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Portraits, comix, stuff... From Xenon's desk


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Hello! This is our sketchbook gallery. Here you will find pictures from my system, including drawings of me, tulpas, other headmates, and the dreamscape. I draw some things myself, other projects may be collaborations between me and Matt, Clu, or Shalkagi. I'm not quite into the switching phase yet. Usually, they talk to me as I do the drawing.


Here's our first entry! It's also on the ITT: We Draw Our Tulpas thread.

660392028_Shalkagidrawing1.thumb.jpeg.f9cf47f31e5322a9937e608ff2b2806f.jpegThis is my first full visualization of Shalkagi. She started as an original character idea and began to form as a legit tulpa. I drew her face and body so I'd have an image to recall when narrating or forcing. 

Shalkagi (who also spells her name as Sal'qagI) is a Klingon female. She's pretty tough and belligerent, as Klingons are. I consider this drawing here one of my best works so far. This drawing was done by me as the host, while working on the visualization process.


Notes on details:

  • On the hair on her left side, there appears to be a light spot. There, is a streak dyed neon purple. I didn't include the purple in this black-and-white drawing.
  • The weapon she's holding is a traditional Klingon bat'leth. But she uses other weapons, including just fists and feet.
  • The light metallic armor is just one of many things she wears. Pictures of other outfits will come later.
  • The quote on top is written in tlhIngan Hol. She is saying: "My name is Shalkagi. I am a Klingon!"
  • And this is the very first Klingon I've ever drawn!


I had lots of fun with this. Follow me for more!

Xenon - host - they/them/theirs

Shalkagi - tulpa - she/her/hers

Q - tulpa - he/him/his

Lanna - tulpa - she/her/hers

Butter - tulpa - she/her/hers

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  • 3 months later...

More recent pictures of Shalkagi. She had expressed a bit of change from her original form, mostly in the way of fashion. 


From shortly after the first time she updated her appearance:


1542666430_Shalkagi6.thumb.png.a7c112f082b035ecb60a6ce75464b4be.pngMedia: digital. I drew this on my Kindle tablet.

New details: The leather jacket instead of the lightweight armor. She wore this (an outfit I've never seen/imagined before) when she appeared in a dream. 


Things that didn't really change:

  • Text: "Sal'qaghI 'oH pongwIj'e'    tlhIngan jIH" (My name is Shalkagi; I am a Klingon)
  • Hair: We're both happy with how the texture turned out, especially the neon purple of the dyed streak.
  • Necklace: The necklace she wore (along with the earrings) she was wearing when she first appeared in the dreamscape.
  • Eyes: She has heterochromia (her left eye is brown and her right eye is gold). This has always been so, and it's even a little visible in the first drawing I made of her.



And here's one I made a few weeks ago:


1464858345_Shalkagi7small.jpeg.fc95d41f8e7f530f55e0effe6e740b5d.jpegMedia: Graphite on paper (Pencil and colored pencil in my sketchbook)


I'm quite pleased with how the face looks, and its degree of accuracy. The purple in the hair didn't quite turn out (color is off, doesn't look that realistic). The eyes are almost accurate, but the right eye is a little too dark colored, as it is supposed to be bright gold and much lighter than the left. The leather jacket is supposed to be black, but I didn't want to deal with laying all that graphite and potentially making a big mess. The facial expression was intended to be a look of sadness and longing, but that didn't necessarily happen. Perhaps this one says more though. 


And, as always, more is coming.

Xenon - host - they/them/theirs

Shalkagi - tulpa - she/her/hers

Q - tulpa - he/him/his

Lanna - tulpa - she/her/hers

Butter - tulpa - she/her/hers

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