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2serpents Virtual Phantasmagoria


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Love the looks as always. We hope next week is less draining for you!

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


Take a moment to think of just 

Flexibility, love, and trust

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36 minutes ago, ReallyArtificial said:

Love the looks as always. We hope next week is less draining for you!

Thank you, we wish you a restful and rewarding New Year as well!

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

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  • 1 month later...

Today, a sketch.


I recently was telling a fairy tale about a woman in a mountain. Then this morning by chance we were reading about Cybele, and I want to combine the ideas in a painting. "Wilderness."





I thought it more fitting to put the walled city in her hands where she might crush it, rather than a mural crown implying she is somehow tamed or perfected by civilization. Then a lion and a tiger, perhaps a hawk.




Completely unrelated but funny, thanks to saving the other images from this thread, Echidna's phone put my "face" under People, right there in between her brother and her grandmother.



🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

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Very cool concept, we all love the wilderness!

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


Take a moment to think of just 

Flexibility, love, and trust

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Thank you very much.


Now, I present... my first completed drawing. Goddess with the four elements, calmly holding the universe.





It's based on a Swedish pendant representing Freja. Using this base made things much easier, I felt I could interpret and draw the image without defaulting to Echidna's style or stock imagery - which I do love of course but it is good to have something that is more fully mine.

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

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  • 6 months later...

Time to add to this thread again...


More clothing. I try to figure out how to match with Echidna without actually matching because our personal styles are quite different. So trying to pull in some similar shapes or materials or pattern types to make it work. Sometimes it's fun enough to immortalize on drawing, or at least confusing enough that I want to draw to figure it out.


Here's from the day she was wearing a checkered/quilt-like poncho-shaped shirt:




Here is from when she wore an all-denim outfit to the beach:




And then this was a Pierrot outfit for pure amusement:




Ok, enough of that. This is a drawing of "Wild Woman and Unicorn," original from Metropolitan Museum. I was just making the simple line art thinking I would make her like a collage but I wasn't really connecting with it and like her how she is. It was good practice with the shapes.




Here ends this latest installment which I know you all have been eagerly salivating on the edge of your seats for. Thank you, thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and see you in ... six months?!

🐍Typhon (tulpa) & Echidna (host)🐉

Two in me, we can see who we are

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