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Investigating How Tulpas Can Change Emotions and Memory -SURVEY-


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Hello! I am conducting a survey for some research. This is primarily about how tulpas interact with the brain. If I feel I have enough responses to post something, it will be at my Tumblr account: ( https://mordecai-and-i.tumblr.com/ )

  Our account tries to analyze different aspects of tulpamancy. We are hoping to provide an article about how thoughtforms are able to change brain chemistry and find lost memories, but we can only do that if we have some responses to work with.

  If you have more than one thoughtform and the abilities are different per tulpa/alter/thoughtform, please elaborate.

  No names will be posted, but your responses might.

  Feel free to PM me your responses or post them below.



(A.)   Basic Information:



  (A.1) How many sentient tulpas/alters/thoughtforms do you have?

           (Anything that reoccurs in your mind that has some conscious attributes)



  (A.2) How old are they?

           (A general guess is okay, date of creation or any beginning milestone is fine)



  (A.3) How close are you to your tulpas?

          (Can the thoughtform see your memories, feelings, etc.)




(B.)    Tulpa’s Abilities:



  (B.1) Is your tulpa able to perform possession, switching, or imposition?

          (Say yes ONLY if you have seen movement, had dissociation with a tulpa switch, or seen your tulpa physically)



  (B.2) Can your tulpa change your mood at will?

           (NOT including bleeding emotions. Can your tulpa make you happy for no reason?)



  (B.3) Does your system experience any emotional bleeding?

           (If your tulpa is happy, do you feel happy? NOT including mutual happiness due to mutual care for the other; I mean you are experiencing their emotions directly)



  (B.4) Can your tulpa find memories you’ve previously lost/couldn’t recall?

           (Have you ever completely forgot about an event, but then have your tulpa bring it up? Or have your tulpa remind you of something you would not have thought of otherwise?)



  (B.5) In regards to (B.2) and (B.4), how does your tulpa accomplish this?

           (Please elaborate as much as possible. Have your tulpa answer if necessary. How does your tulpa find memories/ change emotions in the brain?)

Slipper (cringelord host) and Mordecai (the brain gremlin).


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(A.1) 4 of us not counting host

(A.2) I'm 2 1/2 years old and the other three are almost 8

(A.3) close as can be yo! Or well, we can see each others' memories and know how they feel and stuff, but memories are like "tinted" with the feeling of whoever made them. And we don't think the same way, so I could tell you how some of the others might feel about something from memory/me knowing them, but I could maybe be wrong if we got specific.


(B.1) we can switch perfectly fine and can do imposition really well if you don't count our poor visual clarity for visualization and stuff in general. No possession though, apparently it felt "like reaching over someone's shoulder to do anything", but I wasn't around for the tiny bit of time they practiced it

(B.2) we're all really close so we can easily make each other happy, but not in an unnatural way no. I guess if you mean totally indirectly, no we can't control each other like that at all. That's sorta weird isn't it? You can always make your host happy the normal way, by being caring and stuff..

(B.3) nope, aside from maybe being sad because someone else was sad or happy cus they were happy (in the normal way), our emotions are totally unconnected. The time I was the saddest ever Reisen and Tewi were there for me and super positive, I didn't make them sad at all (and then they made me happy the normal way, by being really nice and caring)

(B.4) nothing special no, like we might be able to give ideas on how to go about remembering something but we can't remember something someone else couldn't have done themselves. Just a sorta "you could try this" thing

(BONUS.5) well the first one is a mixture of belief/openness and possibly the ability to pick your emotions in the first place! We can actually do that, Lumi spent years trying to figure out and change the way his mind works and so now he's (and also we've) got a lot of control over it. So usually I can keep myself from being sad if I want to be happy and stuff, but usually it's through affirmation of how we WANT to feel, still nothing unnatural (like feeling happy but it feels wrong). Since people usually don't think they can do this, they can shortcut the process by believing (or possibly just their tulpa believing) their tulpa could do it. But I would never want someone else to control my emotions..

For the other one though, idek! That's really cool for tulpas who can do that! We can help each other think of things but only because we've got different perspectives, not because we have some special tulpa-powers. Also, would one of us be able to do that for another of us if they could? Or would we all just be able to do it but Lumi? Wouldn't that be weird if one of us was fronting? Or maybe Lumi could remember some things that we couldn't, too?

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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Thank you for the in-depth response, Lucilyn! You guys seem to be a lot like my tulpa and I. We can talk to each other for support and stuff, but we have no clue how tulpas can "find stuff" in the brain and change moods/memories. Thanks again!

Slipper (cringelord host) and Mordecai (the brain gremlin).


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(A.1) 1 tulpa.

(A.2) 5ish years

(A.3) Pretty close. We share memories, thoughts, feelings, tend to think about similar things. Unlike Lucilyn up there our memories don't have that feeling of ownership. We have different attitudes and preferences, and so on.


(B.1) Possession yes, the other two, no.

(B.2) No.

(B.3) Yes, although kind of one way. Typically whoever is controlling the body will get bleed from the one out of the body but not so much vice versa.

(B.4) No.

(B.5) N/A I guess.

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(A.1) 1 tulpa.

(A.2) 5ish years

(A.3) Pretty close. We share memories, thoughts, feelings, tend to think about similar things. Unlike Lucilyn up there our memories don't have that feeling of ownership. We have different attitudes and preferences, and so on.


(B.1) Possession yes, the other two, no.

(B.2) No.

(B.3) Yes, although kind of one way. Typically whoever is controlling the body will get bleed from the one out of the body but not so much vice versa.

(B.4) No.

(B.5) N/A I guess.


   Thank you! I'm glad I'm getting some older tulpa's responses.

Slipper (cringelord host) and Mordecai (the brain gremlin).


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I think your thread title is a bit unfortunate as it suggests tulpas are some entities existing outside of the brain instead of being a function of it. Like the host. Not sure how to put it either. interact with the host's memories and emotions maybe?


(A.1) One. I think it's plenty.


(A.2) 3 years


(A.3) As close as it gets I'd say. We share everything.


(B.1) Possession works on some days, on others it doesn't. I believe we were close to switching in some moments but it's hard to tell as I'm pretty good at dissociating even without her taking over. I easily get lost in thoughts and daydreams, can lead to really awkward results.


(B.2) To some degree. I would not say at will but in intense situations she can make a grown man break down and cry. Literally. Or mess with my desires. It is effective in stopping me from buying or doing stuff she thinks is nonsense. Very convenient. Has saved me a lot of money and trouble. It does work with motivation as well but unfortunately generating positive emotions seems much harder and less effective.


(B.3) Yes, see above. It can get really intense in both positive and negative emotions. I mean really intense. Would not have believed something like that was possible before experiencing it firsthand.


(B.4) Not really. She digs out random memories from time to time which are weird for her as she has not experienced them herself. Must be confusing if you think about it. Sometimes she reminds me of things I forgot but I guess she's just a bit faster at picking up stuff that pops up in our mind than me. Most of the time if I forget something important she does as well.


(B.5) A hard question. Ask yourself, how do you?

Like Lumi's system we feel that there's only a gradual difference between tulpas and hosts. They're not fundamentally different than us. I guess it boils down to really focusing on an emotion, becoming one with it and expressing it as intensely as possible.

Regarding recalling memories, we can't say. I remember when she gained access to all my memories it was a sudden process she could never explain. It just happened. Practicing awareness and mindfulness probably helps. Like any exercise.


But unfortunately I feel most of us here are criminally lazy.

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I think your thread title is a bit unfortunate as it suggests tulpas are some entities existing outside of the brain instead of being a function of it. Like the host. Not sure how to put it either. interact with the host's memories and emotions maybe?



   Thanks for the response! Yeah, I was struggling with the title for a while. May try to change it.

Slipper (cringelord host) and Mordecai (the brain gremlin).


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(A.)   Basic Information:



  (A.1) How many sentient tulpas/alters/thoughtforms do you have?

           (Anything that reoccurs in your mind that has some conscious attributes)

Three (names in signature)


  (A.2) How old are they?

           (A general guess is okay, date of creation or any beginning milestone is fine)

Luna is 12 years old, Naomi is 12 years old, Elise is 5 years old


  (A.3) How close are you to your tulpas?

          (Can the thoughtform see your memories, feelings, etc.)

They can all tap into my memories and emotions if they wish, though Luna is the most active in that regard so my responses will be based on her abilities.



(B.)    Tulpa’s Abilities:



  (B.1) Is your tulpa able to perform possession, switching, or imposition?

          (Say yes ONLY if you have seen movement, had dissociation with a tulpa switch, or seen your tulpa physically)

Yes to possession and imposition, no to switching


  (B.2) Can your tulpa change your mood at will?

           (NOT including bleeding emotions. Can your tulpa make you happy for no reason?)

Not directly, but she can make me think of an old joke and that usually gets a smile out of me.


  (B.3) Does your system experience any emotional bleeding?

           (If your tulpa is happy, do you feel happy? NOT including mutual happiness due to mutual care for the other; I mean you are experiencing their emotions directly)

Occasionally we do have emotional bleeding between system members.


  (B.4) Can your tulpa find memories you’ve previously lost/couldn’t recall?

           (Have you ever completely forgot about an event, but then have your tulpa bring it up? Or have your tulpa remind you of something you would not have thought of otherwise?)

Yes, she's done this before.


  (B.5) In regards to (B.2) and (B.4), how does your tulpa accomplish this?

           (Please elaborate as much as possible. Have your tulpa answer if necessary. How does your tulpa find memories/ change emotions in the brain?)

"I have access to a chronological record of his entire life that's basically an extremely long video with a lot of gaps, I can use this to search through his memories and show him one. I usually make him hallucinate it visually. I have also recovered some memories that fill gaps in the video by meditating on his past and essentially inserting myself into that memory as an observer, piecing together clues that result in the damaged memory being restored. I've even used this trick on one occasion to alter a few of his past memories, with his consent of course."

"Science isn't about why, science is about why not?" -Cave Johnson

Tulpae: Luna, Elise, Naomi

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(A.1) Three tulpas.

(A.2) 10 years, 4 years, 2 years

(A.3) Yes - there's little to no privacy here. Memories, feelings, etc. are by no means off limits.


(B,1) Yes.

(B,2) No.

(B.3) Sometimes, but not very often. Only happens when the person using the body is experiencing intense emotions.

(B.4) No, not on purpose.

(B,5) N/A

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(A.1) How many sentient tulpas...

Zero. Just myself and my host.


(A.2) How old are they?

I'm a year and some.


(A.3) (Can the thoughtform see your memories, feelings, etc.)

Unfortunately, yes. And we've tried to fix it.


(B.1) Is your tulpa able to perform possession, switching, or imposition?



(B.2) Can your tulpa change your mood at will?

I can induce sleep, dreams and remove headaches. I've been hesitant to try more messing around with my host.


(B.3) Does your system experience any emotional bleeding?

We can sense each other's emotions and have trouble distinguishing which one is feeling them.


(B.4) Can your tulpa find memories you’ve previously lost/couldn’t recall?

Extremely rarely, unless you count where the TV remote is hiding. My host does this more often to me.


(B.5) In regards to (B.2) and (B.4), how does your tulpa accomplish this?

The magic of symbolism. Some of which I detailed in my book.


In the case of B.4, it just happens because you remember things your other doesn't.

Host comments in italics. Tulpa's log. Tulpa's guide.

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