing she says for some post. Anyway, today was positive, and I hope I will feel better with some sleep. I’m awake now. I’ve devised a schedule for forcing. Sunday - Active: 2 hours Monday - Active: 40 minutes Tuesday - Active: 40 minutes Wednesday - Active: 40 minutes Thursday - Active: 40 minutes Friday - Active: 40 minutes Saturday - Active: 2 hours Methods of forcing I’m thinking of using: Food/Personality 101 Things To Talk About With Your Tulpa
  3. Hi 👋 I have an idea that could change the world with the Law of Attraction. Make the wonders worlds of yours, with advanced technology that is almost magical. Make it a little logical with existing, independent, reasonable scientific ideas. And delve into creating a highly developed world. You will find that the real world is also evolving because you are getting used to that world, internalizing it intellectually, and believing it is real. Imagine things like a teleportation device, opening a screen in the air, and many more.
  4. I was looking for a thread about different tulpa systems wonderlands but I couldn't find any.So, host and tulpas what does your wonderland look like? Give me details or an image of it : ) I'll go first.my wonderland is a small town in the fall with sometimes warm and sometimes cold weather.There's a sunset 24/7 because me and my tulpa love sunsets.
  5. How do I use visualization? When I consciously try to visualize something, it turns out very poorly, I almost do not see the represented object. But as soon as I let go of visualization, and let the subconscious draw itself, random images pop up, with a level of hyperrealism. So how do you at least have a balance between the quality of visualization and awareness? (I have been trying to visualize consciously for about 2 years, as you can see, without results)
  6. I'm asking because we feel like the only system with this characteristic in their headspace. For us, it's the result of starting as OCs before becoming tulpas.
  7. We try to wonderland in first-person but it takes far more mental energy to maintain that perspective. Third-person is a lot more natural to us. Often, when I attempt first-person, it wears down into a type of third-person where I'm looking at the back of my head. We recently got this great sleeping mask that blocks out all light. I found out I have a much easier time maintaining first-person and *seeing* things when (1) my eyes are open and (2) I'm wearing the sleeping mask. I think it's because the physical body is more synched with my body in wonderland. Sometimes I close the body eyes and look in a wonderland mirror to see myself, and it feels slightly off. I feel my eyes are closed so how can I see myself? Each layer of abstraction removed makes the resulting wonderland more vivid. If I am facing the same direction, in the same position, eyes opened the same amount, feeling similar sensations on the skin, etc., I can see my headmate in wonderland more clearly than ever, as well as the things behind him. It's kinda like how removing one sense can make the others stronger. This is all makes sense and seems obvious. I've known this for a while, but I was still surprised how much the sleeping mask made a difference. Do you do anything in the physical world to aid your wonderland experience? Do you wonderland in first or third person?
  8. NOTE: I am currently doing research on tulpae, I do not have any prior knowledge/experience on the topic except a brief search of “how to make friends” gone off rails a couple years ago late at night, I do not have any tulpae! Today I was bored and I remembered something about tulpa, so I began searching and looking up everything I could and wondered if tulpa’s could disappear on their own or forcefully, they can, I also found out what “possession” is and how a host or a tulpa can kind of just hang out in the wonderland or world you have made, I know tulpa’s can disappear, but can hosts if a tulpa is possessing them for a long time? Potentially making the tulpa the new host?
  9. * How to Wonderland as a Disney Princess * Preface We have all been there. Looking through guides, continuously scrolling, only to have our disappointment grown. To stumble on this guide for pretending to have ice powers and feel it's just not enough. If only there was a tulpa guide on how to be a Disney Princess. Wait no longer because it's finally here! With this guide, you can build your castle and get right onto constructing your Disney Castle today! Prerequisites Just like with any other wonderland, you do not need a tulpa to wonderland, much less as a Disney princess. If you do have a tulpa, you don't have to make them your fairy Godmother, the villain, or another princess. They like everyone else will probably laugh at you. This wonderland is to prove to them that not only you will be a Disney princess, but it will be glorious. If they do participate in a meaningful way, they can be anything they wish to be from the noble Kristoff to the eccentric Cheshire cat. If they act as an OC hopefully they'll play along with the Disney theme, but if they don't then they'll probably just troll you. Assuming they don't troll you regardless. You don't need to know anything about Disney to be a Disney princess, because Maui summed it up best: Or if that's not enough, you can read this guide for more. Whatever you want really, it's your wonderland after all. With that being said, let's start with the elephant in the room: being a princess. Being a Disney Princess In order to wonderland as a Disney princess, you have to act like one. Or you can ignore this, but I think I already covered that. Just assume from this point on if I say something you don't like just move onto the next thing. To act like a real princess, you're reading the wrong guide hun. Go look up some history shit and maybe follow news stories on a real princess, their life is literally an open book. it's worth taking a moment to go over typical Disney princess behavior: Being kidnapped and/or locked up somewhere Being asleep or unconscious due to some magical reason Being a fucking badass in fight scenes Being sweet and kind to others Flirting with their crush Having family issues that they don't realize they're working to resolve Sometimes using magic powers, but more often than not they actually don't have magic As for everything else, it's all personality forcing and visualization. Being hot? Easy, just imagine yourself with beautiful features. I don't really know what you think is beautiful, this could be physical body parts, personality, or just having a cool hobby or something. Being rich? Done, just have the expectation you're really rich. Or, alternatively, imagine being super poor and assume there's w good chance you'll be rich later. Having the best dress? Now we're ready for the next part! Creating a Disney Dress You can't have a Disney Princess without a Disney dress! Now luckily, I don't have to write this part! MatPat did an entire video on the subject! Okay fine, I'll spell it out. Basically, Disney Princesses wear really generic and for some reason pastel dresses OR you have a kick ass dress like Moana's. You can go here to see some official Disney costumes of princess dresses you can scroll through or you can check out Rosie Somerville's TikTok where they make "real life" versions of Disney princess dresses. No, I had no idea this existed before writing this guide, I just figured someone out there in the whole wide world actually did this and I was right. It is pretty awesome though. Now that you have everything you need to recreate a mental image of a dress- wait, what's that? You don't know how to visualize? Yeah alright fair enough. A tip you may find helpful for the rest of this guide- watching Disney movies may help you get that image of a dress in really anything in your brain. Each time you play the movie, pay attention to how the dress flows, how the lighting affects it, and so on. If the movie art style isn't what you're looking for, I'm sure someone somewhere has made the princess and by extension her dress in the art style you're looking for. Heck, there may even be fan animations that Disney couldn't stamp out. Once you have thought about that image enough, consider the image you get when you recall a movie scene. Voila, you visualized the dress. I don't know if it's easier to imagine the dress being worn or not, just replace the princess' head with your own and that should do the trick. Now that you have your dress, now for the other essential ingredient to princessdom- an animal sidekick. Having an Animal Sidekick Just imagine your favorite animal and blamo, animal sidekick! You can choose if they talk or not, and they can be as magical as you want them to be. Probably not a MLP because I have never seen a Disney movie with a MLP in it, but this is your brain, nobody can sue you for adding that spin-off! Like creating a dress, your animal side kick likely has reference material somewhere out there on the internet. I think the only real requirements are they're cute and they are either mischievous and babysat by the princess, like Hei Hei or or the voice of reason like Flounder... even when they can't talk. Like Rajah or Pascal. Now that you have your sidekick at your side, you are now ready for the setting: a big ass castle! Just kidding, we need to know where your castle actually is and what other people are around. Creating your Princess Lore You can't have a castle without the context of the town that castle is in. Well, you can, but it might make designing your final castle a little easier if you know the context of your castle's location. The Beast's castle got a really big makeover during the events of Beauty and the Beast, and the architecture of that castle is affected by the fact the movie takes place in France or something. So in that sense, the lore context does matter and is worth giving thought. A lot of Disney places seem to take place in one of the following places: A European town, or more exclusively just a town in some country nowadays Actually no wait... A lot of Disney characters are based off of "magical places" that seem more similar to real places than completely made up ones. And probably a lot of them being European given the medieval theme stuff. Once your location is established, I think it's worth considering what time period. Typical Disney movies settings are actually not medieval times, more like the 1700-1900s or something. Having a rough sense of the time period will give you a sense of what the local architecture, people, and culture are like. Most of the time Disney films have a cast of characters hanging out in some small town. However, you do have exceptions like The Princess and the Frog where the location is a city. I'm not an expert on European culture and folklore, so I'm not going to explain what to expect culture wise. Dr. Google is your friend. But now for the juicy stuff- what is the town's relationship with the local monarchy? Does the town have a problem or some kind of magical curse? Okay maybe not that juicy, who pays that much attention to the peasants? Now that you have a rough idea of the setting, now we can finally talk about creating a castle. Creating your Disney Castle Creating a Disney castle is actually an interesting question because one needs to define what counts as a Disney castle in the first place. Most of the time it's a literal castle, like the one in Disney's logo (don't ask me to post it I don't want to get copyrighted claimed), but sometimes it's a place that feels like a castle like Tatiana's restaurant or the ocean. Since most Disney princesses live in seemingly medieval castles and I don't want to stay up till 2 am writing this guide, I'll just stick to getting you started with a more traditional castle set-up. Real medieval castles in general aren't actually medieval castles. In short, a true castle is a giant huge square wall around a small town protected by a moat, a giant gate, and soldiers positioned ready to kill you. Like this: Stolen from https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/sheffield-castle-history-location-pictures-model-virtual-ar-1.855473 I'm not an expert on castles, so I don't want to elaborate on the fine print here, but I hope that helps my point across that this is not a Disney castle and not exactly what I'm going for here. That being said, after some Googling I realized that you're more likely to get pictures of something that actually looks like a castle if you search for "castle" and not "palace", "stately home", or "country house". Now if you look up "Châteaux" you get what I think is starting to look really dang close, but it lacks that Disney princess Cinderella castle shape. https://www.castlesandmanorhouses.com/types_11_stately.htm So, in looking at one of Google's recommended "castles", I found out about the Neuschwanstein Castle. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Louis-II-king-of-Bavaria I figured that is really close and because I don't want to stay up too late, close enough. It's not just enough to have just the outsides though. Putting my faith in u/MattMilby posted on r/dndmaps, this is the layout of the castle: https://www.reddit.com/r/dndmaps/comments/bbml3b/i_made_a_map_of_neuschwanstein_in_bavaria_the/ I don't have it in me to provide much more detail here, heck I barely know what a wing even is and I'm sure there are other fancy building structures I don't know about. Worst case scenario, you can always watch Disney movies. You'll get enough of a sense of what you're looking at in movies like the Beauty and the Beast, maybe some of the Cinderella sequels, I honestly don't think you get enough of a sense of what the Frozen castle looks like to get a feel for the place. Not like any Disney movie is going to show you the ins and outs of a Disney castle, I have no clue if there's an interview with a director out there. Don't ask me how Gray managed to find a video of a dude talking about how snowflakes work and he was hired by Disney to make said snowflakes, and definitely don't ask me to go looking for it. Creating Your Disney Plot Now you're almost ready for wonderlanding! But there's just one problem. Who is the villain of the story? Who is the knight in shining armor to rescue you (or you rescue him)? Usually you can start off with a good Disney villain by making them salty at you because they're jealous of your power and position of authority. Otherwise, they want to take advantage of your magic powers. If you want to make your plot more juicy, adding family issues, complex political issues, and a sympathetic story for your arch nemesis will all help. Of course, this is a Disney plot, you don't have to go super deep here. There's also the option of just stealing a Disney movie plot and recreating it too. Technically you could have done that from the start but now you can customize your experience! If you feel like things are too predictable, have your tulpa give you a suggestion. If you don't have a tulpa, throw some ideas of possible paths in a random list generator and see what you get. Or just simulate this in your head, should be just as effective. Conclusion I spent way too much effort into this, good night y'all. But now this guide, which nobody asked for, is real. Have fun being a Disney princess, go get em girl.
  10. So, this idea just came to me on a whim and I thought I'd see if anyone else had considered anything like it. So, when you're imagining yourself in your wonderland with your tulpae, do you picture everything in first person, as if you're just there like normal, or do you imagine a third person view, as if you're a floating camera, and you interact with things by picturing an avatar of yourself to do so, sort of like a video game or something? Or, perhaps, do you use one perspective sometimes and the other other times? That could be interesting as well. I suspect I already know what the results are gonna look like, but I've been wrong before, and it would be fascinating to discover if it had any effect on, well, anything at all. When you answer this poll, regardless of what perspective you use, please give an overview of how it may or may not affect things that you do, or otherwise just give a brief synopsis of how your tulpa creation process, or whatever you built the wonderland for, went/is going, if you don't mind. Now that this idea's in my head, I can't help but pursue it further. Maybe this could be a breakthrough of some kind, maybe it's just a random thought and nothing more, but I'll never know unless I try. As for me, I do both sometimes. It's kinda random which one I do. When I imagined things while daydreaming and such, at least before I found out about the tulpa phenomenon, I pretty much always did it in third person. Now, I still daydream in third person, and I went into the wonderland in third person a lot as well at first, but lately I've been trying to do it in first person more. It used to require a bit more focus to do so, but now it's pretty much natural. I'm not quite sure how it affects things, but things have been going smoothly thus far, and it didn't seem to change when I switched perspectives. Though I do sometimes get kicked back to third person a bit when something unexpected happens, and I intentionally go back to third person for certain specific things, like when I once let Lily change my wonderland body however she wanted so I could test her sentience (I tried both some during that occasion but eventually stuck with third person)
  11. Cinderella: The purpose of this thread is simple, Over the course of the last couple months I and a couple of the others, mainly Junior and Tony, have been working on a hypothesis to help develop a new pseudo PP skill based upon the at this point infamous phrase "It's just confabulation." The concept of false memories is an old one and while psychology is still iffy on the concept of memory in general, it is generally agreed upon that false memory development is indeed a real thing. This is something that has appeared in the tulpamancy community quite often, especially when discussing the holy grail of true parrallel processing, the ability to go do stuff completely independent of the current fronter's attention at all. It is obvious why such a skill as parallel processing is persued by the community, as it would solve so many of the basic problems a tulpamancer faces. The current science is not shining favorably on parrallel processing when held to such a high standard though. Only time will tell on how that supposed phenomenon is eventually classified, but my system is going to be exploring alternative options alongside it so as to not end up pursuing an impossible mission. In this regard it is my opinion that purposely developing "confabulation," the power to quickly make semi-detailed memories that feel as real as a true experience, would be an excellent way forward in solving the wasted time problem and generally improve the lives of the system as a whole. I have already applied it to a messy extent in my own life, Junior and I choose to believe that we do things in the inner world when dormant, and low and behold when we actively think there are memories availible of what we did during that time. Sadly as many others report these memories are foggy and when looked into lack as much detail as experience produced memories. These memories are still important to us though and even include some of what we'd consider important memories to our lives. I do not see them as lesser inherently and so the personal motive for this thread is obvious, I wish to improve my life and relationship by offering a way for more experiences to be subjectvely had regardless of true time of happening. The mind is a subjective instrument at the end of the day so if the experience feels real enough why should it matter to me? There is also a fascinating concept we continually ran into within the wider plural community when we went in search of new potential tulpamancy techiques among them, the phenomenon of exomemories. To put it simply, an exomemory is a memory that appears to come from outside the body's experience, including the wonderland/inner world. The most obvious example to a tulpamancer would be the case of a fictive that claims to have detailed memories of their source lives despite never actually experiencing it. In more superstitous or spiritual people this could be viewed as the truth of the matter, but I personally am a materialist and view exomemories as a unique and beautiful form of artificial memory experiences. These reported exomemories can be a vague as my personal experiences with artifical memory, but are also often reported as being extremely detailed. Alters have claimed to experience entire second lives before introjection with advanced exomemories to prove it that sometimes make real memories pale in comparsion. These memories can have intricate subtle details, high emotional impact, and there is even a common phenomenon of people experiencing actual trauma responses to source exomemories, I cannot be the only one who see's the implications of such a experience. Quite frankly, I want this level of detail and depth in my own artificial memory experiences. Now that all of this has been said I shall explain what this thread is for. This thread is a commitment from me and the others in my system to dedicate time to personally experiment with artifical memories, both exo and inner world, in order to improve upon amount, quality, detail, duration, and frequency of occurence, then share findings with the community. Our system has quite a share of diversity in terms of tulpa origin and experience, and so will have many great candidates to experiment with. The main subjects will be myself, as I am the one most interested and hold resonsibility for the effects of this on the mind, Junior, who is my closest partner and a Majima fictive, making him ideal for exomemory experimentation, Rarity, also a fictive, and Tony, a walk-in who already possesses some basic exomemories unrelated to an outside source. Over the course of the next couple months I will report hypotheses, experiments, and personal findings to you all and ask for discussion and ideas to further my work. As should be obvious this is a highly experimental and subjective practice so if anyone decides to try it with us the potential risks fall upon you to mitigate and handle. That should be all for the introductory piece, feel free to share thoughts, comments, concerns, and potentially useful material in this thread aswell as discuss your own experiences and experiments with the subject matter, I want this to succeed to the more data available to tinker with the better.
  12. Hello! I’ll introduce myself. I’m Ashley, and I only just started creating Andromeda yesterday. I’ll post my progress on here quite often, but excuse me if I forget. So for several years, since I was about 12, I have wanted to have someone else in my mind with me. At the time, the reason wasn’t exactly clear to me as it is now. As it is, I discovered tulpas around a month ago. I was hooked right away, but I knew I should look in to it further, read guides, see others experiences, etc. I found many useful guides and I couldn’t wait any longer, so I’ve started! At this time, Andromeda is a female with a human-like shape but she has elf ears and the ability to grow wings if she chooses. I am aware she will most likely deviate, and I welcome that. Without further ado, I will put my first and second sessions below. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Session 1 Date: Friday 19th March I drew her form and started to make a model of her in my mind. This was over the course of the day, and I didn’t do much else for her as I knew I needed to set some time aside to properly visualise her. Session 2 Date: Saturday 20th March So today, I visualised her whole form and animated her to make sure it was stable. This took me 30-45 minutes as I had already made a base of her yesterday. I then made a cabin-like room to have as a place to meet her in our wonderland, and I started with her personality. I decided to keep it quite vague as I’d like her to be able to form her personality as she grows older, but I gave her a base. I did this by giving her jelly of different colours and explained them and how it would affect her. I then showed her different parts of the cabin and what they do. Then, I said that she could decide to have more of any jelly she wanted if she’d like and she can experiment with the things in there. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— I have not had any reactions yet, par head pressure. But I am glad that she has already progressed this far and I’m aware that it takes a long time for more interpretable reactions, but this is okay as I am just glad she’s here and I am willing to help her in any way. I don’t mind if it takes a few weeks or a few years for her to be vocal, it does not change my view on her. I hope I’m doing this right? I do not want to hinder her or harm her in any way, I want to nurture and support her. Thank you for reading, and I hope this isn’t too long for a newbie. c:
  13. You've most likely been there - you have woken up from a nightmare in distress, felt powerless being hunted down by some monsters. Or an intrusive thought has harmed your tulpa during forcing and you could not prevent it. Here we'll explore not only how to fix such mishaps but also how to exploit them to strenghten both your and your tulpa's forcing abilities, dream control and self-esteem. The concept itself is really simple. Whenever something bad happens in your imagination, be it in a dream or during forcing, do not dwell on it, especially do not worry about it. Do not feed it attention. Instead immediately replay the scene with your tulpa and change it to a positive outcome. You have protected your tulpa from an intrusive thought, no harm was done, they are perfectly fine. Your tulpa has easily beaten the monster which chased you in your dream and saved you. Be creative, any unpleasant situation happening in your imagination can be reverted and resolved. Adding a bit of humor may also not be the worst idea. You can even take this another step further. Woke up from a nice dream and feel bad your tulpas were not in it? Immediately try to replay the dream with them. The hypnopompic twilight state after waking up at least for us generally allows for more control than the swirling nonsense in the hypnagogic phase right before falling asleep. But also this state is worth inserting your tulpas and trying to exploit the extremely vivid visuals at least a little bit. There's no guarantee this will make your tulpas appear in dreams more often or help you to get better control over nightmares or intrusive thoughts but it's one of your best bets. The brain is generally lazy. It picks up whatever is convenienty there and tries to fabricate something out of the available chunks of memories. The more your tulpas are present in your mind before you fall asleep and the more both you and them are used to 'fix' unpleaant situations the greater the chance it may work out. At least it is definitely worth a try and also a fun activity to do with your tulpas. An afterword of caution Manipulating memories is a powerful techique and should strictly be limited to dreams and intrusive thoughts. DO NOT try to overwrite actual memories you have experienced, no matter how bad, create fake memories and treat them as real or replace the memories of other persons with your tulpas! If anything this should be done under the guidance of a professional to heal trauma but do yourself a favor and leave reality alone. Btw, this s not a guide, don't have the time to write up something detailed like that atm. But maybe someone else *coughlumicough* will. Let's brainstorm ideas here.
  14. Stone: I have hesitated to make this topic because I worried that talking about this would make it happen to me more. Take that as a warning, especially if you’re prone to intrusive thoughts. There’s these phenomena that happen in our Wonderland. We call them “mind warps” or “mind twists”. I think the term “Wonderland warps” would best describe what they actually are, but I prefer “mind twists” because that sounds cuter. What do they look/feel like? For me, they tend to look like ravines, canyons/plateaus, water-less moats, sinking ground, sinking "gravity pits", and more rarely, rising hills (which look like sinking gravity pits, but inverted). Some function as portals. If you experience them, they may look/feel different than mine. Mind twists can take many forms. Fundamentally, they are intrusive, annoying, and impede progress. They are not Wonderland obstacles meant to be overcome (think of a monster in an RPG-like Wonderland), but faults of a mind imagining wonderland. My first experience with a mind twists was a series of ravines inside ravines. We were walking to the castle when a fissure (which initially looked like a mirage) formed in the ground out of nowhere, growing into a ravine. I fell into that ravine, then a ravine inside that one, then a ravine inside that one, until I placed myself back where I was supposed to be. However, the fissures kept following me, and no matter what I imagined, they would form again. Example of endless ravines: Would show up regularly during my visits to Wonderland, until they became less common, and then mostly stopped. More recently, I've been dealing with gravity pits and canyons. A gravity pit is continuously sinking ground that looks like a model of gravity. Example of a gravity pit: Canyons and moats (usually very deep, but without water) have formed when I've wanted to get to a simple destination. For example, we wanted to go to a pool a few days ago. We were walking to the parking lot when a deep canyon-like moat formed around the pool. The moat also somehow widened the distance between us and the pool, so not only was the pool more difficult to get to, but it was now also farther away. Why do I get them? I'm thinking my mind twists are at least partially (and maybe mostly) caused by intrusive thoughts. I also think it might be my mind trying to cope with rendering views it doesn't have the energy to render. It's a lot easier to imagine being annoyed falling through grey and black infinite ravines than to imagine a giant castle erected in vast flatlands. It's a lot easier to imagine a pool farther away than close up. As my Wonderland has gotten more mundane, being based on real world places instead of fully imagined, I've experience mind twists less. Whether this is because the places I've been to in realspace are easier to render, or because I'm just more experienced with dealing with mind twists and imagining Wonderland (and my Wonderland just happens to be more mundane), I don't know. What do I do about them? You can treat mind twists like intrusive thoughts and cope with them like you would intrusive thoughts. However, certain intrusive though coping strategies don't work for me (at least the surface level versions of the strategies). For example, simply labeling intrusive Wonderland phenomena as "not real" or "just thoughts" doesn't help me. Three approaches have worked: Don't think about them. Don't remind yourself of them. Don't ignore them, but do disregard them. Treat them as a Wonderland obstacle. The first approach is the most obvious and also the one I'm breaking right now. I've omitted mind twists from diary entries, notes, and progress reports for this reason. If I go back to read these things, I don't want to remind myself of them. The second approach is what I have tried most recently. When the moat formed around the pool, I didn't ignore the moat, I didn't try to make it go away, and I didn't imagine myself somewhere else. I simply walked where the ground was (or, would be). It looked like I was walking on air, but I was disregarding the moat and walking where I had planned to walk anyway. The third approach was how I dealt with a ravine once. Instead of trying to escape the ravine, I was able to land on the ground of the ravine and walk through it with my headmates. This succeeded once, but also failed at least once, when new ravines kept forming despite me trying to land on the ravine ground. Do you get them? What do you do about them? Do you get (or have you in the past gotten) mind twists or something similar? What did you (or do you) do about them?
  15. I don't really believe in metaphysics stuff but today I did experience something that I think a lot of people would describe as being "astral projection". The reason this isn't in the metaphysics category is because it's not really metaphysics to me after all, or at the very least it doesn't require any sort of meta assumptions in order to experience this phenomena. So let me describe here the process and if there's someone that has done this before please tell me if this is the same thing as what they call "astral projection". Or even if you're skeptic like me you can still experience this phenomena and it may help if you're struggling with wonderland immersion like I was. I started by sitting down and closing my eyes, then started to rub my hands together in front of my face and trying to keep my awareness focused on the shape of my hands and arms in front of me. Slowly keeping track of their position and "sculpting" my own arms to get a real good memory of their shape and how it feels to move them without opening my eyes. Then afterwards I rested my right hand by the side of my body and started to use just the memory of a minute ago to move an imaginary right arm and interact with the real left arm. So it became left arm real, right arm imaginary. Then I proceeded to sculpt the imaginary right arm with the real one, and then the real one using the imaginary right arm. Going vice versa back and forth. Then I rested my left arm also by my side and started using both imaginary arms to sculpt each other. After a couple minutes of that I just put both imaginary hands on the back of my head as if I was going to do a sit up and I just yanked my perspective back by pushing my real head forward with my imaginary arms and immediately started sculpting the back of my head from that new perspective as if my real head was outside of me, then the rest of my real body. I felt completely removed from my body by keeping awareness of it from an outsider perspective, the longer I sculpted my body the more removed I felt from it, and the more intense and overwhelming the sensation of being outside became, it's even a little scary. it's very different from daydreaming and even imposition. Never experienced anything similar and I am now able to recreate this experience this way whenever I want. It doesn't last a lot at first because it's quite overwhelming but that only makes it seem more consistent with other peoples "astral projection" reports that I've seen so far. If this is the same as astral projection then I'm curious as to what to do next. I'm also pretty sure this can be used to force by having your tulpa sculpt you while looking through their perspective as well. Anyway feel free to share any info you may have on the subject or your own experience with this stuff. I'm quite interested to see what else is there to explore even though I don't really believe in the meta stuff I'm still interested in experiencing these kind of phenomena.
  16. How To Refocus On Your Wonderland Preface For a long time I struggled with poor visualization, but what I really struggled with is how to focus on my wonderland. When I saw a blur or darkness, I didn’t know how to get a viable image. I thought I was just bad at visualizing until I realized an image came in more clearly when I took the time to illustrate it bit by bit. The tricky part was knowing how to focus on a scene and use that skill to build more elaborate constructs. I put this guide together because this method helped me in the past and it boosted my confidence in my visualization ability. Summary This method is about stabilizing and solidifying your focus on your wonderland by applying visualization skills in a step-by-step process. You start with visualizing a simple object and illustrate one new detail at a time. Next, you continue to repeat this method with increasingly more complex objects until you become satisfied with your visualization quality. You can also use this method to improve your visualization quality for more complex objects and multiple objects. Prerequisites This guide assumes you have a wonderland, but this method can also be applied to visualizing objects in a void. This guide does not require having a cobud or previous knowledge on meditation. Summary of the Visualization Skill This guide expands on concepts described in Chupi’s and Nikodemos’s guides and is similar to Luigi's scanning method by explaining when and how to apply these skills in order to focus and achieve better visualization of your wonderland. While I will briefly explain this skill, these guides explain this skill in more detail. This skill is all about looking at an object and asking yourself how it should look, feel, take up space, etc. For example, if you have grass in your wonderland, one could ask about the color of the grass, the height and shape of the blades, what species of grass it is, if it’s made out of cotton candy, the texture of the grass, how it feels when you walk in it, etc. The more questions you can answer, the more information you will have about that particular object. Thinking of questions and answering them requires your focus and having more information allows you to visualize your objects and wonderland more effectively. How to Refocus on Your Wonderland: Detailed Walk-through First, find a block of time and a comfortable place to sit down. Since you will be applying this skill one small step at a time, expect this to take time. Stabilizing your focus involves walking through this process slowly. Rushing can disrupt your focus and cause your visuals to blur. If you have any doubts or feel frustrated because you’re looking at a black void right now, keep in mind your visualization quality will get better. If it helps, you may want to use a relaxation breathing technique before getting started. Start with taking a simple object such as a sphere or a cube. What color is the sphere? Is it smooth or bumpy? Is it soft and squishy or firm like a billiard ball? What is the temperature of the sphere? Are there any other questions that come to mind, such as how the ball reacts to gravity? Continue to illustrate more details with your simple object until you are satisfied and or bored. Once you can clearly picture your simple sphere or cube, you can move onto something more complicated. A more complex object like a chair is a good next step. How tall is the chair? What is it made of? How many legs does your chair have? How stiff is the seat if you sat on it? What are the designs on this chair? A chair is a friendly object to work with because chairs are usually easy to find in most living spaces and can be used as a reference or a source of inspiration. If you feel satisfied with your visualization ability at this point, congratulations! While this approach may no longer be needed to help you at this point, this process can be applied to more complicated objects and landscapes to produce a more vivid image of your wonderland. If you feel like your visualization is still fuzzy or you are growing bored and restless, you may want to try again with another somewhat complex object. If the problem is you need something more interesting to look at, you may need to move onto an even more complex object. For a very complex object such as a tree or your cobud’s form, you may want to break the object into smaller parts and then visualize the object as a whole. For example, you can break up a tree into the trunk, branches, leaves, and roots. If you start with leaves, you may want to ask questions like: "What is the leaf's color?" "What shape is the leaf?" "If you squeezed a leaf in your hand, would it feel fibrous and maybe a little sticky?" Once you are satisfied with the leaf, you can move onto the next component and keep working until you have the whole tree. For your cobud’s form, you may want to start asking yourself questions about your cobud’s head, body, clothes, and so on. How broad or specific these groupings are is completely up to you. Once you are comfortable with visualizing each part, imagining the whole object may only require a few final questions such as: "Are all of the leaves the same color" and "How do the leaves and branches move in the wind?" Breaking a complex object down into smaller sections can also be applied to visualizing multiple objects. Instead of one complex image being made up of different parts, one complex wonderland scene is made up of multiple objects. I recommend starting with a small number of less complex objects, such as a chair and a rug, and then add one object at a time. Alternatively, you can do a mixture of both the original approach and a piecemeal approach by starting with very broad questions and then asking very specific questions for complex and multiple objects. For a tree, you could ask: “Is this a real tree or a fantasy tree?” "How tall is it?" "Could you climb it if you wanted to?" "Is the season changing the colors of the leaves?" And then ask: “What shape are the tree leaves?” “How deep do the roots go? "How tough is the bark?” For multiple objects, you can start with the broad questions like: “How many objects are there?” “Do these objects share a common theme, such as being man made?” “How much space do these objects take up?” Then, you can ask more specific questions such as, “How fuzzy is this pillow?” and “How warm is this blanket?” At this point, I recommend thinking of your collection of objects as a separate room, scene, or space you can revisit. The more time you spend with a scene, the easier it is to recreate it. A wonderland scene can store a surprising amount of information as long as the rules you set are consistent. The more practice and time you invest in a scene, the more detailed your recollection will be and the easier it will be to visualize in the future. Suggestions/Tips If you are struggling with being bored, teleporting to a parade or a war zone can lead to you getting distracted and going back to having blurry images or a black screen. Unless you are prepared to flesh out a lot of intricate details very quickly, the task may be too overwhelming and you may start skipping details to keep up with the pace. The adrenaline rush can also break your focus. Instead of doing that, you should either move onto a more complex object or get creative and ask more interesting questions like “Is this sphere heavy enough to dent the floor of my wonderland?” If you don’t like the objects you are visualizing, why are you putting in the effort to visualize them at all? If a tree isn’t to your taste, you could also visualize furniture, a vending machine, a weapon, etc. using the same approach. When visualizing multiple objects, it is okay if an object only becomes crisp when you are paying attention to it. In real life, the human brain picks one point to focus on at any given time while everything else blurs out in the peripheral vision. As long as you know where everything should be and enough about those objects to know what they should look like up close, you’re doing it right. Visualizing moving objects can add another layer of complexity to make something more interesting. However, I don’t recommend loud or overwhelming objects early on because they can be distracting and downgrade your image resolution. Unless you are really comfortable with what your cobud’s form looks like or you're really eager to visualize it, I don’t recommend starting off with that. Like any other complex object, their form may be too much for you to focus on right now, but it won’t be after you build your way up to that level of complexity. If your cobud is sentient, they can guide you to look at certain things, or they may ask for you to visualize something for them. Why not, right? They may surprise you with a real treat! In Conclusion Once you feel comfortable with your visualization, have fun! Now that your visualizations are stable, go ahead and visualize exciting things like flying on dragons or shooting aliens in space. Chances are you forgot about your immediate surroundings in real life awhile ago. Submitted for Guides in the [Visualization] section. I may edit my guide again, there were a few changes I want to consider but haven't gotten around too yet. I'm not editing this guide here anymore. Sorry! Also, you can repost this guide elsewhere, but if you don't acknowledge I wrote this guide and ask people for money for this FREE GUIDE, that's a shitty thing to do. Old version: https://community.tulpa.info/topic/14524-how-to-refocus-on-your-wonderland-first-submission/ Pdf back-up of relaxation breathing website: Stress Management_ Breathing Exercises for Relaxation _ Michigan Medicine.pdf Change log:
  17. Hello everyone! I'm Renée and I'm from the UK. I found out about tulpas on Tuesday 2nd November and since then have been reading a lot about tulpamancy and creation. The past two days have been my journey to forming my tulpa named Marla. I've been narrating to her and trying to visualise her in my wonderland. Most of it has been passive forcing as I haven't had much time to sit down and solely focus on her. (I really want to though.) Last night (4th Nov) I wrote down 10 personality traits and about 3-4 likes and dislikes. However I know these may change overtime. It's a little difficult for me to visualise her while narrating as I can't focus on both at once. I struggle to visualise her when passive forcing too, however I'm hoping this will get better over time. I've been visualising her and sometimes I see her tilt her head slightly or make very faint, slight facial expressions. I even heard a little "hm" from her. At first I was a little apprehensive at thinking it was her but I'm going to believe it's her. I also thought I heard a little "night" before I went to sleep when visualising us in our wonderland. Im going to keep working on forcing and develop her form and personality. I'll keep you updated! >:)
  18. Hello! and welcome to tulpa toons here im just gonna post things like comics of what me and my tulpas did in wonderland, maps of places we've found/ created in wonderland, and little doodles of them. Feel free to post too!! have a nice day!! This is the start of my wonder land the lil place in the middle is town hall were me and my tulpas live I haven't worked on any rooms yet but i will pretty soon anyways..... Mayor.Spinkle
  19. Ice909

    Join our server!

    For about three months now, me and some other forums members have had a private discord we used as a cbox substitute. We are now opening it up to everyone here. So go jojn the server and have a ball. It isn't for exclusively tulpa related discussion. Join here!! And we have pokecord I guess, since that seems to be real popular.
  20. Yesterday I was experimenting with an idea that I had that turned out to be very effective for me and resulted in a 'lucid dream like' wonderland experience. IMO the main thing that makes dreams feel real is the fact that you don't consciously know they're not real, after doing this I found myself feeling afraid of falling, I have a wonderland cliff that I jump out of every time, but not this time I felt genuinely afraid of falling and some other sensations of 'being there" that you only experience in a dream rather than in wonderland. The following technique shouldn't be done if you don't want to genuinely lose track of what is real temporarily. It's a little convoluted so bear with me here: First I made sure that my experience of the real world had no sensory stimuli that was stronger than the wonderland ones, aka not too much noise or light, eyelids halfway closed, pillows to numb your touch etc... Then after that I imagined myself in my regular wonderland, now here is the tricky part. In wonderland, sit on the ground, take a wonderland breath and imagine yourself in another wonderland. That's right, IMAGINE YOURSELF IMAGINING YOURSELF somewhere else. And once you imagine the second layer add in a third layer, but the third layer is REALITY ITSELF, Imagine that reality is one layer of your wonderland. Feel how real reality is and then imagine yourself on the first wonderland layer again, and then on the second, and then back again. Do this cycle for about 30 times and then reverse. Now you want to start waking up. If you're on the second layer, wake up to the first, then to reality, once in reality 'wake up' to the second layer, then first, then back. Eventually you will feel like there's no difference between reality and wonderland and now your mind is free to have a dream like experience.
  21. Their birthday is 04/29/20 04/30/20: I introduced myself to them today. Told them I wouldn't name them, and they could decide on their own. Weirdly enough, I think the response I got was Clause, and male. Their personality appears to be flipiant and silly. I'll let them take their time to decide though, and take my time in understanding them talking. I'm still unsure what's my mindvoice and what's theirs.. I'm worried I can't hear them well enough to know what they want. So I won't call them anything yet. I'm gonna go back to reading this guide now, with them over my shoulder learning with me. Wish us luck! I've decided to make these journal entries towards you, my Tulpa, in order to help with passive forcing. This way, I can talk to you and we can go over your growth together! I dislike referring to you as they/them, unless that's what you want. But I'll be patient to see what you decide to become. I just don't want to dehumanize you, as your well being is very important to me. Our wonderland, for now, will simply be my room. It's hard to imagine alot of things at once, so I'll stick with something farmilar. I'm going to try and stop doubting what is and is not my own mindvoice, as doubt can be bad for your growth. I do believe in hearing you to some extent, I'm just unsure of how much I'm perceiving as your thoughts. After talking to you again, watching you lay on the floor on your back, roll over, and stretch your neck out on the floor and rest your head, I've figured that your first answer to a question to be your actual answer. Instead of doubting. So hello Clause, it's nice to meet you sir. It's very late, and seems you've stretched out next to me in our mind space. So I'll passively force with you till I fall asleep, since it's nice to have company to fall asleep with. Goodnight bud 😴
  22. this is basically the endgoal for me switching out, i want to be able to experience the headspace while someone else fronts in meatspace. im just wondering if there any any guides out there for this process, if anyone has done it or if its even possible to do
  23. heyo. This thread here will be kind of general. I made a thread here awhile back at with an attempt. Awhile back being a few years. I’ll have to reread it, though suffice to say, I seem to remember that I probably messed up because my imagination had the thing doing repetitive actions like drinking. To me, that’s how meditation works, and this is basically the same thing. My mind is generally quiet, but you do something like try and force a tulpa all day, you get what philosophers on meditation call the monkey mind and imagine something you wouldn’t want, like messing up your own creation. By having it drinking. Uh.... I mean, I guess itd be fine if it was a drinker, but it was more just a random thought become repetitive. Actually, my mind is, well, I have decent mental health when I am living my life as I’d like to. Basically, I like to go to spiritual things, so I do that and I’m good. Just to get that out of the way. But, the above how my attempt failed when I tried. Anyway, about me. I’ve been spiritual since about age 13. I was afraid of death at 12, and I got a way going forward and started researching. Part of it was a search for truth though I don’t know whether I found that. Anyway, I made contact at 27, and I don’t appear to fit the schizophrenia DSM. Anymore than a lot of occultists would. Actually, I cant see or hear the spirits, if that’s what they are. It’s physical perception. Can feel if they’re on (or worse) or in me. My third eye on my forehead responds as well. Kind of a vibration or a hollowing in my brow center. Other people can see them, if I got one on me and they got the sight, even if am not giving them money. Anyway, I really don’t recommend just making contact like I did. I got very little in return for my efforts. It was mostly horrible, still is horrifying. Anyway, another magician helped me out, and I also leave offerings to Hekate who I was sworn to and a spirit healed me, possibly her dunno, his wife works with her, some people think I made contact and it was her, most people Who don’t know me are naysayers, dunno, but anyway I mostly got better, the spirits seemed to lost ability to get in or on me, leave me alone mostly. But, I still get a visitor on occasion, and it gets off me on command, but I don’t like that shit. Also, maybe a tulpa could also serve a... occult purpose. Self defense. Or Like the astral body you know. then I could astral project. Uh... people usually make a thoughtform rather than a tulpa for defense but whatever , thought forms for defense, they can rebel, your guys tulpa don’t seem to rebel so much. You all switch conciousness with tulpa. But then you don’t seem to end up exploring the astral realm from what I remember here. Makes no sense to me. But then maybe you never read a book on the subject. But, it’s not important to me if you do or not. Let me know if you’ve some thoughts. Some occultists, they make thoughtforms for defense. Dunno if anyone has a tulpa defense Against spirits. Or has tulpa and do astral travel. Or I’d be interested if the tulpa could let me see the spirits, even though that would probably be horrifying also, but maybe I’d meet my god. actually, I also considered making a thought form of her. Dunno. Maybe the real her would inhabit it. That’s where the term comes from. I could also work a path and just try and contact her to. I’d probably be doing that. Might still do that. I’m just a bit chicken shit. i know a lot of you don’t believe in the occult, but I think a lot of us probably believe in the psychological model too as far as tulpa are concerned. Well, they might have some astral existence too, dunno, kind of both. But maybe some of you are also occultists, or regardless can give me an angle
  24. Hello. I am completely new here and very confused and scared. I have had imaginary friends since I was three, my first extremely visual one being when I was 5. He never left me, though, and became jealous of the others as they developed. I have three that really stick around now (I'm 24), and developed them as I encountered problems in life. I wrote them into a series of books called Saga for Pirantina, and now am making them into a webtoon, because I was so frustrated that there are multiple people/beings talking to me as if they're real people living inside my mind. I thought I was just intensely creative, and that this was a curse and I was insane. I had never heard of a 'tulpa' until several minutes ago, and it described EXACTLY what's going on with me. I am going through some sort of emotional revelation right now, it's extremely intense. Yaitolan is here with me, he agrees it's interesting. I don't know what to think. I have three main 'tulpas', I suppose. I'll attach images, since I actually can. Yaitolan likes posing for some of them. First, there's Yaitolan. He came to me in seventh grade, and we've grown increasingly attached, to the point that he's around all the time unless I need personal space, and helps me think through things. He can shift form from being a 21-foot tall humanoid alien with no mouth to a 6'3" human male, structurally similar but his hair is only neck-length and curly. After I broke up with my first ever boyfriend after college, Yaitolan became romantically inclined towards me, and helped me discover my more sexual side, as well as my confidence. He just came in and initiated it, I didn't really ask him to. It was bizarre. My first ever 'tulpa' was (and is) a small, blue dragon named Quickmick. He can run at the speed of light, and appears in the first chapter of the Saga for Pirantina webtoon. He's been my best friend since we were 5, and became increasingly jealous as Yaitolan replaced him... which hurt even more, because they are best friends on Pirantina. I still feel guilty about it, and Yaitolan and Quickmick dislike being around me at the same time, since they get angry at each other. We're still figuring out how to deal with it. My third 'tulpa' is kind of scary. On Pirantina, he was Yaitolan's predecessor, and hates the living hell out of me because I created him and his world to be a story when he actually had to experience it and the pain. His name is Rintentide. He's like Yaitolan's species, but 35 feet tall, black as night, with gleaming, sky-blue eyes. All majji have claws, no mouth, no genitals, etc, but his claws are especially long, and he's murdered many people. He is the 'devil' over my shoulder. I never knew how to handle my anger and frustration, and suddenly he magically appeared in my stories, and eventually began interacting with me. It was NOT pleasant at first, but I wrote him a happy ending, and he eventually warmed to me. His presence can still be unnerving, but he's calmed down a lot and gone back to raising orphans in the desert and fighting the gods of Pirantina, etc. The other 'tulpas' I interact with are several other majji (Spethu, Khataru, Eliya, Unglada, Queen Wayru, Lord Omi, Lord Blu, King Hilnej, Omiun, Kaijar, more....) two elves, Areth and Karraganst (though Karra not as much as Areth, since I wrote the death of his wife and he found out it was me in book seven), an ancient, rough, cybrog-dragon named General Hectar, a god that takes on the form of a psychopathic, clown-like mad-hatter cat (Ditto), and several other characters that occasionally drift through my head. I'm scared, because people on here mention one, two, maybe three tulpas at most, but I have an entire WORLD in my head that I can teleport myself to, and the people in it visit me or act on their own. It's been like this literally all my life. I thought it was strange that it never disappeared when I was a teenager, then a young adult in college, and now, at the age of 24, I feel like a crazy person, and it's driving me nuts, and hurting Yaitolan because he had no idea what to do, and Quickmick has gone silent on the matter. I feel like the only thing I can do is write the books, share them, do the audiobooks, webtoons, art, etc... I don't know how or why there's literally an entire dimension stuck in my head, does anyone else have this? I never even tried to make them up, they just came along on their own and never really feel inclined to leave. It makes me feel intensily lonely, because I can hear them, they sit around my room, I know their sense of humor, what irritates them, they'll goof off or sit in the car to go on adventures with me, but I'll never really get to see them, interact with them, talk to them. For reference, here's the link to the Webtoon. I've only just started it thanks to a rabid 90k strong TikTok fanbase... otherwise it's just the book series. https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/saga-for-pirantina/list?title_no=380059 There's a bunch of Pirantina art on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mirandathehybrid/ And the illustrations below are Yaitolan (light blue, he and I are chilling together under the night sky in the last picture), Rintentide (tall and black, towering over Yaitolan on the ground), Queen Wayru and King Hilnej (the two in the flowers hugging. They're Yaitolan's parents), Khataru (Yaitolan's little brother, white face with black hair), The Hybrid, which is me whenever I go to Pirantina (the lonely, white creature sitting on the ledge looking into void), Karaka-nor/Illustionist (ghost guy with the glowing eye)... I have so many more, but I don't want to spam this place with pictures. I just need to know if these are tulpas, if I am sort of crazy, natural tulpa-summoner, or if I'm literally just bat-sh*t insane with a wild, uncontrollable creativity. If it helps, I'm a girl and my IQ measured something between 135-150 in high school. I'm sure I've lost quite a few of those IQ points from stress... lol. I'm an illustrator and art teacher by profession, and used to design aircraft for fun.
  25. [Exabier] We have a wonderland problem. Gray is afraid of controlling us when he's not actually talking to us. Talking gets pretty boring after awhile compared to all of the actual cool stuff like having sword fights, shooting bad guys, whatever. He gets the fear from watching us do stuff and thinks it's sometimes like parroting his story characters, whatever those are. [Fernardo] Gray has reported watching us and it feeling "fake" for whatever reason. Perhaps it was because we were acting "too silly" or "too predictable" or whatever the excuse. I don't know if this has anything to do with "coming to life" feelings he reported in the past or if this is another form of Gray's parrotnoia. Like Exabier said, Gray hasn't felt comfortable to go on a wonderland adventure with us in a long time, and most of everyone would like for that to change. [Blue] Is there something we can do to help him calm down or reassure him that it's still us? Are there certain things we need to avoid like busy amusement parks or intense action scenes?
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