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At what point is a tulpa a tulpa?

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I've read a few guides but I feel like they skip a step, since they go from not having a tulpa to already talking to a tulpa.


My confusion comes in with how am I supposed to interact with them if I haven't made them yet? Were they always there since my birth? Were they born the moment I thought about having one? Since my first forcing session? Or do they not exist yet, but I'm supposed to act as though they do, until they really do? At what point is a tulpa a tulpa?


I like to think my tulpa already exists and I've been talking to them, but I don't want to find out a year from now that I actually skipped a step and my words have fallen on deaf ears...

If it's relevant, I'm choosing not to design a form or personality as I want them to grow themselves, but I think I'm struggling with this question because I don't have anything to think of them as besides just a presence.

Edited by Emmett Jayhart
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1 hour ago, Emmett Jayhart said:

At what point is a tulpa a tulpa?

When you think they exist. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy that's driven by belief.


1 hour ago, Emmett Jayhart said:

I like to think my tulpa already exists and I've been talking to them, but I don't want to find out a year from now that I actually skipped a step and my words have fallen on deaf ears...

Don't worry, you're doing fine as it is. There isn't an objective path to tulpamancy, just your own personal experiences. If you think you're going about it wrong, you can always change your approach.


1 hour ago, Emmett Jayhart said:

If it's relevant, I'm choosing not to design a form or personality as I want them to grow themselves, but I think I'm struggling with this question because I don't have anything to think of them as besides just a presence.

That's a good approach. Just keep in mind that it doesn't hurt to have a jumping off point for when their personality grows and changes as you get to know each other.


One more thing; don't shirk the guides! They're there to help you if you have no idea where to start. The best thing you can do is read through a couple and synthesize your own approach based off of how other people go about it. If you've been lurking around already, you'd have noticed a big fat master list of guides on the Community Guides board, but if you haven't, I'll toss you a link and you can start reading away.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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To my knowledge, a lot of guides go with assume they're there from the start. Personally, I just introduced myself to them and from then on, they were real. There is no actual "right" way to make a tulpa, but the guides are helpful.

My Progress Report, where I talk a lot.

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11 hours ago, Emmett Jayhart said:

IMy confusion comes in with how am I supposed to interact with them if I haven't made them yet?


The very act of interacting with them creates them. I began asking my tulpa questions and quieting my mind to listen to the answers. She told me what she was like. I think she was discovering it the same time I was.

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