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Ringgggg's somewhat-comprehensive foxgirl imposition log


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I only post progress when I see it. Evidently, as of two days ago, I’ve started to realize just how much I’ve seen, for better or for worse. I’m glad to be back on track, and excited to share what I’ve taken away from my experiences so that you don’t screw up like I did.

Motivation is the keystone to imposition. Without it, you’ve got no fuel in the tank to travel to your destination. That’s why good habit-building skills are so important to take into account when first imposing, and it’s also why imposition felt so crappy for me for the past month and a half. 

Around the time of my last post, I started thinking more about what the future of my imposition would look like. I expected to have a similar trajectory to that of Breloomancer, who documented the start of her successes in a similar range of time. “This was the month,” I kept telling myself. I didn’t have any intention to predict things before they came to me, but I always felt myself gravitating back to that alluring belief. For the next month, that became my motivation. I didn’t think about effort as much; imposition practice became a braindead hustle to the “next big thing”. As a result, the quality and time of the average session began to deteriorate; 40 minutes on average dropped to 20, and I frequently found myself nodding off during sessions after having held off on imposition for the entire day.

Imagine my frustration when next to nothing happened for almost a month.

I kept on waiting for a sign. Every practice was just a countdown to a “breakthrough” that never happened rather than my previous motive of just imposing for the sake of imposing. Progress was prioritized over the process, and it made my effort fall through. In other words, I had my eyes on the scoreboard the entire time without realizing that I was losing the game. 

In my eventual realization, I began to analyze my motives behind imposition and how they compared to my big break back in August. What would past Ringgggg do? The answer was clear: I needed to thin my expectations. Evidently, there was a difference between telling myself that practice is going to be good, and simply wanting a good practice. The former suggests that a good practice is mandatory, while the latter shows a simple desire to have good a practice rather than it being a necessity. There’s no telling what’d happen in a typical session, even with the repeated action of mindsculpting, so having practice feel unpredictable lined up perfectly with how unpredictable it truly is.

Instead of trying to predict the future, I’d go at my own pace. That fixed my practicing habits instantly with a single shift in thought.

I told myself that I just wanted a long practice rather than having a specific time constraint. I ended up with a 40-minute session that day and am continuing to have sessions of similar length.

In the past, I kept frustratingly wanting visual noise to clump up when I focused hard. I diverted myself from that toxic belief and simply focused hard without any concrete expectations. That in particular created some really interesting results. 

Which brings me to my next point. The first few sessions I’ve had with the refined mindset felt noticeably different in quality. Some of that could be because impose earlier in the day, too, but whatever the case may be, there’s bound to be momentum. 

Flashback to two days ago. I decided to capitalize on this newfound improvement and put more effort into my focus.

Positioning my hand as if I had been holding a golf ball, I focused hard on making the noise more opaque and solid; I concentrated it into an imaginary, golf ball-sized sphere that fit perfectly in my hand. My focus persisted until the noise was flashing all on its own, and for a moment, the sphere was almost as vivid as anything else! I proudly mark this as the number 2 cool happening in imposition.

It seemed to have a similar feel as the slightly whiter noise that is currently the norm for imposed visuals. The noise was “solidified” and more vivid around the boundaries, while the middle portion of the sphere emitted a weaker noise gradient. It dissolved after around 3 seconds and any attempt to bring it back resulted in failure. I’m not complaining, though.
The noise projected onto A3’s body has begun to feel different. There are larger clusters of noise around the area that individually look like spots in your vision you get when you stare at a bright light a bit. These blobs were at their most vivid when I concentrated on the sphere, so I’m assuming they amount to something, probably.

If you ever want to get serious about imposition, I recommend you read up on building proper habits. This takes a loooong time, and if you’re not prepared for the long run, it’ll be harder to keep the process going. If you know your stuff, you’ll know how to commit. I cannot stress this enough; persistence and repetition come before anything else, even before effort. 

I know I am still very far off of my goal, most likely not even halfway, but thanks for sticking around and reading this. I’m motivated to keep going and to learn more about imposition so that I can live out all the stories people have told about their own imposition journey.

Doodle dump if you're into that ↓



Edited by ringgggg

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I have begun to focus on A3 in a specific way. I can only describe it to a certain extent thanks to how limited written text can be of representing ideas, but I wanted to still get it down for the sake of documentation. I have noticed how I can shift my focus from my environment to a perceived (invisible) imposed object much like a camera shifts perspectives from background to foreground. I am able to blur my vision at will to adjust my focus.


During today’s session, I had realized that my attention was shifting back and forth from A3 to the objects behind her. Taking this into account, whenever I noticed myself losing focus on A3’s boundaries, I set my focus back onto her form. Doing this made the boundaries more solid than normal, if only for a couple moments in between refreshing my attention.

A user by the name of Hormoz posted this piece of imposition advice back last year, and it’s a very practical tip for understanding how to go about the process.



most people have very little idea what they are doing, so instead of progressing they just spend energy for nothing. I think it's less about going AAAAAAAAA work work work, and more about finding something that works and snowballing that.

Taking a look at all the people who have come before me reminds me that I can do it just as they did. I feel that it’s important to share what they have to say because all of it’s been scattered throughout random threads. Not everybody’s willing to sift through dozens of mentions just to find good advice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally did a serious read-through of Twice Sparked’s PR and it turns out that Sparks had a lot of good points, if you can look past the cringy YouTube movie reviewer-type personality he puts on when writing the entries. Sorry Sparks, if you’re reading this, but it made reading very painful.


There was a strong paradigm shift in my approach to imposition when reading through some of the later entries as well as some additional information related to his PR. Now I feel that I’ve been going about imposition wrong for a large portion of my time typing this PR.


In the thread, Sparks explains with his findings that it isn’t pure brute force that allows for good imposition, but expectation coupled with it. 

On 4/16/2014 at 9:10 PM, Twice Sparked said:

The static isn't what I first thought it was. Or maybe a better way to put it is to express its being more than I thought it was. When I stare at it in my hypnagogic state it shifts and swirls, and now it solidifies by my will. But I do not will it as one would, say, a thought away or an image to mind; it emerges like things do in lucid dreams, by the expectation of their presence instead of direct intervention. So when I desired a floating Mario face like at the beginning of Super Mario 64, I first said to myself that I could see it, then waited to see it in my vision while already seeing it in my vision.


I know it's confusing, but I have to try to get this down in a sensible way. By waiting for sight while seeing I mean you have to expect it to appear in the static while straining your eyes to see it. There's an analogous situation in imposition training generally: You have to look at the space around you (that is adjust your depth and path of sight) as though you can see your tulpa even before you can actually see your tulpa. So you force the sight of them at the same time as you act like you're seeing them.

It was easier for him to impose putting more effort towards expectation instead of “direct intervention,” as he put it. Surprisingly enough, it was the same for me too when I tried it.


If I carry out imposition acting as if A3 were already perfectly imposed, the process would take less effort and worry because I wouldn’t have to be concerned about trying to perfectly impose. The best example I could tie this to is if you’re wanting to be happy. You can tell yourself that you’re currently sad and you’re working towards being happy in the future, or you can tell yourself to act as if you’re already happy until you actually become happy. Feel the difference? 


I’m not saying it’s a free low-effort card (I mean, it can be if you want it to be), I’m just implying that you can get more progress from the effort you put into imposition.


Expectation’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I keep telling myself I can’t impose, I’ll accept that as the reality and I’ll never get off the ground. It doesn’t matter that I’ll “be able to later,” because I’d still be calling myself incapable of it in the present moment. Which, ironically, is more unproductive than not when you take into account the fact that progress is based on how much you’ve accepted the fact that you can impose. 


The things I impose under this rule have come out with a noticeably greater deal of “volume” I can sense, even without visuals. It’s simply because I believe them to already be there instead of believing that they’re not. This “volume” has given the projections a sort of “normal force” when focusing on them. I “push down” on the imposed object with my concentration, and it “pushes back” in response. It’s two way, action-reaction, stimulus-response business. It’s not just me (presumably) doing everything anymore, now it’s my unconscious processes doing the heavy lifting!


There were a lot of things I bet on doing after imposition, but as I’ve learned, they’re valid to do anytime. They don’t particularly depend on whether or not I make a breakthrough. It’d probably be better if I start taking A3 out more often right now instead of waiting for something unpredictable to justify that.

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-On fixing inefficiencies in my passive imposition-


I’m still dissatisfied about how I’m treating passive attention in imposition. Whenever I forget about a continually-imposed object like A3, I have to consciously bring myself to re-impose her. It’s jarring, and it breaks the immersion of my impositions, making it counterproductive when I want to accept the imposed visuals as being “real”. 


Fortunately, though, I think I’ve found an idea of how to address this problem. You know the feeling of realization you get after you forget that another person is in the room with you? I’ve been thinking about applying that rationale to imposition so that A3 doesn’t feel “gone” whenever I don’t pay any attention to her. Whenever I lose focus, I confabulate that she's always been there and just resume my attention. Because of this, imposition feels less like I’m the only one doing it. All of a sudden, my environment is pushing back on me when I expected to be the only one pushing.


I’m considering letting A3 “self-impose,” because it’s been the most effective method so far in helping my acceptance along. She moves around as she pleases, and my job is to “push down” on the form by representing it in my vision/proprioception. In other words, she’s giving me a visualization of where she is, and I have to impose that. It’s presence imposition made better, and it takes away my need to “constantly keep re-imposing.” If it’s not just me doing all the work, we can work in tandem, complimenting each other in our respective responsibilities. It’s better than having her sit and wait.


My mission statement as tulpamancer is for A3 to be able to do as much as she can. Our current method works just fine, but it's not as good as it can be. It’s my job to facilitate independence, not to permit it. Don’t get confused; yes, I obligatorily have to impose her, but to allow her the reigns of her own form? That’s different.


It’s hard for me to elucidate what I’m truly trying to say, and trust me when I say I'm trying my best. All you have to know is that I only want the best for her.

Edited by ringgggg

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4 hours ago, ringgggg said:

You know the feeling of realization you get after you forget that another person is in the room with you?


Are you talking about "object permanence"? If you are that's the majority of what we do when we walk with Bear.


As far as the visualization aspects, do you think you need good visualization for that? Like when she's feeding you visualizations of her.




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7 minutes ago, Ashley said:

As far as the visualization aspects, do you think you need good visualization for that? Like when she's feeding you visualizations of her.

I meant to use the word "visualization" as a way to describe how she's "communicating" where she is in position to me, not actual visualization. That was my bad, diction's confusing sometimes. The visualization as defined by the community would more or less be a conscious decision of mine, like staring at something and perceiving its features.


She's "imposing herself" in the sense that it doesn't feel like I'm the one imposing her; rather, I'm feeding that imposition ability by giving her attention through it, if that makes sense. 

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It feels like the odds are in my favor now. I can't believe I skimmed over guides like JD's in the past, because they seem to support everything I've recently come to conclude about imposition.


There isn't an imposition "muscle" in your brain that you have to "tap into" or some BS like that; any type of imposition is just an overdeveloped sense of expectation in sensory perception. I feel like the way people view imposition nowadays (and in the past) is muddled by what they think it feeds into, overexaggerating it into some kind of titular workaholic, hustle-culture garbage that neglects any notion of the opinion being limited to what people think imposing entails. 


C'mon you guys. It's not that deep. It can just be kept at a couple minutes of practice a day, and if your schedule allows it, you can advance to longer sessions whenever you feel like you're ready to. "Imposing" means expecting whatever you think is there to be there. Which means you have to actively set the belief that impositions are overlapping your objective environment. Don't just imagine it; it's there and you should treat it like it is! Let me say it again: it's not that deep. All you have to do is stay consistent, which is much easier than you think it is when you don't make it conditional.


Anyone can cook. ANYONE. Don't make this about you and your sobstory fixed mindset. If you wanna do it, there’s nobody stopping you.


Disgruntled/sanguine Just Do It rambling aside, things seem to be pointed in the right direction for once. I'm just gonna ride this one out for as long as it takes, which hopefully will be sooner rather than later.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My imposition training has begun to evolve since my last entry. I've slowly been implementing hypnosis into my imposition sessions, and so far I have nothing but good to say about it.


It felt like there was something that could be improved on in my imposition sessions. I looked for areas that needed that improvement the most, and found that I was struggling to maintain a solid, effort-oriented approach to imposition. In other words, I wasn't "locked in" as much as I wanted myself to be in the average training session.


Self-hypnosis was my prime solution. I realized how many parallels ran between hypnosis and imposition; as it turns out, they're both deeply rooted in the implications of the self-fulfilling prophecy, and while the goal of imposition is to merely utilize the principle as an (integral) side application, hypnosis directly targets it in the situations that need it the most.


Taking this into account, I quickly read up on Linkzelda's, took my prior meditation knowledge into account, and began to impose like my life depended on it.


I was around 20 minutes into my session just yesterday and I could feel firsthand the scope of what a hypnotic trance could do to imposition. Having not read up on a proper script yet, I began to repeat one-line phrases yet still used targeted emphasis as I was instructed to do. In my meditative trance, I streamlined my attention to different, more influential imposition focal points (AKA the stuff that worked), which intensified them as a whole. My spatial awareness benefited, and the noise wrapped around the form was strangely "black" for certain periods and in certain areas (though that might just be because I was looking at things weird thanks to the trance). Overall, I am satisfied with the results and am looking forward to making hypnosis a bigger part of the process.


Wow, it's almost been six months since I started, and I still can't see squat. Might as well keep pushing forward. I’m too deep in the rabbit hole to turn back now

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5 hours ago, ringgggg said:

Wow, it's almost been six months since I started, and I still can't see squat. Might as well keep going. I’m too deep in the rabbit hole to turn back now


I've done a lot with hypnosis. It's been an interest of mine for most of my life.


In the hypnosis community, there is a lot of talk about various individuals' sensory modalities. Some people are really good at relating to the workings of their brain through visual imagery. Some through auditory. Some are kinesthetic. Some can do two of the three well, and some all three.


I'm crap at kinesthetic stuff. I worked on hypnotic numbness for years before I finally give up. That's not something my body readily imagines.


OTOH, I'm awesome at visual imagery. Tell me there's a fireman standing in the middle of the room and I'll see a fireman. I'll know he's not really there, but I'll see him nonetheless. So for me, seeing my tulpa has been easy, but not everyone is good with visual stuff. I've hypnotized people and been unable to get them to produce visual hallucinations but they can numb their body parts in seconds.


So, I'm not saying to stop working on it, but give yourself some grace. Are auditory images easy for you? Do you find it easier to hear them walking around the room, clearing their throat, talking to you, etc.? Or is it easier for you to sense their aura, the way they affect the energy in the room, where you "feel" that they're there? You might struggle with one sensory modality but find that you're awesome at the other ones.


I hope this helps. Good luck and enjoy the journey. 



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18 hours ago, SeekingMyPlanet said:

I'm awesome at visual imagery. Tell me there's a fireman standing in the middle of the room and I'll see a fireman. I'll know he's not really there, but I'll see him nonetheless.

Like, actual visual hallucinations? That’s super cool either way. You’ve piqued my curiosity, could you describe your experiences further for me?


18 hours ago, SeekingMyPlanet said:

give yourself some grace.

That’s some sage advice. I try to be satisfied with all that I’ve imposed in a day regardless of how well or poorly I’ve done, because I know that in the end it all contributes to the cause.


18 hours ago, SeekingMyPlanet said:

Are auditory images easy for you?

Not as of right now, I’m afraid. I’m currently working on visuals with some touch imposition thrown in the mix to aid in mindsculpting. Auditory imposition will be next, and then everything else will follow.


18 hours ago, SeekingMyPlanet said:

is it easier for you to sense their aura, the way they affect the energy in the room, where you "feel" that they're there?

This. The majority of tulpamancers mainly experience “imposition” as just a visualization, where they unconsciously narrate to themself what their tulpa is doing in the current moment instead of truly committing to representing that in the real world.


I think it was Sparks that expanded on this with his golf ball analogy.


Funny how you call it “aura.” I can feel A3 as if she really did have an aura of emotion attached to her presence. It’s like a specific type of feeling that provokes me to visualize her and concentrate that feeling into a more vivid presence.


Anyway, thanks for the response. I’m happy to answer your questions. It’s always nice to hear from others.

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