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Easy guide on how to hear your tulpa


This is how I first heard my tulpa's thoughts. It's a simple method that I find really useful.


Before we begin (Host) :


- You must believe in tulpamancy, in your tulpa's existence and in their ability to think to themselves.

- Your tulpa is never too young to communicate unless you think they are.

- Read this post to your tulpa or explain it to them using words which you know they understand. Basically let them know what you're going to do.

- Tell your tulpa to always use your name when talking to you, even if it feels repetitive.

- Ask your tulpa to talk to you during this exercise, as well as whenever they can, randomly.


Before we begin (Tulpa) :


- During this exercise, talk to your host by thinking to yourself instead of trying other ways such as using your body to make any sounds (you don't need a body if you don't have one but I recommend it)

- You and your host share a physical brain. In the same way that you can hear your host's thoughts, they can hear yours. You can't do it "wrong" so don't get discouraged!


The actual exercise (Tulpa) :


- For the whole length of the exercise, simply repeat your host's name and add short, encouraging sentences in between (such as "I love you" or "You can do it!")


The actual exercise (Host) :


- First of all, get yourself ready. Prepare yourself physically. Be as comfortable as you can without falling asleep. Make sure there will be no disturbances and it's as quiet as possible around you.

- Prepare yourself mentally. You're about to do a tricky exercise to get to hear your tulpa, but it can be very exhausting. Remember to always tell your tulpa that you're going to listen for them!

- Here we go. I'm sure your mind is filled with racing thoughts right now. Just block them all. No matter what they say, BLOCK.

- This is the exhausting part, you have to keep on blocking thoughts nonstop until your mind is absolutely clear. Don't give up unless you need to rest. It's fine. With some practice, you'll be able to complete this step in no time! Did it on your first try? Congratulations, keep going.

- Now that your mind is absolutely clear, RELEASE. Stop blocking and try not to think of any words, but most importantly, don't block a single thought. It is recommended that your tulpa has a form and that you visualize it in your head now.

- Be patient for a little, this is very tricky, you have to listen for your tulpa without blocking anything, if any thought popped into your mind out of nowhere THAT WAS YOUR TULPA. Yes it'll "sound" or feel like you, but you made no actual effort to think it. Hence it's not you.

- If no thought pops out of nowhere after a little and your mind is racing again, stop visualization and go back to blocking. You might have to repeat it. Simply try again, block, release and listen, block, release and listen.


How it works:


We're so used to hearing our own thoughts and classifying any thoughts in our own heads as "ours". Adittionally, our minds are usually racing with unwanted thoughts. This means that normally, first our tulpa's thoughts have to be strong enough to overpower every other, and then we have to realize that we're not the ones thinking that. The former is achieved with forcing, the later usually requires countless tries from our tulpa until we realize and get in the right mindset. While I don't encourage being a lazy host and obviously not parrotnoia, this method is intended for those especially. This exercise skips a lot of the forcing necessary to be able to hear our tulpa, allowing us to hear much weaker thoughts from them. Also, by emptying our minds, we're making it easier for ourselves to differentiate whose thought is each of them, since we have less thoughts to classify at a time. We're trying our best not to actively think of anything but the image of our tulpa, distracting us away from thinking any words which could make us be mistaken about who thought this and who thought that, while still actively listening for them.


TL, DR: Block all thoughts until mind is clear, then stop blocking completely and listen for tulpa. Repeat as necessary.

9 answers to this question

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- Tell your tulpa to always use your name when talking to you, even if it feels repetitive.

- Ask your tulpa to talk to you during this exercise, as well as whenever they can, randomly.



It seems like these should go in the "before we begin (tulpa)" section.


Most people will have a lot of trouble just outright blocking their thoughts. Brute forcing your thoughts away is often counterproductive in fact, like telling someone to not think of pink elephants. Maybe it would be better to tell people to simply not interact with any thoughts and to not actively think them, since that is pretty much how it works for open monitoring meditation (though it's still pretty difficult to clear your thoughts with that, it is a lot easier).

Really though, I don't see how blocking your thoughts would be helpful to hearing your tulpa since once you're done blocking your thoughts then intrusive thoughts will start popping up too. You should add a way to tell whether the response is your tulpa or an intrusive thought. Also, has anyone other than you tried this and had it actually work?

I have a tulpa named Miela who I love very much.


"People put quotes in their signatures, right?"


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I feel this comes close to a lot of good things but doesn't quite hit the mark. Just enough that I couldn't approve it yet.


First off, I think you should re-purpose your "How it works" section into a proper introduction. Try to trim out unnecessary repetition and just unneeded sections of it too, make it cleaner and more succinct. These are minor suggestions, won't stop your approval, but they're little things that will push this from "approved" to something that people might share.


Now, to get more specific, you don't really instruct someone how to "block" their thoughts. You also don't really give a good explanation of what they're doing. I suppose the message is obvious, you want all thought to stop and for the participant to relax. Perhaps you should word it as "clearing out your mind." Essentially you've written a meditation guide as a basis to listen for your tulpa.


Additionally, I don't think the issue you're addressing is weak thoughts. Thoughts can't really be stronger than one or another. Neurons are either firing or they're not. I think the issue is that tulpas are not as used to thinking. There's also an issue of hosts being able to be patient and listen for their tulpa, which this guide directly addresses by telling them to stop thinking and let responses happen and trust it is their tulpa.


I feel I meandered a bit. If anything is confusing, ask me to clarify. For now I'll say this will be suited for Tips and Tricks once approved.

The System:


It's too big.

ha, that's what she said.

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Content review:


You must believe in tulpamancy, in your tulpa's existence and in their ability to think to themselves.

I think it's a given that you must believe in tulpamancy. This sentence should probably be reworded a bit to something like "Be sure to believe in your tulpa's ability to think and speak for his or herself."


Your tulpa is never too young to communicate unless you think they are.

This sentence is contradictory. Leave it at "Your tulpa is never too young to communicate." Might want to add "as long as they are sentient."


words which you know they understand.

Eh, I don't think it's good to imply that a tulpa won't understand words when you go on to say they share a brain. They'll understand anything the host understands.


Tell your tulpa to always use your name when talking to you, even if it feels repetitive.

Might want to add that this is to differentiate between the tulpa talking to you and you having your own thoughts. 


Ask your tulpa to talk to you during this exercise, as well as whenever they can, randomly.

Tons of tulpas, even fully-developed ones, can't randomly interrupt. Might want to reword this to "Ask your tulpa to talk to you whenever they can."


During this exercise, talk to your host by thinking to yourself

This is also kind of contradictory. Reword.


instead of trying other ways such as using your body to make any sounds (you don't need a body if you don't have one but I recommend it)

This doesn't make a lot of sense. If a tulpa is thinking then they're thinking, whether or not they're puppeting a form doesn't change that. Also, you might want to change "body" to "form" to save from confusion.


For the whole length of the exercise, simply repeat your host's name and add short, encouraging sentences in between (such as "I love you" or "You can do it!")

I don't quite get the point of doing this as opposed to just talking about whatever they want to. Elaborate a bit?


but it can be very exhausting.

I feel telling them that it'll be exhausting will only increase the chances that it's exhausting. In reality it probably won't be.


Just block them all. No matter what they say, BLOCK.

Can you elaborate on what this means, exactly? How does one "block" a thought? Best not to use vague terms within a guide, be as straightforward and understandable as possible.


It is recommended that your tulpa has a form and that you visualize it in your head now.

Why? It's good to explain things in guides so that people know the purpose behind the instructions you give them.


first our tulpa's thoughts have to be strong enough to overpower every other,

Not really. Usually the problem is the host thinking that the tulpa's thoughts are parroting, not that the tulpa isn't thinking strong enough thoughts. This doesn't really address how to increase the sense of strength in a tulpa's thoughts anyway, especially since you only said for them to say the host's name and little lines of encouragement. I don't see that as being entirely helpful in strengthening their thoughts. You might want to add more to the tulpa part of this exercise, specifically how to increase their sense of mental strength. A good way to do this would be to have the tulpa start thinking/monologuing about something that interests them.


this method is intended for those especially.

I don't especially see this method as helping to stop parrotnoia. 


This exercise skips a lot of the forcing necessary to be able to hear our tulpa, allowing us to hear much weaker thoughts from them.

Saying "our tulpa" kind of makes it sound like this is a shared tulpa or something, lol. 

I don't really agree with the issue of tulpa communication being that the host can't "hear" them, or that they need to "listen" for them. If a tulpa is thinking, the host will be able to hear them just fine. Most of the time, the issue either is a) the host has too much mental control that they aren't allowing the tulpa room to think on their own, or b) the host dismissed the tulpa's thoughts as parroting. This doesn't seem to entirely help those two issues. There's too much emphasis on "blocking" thoughts and then "listening" for the tulpa, no emphasis on actually surrendering one's own control to the tulpa for them to have the opportunity to think, and there's not a lot of emphasis on accepting the tulpa's thoughts as their own.


Also, by emptying our minds, we're making it easier for ourselves to differentiate whose thought is each of them, since we have less thoughts to classify at a time.

I don't particularly see that as making it easier. Like I said, emptying one's mind isn't really the problem, it's usually the fact that the host has such a grip on the mind that the tulpa doesn't have a lot of room to think.


We're trying our best not to actively think of anything but the image of our tulpa, distracting us away from thinking any words which could make us be mistaken about who thought this and who thought that, while still actively listening for them.

This further shows that the host will continue to have a grip on the mind if they're focusing on visualizing and listening.



Grammar review:



You must believe in tulpamancy, in your tulpa's existence and in their ability to think to themselves.

Add comma after "existence"


Read this post to your tulpa or explain it to them using words which you know they understand.

add a comma after "your tulpa," change "which" to "that"


Basically let them know what you're going to do.

Add comma after "Basically"


During [...] any sounds

This is a bit of a run-on sentence.


You can't do it "wrong" so don't get discouraged!

Add comma after wrong ("wrong," so)



The caps is a little obnoxious.


Yes it'll "sound" or feel like you, but you made no actual effort to think it. Hence it's not you.

Add comma after "Yes," "Hence" should probably "Therefore,"


If no thought pops out of nowhere after a little [while] and your mind is racing again, stop visualization and go back to blocking.

Add "while," change "visualization" to "visualizing,"





I think the entire last paragraph could use a rewrite, the wording is kinda awkward.


"later" -> "latter"


"TL, DR" -> "TL;DR"





This doesn't seem to be all that "easy" of an exercise to me, nor does it really seem to address the actual issues people tend to face when learning to let their tulpa talk. I don't particularly see this as being that helpful for the goal that's being attempted, and seems like there's a chance it'd bring more frustration than necessary. For these reasons, it's not approvable in its current state, in my opinion.

 💡 The Felights 💡 https://felight.carrd.co/  💡

🪐 Cosmicals: 🔥 Apollo Fire the Sun God (12/3/16) Piano Soul the Star Man (1/26/17)

🐉 Mythicals: ☁️ Indigo Blue the Sky Dragon (10/2/17), 🦑 Gelato Sweet the Sea Monster (12/11/22)

🦇 Nycticals:  Dynamo Lux the Shock Rocker (3/3/17), 🎸 Radio Hiss the Song Demon (2/8/00)

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Before we begin (Host) :


Before we begin (Tulpa) :


The actual exercise (Tulpa) :


The actual exercise (Host) :



This structure is interesting, but doesn't work very well for the guide. Some of the things that you said In "before we begin (host)" seem like they would fit better in "before we begin (tulpa)" (the parts about telling your tulpa to do something), and "the actual exercise (tulpa)" is so short that it doesn't make sense to have it as a whole section. I think your guide would flow a lot better if you restructured it into an introduction followed by the guide proper.


- Here we go. I'm sure your mind is filled with racing thoughts right now. Just block them all. No matter what they say, BLOCK.

- This is the exhausting part, you have to keep on blocking thoughts nonstop until your mind is absolutely clear. Don't give up unless you need to rest. It's fine. With some practice, you'll be able to complete this step in no time! Did it on your first try? Congratulations, keep going.

- Now that your mind is absolutely clear, RELEASE. Stop blocking and try not to think of any words, but most importantly, don't block a single thought. It is recommended that your tulpa has a form and that you visualize it in your head now.

- Be patient for a little, this is very tricky, you have to listen for your tulpa without blocking anything, if any thought popped into your mind out of nowhere THAT WAS YOUR TULPA. Yes it'll "sound" or feel like you, but you made no actual effort to think it. Hence it's not you.


You need to go into more detail on how to clear your mind, because when you just say "block your thoughts" that makes it seem like you want the reader to try to specifically ignore thoughts, which is one of the worst ways to try to clear your thoughts, and often makes people think more thoughts.


It's also just wrong to say that the thoughts you experience immediately after clearing your mind are definitely your tulpa's thoughts, they could very well just be intrusive thoughts. Really, I'm not even certain that found this would make it any easier for a young tulpa to talk at all.


- Your tulpa is never too young to communicate unless you think they are.

This is just not true. A tulpa won't just pop up without any forcing, you are going to have to actually force and develop them before they can communicate.


I cannot approve this guide until you: give a better and more detailed way to clear your mind, give a way to find out if a thought is your tulpa's or an intrusive thought, remove the part about how a tulpa is never too young to communicate, and show that this guide actually works (find someone who has been able to first hear their tulpa from this method).

Hi I am Miela, the counterpart to Breloomancer.



"Is it pretentious to quote yourself?"



  • 0

I have quite a few issues with this submission, a lot of which I won’t mention to avoid repeating what others have said.



- Your tulpa is never too young to communicate unless you think they are.



Since this guide is specifically about vocality, and not all communication is done verbally, this sentence should be changed to “- Your tulpa is never too young to speak unless you think they are.” Now we’re just left with the fact that this is not correct in most cases considering that most tulpas aren’t just sentient right off the bat and when they do become sentient often can only communicate in tulpish before being able to communicate with words. Of course, everyone’s experience varies greatly with this but to assume that all tulpas can talk without any prior forcing could cause a tulpamancer unnecessary doubt if they didn’t receive a vocal response after doing this exercise.



- Here we go. I'm sure your mind is filled with racing thoughts right now. Just block them all. No matter what they say, BLOCK.



I don’t understand what you mean here, but if you mean what I think you mean then I’m pretty sure that thoughts can’t be blocked anyway, because as soon as the thought is thought then it is thought already. Also, as Breloomancer said, “Brute forcing your thoughts away is often counterproductive in fact, like telling someone to not think of pink elephants.” In my experience with meditating, my mind is at its quietest when I am indifferent to whether it wanders or not, as opposed to getting frustrated with it for wandering.



if any thought popped into your mind out of nowhere THAT WAS YOUR TULPA.



Must disagree here, this is very bad advice in my opinion. Intrusive thoughts happen and if a new tulpamancer with a tulpa who isn’t sentient yet were to follow this guide to the letter then they may believe that their intrusive thoughts are their tulpa. Intrusive thoughts can often be negative and if the host believes that these are actually their tulpa it may cause stress to the host and put a potential strain on their relationship with their tulpa before their tulpa is even sentient.



Yes it'll "sound" or feel like you



This is an underrated statement. I know that other tulpamancers have made the same mistake as me which is expecting to hear an ‘alien voice’ in your head when your tulpa becomes vocal, but it isn’t like that and I’m glad you mentioned it. Knowing this could’ve saved me and my tulpa a lot of time and stress.


Despite the positive, I can’t approve this guide because I think that the method you describe is fundamentally flawed and could potentially do more harm than good for the reasons stated. If major changes were made to address the issues raised by everyone so far, I think it may be approvable.

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- You must believe in tulpamancy, in your tulpa's existence and in their ability to think to themselves.

I have mixed feelings on this one, I've known people who didn't believe this who made tulpas anyway, and I've known people who disbelieved this so hard they ignored all attempts their tulpa made at communication. I'd definitely count doing this as something that improves your chances, I guess I just worry that new people will think tulpamancers are just lying to themselves if "you have to believe it is true already" is treated as a full-fledged requirement.

- Your tulpa is never too young to communicate unless you think they are.

Probably the most important tip in the "before we begin (host)" section. Beliefs about tulpas being too "immature" to communicate can cause a lot of issues, and generally delay progress. The remainder of this section is perfectly fine and good, but this individual tip was one I wanted to bring special attention to for how important it can be.



- You and your host share a physical brain. In the same way that you can hear your host's thoughts, they can hear yours.

Also a very helpful and important tip.


As for the exercise itself:

It's not too different from a number of methods that I've seen a lot of success with. As some prior reviewers stated, it's basically a meditation-forcing guide. The issue here is that the portion of the guide describing the host's role in the exercise gives some overly simplistic instructions for meditation that are of a sort most people won't be able to meditate by following. "blocking" thoughts isn't that easy for the inexperienced, and then expecting people to be able to "unblock" to hear the tulpa without everything else starting back up is something that usually requires even more experience (or a certain uncommon innate clear-headedness).



The final section (and the exercise itself) includes several key pieces of information regarding expectation that would have been better placed in the "before we begin" segment. I'm mainly thinking of the stuff about how your tulpa's thoughts will naturally "feel" like yours, and therefore should not be discarded because of that. And while this guide has a number of helpful tips for the mentality and expectations you should take into forcing for vocality, it's supposed to be a guide on what you're supposed to do, not just some helpful tips. And the exercise itself is threadbare on how to do the things that it asks you to do.


Not approved. I would personally recommend reformatting it into a series of "before you start" tips followed a link or two to more detailed meditation guides from outside the tulpa community, then some instructions on how you're supposed to involve your tulpa. The only information this is missing that could make it into a very good set of tips & tricks is good meditation instructions, and those already exist and don't even need to take up space in the guide so long as you can direct people to them if they need help with that.

Radical Dreamers system includes:

Jester of Doom, host

Fox, 9 year old tulpa made by Doom

Tiger Valkyrie, 1 year old tulpa made by Doom

Kitsune in Yellow, 1 year old tulpa made by Fox

Voice of Planet, 1 year old tulpa made by several members

  • 0

Overall, this comes across as a rough draft. In several places, the wording is awkward and you contradict yourself. I believe this draft is more focused on you getting your idea down rather than asking yourself, “What will my readers think while reading my guide?”


The structure is okay, but the introduction needs more work. Instead of claiming your method is simple and jumping straight into the method, please take the time to briefly summarize the method in a couple of sentences first.


I'm confused about what your process is. The process as it is written down is hard to follow and I’m still confused about the key steps. However, this guide reminded me of a method my host used when she struggled with parrotnoia. If you resolve the contradictions and elaborate on your process more, I think there is still potential in this guide.


I'm not sure if this method is designed to show the host what their Tulpa sounds like or how their Tulpa moves. It starts off as listening for your Tulpa with a form being recommended for some unknown reason, but later in the guide you stress the importance of the Tulpa's form and in your "how this works" section, you talk about seeing your Tulpa and not listening for them. Is this designed to resolve fears over parroting or puppeting?


This draft is too rough for me to approve it in its current state. Please continue working to revise this draft and I will be more than happy to re-review it.


Here are all of the things I found that need work. I focused more on content and logical errors than grammar errors overall.




Confusing Sections and Concerns:


Tell your tulpa to always use your name when talking to you, even if it feels repetitive.


I personally would find it a little annoying if I had to say "Host, blah blah blah" every time I thought something. I suppose it could be helpful early on, but I wouldn't recommend continuing this long term.


I found this statement to be very confusing until I realized it was part of the process itself and not something I needed to master beforehand. Clarifying this would be helpful. In addition, I’m not sure if this technique would be particularly helpful.


You and your host share a physical brain. In the same way that you can hear your host's thoughts, they can hear yours. You can't do it "wrong" so don't get discouraged!


The use of "it" isn't clear here. If you are talking about mindvoice, what does this have to do with sharing a brain with your Tulpa?


During this exercise, talk to your host by thinking to yourself instead of trying other ways such as using your body to make any sounds (you don't need a body if you don't have one but I recommend it)


A couple problems here:


1) If the Tulpa is thinking to themself, then they are not really having a conversation with their host. It would be better to say the Tulpa is monologuing or sharing their thoughts and not directly speaking to their host.


2) The comment "you don't need a body if you don't have one but I recommend it" doesn't have anything to do with making sounds and thinking in mindvoice. This needs to be moved or omitted.


Don't give up unless you need to rest. It's fine. With some practice, you'll be able to complete this step in no time! Did it on your first try? Congratulations, keep going.


Meditation isn't easy for everyone, and this is a difficult meditation. People who are not good at meditation are going to get extremely frusterated on this step.


Here we go. I'm sure your mind is filled with racing thoughts right now. Just block them all. No matter what they say, BLOCK.


I don't like "here we go" because I would assume the host isn't going to do and read at the same time. It would be helpful to make that clear beforehand.


While I don't encourage being a lazy host


First, don't call your target audience "lazy". Second, how does the host being lazy have anything to do with this method?


Remember to always tell your tulpa that you're going to listen for them!


How can you tell your Tulpa you're listening to them during the exercise when for some parts the Host isn't supposed to be thinking? Do you mean that this happens each time before the exercise in a habitual fashion? Please clarify here.


THAT WAS YOUR TULPA. Yes it'll "sound" or feel like you, but you made no actual effort to think it. Hence it's not you.


I can see how this technique can lead to issues. A parrotnoid host may assume this is the only way to legitimately talk to their Tulpa, and this can easily burn out a Host because it's not only meditation, it's a hard meditation to practice. This would make forcing sessions demotivating. It should be stressed that this should only be used in the short term, but this guide is lacking more information on how to walk away from this process and help the host overcome their parrotnoia.




You're about to do a tricky exercise to get to hear your tulpa, but it can be very exhausting.


If this method is supposed to be simple, why is it tricky? This is contradictory.


It is recommended that your tulpa has a form and that you visualize it in your head now.


There's a difference between recommended and required. Does this mean the host shouldn't continue if their Tulpa doesn't have a form? Plus, why does the Tulpa need a form? Given the surrounding text around that statement, it's not clear why the Tulpa needs a form:


- Now that your mind is absolutely clear, RELEASE. Stop blocking and try not to think of any words, but most importantly, don't block a single thought. It is recommended that your tulpa has a form and that you visualize it in your head now.

- Be patient for a little, this is very tricky, you have to listen for your tulpa without blocking anything, if any thought popped into your mind out of nowhere THAT WAS YOUR TULPA. Yes it'll "sound" or feel like you, but you made no actual effort to think it. Hence it's not you.



If no thought pops out of nowhere after a little and your mind is racing again, …


The second part of this sentence contradicts the first part. Your mind can't be racing with thoughts if there are no thoughts to begin with.


This exercise skips a lot of the forcing necessary to be able to hear our tulpa, allowing us to hear much weaker thoughts from them.


This is not true for several reasons. Forcing is more than working on vocality.


However, based on what you said, forcing is also still required to hear a voice, and further forcing won't help as you already said earlier. Once again, you contradicted yourself.


We're trying our best not to actively think of anything but the image of our tulpa, distracting us away from thinking any words which could make us be mistaken about who thought this and who thought that, while still actively listening for them.


So hold on, is the goal to listen for the Tulpa or trying to see them? I thought the goal was to listen for words not focus on the Tulpa's form? These two thins conflict, please choose one. If you're trying to say one is an extra tool to help the host perform the other task, the wording is unclear because you have stressed main importance on both of these things.


TL, DR: Block all thoughts until mind is clear, then stop blocking completely and listen for tulpa. Repeat as necessary.


There is a better way to summarize your guide than to say "TL;DR:". This also implies that your entire guide can be skipped for this one point, and yet the entire guide is being submitted.


I feel like if the guide has a TL;DR in it then it isn't a guide, but instead Tips and Tricks at best. I wonder if this is a miscommunication issue.


Also, I feel like this summary makes no sense without the context that it's a form of meditation.


Sentence Structure, Grammar, and Formatting:


the later usually requires countless tries from our tulpa until we realize and get in the right mindset


The phrase "until we realize" breaks the coherency of this sentence. Also, it's "latter" not "later".






The actual exercise (Tulpa) :


This stood out to me because "(Host):" was first every other time. I don't know if this was intended or not. This is a minor formatting thing I wanted to bring to light, it's not a criticism.



Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

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There's still one GAT member who'll probably submit a review later on, I'm just going to note this here for the OP so they'll know what's going on if/when they become active again:


If/when you edit this guide based on the critiques left here, you can leave a note in this thread or PM me or another GAT member that it's been edited/re-written, and we'll add it to the review list to be looked at again by the team. But, that's only if significant changes have been made, since we've already reviewed this version of it.



 💡 The Felights 💡 https://felight.carrd.co/  💡

🪐 Cosmicals: 🔥 Apollo Fire the Sun God (12/3/16) Piano Soul the Star Man (1/26/17)

🐉 Mythicals: ☁️ Indigo Blue the Sky Dragon (10/2/17), 🦑 Gelato Sweet the Sea Monster (12/11/22)

🦇 Nycticals:  Dynamo Lux the Shock Rocker (3/3/17), 🎸 Radio Hiss the Song Demon (2/8/00)

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