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Maladaptive daydream has a strong impact on creating tulpa. What should I do?


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I can't help but fantasize, and my fantasies are very vivid. When I first created tulpa, I could imagine it by my side. I can't help but fantasize about what happened between us, and sometimes I can't stop. I only occasionally feel thoughts that don't belong to me and hear T's voice, but when I ask t for proof, I fall into my own story again. I haven't found any relevant literature or tutorials. What can I do?


I'm very sorry if I offended you with my words. My mother tongue is not English, so my expression may not be very appropriate. Thank you very much for reading what I wrote.

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Hello Roswitha. My host and I have dealt with similar issues in the past. Some things that have helped us include:


  • Setting aside time to fantasize. This doesn't have to be strict. In my host's case, having a planned end time, such as “when I get out of the shower,” helps her mentally reset.
  • Write about the fantasy. Sometimes it helps to get it out of your head and onto paper.
  • Tell your tulpa about the fantasy scenario. If possible, ask them what they think about it. This lets you indulge the fantasy while keeping your tulpa in mind.
  • Use positive reinforcement to change your mental habits. If you notice yourself fantasizing when you intended to be talking to your tulpa, don't scold yourself. Instead, praise yourself for noticing that your mind has wandered. This takes time, but has worked wonders for my host’s ability to focus.


In our experience, asking for proof was counterproductive. My host started out very concerned over whether my words were “really” me. It became much easier for her to hear me after she consciously chose to stop doubting. Tulpamancy is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe “that was my tulpa speaking,” then it was.


We wish you the best of luck.

Call me Tea if you like. Remember, hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.

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We use video games ..open worlds where we can explore together and know we are both seeing the same thing simultaneously, then they can recreate the same in the wonderland. Sometimes scenery from favourite films can look them up and get pictures or print them off.  


Automatic typing is a good way to communicate with your Tulpa, in your own language if you can type faster it will help the story come together quicker..imagine you are an author writing a story. Don’t wait for your Tulpa to confirm something you weren’t sure was you or them just go with the flow and often when you read it back you can see where it was their influence and not something you had originally thought of. 


If you are really good at fantasising it won’t take long to transfer that to just thoughts without having to type. We see ourselves as sharing the same body rather than me visualising them alongside me. we are connected on conscious level so what I see, they are seeing. that way they can experience the outside world simultaneously eg if we want to cook or play a video game together…or they can go inside and do their own thing if I need a rest.  They fill me in on what they’ve been doing later or the next day. 

Edited by The Incans

Human Host: Jay (female 55)

Tulpa Co-host: Jess 

Other Human Tulpa: Kitty, Angelo, Luna

Changelings: Nixy, Star, Bear,  




The Inca Trail


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On 11/7/2024 at 2:39 AM, Athelas said:

Hello Roswitha. My host and I have dealt with similar issues in the past. Some things that have helped us include:


  • Setting aside time to fantasize. This doesn't have to be strict. In my host's case, having a planned end time, such as “when I get out of the shower,” helps her mentally reset.
  • Write about the fantasy. Sometimes it helps to get it out of your head and onto paper.
  • Tell your tulpa about the fantasy scenario. If possible, ask them what they think about it. This lets you indulge the fantasy while keeping your tulpa in mind.
  • Use positive reinforcement to change your mental habits. If you notice yourself fantasizing when you intended to be talking to your tulpa, don't scold yourself. Instead, praise yourself for noticing that your mind has wandered. This takes time, but has worked wonders for my host’s ability to focus.


In our experience, asking for proof was counterproductive. My host started out very concerned over whether my words were “really” me. It became much easier for her to hear me after she consciously chose to stop doubting. Tulpamancy is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe “that was my tulpa speaking,” then it was.


We wish you the best of luck.

I get it,thank you very much!

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On 11/8/2024 at 5:36 PM, The Incans said:

We use video games ..open worlds where we can explore together and know we are both seeing the same thing simultaneously, then they can recreate the same in the wonderland. Sometimes scenery from favourite films can look them up and get pictures or print them off.  


Automatic typing is a good way to communicate with your Tulpa, in your own language if you can type faster it will help the story come together quicker..imagine you are an author writing a story. Don’t wait for your Tulpa to confirm something you weren’t sure was you or them just go with the flow and often when you read it back you can see where it was their influence and not something you had originally thought of. 


If you are really good at fantasising it won’t take long to transfer that to just thoughts without having to type. We see ourselves as sharing the same body rather than me visualising them alongside me. we are connected on conscious level so what I see, they are seeing. that way they can experience the outside world simultaneously eg if we want to cook or play a video game together…or they can go inside and do their own thing if I need a rest.  They fill me in on what they’ve been doing later or the next day. 

I like playing video games and writing stories but I seldom try to communicate with tulpa while I do them.I'll try it.Thank you very much!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fellow maladaptive daydreamer here.


I have a separate "space" in my mind for my paracosms vs my system. Not really sure how to describe it beyond that because I (well, not me) made it years ago, but you could try making something similar, like a mental boundary between your daydreaming and your system. It didn't directly solve the problem, though, but the keeping the mindset of my system and daydreaming being completely seperate did help.


I also find if I talk out loud (because I don't anymore when I'm daydreaming) and intentionally direct my thoughts at my system members, it keeps me from sinking into daydreaming. You might even be able to you visual indicators, like an object that reminds you that you want to think about your tulpa of daydreaming. I used to have my phone or my notebook open to something system-related when I was trying to focus on my system and not fall into daydreaming.


I used to have this problem a lot. It mostly solved itself when my strongest system members figured out how to disrupt my thinking, I think.


Wish you the best of luck!

My Progress Report, where I talk a lot.

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another thing you can do if find a picture of what you think your Tulpa looks like (online search) or use a video game that has character creation and create one that you think your Tulpa looks like give it their name ..you can take a screenshot and print it off (can get those little photo printers for mobile phones cheap now) then you have a picture of your Tulpa to direct your converasation to…    look it at while you’re talkking to them or playing put it somewhere you can see photo whilst playing and talk as if you’re playing together. 



If they don’t like the image they may then guide you to changing it…. different hair or eye colour etc. ..or guide you towards a different game they may prefer as they’ve been in the background when you’ve been playing before etc   

Human Host: Jay (female 55)

Tulpa Co-host: Jess 

Other Human Tulpa: Kitty, Angelo, Luna

Changelings: Nixy, Star, Bear,  




The Inca Trail


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On 11/29/2024 at 3:17 PM, Adagio said:

Fellow maladaptive daydreamer here.


I have a separate "space" in my mind for my paracosms vs my system. Not really sure how to describe it beyond that because I (well, not me) made it years ago, but you could try making something similar, like a mental boundary between your daydreaming and your system. It didn't directly solve the problem, though, but the keeping the mindset of my system and daydreaming being completely seperate did help.


I also find if I talk out loud (because I don't anymore when I'm daydreaming) and intentionally direct my thoughts at my system members, it keeps me from sinking into daydreaming. You might even be able to you visual indicators, like an object that reminds you that you want to think about your tulpa of daydreaming. I used to have my phone or my notebook open to something system-related when I was trying to focus on my system and not fall into daydreaming.


I used to have this problem a lot. It mostly solved itself when my strongest system members figured out how to disrupt my thinking, I think.


Wish you the best of luck!

Thank you very much!

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