Guest Anonymous October 23, 2012 Share October 23, 2012 As far as inactivity, he can't get online all the time at this moment because of technical problems, Ok. I get what you mean, but are you saying this nigga don't even have a spare screen? What about a desktop in case shit does down? Damn son, I have one spare screen in care this one breaks, and access to at least one other computer. And I'm not rich, all my shit mentioned wasn't bought by me or my family. Passed down or found. +: What happened to Agnausea and TOG? Questions were asked, not answered. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pleeb October 23, 2012 Share October 23, 2012 No shit. The point was that we don't know what they are. The biggest reason is listed in my announcement: I'm currently the only administrator holding things up. While I'm planning on being around for a very long time, if something were to happen to me it would be very difficult for the site to remain up in the long term if nobody else has access. So after a great deal of thought and much option-weighting, I decided to add another Administrator to the community besides myself. Amadeus was chosen because he has very similar beliefs that I do when it comes to this stuff, and he also has very similar ideals and goals. I also trust him personally, as such he's one that, if anything would happen to me, I'd know he can be trusted with this website information, including the accounts, the finance stuff, etc. As the one running the site, I'd want someone that would run the site in a similar way I do; this is why I picked an administrator who would have the same ideals that I do, or at least similar ones. I hope this is a good enough explanation as to why he was picked. NOTE: This doesn't mean that I'm going around picking staff members who agree with me on everything, as there's quite a few moderators in this community that I don't agree with on several things, even key things. However, these moderators were chosen based on a variety of factors (which I'm pretty sure I, as well as Phi, have said) rather than if they follow my own ideals or not. Mods aren't necessarily hated because they are mods. Of course; however, historically, at least in IRC, this is the case. Not sure what you're saying here. Are you implying that I'm the one saying the nasty things? I try to keep criticism to a semi-professional level. And yah, do have spy account. If you're not sure, I guess I have to clarify: I was pointing out that since you have a spy account and potentially view just as many channels as I do, you'd be able to back up my statement since you're seeing said complaints as well. And damn, I even went out of my to try and word that statement in a way so you wouldn't think I was trying to imply you were saying anything... 1) It is inconsistent. There is often zero moderation during times when many users are active. I've walked in on that as well and became saddened to see it; I'm trying to work on getting it to the point where there's always people on to moderate, and moderate thoroughly (I'll get to that in a few moments, on the prejudice part). Then, at around 3 in the morning EST, when 3 people are having a conversation about the use of psychoactive drugs for enhancing imagination, they get told to move to off-topic. I don't care how politely you ask, on-topic discussion is on-topic and should be allowed in an on-topic channel. You should have told me about this, and I could have taken care of it, esp if it was on-topic. Also, logs help. 2) It is arbitrary. The IRC rules are vague enough to give moderators basically free reign over what they enforce and how strictly they enforce it. That should not be the case under any circumstances. The IRC rules are pretty much the forum rules as far as presenting yourself, as well as keeping off-topic discussion out. If you would like to shoot me a PM with your own more strict rule set, please do so, and we can work something out. Esp if it imposes controls, that's better for me, even controls on the moderation team (which are in place for the forums), as it centralizes and organizes things to run even smoother if people know what they're allowed to do. 3) Favoritism and prejudice. I have no reservation saying that I am muted far more than I ought to be, and I believe it is because many, many members hold prejudices against me because of my views/past actions. Now, I couldn't care less about the members. It's when the members are moderators, and when those moderators act on their prejudices, that there is a problem. Moderators will mute some people for using "fuck" but others will come in and make comments like "Large white penises" with absolutely zero consequences. While moderators are active. Note that I see it with other members as well, not just me. This is something I'm against. I'd rather the moderators in this room be taking action against both of those people with an iron fist, not picking and choosing, definitely not picking and choosing, otherwise you have the same mess, just different people. If not, it means moderators aren't doing their jobs, and the more people who can point it out to me when I'm not around (which I'm afraid is often), the more I can work on having it resolved. Also, I cannot attest to what the other moderators think, but I personally don't hold anything against you and already thought the past was in the past (though I'm thinking now that you're reading my posts defensively, per the "are you implying" statement above, which could mean that the feeling isn't mutual). Either way, if you see this going on, then let me know and show examples, and I can use it next time I'm reviewing the moderators. Also what Sands said. Moderators like to mute people for semi-offtopic discussion but then turn around and start having off-topic discussions themselves. Let me know when this is going on, and next time bring me some logs, and I can work to have it stopped. For example, myself and several other members were having an intriguing discussion on the parts of the brain that tulpae might be located in. Tesseract devoiced only me for being off-topic and told the other members to move to #tulpa_ot. Twenty minutes later the topic was on a certain type of Pokemon. I have no log, so take that at what it's worth. It's sad that you don't have a log, and I wish you would have told me about this when it happened, because then I would have been able to handle the situation. In the future, please, let me know when this stuff happens when it happens, and show me some logs when they happen, and I will be able to have stern discussions with the moderation team about this. If you see a moderator being off-topic, log it and let me know, I'll have a discussion with that moderator about it. Spoiler An image in a signature behind a hidden tag! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pleeb October 23, 2012 Share October 23, 2012 +: What happened to Anonymous and TOG? Questions were asked, not answered. For TOG: Also TOG was removed because he just flat out left and is not coming back. No other reason, no drama, he just left. TOG dropped off the face of the earth, he didn't let me know what was going on (real life stuff, etc.) For Anonymous: Underage B&. Spoiler An image in a signature behind a hidden tag! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Chrysalis October 24, 2012 Share October 24, 2012 [[ Do you expect us to be watching the chat all the time without any breaks? No, they don't. That isn't the point anyone is trying to make. If actual moderation is required, then just ping mods. Everyone is already functioning using this logic. Don't complain about no moderation being present at some times if you do nothing to help it. That's actually the exact opposite of the goal. The ones on forum are vague as well. Obviously. What you seem to mean is that mods judging people based on their past behaviour and I don't see how that is bad. Because this digital realm is perception based. You get an image of someone in your head, then all their future actions are cast in that light. You don't see the truth unless you try for it, and even then you aren't guaranteed your perception of someone's intent is very accurate at all. One important thing to note is that some mods are less strict than others and even though it might be great if all mods were as strict as the other ones, it's nearly impossible to achieve. It's not. The problem is all the current mods are approaching the problem from the polar opposite direction. If you don't keep the logs, then how do you expect us to believe what you claim? Because Pleeb keeps logs and he can look it up. But supposing he didn't... This is the tulpa community. -.- Shoot me a PM with your own more strict rule set. This. It centralizes and organizes things to run even smoother if people know what they're allowed to do. Is. In the future, please, let me know when this stuff happens when it happens, and show me some logs when they happen. Backwards. You might as well be politely asking everyone to behave and having no moderators to enforce it for the kinds of things you're asking for here that are so contrary to our human psychology. ]] Avatar by ~InsomniacOvrLrd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pleeb October 24, 2012 Share October 24, 2012 [[ This. Is. Backwards. You might as well be politely asking everyone to behave and having no moderators to enforce it for the kinds of things you're asking for here that are so contrary to our human psychology. ]] How is it what I said backwards and contrary to human psychology? Spoiler An image in a signature behind a hidden tag! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Albatross_ October 24, 2012 Share October 24, 2012 --reasons for Amadeus-- That's reasonable. Do note that I like Amadeus and think he makes a good admin; I was just unclear on your reasoning. Of course; however, historically, at least in IRC, this is the case. Traditionally, yah. If you're not sure, I guess I have to clarify: I was pointing out that since you have a spy account and potentially view just as many channels as I do, you'd be able to back up my statement since you're seeing said complaints as well. Gotcha. And I do back it up. And damn, I even went out of my to try and word that statement in a way so you wouldn't think I was trying to imply you were saying anything... Sorry about that. I always prefer to ask for clarification early on instead of misintepreting a statement. Unfortunately I'm not the most expressive person and oftentimes I end up coming across as defensive or blunt. I've walked in on that as well and became saddened to see it; I'm trying to work on getting it to the point where there's always people on to moderate, and moderate thoroughly (I'll get to that in a few moments, on the prejudice part). That's not a huge issue. Every IRC is like that, there's always downtime. You should have told me about this, and I could have taken care of it, esp if it was on-topic. Also, logs help. Yah, I know. It really is a shame I don't have any. /autolog on The IRC rules are pretty much the forum rules as far as presenting yourself, as well as keeping off-topic discussion out. If you would like to shoot me a PM with your own more strict rule set, please do so, and we can work something out. Esp if it imposes controls, that's better for me, even controls on the moderation team (which are in place for the forums), as it centralizes and organizes things to run even smoother if people know what they're allowed to do. I certainly will. This is something I'm against. I'd rather the moderators in this room be taking action against both of those people with an iron fist, not picking and choosing, definitely not picking and choosing, otherwise you have the same mess, just different people. If not, it means moderators aren't doing their jobs, and the more people who can point it out to me when I'm not around (which I'm afraid is often), the more I can work on having it resolved. Agreed on every point. Also, I cannot attest to what the other moderators think, but I personally don't hold anything against you and already thought the past was in the past (though I'm thinking now that you're reading my posts defensively, per the "are you implying" statement above, which could mean that the feeling isn't mutual). No, that's the way I view it. What is done is done. I did read your statement defensively, though, because not everyone thinks that way. My apologies. I know where you stand now. Either way, if you see this going on, then let me know and show examples, and I can use it next time I'm reviewing the moderators. Let me know when this is going on, and next time bring me some logs, and I can work to have it stopped. It's sad that you don't have a log, and I wish you would have told me about this when it happened, because then I would have been able to handle the situation. In the future, please, let me know when this stuff happens when it happens, and show me some logs when they happen, and I will be able to have stern discussions with the moderation team about this. If you see a moderator being off-topic, log it and let me know, I'll have a discussion with that moderator about it. Will do. Glad we got this all cleared up. I was unsure of your standpoints on these issues. 9/10 quality thread. If you don't keep the logs, then how do you expect us to believe what you claim? Bona fides? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Queen Chrysalis October 24, 2012 Share October 24, 2012 [[ How is it what I said backwards and contrary to human psychology? Just a sec, I wanna debate a bit more with Purlox if they are willing to say a bit more on all this. ]] Avatar by ~InsomniacOvrLrd. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sands October 24, 2012 Share October 24, 2012 I nominate Roswell Bitch please, you know which one of us would make the better mod. But lol mods. Pleeb meant the people chatting taking offense to being warned because they are off topic. Good job missing the point. Keep being an INTJ programmer. Edit: oh sorry, THE INTJ programmer. The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Purlox October 24, 2012 Share October 24, 2012 No, they don't. That isn't the point anyone is trying to make. Ok, but it seemed that way. Everyone is already functioning using this logic. From my experience and this thread, I must disagree. That's actually the exact opposite of the goal. Sorry for that. At start it seemed like people were just complaining without wanting to help at all. Because this digital realm is perception based. You get an image of someone in your head, then all their future actions are cast in that light. You don't see the truth unless you try for it, and even then you aren't guaranteed your perception of someone's intent is very accurate at all. I think you are exaggerating, it's not that bad. It's not. The problem is all the current mods are approaching the problem from the polar opposite direction. Could you expand on this? Because Pleeb keeps logs and he can look it up. But supposing he didn't... This is the tulpa community. -.- Yes, Pleeb could give logs about it because he keeps all of them, but you shouldn't depend on it, instead you should keep logs of stuff you want to talk about, because Pleeb won't search his logs for something just because you can't keep logs yourself. Another thing is that Pleeb is overworked as far as I can tell, so I think he would appreciate if you did the work yourself, when you can do it yourself. Just a sec, I wanna debate a bit more with Purlox if they are willing to say a bit more on all this. I think you should debate with him as well, not just wait for me. Good job missing the point. Keep being an INTJ programmer. Edit: oh sorry, THE INTJ programmer. If I missed the point then can you state it? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sands October 24, 2012 Share October 24, 2012 If I missed the point then can you state it? How about the exact words I said there that you somehow managed to misinterpret and take them seriously this time. Because I meant it. The THE SUBCONCIOUS ochinchin occultists frt.sys (except Roswell because he doesn't want to be a part of it) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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