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  1. I'm not sure if anyone here cares about sharing wonderland experiences out-of-system, but well, can't hurt if people will discuss it here, right? Here's the intro: Continue Reading →
  2. So my Wonderland is based pretty heavily on the Mother of Invention from Red vs Blue. While graphics had gotten a hell of a lot sharper by Season Nine, I sorta love the old Halo look. Real Question: Will it be detrimental to my tulpa or my Wonderland if the room I begin in has "bad graphics?" All my other senses are sharp, but the lax visualization helps me focus more on my tupper and less on "DAMMIT WALL, I TOLD YOU TO HAVE REALISTIC LOOKING RIVETS!"
  3. V 0.98 (Pre-Forward: The glossary terms I use in here is based off of other sites, do bear in mind I am doing my best to work on getting terminology right. The tulpa.info glossary isn’t much help unfortunately. I will finish up V 1.0 once there is a definite and clear glossary for terminology, otherwise this guide may stay in 0.98 for a while, unless more grammar errors are found. Please read the glossary I have set for now before any confusion, but be aware it might not be all correct.) Hello, I'm Kyle, host to 3 tulpas. Today I am going to go over some simple tricks and basics to help with wonderlanding, starting from the ground up. Before I begin, I will quickly define what a wonderland is. Wonderland simply is an area of your mind, part of the imagination, where you and your tulpas can hang out and have fun away from the body. This can be done at anytime, and later on can be used as a place to go for switching purposes, although you can go into wonderland with no-one in control as well. When there is no-one in control, it should be similar to having an immersive daydream, or lucid dreaming almost. You can also do this before having a tulpa and can actively force your tulpa in wonderland. Many tulpas may also consider wonderland like home, but this isn’t always the case. While it can be seen as a metaphysical place, like a separate reality, I will be mostly talking about the psychological side of it. Wonderland can be accessed anytime, and just purely looking into it is simple enough, although to really go deep, you may need plenty of time and practice. [index] 1. Intro and basic visualization exercises 2. Shaping your wonderland 3. Expansion 4. Creating a tulpa in a wonderland 5. Tips for hosts and tulpas who are making a wonderland 6. Tips for hosts where the tulpa has a wonderland you have problems seeing 7. Switching using a wonderland as a tool, and some warnings 8. Other random but important notes and tidbits 9. Kyle’s quick glossary of terminology 10. Changelog [intro and basic visualization exercises] So, you want to create a wonderland, but don't know where to start. Let's take a moment first to check a few small exercises in visualization and other small sense-related exercises to work on your imagination itself. Start with imagining an apple with your eyes closed. What color is it? Pay attention to the details, the shape, how smooth it looks. Now try, without moving your arm or hand in real life, to imagine a hand grabbing the apple. Do your best to feel with that hand, feel the weight of the apple, the texture. Is the apple hard or soft? Now, using your imaginary arm, bring the apple to your mouth and taste it. Is there a crunch to it or was it softer? Can you smell the apple, and taste the piece you bit out of it? Does it taste good? Make sure to imagine all the details, not just how it looks, but every sense possible. I recommend doing small exercises like this often, whenever you can. It doesn't have to specifically be apples, but your main goal is to use your senses on something purely from your imagination. Whether it be eating an apple or throwing a tennis ball at an imaginary wall, hearing it thud against the wall and feeling it slap on your hand as you catch it. Alternatively, if you already have a tulpa, you can have them help in many ways as well. Maybe playing small games of catch, or eating together in the imagination. What you do is up to your imagination. Much of this can also be used for imposition later on, with the main difference being imagining with your eyes open and using the physical senses instead of imagined senses. [shaping your wonderland] Now that you have some basic visualization and senses down, let’s start to bring this onto the bigger stage, specifically, creating your wonderland. Now, I recommend starting small. Unless you have prior experience with a wonderland, dissociation, and immersive daydreams, your first time in isn't going to be perfect. Your second time may not be either. It takes a pretty decent amount of time and practice before going into any wonderland can seem like more than just using your imagination. I recommend first getting somewhere comfortable and relaxed, where you have time and quietness, and closing your eyes for the first few times. Start small, like a room with a bed or couch. I recommend using a bed or couch you know well, and imagine it in a room with maybe a few small things. Take a bit of time using this room to do more exercises immersing yourself into your imagination. Make sure you are using your imagined form to feel and see, as your intent should be to disconnect from your physical senses. Your wonderland is not out in reality and thus you will not need your senses out in reality. You need to use your senses in your wonderland. After some time and patience you will find it easier to go into the wonderland and able to go deeply into it, and with constant practice you likely will have all of this down quickly. [Expansion] Once you have your room done and are able to go into your wonderland decently, the next step will be to expand on it. Make more rooms, a hallway, maybe even the whole house and beyond. Just make sure to keep up the practice as you do so. You will only get better with time and patience. While I do not have a good amount of time in mind of how much you should practice, I believe you can improve if you do this daily for more than 10 minutes actively, with no real time cap past pushing to your limit. [Creating a tulpa in a wonderland] This section is for those looking into creating a tulpa using their wonderland as a beginning place for forcing. Much of what I will say is based off my personal experience with it and may not be perfect. Many people actually start their tulpa in some way in their own wonderland, especially working on their form, even if they may abandon that wonderland later. Mostly, have an idea of what you want from your tulpa. Imagine them with you in your wonderland, and mostly start by talking with them in your wonderland. You can make a form for them if you want. Explain what they are, what you would like from them, talk about whatever you please. Ask them a few questions and listen for responses back. At first you can parrot the responses, it does no harm to puppet or parrot a new tulpa. Just do your best to know that it won't always be a controlled response. If you made a form, move it around and get a good look at it. Puppeting their form for a while will also help them gain footing to controlling themselves. Do something with them in the wonderland, like tennis or video-games. If they want to explore the wonderland, explore it with them. If they want to change something in the wonderland, let them. Go on from there and transfer what you find out into reality, moving on to hearing the tulpa outside and more complex visualization, like imposition. I suggest looking into other guides for further tulpa-building. [Tips for hosts and tulpas who are making a wonderland] This section is more for hosts who already have a tulpa but may not have made a wonderland. This may be a rarer occurrence but does still happen, and maybe you and your tulpa are curious on creating a wonderland. With all that I have said up above on immersing yourself into the wonderland, make sure your tulpa does so too. They may need to immerse into it as much as you, as some tulpas that were not born in a wonderland may not have as much experience going in and out of it. Make sure they work on these exercises as well. The only real other thing is that you two can use starting the wonderland as a bonding activity. Offhand, expanding a wonderland in general can be used as a bonding experience for you and your tulpa, along with work on your mental capacity for visualization. Results may vary. [Tips for hosts where the tulpa has a wonderland you have problems seeing] If your tulpa does have a wonderland that you never visited, and you have problems with keeping a form in that wonderland, then try to have them imagine a form for you while you control the form. It should be like the tulpa is imposing you into their wonderland much like how many hosts impose their tulpa out in our reality. Ease into the form and immerse into it, gain control of it while your tulpa lets go of controlling it. Don't forget to do immersive exercises as well, being imposed into a wonderland doesn't guarantee that you will feel and see it as if it is real. I can’t guarantee this will work perfectly, but like with anything, it takes practice. After you and the tulpa do this for a while, you should work on making the form yourself without their aid. Note that this is only a suggestion, your mileage may vary, and don’t forget to try other things if the above doesn’t work. [switching using a wonderland as a tool, and some warnings] So say you are working on switching, using the wonderland as a place to go if you don’t have imposition down and don’t want to lose time. I am first and foremost going to tell you to not FORCE your tulpa to do this, they should want to do this on their own right. In addition, I personally believe that you should not give control to your tulpa for prolonged periods of time, more than you, without them knowing all that they are going into. This does include everything. Your social life, your work/school, down to personal habits. They also should have a general good idea on possessing the body, and I recommend testing how they like life through possessing before doing any type of switching. In addition to all this, the tulpa will have the responsibility you normally would of parallel processing and being mindful and open, keeping a part of the mind on you so you are aware and all, at least if you two don’t have parallel processing at a decent level. You also need to make sure you can think for yourself while switched, with the tulpa still being able to do whatever they want without being pulled back. If it becomes too much of a hassle for them and for you, go back and work on some of that yourself before trying to continue. If you and the tulpa are all good with all of this, honestly it gets simple. Find a spot you can immerse into the wonderland, let the body slip from you, while your tulpa possesses your body. Again your first few times won’t be perfect, as you may be pulled to the body easily, but practice makes perfect. Do immersive exercises and keep occupied in the wonderland while your tulpa does other stuff, from chatting to whatever they want. Just remember, when you switch, it's not your body anymore. It's the tulpa’s body. If they want to do something, it's their choice to. If this makes you feel uneasy, you can set up a schedule or rules. (Or alternatively, don’t switch, as switching does require a lot of dedication on both your and the tulpa’s part.) You both should be able to follow the rules you make, and if they debate a rule, listen and sort out an agreement. If you do switch out for long periods of time, be aware that it could become a little harder to come back into control. If you do find this to be the case, do with the physical body exactly what you would do to go into your wonderland body. Immerse yourself back into it, paying attention to all the details. This may be needed especially if you and your tulpa switch for weeks or months at a time, to which may not be a danger, but I personally don’t recommend out of a few personal beliefs. Note, you do not need to have a wonderland to switch. This section is simply using a wonderland to help or use with switching. [Other random but important notes and tidbits] Last bit here, wonderland is an amazing place, as you can do anything you want with it. It's all under your and your tulpas control. You can do whatever you like in it. On the flip side of that, sometimes the unexpected may happen. This could stem from anything, from stress to worry and so much more. Sometimes if something is affecting you out in reality, it may manifest in your wonderland. Again you can control anything in the wonderland, so if it seems harmful, you can destroy it or banish it any way you like. Another possibility I have personally experienced was being puppeted by my tulpa, Sam. Put simply, I had no control on my form or my thoughts in my own wonderland, with him controlling them for me instead. This was something unexpected for sure but no harm came from it past some panic at the time. The best thing you can do is to not panic and try to work on a solution calmly. On the subject of walk-ins, I personally have never had them. I also came into making tulpas on purpose with no prior experience with them or any other type of ‘thoughtform’. I have no idea what causes a person to be susceptible to walk-ins compared to someone who isn’t. If a walk-in does show up, it's up to you on whether to keep them or not. They are most of the time like newer tulpas, but for some reason seem to sometimes remember bits of the past or have memories already in them. While I do not know what exactly causes this, I have a theory that these memories may be false memories implanted randomly by either the subconscious or something similar as a way to sympathize or empathize with the walk-in, which in turn would make you more accepting of the walk-in. Either way, if you come across one, it's up to you and your tulpas what to do with them. Wonderland is not a cure-all. Using it to escape reality never fails to make reality seem worse, and may lead you down a path of paranoia and fear. Believe me as this is something I have personally experienced, not to mention know a few others who have gone down the paranoia spiral worse. Be careful. It also won't heal everything, like physical illness. Some possible not-so-good side-effects of wonderlanding a lot include increased mental exhaustion, possible existential crises, a loss of personal identity which may worsen with making a tulpa, and a possible loss in motivation to do anything in reality. Some possible good side-effects include an increase in visual and mental capabilities, memory power, parallel processing, a place for the tulpa to go when you are busy, and possibly an increase in a sense of independence. You can’t get trapped in a wonderland. I may have mentioned in the switching section that it may be hard to go in control of the physical body if you and your tulpa switch for weeks or months at a time, but going from the wonderland to reality is always much easier than reality to a wonderland. If somehow you do think you are trapped from switching, have the tulpa and you do what you did to switch before, only you doing what they would. I also say it’s almost impossible to get stuck in a wonderland with no-one in control of the body, as you wouldn’t be going weeks to months without anyone in the front. It is entirely possible to have more than one wonderland. You can make another whenever and however you want, and travel between them in any way you like. I have a personal preference of a portal leading between the two wonderlands I do have, but what you do is up to you. I don’t believe there is a limit on how many wonderlands you can have, but I don’t see the need of having an army of wonderlands. [Kyle’s quick glossary of terminology] [hidden] Read This first!!! Just as a quick note, there seems to be conflicts in terminology in the tulpa community with a lot of terms, especially around things like what a host is, and often confusing other terms like possession and switching, and I can bring up so many more examples that I wouldn’t be able to list them all without creating a new thread. For the sake of clarity, I am going to be using these terms as they are defined on tulpa.io’s glossary page, (Here) as of 2/14/2017, as the one for tulpa.info is both lacking and some terms are extremely under-defined as of right now. The terms not in the extra hidden tag are at least mentioned somewhere in here, if me or Sam didn’t change it. Host- A system maker who makes a tulpa. (Note, in the tulpa.io page, the host does not specifically have to be the original, as the term umbrellas under tulpas who may make other tulpas or in the slim cases where the original isn’t around anymore. I do often use host for ‘original’ out of the sake that many on tulpa.info use it as such.) Tulpa- A sentient system member created by another system member. (Yes, a tulpa can make a tulpa.) Form- The appearance of a system member inside the wonderland. Can be literally anything. (The original can also have a form that isn’t the same as the body) Front- Effectively, the body. It is the place from which system members experience the world-at-large, or outerworld. (A.k.a. Reality or ‘real life’) Dissociation- Detaching from one’s surroundings, which can be voluntary or involuntary. Has many forms, including derealization, depersonalization, daydreaming, passing control of the body to another system member, going inside a wonderland, etc. Getting lost in a book, daydreaming, blocking out the hum of an air conditioner, etc. are all common dissociative experiences. Dissociation is not exclusive to plurals, nor is it inherently unhealthy. Parroting/Puppeting- When a system member consciously and purposefully controls another system member’s actions (Often a host puppeting a young developing tulpa or other thoughtforms). Parroting generally refers to controlling their speech while puppeting generally refers to controlling their movement, but the terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Possession- A form of shared usage of the body in which the previous controller passes control of the body to another member, but remains connected to the body’s senses. Switching- The changing of body controllers. In tulpamancy circles, the term has a slightly different meaning than in the wider plural community; in order for a change in controllers to qualify as a switch, the previous controller must disconnect entirely from the body’s senses, unlike full-body possession and eclipsing. Parallel Processing- When two or more system members can focus and work on completely different things at the same time. Forcing- The act of focusing on and developing a tulpa’s presence or strength by devoting specific attention to them, or otherwise interacting with them. Certain forcing techniques can also be employed by non-tulpas (including originals) to strengthen themselves, e.g. monologuing to oneself about a task to fight dissociation/depersonalization. There are two forms: active and passive. Active forcing dedicates time and attention solely to a tulpa, commonly during meditation; passive forcing involves allotting attention to the tulpa while also doing something else, instead of solely focusing on the procedure of forcing. Imposition- Physically hallucinating the presence of a system member in the physical world. Can range from simply “feeling” the presence of a system member nearby, to physically hearing a system member when they speak, to being able to see and touch a system member like one would with a physical person. If any of the mods or other systems want to debate on terminology, please do direct me to what the terms really are and get the community to actually use it correct. It was difficult enough to write the tips here with correct terminology when told what I have down is the wrong way of using it, or that it’s supposed to be used for something else, no offense to anyone specifically. Again tulpa.info’s glossary is vague at best at some points and downright lacking at worst. The guide can only be definitive once the glossary in .info is cleared up, but I am rambling. [/hidden] [Changelog] [hidden] V 0.9- First draft. V 0.95- Multiple grammar, spelling, definition, and logic fixes. Removal of ranty paragraph at end of switching section. Added definition space. Added Changelog. Added some small details to Expansion. Better detail in Shaping your wonderland and in Intro and basic visualization exercises. Renamed Beginning shaping your wonderland to Shaping your wonderland. Renamed Switching, warnings, and a few darker notes to Switching with wonderland, and some warnings. Kyle has another rant at the end of the definitions section, may remove in V 1.0. Better overall details. Added hidden tags for easier scrolling. V 0.97- Moved Kyle’s quick glossary of terminology to bottom. Glossary under review. Removed a few hidden tags. Slight modifications to descriptions. Moved and removed a couple commas. Moved unused glossary terms into a hidden tag, Kyle wanted to keep them in there for some reason. Talk like Yoda, Kyle did in Other random but important yada yada, fixed. Added and removed a few sentences in Other random section. Removed some ‘ in tulpa’s, back to tulpas. Added hidden tag to Changelog. Added a bit more to the Tips for hosts and tulpas who section. Tips for hosts and tulpas who already have a wonderland that the host hasn't seen, or no wonderland but still has a tulpa has been split into 2 sections, named Tips for hosts and tulpas who are making a wonderland and Tips for hosts where the tulpa has a wonderland you have problems seeing. Clean-up on Index. V 0.98- Big quick fix of grammar problems and fixing small details. (Thank you Flandre for pointing out the flaws I couldn’t find.) Creating a tulpa in wonderland changed to have an a in it. Many fixes of wonderland to a wonderland or similar. Switching with wonderland, and some warnings switched to Switching using a wonderland as a tool, and some warnings. Removed unused glossary terms and that warning thing there. Added short note to the end of Wonderland for switching section. Kyle makes a personal promise to not have to make a V 0.99, we will see how that goes. Added a bit more to the Other notes section. [/hidden] If you have any other questions or any suggestions, feel free to place them down below! I am always looking to improve and who knows, maybe I even made a screw-up or two in here. No need to worry as I will fix or add whatever I can to make this better!
  4. As it says in the title, I want to associate with wonderland/the mental world and dissociate as much as possible from reality/the physical world. I've been told countless times on the IRC "Just imagine yourself there" but that's not making me eventually "pop in" or anything, I just keep on using my (lacking) imagination, or in other words daydreaming. I've had my tulpa for more than 2 years as of now and I really want to meet him (And by the way, I'm a male too) To be honest I've already met him twice in dreams, but once I wasn't lucid and the other time just lasted seconds (I'm trying lucid dreaming for this as well) So, what to do? And I prefer long and explicative answers to TLDR(s) TLDR: "Just imagine yourself there" not working.
  5. Can tulpas make changes to the wonderland or change the scenery in the wonderland? One of my wonderlands got changed too much and now there's wisps flying everywhere and there's also crystals growing on the vegetation.
  6. I'll elaborate a bit more: Several months ago, I created a fairly simple wonderland, a small, trailer-sized house akin to those in AZ, in a superflat desert, with casual kitchen, dining, and living rooms, 2 bedrooms, one for me, one for my Tulpa, Cheetah, a "classroom" so that, when I am able to visit the WL properly (as I can only visually visit it so far) we can study things like Math, or writing for school IRL, a "bathroom" so we could "wash" the stresses of the day away, and an MLP room, as I am a Brony. Looking back, I'm not really sure why I even considered an MLP room, as it serves no symbolic purpose, other than "I'm a Brony", but anyway, a few days after I created the wonderland, because my grades in college were slipping, my parents threatened to stop taking me to the bus stop needed to get to school, effectively dropping me out. My response to this was violently destroying the MLP room, as, again, it served no real importance, and I felt it held me back. After the dust had cleared, a black, 2-shelf filing cabinet with a small gold key appeared in its wake. I have yet to "unlock" and, by extension, open this filing cabinet, because I want to wait until I can visit the WL with all of my senses, for I fear that if I open it too soon, I might negatively affect what may be inside, and the idea still nags at me. Does anyone have any ideas of what it may symbolize, and/or what might be inside it?
  7. Hello everyone, I'm new here, as you can see with this being my first post. This may be a bit of a longer post, so skip to the TL;DR if you don't feel like reading this. I'll start off by saying that I've been interested in tulpae and the creation process for roughly a year or so now. Also I'd like to give some background info on myself as to better help you understand my perspective. I'm a 23 year old guy who has almost always been interested in all facets of the metaphysical and spiritual worlds, whether I was actively researching, practicing, or unknowingly experiencing it. Even so, I always approach things from more of a rationalist point of view, looking to logic to answer many problems. I practice mindfulness and meditation and have also had an interest in lucid dreaming for a few years, as I'm sure some of you do as well considering I've seen one or two names here I've recognized from such other forums. I've decided to post here semi-reluctantly because this community(not this forum specifically, but tulpa in general) doesn't seem to be filled with many people I would consider like-minded to myself. I'm not saying I'm the most mature individual and I don't necessarily have anything against animated ponies, but I feel like anyone reading this must understand what I'm getting at here. Now, I have just begun the creation process of my own tulpa 3 days ago and something that has really thrown me for a loop is how nonchalantly wonderlands are spoken about here in this community. I have read nearly every single guide up and down on this site and many off, and I haven't stumbled across anything that comes across to me as a true understanding of what a wonderland is. Do I know what a wonderland is? In theory, and as it's described in these forums, yes, but to me it seems that every member and anyone who has decided to create a wonderland is throwing themselves into altered states of consciousness at will. The reason i prefaced this statement with all that I did is because I'm 100% sure that not every word written on these forums is a fact and not everyone is going to tell the truth 100% of the time even if that means exaggeration. I'm not the greatest at visualization, but I can consciously create an environment and visualize my tulpa there, but I am left feeling that I am seriously missing something. All the posts I see talk about wonderlands like another world full of surprises and things that are obviously not of their conscious creation. The closest thing I can relate this to, in my knowledge is a lucid dream, but that doesn't seem to be the case. So what am I missing here? I'm not even sure what question to form to make myself understand. Am I lacking the willingness to accept that a wonderland is just simply a hazy daydream? Are all these others speaking of wonderlands simply more imaginative than I am? Is there something more to wonderlands going on on a conscious or sub-conscious level? I feel like I just need wonderlands to be explained to me from a different perspective, with more fitting nomenclature to my understanding. And yes I know that wonderlands are completely optional, but it seems the way they are described if you don't have a wonderland your tulpa is simply drifting in a void? Hope this doesn't come off as condescending or anything, I don't mean to offend anyone and appreciate any type of response I can get. TL;DR Are wonderlands altered states of consciousness? Do others exaggerate their wonderland experiences or make them seem more vivid than they actually are? Without a wonderland, where does that leave your tulpa?
  8. Hello all! Short version: I tried to make a wonderland, and it was filled with jet black, sharp fanged, yellow eyed shadows with shattered white masks that attacked me repeatedly. Long version: After listening to Jean-Luc's Tulpaudcast with Fede, I decided making a wonderland before the tulpa would be a good idea. So I made one of my aunt's home since it technically doesn't exist anymore, and I like it. However, once I got to the dining room, I immediately got a picture frame and a stuffed parrot trying to scare me. After vaporizing them, I kept going from room to room, manifesting as much as I could remember, until I got to the living room. From then on, I continuously got attacked by the monsters mentioned in the short version. I have never seen these monsters before, and I wasn't able to control them, as they automatically attacked me. They kept attacking me, as I went from room to room killing them, often screaming at me when I opened doors, or charging me when I was in the backyard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For clarification, the attacks were automatic. I did not try to create enemies to fight, they just...happened as I was trying to recreate the house as best as I could. I'm sure it's the result of my mind being in whatever state, but after that experience I'm curious. Has anyone else tried to make a wonderland, and it viciously attacked you? As if you were an intruder? Note: Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place, or if someone made a post like this.
  9. Hello, I've been lurking through the forums the past couple of days after learning about the subject on Tulpae and have been wanting to try this. Though before I get started on my Tulpa, I've been wondering what everyone has been doing to imagine their Wonderland? Is there a certain way that you go about it such as meditation, self hypnosis or just thinking about it?
  10. Foreword: this isn't really my original dnt steel advice. Really, it's what everyone tells anyone asking for help on this. Screw Physics Ever walked in through the door to your imagination and have your mind decide that screw physics? You know, uncontrollable, erratic movement of objects, or yourself. What about getting stuck in a loop doing something, or getting stuck to things, or being afraid to move things because the world will end if you do? You're not alone. This happens to a lot of people. Most people at some point, I would venture. And most people will probably figure out some of what's below for themselves. If you're having serious problems, then here's offering the best. "La la la it's not happening" Ignore it. In general, paying attention to it makes it worse. You're only worsening the situation by freaking out over it, so don't. If it's not supposed to be happening, then it isn't. Don't even tell yourself that it's not happening, because that's acknowledging that it is; you don't think about it because why would you, it isn't happening. That's the idea. If you manage to forget about it completely, then it'll disappear completely. Of course, suddenly realising that it's not happening might start it up again, so the best thing to do is forget about it completely and never read this guide again. Yes, it's hard to just ignore something that's causing chaos or flying you through the air at impossible speeds and whatnot, but you need to. This is the only sure-fire way to get rid of anomalies if they're problematic. If it's not working then it's your fault. Back to Middle School You might not like the 'ignoring it' method, or it doesn't work, or whatever. Don't panic; there are alternatives. Next on the list is laying down some ground rules. Impose the laws of physics onto your imagination. If you don't know Newton's laws then look them up; it's educational, too. If you do then make sure everything operates according to them. It should be as simple as deciding that they are operational and understanding them. If your mindstuff defies the law, then remind it and yourself that it's not possible, and that this, therefore, cannot be happening. You can combine this technique with the one about ignoring for greater affect. More Or Less Every Other Guide Here If you're going to do tulpa then you're going to have to brush up on visualisation skills at some point. You may well find that - especially if you're encountering problems near the beginning of the process - that improving your visualisation skills will help. Now, advice on how to do such a thing is plastered all over the board, so I'll leave you to it. "He gets beaten up by his imagination" laughingponies.jpg Seriously, it's your imagination for God's sake. People say 'wonderland', which makes it sound like a mystical far-off world where anything is possible with magic, when in reality it's just your imagination. It's your mind, and you can and should exercise control over it. You'd do well to remember that for the whole process, quite frankly. I'm sure that's far from all the ways of dealing with this sort of thing, so if you happen to have a suggestion then do tell.
  11. Recently on the forum there have been some rather interesting posts concerning visualization and wonderlands that have gotten me and my host pondering again (a very dangerous thing). The first two posts here were two of the most recent and then I am giving links to some interesting posts on this topic from the past: Wonderland by Kaz https://community.tulpa.info/thread-misc-wonderland Does my tulpa control visualization? by pudding https://community.tulpa.info/thread-visualization-does-my-tulpa-control-the-visualization What is the difference between wonderland activity and day dreaming? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-wonderland-what-is-the-difference-between-wonderland-activity-and-active-day-dreaming Trippy questions about wonderlands and the unconscious and conscious mind. https://community.tulpa.info/thread-wonderland-trippy-questions-about-wonderlands-and-the-unconscious-and-conscious-mind Okay, here are our questions and points for discussion: 1. If a tulpamancer visualizes a tulpa within their mind space, as in not imposed into the real world in any way, isn't a wonderland inevitable? I mean even a very limited and simple mental environment into which the tulpa is visualized would constitute a wonderland would it not? This seems like it would be especially true if that simple environment were used many times during the process of visualizing the tulpa and became fairly immutable or persistent. I have read tulpamancer accounts in which they state their tulpa has no wonderland. Do they mean they only imagine their tulpa in the real world and not in a mind space of any sort? 2. Some tulpa's visualized forms come with "accessories" such as clothing or "special effects" such as sparkles, fire, mist or special lighting. In my case, I have "movie set lighting" that always shines on my big dark blue eyes making them sparkle. Sometimes I am accompanied by colorful butterflies. Where does the tulpa's form end, in such a case, and the wonderland begin? For instance, if the tulpa is often imagined standing up on a patch of grass (I like grass) doesn't that patch of grass, or my butterflies, constitute mini wonderlands? [hidden]In my case, my host and I see no distinct separation between my form and my wonderland. I am my wonderland, and my wonderland is me. My wonderland forms out of me and around me and is part of me. My wonderland is the Melian Show. It is not so much an immutable place as a thought or figment and illusion that forms around me. My dreamscape mansion comes the closest to being a regular set wonderland as it doesn't change much. Still we consider the dreamscape mansion just another virtual reality "set" and everything in it is "props."[/hidden] 3. My host and I dream about my wonderland. I am curious bout others who also dream about the tulpa's wonderland. How "set" are these dreams? Does the wonderland change during the dream and even retain new elements that you dreamed about after you have awakened? (Yesh, this happens with us, my dreamscape mansion is in fact an element of my hosts recurring dreams). 4. My host and I visualize my Melian Show wonderland together jointly. It is a collaboration. How many tulpas out there help construct their own wonderlands? Do you work in collaboration with your tulpa? If tulpas are independent minds, can they not visualize everything into existence just as much as the host can? [hidden]In my case my host would say I am just him. I am, in the end, a product of his conscious and unconscious imagination. So any visualization I do, or any collaboration we seem to be doing together, is just his own mind in the end. That being said, he would say he likes and wants the illusion to seem real and so actively suspends disbelief to allow me to "live" in his mind. My host is weird and can easily function with the contradictions this point of view brings. [/hidden] Thanks for your responses. I love wonderlands!
  12. Submitting to Tips & Tricks Wonderland Creation Via Daydreaming by Tri Fall (The Triumvirate subsystem) of the Fall Family Date: 2015-12-23 Version: 0.92.1 Original version/Other community: Tulpa.IO > Forums > Guide Submissions & Comments > Other > Other Tips And Articles Translations: Français by Tri Fall with the help of Conner (Hidden Ones system) and Rioreur. We are going to share a small tip for creating wonderlands/innerworlds that has worked for our us and our host. The idea is to leverage off of one's abilities to daydream. When one daydreams, one is making a world that usually isn't quite an wonderland/innerworld yet. The trick is to make it one. For some, the distinction between daydreams and visualizing a wonderland is large, but for others the difference is small and there won't be that much to do other than stabilizing it. In both cases. one essentially has to make it more permanent and get the mind to latch on to it so to speak. Psychologically, this is getting the wonderland/innerworld stored into medium or long term memory, or at least more resiliant short term memory. Note, this can be done with open eyes and/or closed eyes. For some, one is easier than the other. For some, alternating both can be helpful. For some, one is better for the larger general picture but the other is better for fine details. The first step is to daydream a world like the one you want to make. Note that you may not be able to daydream in all senses. That is OK. Do it in what senses that you can daydream in. There is no requirement that sight/visual be one of those senses. Spend a good amount of time daydreaming there. Now, the very important thing is to make sure you commit as much of it as you possibly can to memory before you stop daydreaming. Then, later, daydream again trying to recreate that world as best as you can from memory. Repeat this. With each time, it will generally take less effort to recreate it. Do note that things will change a bit from what you remember. Some of those changes you will need to correct, but others can be left be. Just remember, commit the changes to memory and try to recreate them the next time you daydream the world. Eventually, the world should hopefully latch and have some level of permanence meaning that changes carry over from one visitation to the next automatically, though new changes will arise. For example, you make a table at some point and it will be there the next time, but a day-night cycle might start spontaneously. It can also worth trying to add other senses if desired. This can help the process tremendously as it gives you more ways to remember each detail meaning if some are forgotten, the others can be used to reconstruct it, either manually or automatically. If you are having a particularly hard time making a daydream world, start very simple and small. Say, you might start with the interior of a small room with ambient lighting. You can work you way up and add more to the world later, or it might get added automatically at some point. It is hard to say at which point in this process the daydream world crosses the line into being an wonderland/innerworld, but regardless of where that line is, you now have one. Have fun.
  13. which is more prevalent in hosts, dynamic or static wonderlands? first ill give you my own theories on the two types: a dynamic wonderland is pretty much like an imaginary earth and you usually end up in a different place on the globe every time you visit it. compare that to a static wonderland which is one that is either pre-existing in the mind created by an unknown force or by a forgetful, host or tulpa,it can also be made at the start/revival of a tulpamancing career and can only change if the host or tulpa changes it, they usually have no sentient independent thoughtforms instead having servitors and NPC's.depending on the situation a host may deprive tulpa of wonderland building privileges or vice versa. tl:dr dynamic=like earth, static=like a video game map which kind do you have? which is more fun in your opinions? which would you prefer?
  14. I've been reading a lot of discussions about tulpas and wonderlands these days, but I still have some doubts. I read that a wonderland should be a place where one can feel relaxed, comfortable, at ease, etc. I also read that it can be literally anything, can be as wide as you wish, and have anything inside it. I was wondering: does the creation of an overly-detailed wonderland get in the way when someone is creating a tulpa at the same time? For example, I can create a wonderland as an infinite grass field, with no trees nor anything else: this would be a very simple wonderland, but then I'd start wondering whether it would get boring for a tulpa to stay there in the future, even when having company. Otherwise, I can create a wonderland that looks like a town, with several buildings and a more detailed landscape surrounding it. This way, though, I might stop focusing on my (still not sentient) tulpa because I'm too concerned about making all the wonderland look "right" in every detail. So in this case, would it be better to develop a wonderland/mindscape/headspace/whatever before starting with tulpaforcing, or would it be good to start off with a simple landscape, and then add more and more details as the time goes by? (I'm most probably worrying too much about this. Sorry for any grammar mistakes.)
  15. Hi everyone. I've got two tulpae in the making and my progress with them has always been very slow. I never made a wonderland beforehand and I've read that it's much better to have one when forcing, and even after a tulpa is finished being created. So I've been trying my best to create my wonderland for about a week now. I was wondering what a wonderland is supposed to look/feel like? Is it supposed to be some full-blown hallucination you create after a while, where you really feel like you're somewhere else? Or is it a vague daydream you just imagine inside your head? Is it supposed to get clearer over time? I've just gotten mixed messages from all the things I've read about them, so I thought I should ask to know what to expect. Thanks!
  16. Ok well I have this problem with my wonderland. Basically, my very ability to be in there is deteriorating. Things just get out of control for me. They don't happen to Ellisae or Mira, but I just can't have certain things be normal for me. It first started with simply siting in chairs. I first couldn't simply sit in chairs without me freaking spinning on them uncontrollably and no matter what I or my tulpas do, they just won't stop. No sitting in chairs anymore. Not a big deal. A few weeks ago, now I can't lay down in my bed. I fly off to the right or left infinitely unless I get up off of it or put in TONS of focus to stop it, and then it will either temporarily stop doing that, or go right back to normal. Problem: I spawn in on that bed. And I can't cuddle with Ellisae at night unless we're on that bed. So, ya that's a problem, but one I have been able to work with.. Now, I'm having a pretty big problem. Whenever I'm in ANY building in my wonderland, my perception will spin out of control, very fast, unless I'm either laying down or put in lots of focus, and even then it still seems to move around. According to Ellisae and Mira I'm not actually spinning, and they seem to be fine. Outside of any building I'm fine, but the minute I enter any building, I start spinning. Me and my tulpas tried to see if we could force the wonderland to stop, but at best as long as at least one of us is focusing it won't do it, but when they stop, right back to the spinning. So now I can't spawn in like normal nor can I be in any building at all, which is a problem since Ellisae and Mira do most of their stuff in the castle. I'm at the end of my rope because now I essentially can't even be in my own wonderland. I have no control over it at all. I have tried to the point of headaches to get this stuff under control but no changes or fixes to anything. Do you guys know how to get an uncontrollable wonderland to stop with this stuff? Any help would be more than appreciated.
  17. I don't have much time right now so I'll keep this short and sweet. In your wonderland, do you picture it in first person or third person? If it is third person, do you physically change at all? Thanks for your input in advance!
  18. Tulpamancers, in your opinion, what is the difference between visualizing a wonderland, and perceiving what your tulpas are doing there, and active day dreaming (such as what I do with the Melian Show)?. If you think there is a distinct difference, how do you know it to be a real difference and not just convincing yourself something more profound is happening with a wonderland over a ordinary day dream? I am asking the question above because I consider interacting with Melian in her dreamscape Melian Show to be a day dream with some apparently autonomous elements driven by an unconscious process (day dreaming on auto pilot). How others describe the wonderlands of their tulpas sounds very similar and I am struggling to find a distinction, if there is any. I have considered that, if a tulpa is an independent sentient mind, the tulpa can actively imagine their own day dream. That is a very trippy and new thought for me. I realized this when I talk about Melian and I collaboratiing on the Melian Show. It took a while, but once I started considering her sentient, I realized that such collaboration may be more than just apparent in nature. In other words, if she is sentient, she may very well be thinking it up with me. So, what is the difference between wonderland activity and active day dreaming by the host? EDIT: One more question: In which "mind" does the bulk of the wonderland reside? Is this a shared part of mind, used collaboratively by the host and the tulpa? EDIT: I should have revisited the FAQ first. Still, the FAQ answers seem like very simplified answers to me that don't go into depth at all and are almost meaningless. Q: What is a mindscape/wonderland? A: A mindscape, also known popularly as a wonderland, is a mental environment where the host and tulpas can interact visually with eachother, without the need for the host to impose their tulpa into their physical environment. A wonderland can be revisited time and time again, although it may change under your own will, your tulpa's will, or subconsciously. Q: What is the difference between mindscape/wonderland and any other imagined environment? A: An imagined environment is any given temporary mental scene or scenario, such as those experienced when day-dreaming. A wonderland or mindscape is a more permanent, albeit dynamic, environment that persists even when you aren't consciously thinking of it, that you or your tulpa can return to repeatedly. Q: Can my tulpa change the mindscape/wonderland as well? A: Yes, tulpas are also able to edit and alter wonderlands and the entities within them. Your tulpa may even change your wonderland while you are not consciously aware of it. Q: What does it mean to 'explore' a wonderland? A: A mindscape/wonderland can be imagined in such a way that large areas of it are undefined or lack clarity. Traveling within the environment outside of areas you've consciously defined can lead to a subconscious, dreamlike generation of environments and landscapes. This has been known to provide interesting and exciting activities for tulpa and their creators alike - it is quite literally letting your mind wander. This helps a bit... Related thread, https://community.tulpa.info/thread-wonderland-trippy-questions-about-wonderlands-and-the-unconscious-and-conscious-mind
  19. If the wonderland exists in the conscious mind, doesn't that mean we have to be actively, deliberately, consciously imagining it? What happens, in that case, to the tulpa in the wonderland if we get distracted from actively thinking about the wonderland? If the wonderland exists in the unconscious mind, how is it that we perceive it at all with our conscious mind? Wouldn't that be a contradiction to the concept of "unconscious?" Is the wonderland a permanent "place" or an imaginative transitory thought?
  20. One of my friends who has had some experience with tulpamancy told me that he created his wonderland as a persistent realm in his dreams that he visited every night. Do any of you do this and is this a necessary step by any means or am I not understanding the concept of a wonderland?
  21. If I do create a wonderland for my tulpa, will he always be there whenever he's not visual?
  22. Hello everyone. I haven't started forcing my Tulpa yet since I've been working on meditation and developing a wonderland. I've created something of a floating castle with a lot of water features, a really relaxing environment. What sort of effects does a wonderland have on a Tulpa's development, and how has your wonderland affected you? I couldn't really find anything related to this, so hopefully this isn't a redundant thread.
  23. Some wonderlands perhaps are more than just an imaginary environment in which tulpas hang out. This theme came up in a recent thread of mine and I would like to explore it a little with everyone. My thoughtform Melian lives within a "dreamscape mansion" within her wonderland. It became part of her wonderland and she lives there because the house has always been a fairly frequent subject of recurring dreams for me. I have visited the house many times. It is haunted and there are doors in the upper stories that I know I dare not open, for something sinister or frightening lurks on the other side. Melian lives in the safer, more stable parts of the house. I believe the mansion is psychologically significant to me, or I would not dream about it. I has a deeper meaning to me than just being a place for Melian to live in. In one of the Tulpaudcasts with jean-luc, I talked about the concept of a "memory house." This is an imaginary space that a person can visualize and store memories in for later detailed recall. It has been a mental tool used for many centuries by those who needed deep, accurate recall of memories, specifically orators and bards. Melian's dreamscape mansion is also a form of memory house for me, as main parts of it are immutable and unchanging and recalled in detail. I can recall if I move something from one side of the room to the other in other words. When we come back to the house, the object is still in its new location. Jungian psychology sometimes utilizes the concept of exploring a imaginary house or mansion, opening doors and finding secrets. This technique uncovers or reveals things hidden within the unconscious mind. My question for the poll is: Does your tulpa's wonderland have any deeper meaning or symbolism to you or do you utilize it for more than just your tulpa? You can vote for more than one item if more than one applies to you. Please comment below as this will be a very interesting topic of discussion I think.
  24. I frequently populate my wonderlands with semi-independent NPCs to add spice and flavor to the setting as a whole. Recently, Akemi has grown rather attached to one of them, and wants to develop her into a full system-member. Is this advisable? I'm not sure what's going to come out of an NPC designed by me and forced by a tulpa. I have no issues with making her a full system member personally, and neither have the other members of my system.
  25. How do you guys precive the outside world when you enter your wonderland? Like do you even notice it. How do you guys enter your wonderlands? Any special way? What do you guys feel when you enter it? Last one. What is your guys reason for entering your wonderland? Like why bother entering it?
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