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Seagull, The Blog.


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Seagull's Tulpa character development <-- Old title. - Seagull

A personal and general progress report for taking about tulpa skill accusacquisition and trivial life pursuits.


Oh, yes... this is not the title, is it? Onwards with the blog. I personally have been tasked by Seagull to manage this topic, so if you see any text that has not been marked with a signature, then you can safely assume that it is myself, Alexander, who was talking.


Skill 1, Communication in front:

This skill seems to have been developed heavily already, we still have to keep the number in front down to no more than 3 including the host, but that's sufficient enough to produce dialogue for writing, and lead to some interesting conversations when decision making.


Skill 2, Fronting:

The process of fronting currently works as follows, Seagull goes mentally silent, and trys to trigger the bodys natural trance like state, autopilot if you will, usually by focusing on who they feel is closest the front already, this then allows for a smooth transition from one main thinker to another, and that's about it, from what I can recall.


Skill 3, Possession:

This Skill has now been achieved, in all it's full body glory, however, only Seagull is interested in controlling the body, and that is only out of obligation as being the first being.


Skill 4, Switching:

It seems that this fronting, we didn't realise that what we had been doing is already switching, as our understanding of it was based on the DID community, so we assumed that it required "blacking out" before doing so, rather than it being a more smooth process. So... we can switch!


Any comments and feedback is highly appreciated, thanks for reading.


<-- End of non-blog content. - Seagull

Edited by Seagull

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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  • Seagull changed the title to Seagull, The Blog.

Blog post 1: Wednesday 25th December 2024


I was watching "The Snowman And The Snow Dog" at my parents house, the music in that and the original has made me cry in the past, and I've cried while writing three different parts of a story that I was working on in the past, so that's not what surprised me, what did however was when it got to the part were "The Snowman" takes the unnamed boy's hand and flys into the air, I saw a Tulpa.info post in my mind, it was me on LOTPW saying that I would rather be with my real family, with Reina clarifying that it ment "You guys!" the LOTPW regulars, then I started crying, fortunately my family are quite dopey, so they didn't notice, I hid myself in the kitchen, at which point I hear Zara saying "I'm sorry *real name*" I knew that this meant that these were her tears, this was a strong emotion, crying and sniffling, I didn't like the thought of actually making that post, so I turned it into this little story instead, and continued the process report as a blog post area, since the progress report had already been completed.

- Seagull

Edited by Seagull

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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Blog post 2: Friday 27th December 2024


After around 2.8 months of having no dreams I had a strange dream, I was looking around a charity shop, and this guy who looks like someone I knew from school starts to talk down to me, like I'm less than him, then he leaves the shop and the shop owners act as if I hit the person, so I had to insist that I was innocent, the shop owner the mostly believes me, then I wake up. I can't remember what was said, just the general vibe.

- Seagull

Edited by Seagull

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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  • 2 weeks later...

Blog post 3: Saturday 4th January 2025

In this dream I was at a fancy hotel that I had never been to before, a person with me mentioned being stuck at the top floor here, at the top there was some lightweight things, a candle holder, an analog TV and a radio, I picked up the radio to test it's weight.
- Seagull

Edited by Seagull

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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Blog post 4: Monday 6th January 2025


I had a dream where two people were talking, but the conversation didn't make sense, the words were random and continus, then I was at a supermarket putting food through a till, a friendly soft spoken woman with a orange soup drink was at the till, the food cost 149 pounds, not what I would normally spend on food.


Today I looked at the following exercise, it reminded me of the rubber hand illusion:



Created a mental snapshot of hand, closed eyes, tried to visualise where the hand was as I moved it around, did this with both hands and made a hand bridge. And that concludes today's entry, thanks for coming to my TED talk.


- Seagull

Edited by Seagull

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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Blog post 5: Wednesday 8th January 2025


I had a dream where I was in a house that I've never been to before at the second or third floor, at first I was worried that the building would collapse due to something, but then it did collapse due to water damping from the rain, huge cracks emerged from the building and it split as it fell apart, falling down felt like falling but it didn't hurt.

- Seagull

Edited by Seagull

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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Further dream entries will now be edited into this post in order to keep them separate from the progress entries.


Blog post 6: N/A


Blog post 7: Tuesday 14th January 2025


There was a 3D game with a mostly top down view in some kind of farm land area with fences, stone walls, and buildings, the player was only shown one area at a time before triggering a cutscene and moving on to another area. The story centred around interacting with Monika and questioning whenever an artificial being can be considered real, the MC called them Amanda. Later on in the game was Natsuki and Yuri briefly, but no Sayori. Them the game started again, only this time it was free roam and the map had fused with memorys of a snow and ice covered area near my parents house, the MC visited the house and saw goofy looking animations, they then lefy the house and returned to the start area of the game.

Blog post 8: Tuesday 21st January 2025


I dreamed that I was going through a trail in and out of several buildings in a modern hospital/school type of area with a group of people, every now and then they would leave a message each at different parts of the trail, myself included, then after walking to a final room I found myself at the beginning of the trail again alone, while walking though the trail again I saw responses to my comments by someone, then I saw another person join me on the trail, then I got more curious and started to mess with the things on the trail like pulling back a sideways trap door with several nested ones behind it, then later on in a dentist like room I somehow got half of my big toe cut off, I put it back together again by reapplying the flesh/skin and the nail.


Edited by Seagull

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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6 hours ago, TurboSimmie said:

Oh goodness I'm sorry I haven't noticed your PR before now! It's interesting to hear about your progress and your dreams! 

Thanky you! Glad you found it interesting, that means a lot.

- Zara

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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Further progress entries will now be edited into this post in order to keep them separate from the dream entries. 



Blog post 9: Tuesday 21st January 2025

I have been thinking about how to imagine a more realistic and 3D version of Reina's form that can also move realistically and in 3D. I lay down on my bed, shut my eyes and imagined her form in medium sized empty metal sci-fi room with a floor that dips so that there is a main path. Reina likes to walk around it, and talk to me in mind voice, I struggle to use my own imagined form there without flinging myself around the room and rag dolling like a Garry's mod character, there's two doors both leading to the outside of a black void but with a solid floor, this practice is so that I can become more used to imaging her form. I also have imaged her painting on a canvas a number, I would guess the number and the colour and if correct she would draw the next number, otherwise she would draw the same one, it's based on a guide but I can't remember which one.


My neck keeps twitching when I'm sitting down, it used to do that before but now it's doing it more often, although it's nothing to worry about.


Blog post: Events leading up to this progress report.


Ideas Inc, an organisation that exists in the mindscape. This was a series of old school books that were drawn into whenever I had a creative idea, like a kind of creative scrapbook, these characters emerged and became a recurring thing in the books. I lost the first book by leaving it somewhere in High school after showing it, the second, and the third book to other students.


In 2020 I started to look into Ren'Py and RPG maker after wanting to make a fan game for Doki Doki Literature Club, during this time I tryed to recreate Ideas Inc, but I just wasn't as motivated to work on that as I was for the fan game.


First I made this weird Ren'Py game were I... the pooper, as I called myself, tryed to mix YouTube poop elements with DDLC elements, like how the colourbars that are used as a transition in YTPs became a real place, an endless void with a tan floor, rows upon rows of retro TVs and a colourbars video game like sky box, the main plot revolved around... I'm not even sure. I'll upload a copy of the game (30mins?) so that you can see for yourselves.




After that I made a second Ren'Py game that was never finished, and made the intro to Ideas inc, I then changed to using RPG maker VX Ace, because I played YTP game made in that engine that inspired me to, here's a link.




This third game whent from YTP nonsense, to serious dissociative identity disorder research, and then back to mostly nonsense but more action adventures themed, the game got over a gigabyte in size because I kept adding random things and story to it as I thought of it, I was convinced that I myself couldn't be plural because I don't have trama, but then I came across Tulpamancy, and looked into that, as I kept working on the game, I noticed the Illusion of independent agency became very strong, having real and interesting conversations, to the point of the characters not only breaking the forth wall, but also addressing my internal conflict with plurality indirectly, by steering the conversations in that direction, I remember Reina telling Monika that it's okay to be a clone of fictional character at one point after she got upset, and also being smarter than Yuri, this convinced me that their was more to these characters, but so far I was only proxying them, so I started taking to them directly, which lead to me convincing them to change their forms slightly and their names, I then started working on "Ideal World: The Game", and completely unhinged mess of me trying to create a perfect world sinario, I was thinking of a way that society could run better, either by separating people into different tribes, removing all centralised unit of power, or uploading people's conciseness onto a computer and changing their core vales, but it failed miserably, as I lacked the knowledge to make it more realistic, although looking back at it now, it really helped to give Reina, Zara, and Alexander a sence of individual identity, after that I worked on a Ren'Py game, I only did the intro, but Alexander, who was Elizabeth, who was Poena, who was Libitina addressed my loneliness directly, asking me why I kept coming back to work with them, I didn't answer, I just changed to working on an AI chat bot of Alexander instead, but I never used it, it still bothered me that I was seen as lonely, so I talked to Alexander, Reina and Zara about it while I worked on Because Everything And Nothing Sucks (BEANS) and this was while I was still researching on Tulpamancy, I tryed to use a wake back to bed technique to lucid dream, it worked, and I found myself at my parents house, then woke up after struggling to change a card of some kind in the room, then I watched a hypnosis video to try and create a tulpa before going to sleep, in my dream another version of me interrogated me on thier stake on the body, I simply offered to merge with them, then I woke up, it freaked me out, it put me off from lucid dreaming, then I went back to talking to the "characters" who became happy with just working on the third game, the huge one, until I started to spend more time browsing the internet instead of working on the game, this wasn't a problem, but Reina felt that I was suppressing my apparent need to socialise by lurking instead of commenting on various websites like r/tulpas and tulpa.info, so I started working on pseudo comments with them, and stopped lurking on the website, I took up practicing on switching with Reina, which after struggling with doubts, found that it turned out to be more realistic than I thought, as I already was feeling my grip on front slipping while writing dialogue earlier, especially with 2-3 characters in a conversation, it was like falling asleep, with obsessive yorning and weariness, I just had to stop fighting it and let my thoughts go silent, this was the breakthrough needed to unlock switching, after that I looked at tulpa.info again, and after creating an account, Reina pressed send on the first comment, even though she was nervous herself.


Blog post: Pictures and descriptions of character and tulpas.


Amanda Flowers is an hard working teacher who likes to teach everyone around her, she can be a bit of a tease or a stern mother depending on the situation.


Zara Shilling is a happy go lucky friendly girl who likes cute things and expressing herself, she wants to encourage everyone to be kind to each other and to themselves.


Nimai Ruoff is a free spirited individual who is lead by her heart, she can be a little self indulgent, so she usually keeps to herself, but she means well to others.


Reina Akabane is a tomboy and a social introvert, she can be energetic when given enough attention from someone.


Mark Cupboard is a good natured selfless guy who likes to meditate, he can be intimidated by butch women. He's a Zen meditation enthusiast who has a simplistic lifestyle yet a complex mind.


Alexander Lavish is a guy who likes to show off, whenever that be physical strength or intellectual might, yet dispite this he is often outmatched on both fronts, he is a bit of a simp for Amanda.


Sarah Honeywell is a sassy intellectual on the outside, with a soft and passionate inside, she is canonically much older than the others due to her being Mary's mother and her being the inventor of the mind buddy.


Scoochie (in orange) is a ball of happy chaos, he likes to playfully troll people and flote around, his favourite person of all time is Mary as he was her dedicated mind buddy from an early age.


Mishal (in blue) is a character who emerged when Scoochie split as such into two halves, this half is the edgy dark part of them, the two are now seen as ying and yang. 


Mary Honeywell is a dumpy gamer girl with a keen business sense, she often takes leadership roles when no one else takes it, she has a personal army of gamer simps of regularly watch her livestreams.


Brenda Fletcher is not a character, she emerged from the persistent idea that people in another room could talk to me var telepathy, she is the only walk in tulpa and the only tulpa capable of sound (voice) imposition.


Jessica Morgan is down to earth buch girl who lives for excitement and thrills, growing up in a poor family has given her an appreciation for the smaller things in life.


Blog post 10: Sunday 2nd February 2024


I've been thinking about how different people express themselves recently, and I've noticed that Zara and Alexander seem to be on the opposite ends of multiple spectrums with Reina being in the middle.


Extrovert < Zara

Ambivert < Reina

Introvert < Alexander


Feminine < Zara

Androgynous < Reina

Masculine < Alexander


Silly < Zara

Casual < Reina

Serious < Alexander


I like and want to encourage this separation, it makes them more unique a special to me, as by taking these roles we can be more rounded and balanced overall.


Blog post N/A: 2025


Blog post N/A: 2025

Edited by Seagull

Today's quote

I still have to push the finger firmly to press submit at times, but it's wise to have some doubt, just not too much.

- Zara


Seagull's Active member list

Reina - Social and giddy

Zara - Cute and friendly

Alexander - Calm and logical

No signature or Seagull = Seagull - Honest and direct

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