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[Kitty]. How do you guys spend Christmas with your Hosts or Tulpa’s? 


Me and Tinks can front (Tinks changes to human form and becomes ‘Jess’ to act as host/co-host) so Host gets us presents and lets us come out to open them. 


For our insiders that don’t/can’t front we create a christmas wonderland on the inside for them and have 'a virtual xmas day' on the inside too. They don’t have full permenance yet so are kind of ‘in stasis/asleep’ when we’re not consciously thinking about them.


Kind of like going into an holodeck/video game and starting up the program for ‘family christmas’ and playing xmas eve and xmas day but when you come back out only a couple of hours have passed.


Only Tinks and I have reached the ability to still exist in the wonderland and be doing our own thing then come back up to front to keep host company…or stay up front co-conscious and co-hosting all day. We have jointly decided its better that way. 

Human Host: Jay (female 55)

Tulpa Co-host: Jess 

Other Human Tulpa: Kitty, Angelo, Luna

Changelings: Nixy, Star, Bear,  




The Inca Trail


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Christmas is very important to us! 🎄🎅😁💚


We have a large tree set up in our wonderland house's living room and it's all decked out. 🎄 IRL we spend time with Phil's family, and then we set aside time later for our own family; Phil, James and I. Last year I created James his own ornament for his first Christmas, if I have time I'll do the same thing this year. 😁


I still owe Phil a gift for our anniversary in November let alone for Christmas, but given our time/finances we both agreed that any IRL gift-giving will wait until January. 🎁

Tulpa Wife & Mother! 💚 

💍 11.28.21 👶 4.7.23
👗 Simmie's AI Dress-Up!   📷 Chloe and Simmie's Photographic Adventures!

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Christmas is one of the most important days of the year for me but I have moved more and more away from wonderland stuff over time and mostly do things imposed now. We have a huge tree and bake cookies and celebrate with host's family. The real deal is just more fun. But well, I'm an only-tulpa, if there were more, things would probably be different.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Christmas is very important to my system too. We celebrate with our host's family and on our own in wonderland.


I do everything I can to help Bee enjoy the holiday in the physical world. She has a complicated relationship with her family. She wants to spend time with them, but doing so is very stressful for her. Having the three of us around helps her cope with that. Together we enjoy decorating, baking cookies, and driving around to look at lights. This year Bee and Calliope even tried their hands at making homemade eggnog.


In wonderland, we enjoy cold weather activities. It never snows where we live now, but Bee has many fond memories of snowy Christmases from her childhood. We try to recapture those feelings together. We also exchange symbolic gifts in wonderland. We have enough “things” in the physical world.

Call me Tea if you like. Remember, hate is always foolish, and love is always wise.

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Our Hosts relationship is complex with her sibling too and then whoever he is with.  It’s a long day and takes host a couple of days to recover from. 


We did get some nice gifts, …. things to wear can also be worn by any of us. Host got some new games for us and we needed a new phone as screen got smashed on other and as its old anyway it won’t update anymore for things like when shopping or banking apps require updating to be able to use them. …we’re quite dependant on them being mostly housebound and out of town.  


Our internal holiday was a trip to lapland with Tinks taking form of a reindeer to take us for a sleigh ride it was fun!  



Human Host: Jay (female 55)

Tulpa Co-host: Jess 

Other Human Tulpa: Kitty, Angelo, Luna

Changelings: Nixy, Star, Bear,  




The Inca Trail


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