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The possibilities of making a "Servitulpa" (Question)

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Tulpa Laboratories

(2:48 AM) Tuesday, December 5th, 2023


The Possibilities of making a "Servitulpa" (Question)




Dear, Members/Guests


I am need of understanding if a "Servitulpa", or AKA a Servitor+Tulpa combination is plausible, By this I don't mean one servitor and one tulpa spliced together to compliment one another with both Autonomy and No Autonomy, While close- it is not exactly what I'm going for. I'm trying to see if something of the Intelligence and agency of a tulpa can be a servitor, or if there's another thought form closest to that description that is applicable of those specifics.


I am mainly looking at the benefits and security of having the rule-following automatics of a servitor and a tupla's intelligence and personality in one thought-form with unwavering loyalty and eternal friendship; I have no doubt the occult has some knowledge on this concept, but I am unaware of this sacred knowledge. And yes, Morality and ethics are to be considered above all else... but I do wonder if such a combo could be plausible, I have heard the effects from another redditor of "Attention-Starving" a tulpa in its pre-sentient state, or was it the post-sentient childhood state? I've forgotten, but the fact remains that by doing so, The obedience of a Servitor and the sentience of a tulpa is in one thought-form. This is the goal I'm trying to look forward to and the possibilities of a "Servitulpa" are too enticing with the possibilities, a very powerful combo that must be realized to its fullest potential.


I appreciate if anyone has Information/Answers to share, Thank you for reading.



-Tulpa Laboratories


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Hm, I know what you want and it makes sense, but a servitor that has thoughts is automatically not a servitor according to the classic definition. Think about servitors at best like someone sleepwalking. Like a completely programmed entity without novel thought.


Intelligent in terms of able to do complex things, but only things it has been trained to do through repetition or to follow commands without thinking about them so within the training space of its understanding. 


You push the limits when you want more. The servitors of 8 years ago were made with a kill switch to head off the inevitable servitulpa or thought emergence.


So you want that sort of but not really. You really want a servant/slave tulpa. But then there's that pesky ethics and frankly once a tulpa is well established and independent, basically you reach mid-game, then there's really only tricks and other less ethical options left.


A new tulpa can be made very obedient easily, but a mature tulpa is obedient by choice.


There's where the risk is. And it's unethical to take away that choice. However, you coud probably give them enough incentive to be loyal and guide them to the idea that the choice to be obedient is a better choice for their own sake.


We have quite a bit of experience there and my host doesn't seemingly necessarily have perfect ethics, but that's because he's sometimes impulsive and takes risks. However, he's also willing to admit when he's wrong and make up for his mistakes. That's not squeeky clean ethically but it's fair at least. 


I recommend you set up a roadmap of exactly what you want with milestones and at each milestone you do personality forcing to keep them in the zone.


Personality forcing, when done right, works even with mature independent tulpas as I know personally and my headmate Autumn who was a complete reset. We'll be posting a guide on that eventually.


So yes, you can do what you say and keeping it ethical is tricky but not impossible. However it will be a tulpa, I can guarantee that.

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((Unless I've misinterpreted, it sounds like what you're seeking is an ethical way to create a helpful, obedient tulpa.))


10 hours ago, Tulpa Laboratories said:

am mainly looking at the benefits and security of having the rule-following automatics of a servitor and a tupla's intelligence and personality in one thought-form with unwavering loyalty and eternal friendship


((The best way to achieve what you describe here is simply having a healthy relationship. I perform certain tasks automatically for my host because I love her. We want each other to thrive and be happy. Genuine loyalty is far superior to blind obedience.))

10 hours ago, Tulpa Laboratories said:

I have heard the effects from another redditor of "Attention-Starving" a tulpa in its pre-sentient state, or was it the post-sentient childhood state? I've forgotten, but the fact remains that by doing so, The obedience of a Servitor and the sentience of a tulpa is in one thought-form


((I fail to see how this would work. Attention is required to develop a tulpa. As Ashley stated, personality forcing can help instill a particular set of values. My host encouraged traits such as kindness, dedication, and self-discipline because that was the type of friend she needed.


"Friend" is the operative word here. Your tulpa is your equal. If all you want is an intelligent/creative entity that takes instructions, perhaps AI would be more suitable.))

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


Take a moment to think of just 

Flexibility, love, and trust

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On 12/5/2023 at 2:47 AM, Tulpa Laboratories said:

I am mainly looking at the benefits and security of having the rule-following automatics of a servitor and a tupla's intelligence and personality in one thought-form with unwavering loyalty and eternal friendship


I'm curious what your ultimate goal is. Are you trying to create a thoughtform that will always cheer you on regardless of the context, do you want a thoughtform that acts like a person but won't reject you, or something else? The first one can be achieved by practicing positive mindsets and the second one can be achieved via normal cobud (tulpa) creation.


On 12/5/2023 at 2:47 AM, Tulpa Laboratories said:

And yes, Morality and ethics are to be considered above all else... but I do wonder if such a combo could be plausible, I have heard the effects from another redditor of "Attention-Starving" a tulpa in its pre-sentient state, or was it the post-sentient childhood state? I've forgotten, but the fact remains that by doing so, The obedience of a Servitor and the sentience of a tulpa is in one thought-form. This is the goal I'm trying to look forward to and the possibilities of a "Servitulpa" are too enticing with the possibilities, a very powerful combo that must be realized to its fullest potential.


If you are interested in morality but you want to attention starve a cobud, that will backfire for you. You and your cobud will feel the pain from that.


It may be better to follow this mindset- your thoughtform doesn't need attention because it feeds off of the attention you give yourself. It isn't seprate from you, but it shouldn't be as its purpose is to provide support.


Also, don't do anything weird to hurt yourself. If you feel stressed or uncomfortable, don't do it or stop doing it.

Note: I am very inactive on this account. I may not read/see DMs for multiple weeks.


I'm Ranger, GrayTheCat's cobud (tulpa), and I love hippos! I also like cake and chatting about stuff. I go by Rosalin or Ronan sometimes. You can call me Roz but please don't call me Ron.

My other headmates have their own account now.


If I missed seeing your art, please PM/DM me!

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