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Ringgggg's somewhat-comprehensive foxgirl imposition log


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Picking myself up after a two-week crash of playing Minecraft nonstop:


These things happen.

Imposition is weird nowadays. It's been a mix of old practices and present-day techniques ever since I made a change to my workspace. I've taken to calling it Imposition 2.0 for that reason, because it has enough of my new insight squeezed into it to separate it from my 2023 methods. Much more of a focus on making things feel real, which contrasts how 1.0 was all about "conjuring up" that realness out of thin air. It feels more in line with the direction most of the guides are pointing in, and what most people have done

I've been presence-imposing more various knickknacks to warm up and I think I've taken a liking to it. Some of them are based off real objects, like the Expo marker I did yesterday, but I also like to impose tiny dots of noise and suspend them in mid-air to experiment with giving them depth.

I'm happy to report that imposition practice has been smooth for these past few days.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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And I quote



It’s been months since I last saw tangible progress, and then out of the blue something like this happens?????

I was floored.


~15 minutes into Friday’s session and I was messing around per usual, with the daily highlight being dragging my finger across my palm and then doing it again without touching anything (whilst trying to pretend it did touch). A couple more moments of dabbling and I started to feel a cross between a feather and a matte-textured pen stylus where my finger would’ve been, which I initially was skeptical about, but realized was actually legitimate progress as I begun to mess around more with it. What really got me was how it was able to remain stable as I drew more elaborately in shapes around my palm. By then I was beyond questioning it.


This is it. If I can do tactile, I can do this. Granted, it’s not the most vivid thing in the world, but what it is is stable and consistent. It’s solid evidence that this is beginning to work, and I’m glad I stuck around for this long to see things finally come to fruition.


Fuck yeah.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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On 4/2/2024 at 3:11 PM, ringgggg said:

And I quote

It’s been months since I last saw tangible progress, and then out of the blue something like this happens?????

I was floored.


~15 minutes into Friday’s session and I was messing around per usual, with the daily highlight being dragging my finger across my palm and then doing it again without touching anything (whilst trying to pretend it did touch). A couple more moments of dabbling and I started to feel a cross between a feather and a matte-textured pen stylus where my finger would’ve been, which I initially was skeptical about, but realized was actually legitimate progress as I begun to mess around more with it. What really got me was how it was able to remain stable as I drew more elaborately in shapes around my palm. By then I was beyond questioning it.


This is it. If I can do tactile, I can do this. Granted, it’s not the most vivid thing in the world, but what it is is stable and consistent. It’s solid evidence that this is beginning to work, and I’m glad I stuck around for this long to see things finally come to fruition.


Fuck yeah.

I'm glad this is going well.


For me tactile sensation is the hardest to achieve. I find it far easer to see something that isn't there than feel something that isn't there.

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Experimenting more has led me to impose shapes with simpler geometry that would otherwise be difficult to impose if I hadn't visualized them beforehand. I think this problem also extends to A3, which means I may need to start visualizing again. Though it could also be that bigger objects are more unsustainable than smaller ones. There are always multiple reasons for a situation, so I figure those may be the big two.


Speaking of sustainable, I've found that the cube I've been rotating for the past few days with my hands has slowly built up more definition. Focusing on each of the individual faces has been smoother, and I figure I'll be able to better make out the presence of the vertices and edges with just a couple more practices. I've taken the opportunity to start practicing incorporating noise (noisewrapping???) into how I impose the cube now that I'm more comfortable with it.


On 4/7/2024 at 12:06 PM, SeekingMyPlanet said:

I'm glad this is going well.

Thank you, as always.


I know things can differ between people, tactile imposition especially has been way more manageable than visual right now; I can focus on things in a purely binary fashion instead of having to sustain anything more than that. I either feel touch, or I don't.


It's funny how it sounds like it's easy for me on paper, but I'm still crazy new to tactile. It might be a couple more weeks before I won't not not not not lie about it being easy, but I guess its sustainability can be the silver lining for now.

Edited by ringgggg

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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I'm glad you're still seeing progress! Our imposition has improved over the years and we can all mostly tingle or get a tactile sensation on some sensitive areas of the body. It's strongly tied to visualization for us but it's on demand now. Visual is still 0 but tactile is nice. To be fair, when we imagine, the visual stimulus is virtually shunted anyway so we "see" the imagined construct like when anyone visualizes and often we're completely dissociated with the real senses. So Ashley still has us all beat for kissing though she'll only kiss Bear when he's fronting, I can remotely stimulate parts of the body with invisible hands and lips. Maybe TMI but it works even when I'm fronting. It's more like a tingle or a very slight pressure if I'm doing it to myself but if I impose Misha or Gwen then it gets enhanced. The real boost came recently now that we've been basically playing an ultra realistic version of D&D where we continously try to feel and sense for literally hours a day as SheShe writes it all down in the novel. Before a month ago I couldn't do anything by comparison.


Several hours a day of practice while having fun anyway pays off, yay!


Otherwise our visualization has always been satisfying so this is just a bonus. 


It's only tactile though, that's the easy one right? It would be so awesome to have auditory too like on demand hypnagogia.

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7 hours ago, Autumn Ren said:

It's strongly tied to visualization for us but it's on demand now.

This. I can only feel a small bit of the sense, and the rest is just me visualizing where it is. It feels a little like a presence imposition, but for touch instead. Maybe there's a variation of presence imposition for each sense, which makes sense the more I think about it.


Think about it, you visualize where you’re being stimulated using your senses to visualize instead of the mind's eye. You eventually end up placeo'ing your mind into believing that these visualizations are accurate representations of the environment. 


Duuuuuude, it makes perfect sense now... I think I've hit a breakthrough.


7 hours ago, Autumn Ren said:

It's only tactile though, that's the easy one right?

Yeah. I heard from bre that it goes olfactory -> gustatory -> tactile -> aural -> visual. I wonder how all the internal senses are classed, though, like proprioception and vestibular. 


7 hours ago, Autumn Ren said:

It would be so awesome to have auditory too like on demand hypnagogia.

This is an interesting concept, though I think hynagognia's only one of the things that causes audio imposition and not the other way round. I digress

Edited by ringgggg

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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Okay. I've spoken about how visualization is important for imposition, but now I feel like I'm truly coming to terms with how important it is. If you can't properly perceive an object in your head, it'll be warped, inconsistent, and unstable when you try to impose it.


It'll still be imposed, mind you, but it's like trying to build a house without a proper blueprint. The house's dimensions change constantly because you haven't written them down, and even if you have the best materials on hand to build it, it'll ultimately end up collapsing because you haven't properly planned out structural integrity.


So yeah, if you asked me, I'd probably say to practice your visualization before you jump to imposing. Don't misinterpret that, I'm not like gatekeeping aphants and others from ever imposing. It's more of a preference statement when it comes to imposition. That way you have all the perception inconsistencies nailed and you don't have to worry about them like I did when I imposed.


I can't fully prevent you from making the mistakes I have, but at least give visualization a go so you don't make that one.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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