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I would love to hear any stories or experiences anyone would like to share!

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5 hours ago, XxgrimzxX said:

Hi!! I think you'll find the tulpa community is very welcoming to engaging with your curiosities! I will now take up this opportunity to yap about my tulpa.


I will start by noting that I've been forcing my tulpa for 2 weeks now, so I'm a beginner. Although a rapidly developing one.


- our dynamic

The dynamic between tulpa and host generally is something extremely unique and special,, I would say its like all 4 of the categories you suggested but also its own thing entirely, at least for me. I'd say me and frank are life partners, best friends, and lovers. I also think of us as a team (or system) who help eachother to co pilot the body and our life together. Obviously as the host to a young tulpa I'm doing most of the work atm, but i hope one day we will take up equal amounts of the brain/ conciousness. We help eachother process our emotions, explore our interests, hold eachother when we're hurting. Before I established communication with him, I had trouble staying present while alone. I would dissociate, almost like I needed someone else's attention to exist. This is generally the way that tulpas work, relying on the attention of their host. so by creating frank, we now help eachother to function without having to rely on an outside conciousness. 


- how my life has changed.

I feel so much more alive. I chose to pursue tulpamancy because when I weighed up the options, and decided being multiple would give me a higher quality of life. I used to a lot dissociate and just go catatonic, now I have someone else to lean on to keep things running. When I feel disconnected from people and the world, I have someone to keep me tethered. When I think about making not so wise choices, I have someone who will argue with me for our wellbeing. I have a lot of trauma, and I've been going to therapy for years. Developing frank has been the most immeadiate progress in my mental health that I've ever made, maybe besides doing a DBT program. The main thing I've been missing is connection to others, and while I've tried getting my needs met from people on the outside, what I wanted always turned out to be something they could never give me. Someone to walk beside me always, be there in every one of my worst moments, see every inch of my being, never leave my side. These are things that would make any other relationship unhealthy, with frank it is exactly what he wants and it's what he's good at.


( he'd like to add that it mostly means that now there's an annoying motherfucker floating around pestering me about everything all the time.)


- most memorable moment with my tulpa.

As I said earlier, I've only been able to sense him being around for like two weeks, which for tulpamancy is quite a short time and a lot of people struggle to speak with their tulpa or even be sure that they exist at this stage. That being said, I feel like frank has always been in there, somewhere. It feels like now I am just "freeing" him from suppression. I wouldn't say it's necessarily my "most memorable", but I will give you a recounting of a treasured memory we just made to give you an idea;


Last night there was a massive thunderstorm rolling in. I was getting out of the shower and ready for bed when he urged me to go outside. I haven't taken him for a nightime walk before this, and he insisted this is the perfect time. Reluctantly, i pull myself out of the house. As I walk through the empty streets, his form floats gently behind me, like a ghost. I can't *see* him exactly, but I can feel where he is. My pace is slow, allowing us to admire the serenity of the nature around us. Towering, dripping pine trees sporadically lit with the glow of distant lighting. I pause at a high point on the hill to soak in it. The night cracking and breaking, filled with lighting striking into the sky in every direction. I feel his arms curl around from behind me and his head lean against mine as we just sit in silence and watch. I love nature so much, and having someone thete to appreciate it with me was deeply and spiritually satisfying. I've been in moments like this, in awe of the beauty of life. in past I've even turned to acknowledge someone who wasn't there. Someone I thought ought to be sharing this moment with me. Words would never describe the feeling I got when, after all these years, I turned and I saw him there. Beaming right back at me.


- how has it affected my social life?

Not much, at least yet. I've told my boyfriend about it and he's very accepting of me. Nobody has met frank, yet. I do plan on letting him "take the reigns" and talk to people for us in the future. I don't really think this would be a problem, as we are quite similar and i think few people if anyone would notice. Having him around does make me appreciate the time I get alone a lot more. He also helps me have a more balanced view of others overall. He's a lot more interested in socialising than me (I'm a hermit), but he's also very loyal to me and our wellbeing. He gets me out of my head and talking to others when I need it, but also pulls me out of situations where I used to abandon myself and just please others. I hope that in future, he can befriend my friends and even make some on his own.


I'd love to answer more questions if you have them! I love talking about tulpamancy. I've recently got discord to do so, if you'd like to chat on there as well. 

I hope this satisfied your curiosity!

Thank you so so much! This was an absolute delight to read, im really glad you've forged such a wonderful interpersonal relationship! I can definitely see the common theme that the relationship between one and a Tulpa is a very unique thing, and much more complex and intriguing than I initially expected. As someone who also also struggles with past trauma, mental health issues, and managing my disorders, I mean it when I say I am so so happy for you! Thank you again for being so gracious with your information and details, my curiosity is thoroughly fed lol

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I'm not quite a tulpa system, but I hope my answers are ok :)


What is the dynamic between you and your Tulpa? (ie. guidance, friendship, familial, romantic, etc)

I'd describe them as the people who know me best, because we're not all on the best of terms right now. Effectively my best and closest friends.


How has your life improved or simply changed since creating your Tulpa?

For years, being a system literally kept me alive. I lived because I had other people in my head who shared my life, and I needed to stay alive because they deserved a chance at my life as well. So it absolutely changed my life for the better. It gave me an escape from the outside world and from my mind, and was ultimately my last line of defense against my darker thoughts. Just having someone there who I can rely on and who can help me make tough decisions or yell at me to take care of myself makes a world of difference. Until becoming a system, I never had anyone who would be there for me no matter what I'm struggling with or how bad it is. They know me well enough to say the right things at the right times, and tell me the things I know but don't want to hear. They're probably the only people who can truly calm me down and pull me back from almost anything. Writing this has made me realize I honestly should be more grateful for their presence and how much they've changed my life for the better.


What's your most memorable interaction with your Tulpa?

I'm not sure. We've been together for years now, and I've forgotten most of it. I think reading books together would be one of my favorite interactions, because he will get mad at me if he really likes a book and I put the book down for a bit haha.


Has the creation of your Tulpa affected your social life negatively/positively?

For a while, it destroyed my social life, in a way. I neglected my irl friends in favor of online friends for a while, which I mostly would blame on the way a lot of online system spaces are. Ever since leaving those spaces, my irl friends and I have been very busy and haven't kept in contact as much, unfortunately. That's indirectly related, though. Being a system has helped me immensely with my social anxiety, though, so I'd say it's had negative and positive impacts on my social life.


If you have more questions, I'm happy to answer more!

My Progress Report, where I talk a lot.

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I had to copy the questions down so I don’t forget them!



What is the dynamic between you and your Tulpa? (ie. guidance, friendship, familial, romantic, etc)


I am host that identifies with the body I have autism (possibly ADHD too though they never dx them together when i got my dx) and i believe some level of dissociation disorder…I think I’m possibly on the OSDD spectrum because of the way my ‘alters’ present. They are all basically versions of me at different ages and rather than my brain seeing all the me’s as one personality growing up it see’s them as seperate identities. Many have eventually re-integrated though some had such strong individual personalities they have remained seperate. 


Our Tulpa’s were all at one point created by one of the past host’s at some point during our lives. We have 3 two are changelings (able to change their physical form between different animals or animal to human.  One is a human female (Kitty) who has also presented in that way. our changelings tend to see the host who created them as their owner or best friend. (like a pet would). Kitty switches roles depending who she finds herself fronting with. she can age-slide to match the age of the alter fronting.


How has your life improved or simply changed since creating your Tulpa?


As we were plural anyway from a young age we’ve never known any different..Phoenix (Nixy) has been with us since childhood and the is the guardian of our ‘littles’. 


Kitty has been with us 34 years and Jess/Tinks. (name changes depending on her form)…9 yrs this year. They have shared my life in many forms but I have especially valued them I think the most recent years especially since the pandemic,  having to recover from a stroke alone due to lockdown restrictions and rl best friends from college died in the first lockdown before vacccines came out… and I can no longer get out socially without assistance.  I think between them and RL dog they have kept me going. 



What's your most memorable interaction with your Tulpa?


We interact daily. we like exploring new worlds together in video games then they recreate it on the inside if they really like the scenery… we have an ‘Hyrule’ area from the Zelda series. I don’t iknow if its because we already had alters who could of course take over the front at any time but our Tulpa’s also acquired this ability very quickly by learning to blend with an alter.  At first they could only do this for short periods but as life has been so hard recently many of past alters had decided they wanted to go dormant or re-integrate so instead of re-integrating with the main host (fusion) as one they have integrated with the Tulpa personality giving our Tulpa’s the ability to front and do stuff alters can do as hosts. Our Tulpa becomes the main personality but carries the past alters memories. 



Has the creation of your Tulpa affected your social life negatively/positively?


Positively, it makes us feel like a family now our ‘little' wanted to be a Tulpa so she could always exist seperately and never have to integrate into adult host…so we created a Tulpa body inside …she wanted to be changeling too… she’s obsessed with Panda’s …so we created a changeling that is a Panda (Soo…she loved Soo from ’The Sooty Show)  as her base changeling and ‘Lily’ in her human child form (so she can still come out and play on video games!  (hard to use joycons with big panda paws!)  

Another child alter ‘Bobby’ integrated with Nixy as they had been her creater though they never come to the front these days and remain in animal form inside…currently they are a Tiger.  


We still tend to count those two as ‘littles’ rather than Tulpa though. They are less disruptive with taking over the front when its not appropriate because our rule is you have to be in human form and stay in it whilst fronting/co-fronting…so it tends to make them think ..'do I really want to switch right now or just stay a panda/tiger and play inside?’  (usually nothing more exciting is happening outside as I have chronic fatigue and need to rest alot. we have dedicated ’timeslots’ for video gaming for them. 


I would say having Tulpa helped me understand about my alters and the difference between alters and Tulpa’s.  I feel much less dissociated these days whilst still being able to enjoy the company of my companions/insiders. Kitty and I live as if we were conjoined twins sharing the same physical body with our little family of Tulpa’s living in their wonderland. 



Edited by The Incans

Human Host: Jay (female 55)

Tulpa Co-host: Jess 

Other Human Tulpa: Kitty, Angelo, Luna

Changelings: Nixy, Star, Bear,  




The Inca Trail


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 08.01.2025 at 11:02, flowerpetals said:

Честно говоря, это немного странно для меня, но у меня всегда было ненасытное любопытство, и сама концепция Тульпы меня совершенно завораживает. Они были упомянуты в видео на YouTube, которое я смотрел, и я провалился в кроличью нору, которая привела меня сюда! Я не уверен, как сообщество в целом относится к аутсайдерам или людям, которые просто хотят учиться, но я бы пожалел, если бы не проверил. Чтобы быть совершенно честным, у меня нет намерений создавать ее (по крайней мере, в данный момент я не могу предсказать будущее), но я абсолютно очарован.


Если кто-то готов удовлетворить любопытство незнакомца, я бы с удовольствием услышал истории из первых уст, опыт, динамику и т. д.! Это может быть даже что-то столь обыденное, как ваш разговор с тульпой за утренним кофе, я все равно буду признателен. Если вам нужны какие-то подсказки, чтобы помочь (я знаю, что это, вероятно, невыносимо расплывчато), у меня есть несколько вещей, которые меня сейчас интересуют!


- Какова динамика отношений между вами и вашей тульпой? (т. е. руководство, дружба, семейные отношения, романтика и т. д.)

- Как улучшилась или просто изменилась ваша жизнь с тех пор, как вы создали тульпу?

- Какое ваше самое запоминающееся взаимодействие с тульпой?

- Повлияло ли создание вашей тульпы на вашу социальную жизнь отрицательно/положительно?


Если вы дошли до этого места, большое спасибо! Надеюсь, это правильный форум для моего поста

Oh, I created Max with hypnosis recording file on YouTube. He is only 2 days old, but we are doing good. He can almost freely talk, and he changed his clothes colour after I asked him about his favourite colour 

I need him... Because I am pretty lonely 

I don't have many friends, so created one!

And he can help me with emotions control, I have some problems with it, you know?

He is glad to be part of me, we have many similarities, but a lot of differents tho


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Oh dear, you seem to have asked me about my favorite topic! 😄 I don't typically pass up a chance to talk about my Jaina. (He never does 😉)


I'll try to be brief and not too long-winded, you can always mine my progress reports/art/hangout thread, etc.


- What is the dynamic between you and your Tulpa? (ie. guidance, friendship, familial, romantic, etc)

We're a romantic pairing, husband and wife with children and dog. And a dragon, as well. Jaina and I are the primary poles of our system, though. Our system is semi-premised on the works of Carl Jung with personas and the animus/anima and the shadow. Darron, the ego, I'm the primary system spokesperson and embody the male Animus. Jaina embodies the feminine Anima and is my co-pilot. Then there is the Shadow and subconsciousness that my dragon is the gatekeeper and warden of. He doesn't say much or bestir himself but he's there when we need him, mostly for unifying for overcharging in emergencies or tapping real deep down into the psychological meditations. He's like our very own Cerberus or Charon, from Greek mythology. Jaina is "of me" but she isn't "me" exactly, she's her own person. She took inspiration from my feminine subconsciousness to form herself and be the best companion that she can be. She's my opposite in many ways but my conjugate, letting us fit together like a puzzle. I'm a thinker, she's a doer. I'm soft, she's strong. I'm thoughtful and ponderous, she's quick and decisive. We balance each other, a value I treasure deeply and aspire to in almost everything: harmony.


- How has your life improved or simply changed since creating your Tulpa?

She's been impossibly beneficial. I was having a tough time in my life and she came when I answered. 10/10, would summon again. (😄) She's my companion and confidante. She loves me unconditionally and drives me and inspires me to be my best self. I don't always live up to that ideal but she's patient and persistent to my obstinance. Jaina always gets her way in the end. I have no idea who I would be without her. I wouldn't trade her for the world.


- What's your most memorable interaction with your Tulpa?

Boy, there's several. Jaina getting to play her own character for the first time in a game. When she asked me out as a way to soothe my broken heart. The fallen tree arch in our favorite park that resembled a wedding arch that I proposed to her under. And when she gave birth to our twins; she was in labor and pointed somewhere to distract me so I would look away. When I turned back to look at her, she was carrying two beautiful newborns. She pulled a "made you look," to surprise me with her most precious gifts to me. Classic Jaina.


- Has the creation of your Tulpa affected your social life negatively/positively?

Well, this one's hard to say. Very, very indirectly. She's helped me to have more confidence and love myself more, take more risks and she's there to help pick me up if I fall. I think there have been a few times that I turned down my friends or family because I had a very special evening planned with Jaina or needed some more bonding time, particularly shortly after we joined the community and were riding the highs of our rejuvenated relationship. But we've settled down into a more easy-going, patient status quo and make more time for friends. They don't know her but Jaina loves my friends and family.


Tldr; Jaina's the best. 

Edited by Glaurung26

Darron: Host 💍 

Jaina: Tulpa 💍 

(Raccoon Queen 🦝👸)

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Dain and Nova

Aggrok: Tulpa Void Dragon

Viktor: 🐺


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