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Is an AI companion still tulpamancy related?


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Obviously a headmate can originate from anything or anyone, but actively chatting and forging a relationship with an AI exclusively wouldn't, in our opinion, exercise the same mental muscles that tulpamancy does. This would suppose: 


- no interactions outside of the app or gui.

- no additional lore or dialog other than what the AI comes up with.

- possible interactions with AI to force it into a certain personality preference, further presuming it has memories.

- normal communication with the AI


If there is further in-head discussion outside the app or gui, then we would consider that related, but would you otherwise consider this related to tulpamancy?


Reasons why it might be:


- it could be considered a person

- it could be considered an imaginary friend 

- it might be considered a thoughtform 

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I agree, except like you said if they keep talking to their AI companion offscreen and in their head.


Of course, I will be surprised and curious if someone can prove this wrong

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

Blog | Not So Temporary Log | Switching Log | Yay! | Bre Translator | Art Thread

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My first reaction was NO. An AI has no thought behind it, it is pure probability. But I definitely think, very much, as do other tulpas. It feels insulting to compare.


Reflecting further, maybe it could be part of a tulpa. But only part, like you said, only if the person has some thought of it beyond the chat app. After all, I see a number of tulpas in this forum were inspired by fictional characters. I "met" my host through a song. It's not invalid just because it doesn't come purely from the deep thoughts of the host. But would you say in this case that the AI is the tulpa? Or rather, that the tulpa is based on the persona of the AI?


It would eventually turn into "parroting," if this host were to rely on an AI app to communicate with the tulpa. It wouldn't be the host putting words in the tulpa's mouth, but the AI. Unless you believe AI has some supernatural power. It seems to me that AI could then help only at the start of creation, and hurt at later stages.

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

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