motorheadlk December 9, 2012 December 9, 2012 Even if the title of this thread is a question, it isn't something that someone could simply say "yes" or "no" because I never heard of it in the forums. Ignore the movie with the same name and remember the concept of inception, which is the origin or estabilishment of something. The inception of an idea is simply putting this idea into someones head, if it works and it spreads according to the meme theory by Richard Dawkins (and the movie, lol) the idea grow strong enough to define the person, like someone who changes his beliefs in politics or religion, he becomes someone completely different because that one idea. What I mean to ask is if the inception of an idea from a tulpa is possible, and by that I mean if a tulpa could make her host believe in something deeply, by making him think that this idea came from him when it was from her (note that I always use she/her when referring to tulpae). The idea came from Pinkamena, not directly, thought it came to me by reading his logs inception? nop. He mentioned how he had read about brainwashing and was trying to use it in his tulpa (for those that don't know, they have an awful realationship). It turns that somehow she used the same technique in him, giving him more and more the idea that "possession" wouldn't be such a big deal, to the point that he thought that he was thinking this himself. So, that's where the idea of inception came from. The idea that is to suffer inception could be anything, and because of that this could have dangers, so if anyone is willing to try I hope you have complete trust on your tulpa's will. So, the test is simple enough, and it is to a tulpa toa make an idea, it could have a wonderland form or it could be something without a form, it doesn't matter, and then make the host absorb the idea, when he thinks that he thought of the idea himself, then the inception is complete. So, for example: 1) Create an idea, it might be for example the idea "I hate pie", the idea might have a form or not, your choice 2) Make the host absorb the idea, if it has a form imagine your hosts mind and put it in there, which mind I mean imagine whatever you have as his subconscious in his wonderland, be it a memory-library, some kind of brain or computer, just put it there, if there is nothing like this, the put it in his wonderland (somewhere far away, not really the spot you hang the most). 3) Fill him with the idea and try to change it and make the idea more powerful, give the idea time, untill it is something big enough to grow in itself like a plant (or a cancer as a matter of fact), possible being absorbed by his wonderland and his subconscious 4) Wait for the host to demonstrate that the idea has grown, like for example now he hate pies 5) Report here This is the version in which the tulpa makes the host have an idea through inception, but it COULD be used in another way, but it is more difficult since tulpae almost always know what their host is thinking and the inception would be pointless if the person knew which idea would be received. Which means that for this to work, the tulpa must keep the idea a secret untill the idea manifests itself. Make sure it is something safe and that your trust your tulpa before trying this. Tulpae, remember to make an idea that won't change your host too much, just some low opinion like (I don't like green) to (Green is a nice color). This is it, reports on people who have tried and opinions of why this would or wouldn't work are welcome. Also, if this is possible then we could through the help of our tulpae change ourselves, for example, from "shy" to "confident" or vice-versa. I'm brazilian and my english is not really good, I'll do every mistake you imagine, but I'll try to avoid them. Tulpa: Kuruminha Age: Began on the middle of october. Form: My avatar. Sentience: Confirmed. Mindvoice: Not yet. Working on: Visualization and Mindspeaking.
imahaxor December 9, 2012 December 9, 2012 This sounds like something we would definitely like to try at some point, I'll be sure to post if I have any success or not. My Tulpa And then it cuts to a scene where you're sitting in a padded cell.
motorheadlk December 9, 2012 Author December 9, 2012 This sounds like something we would definitely like to try at some point, I'll be sure to post if I have any success or not. Thank you, any reports are much apprecitated. I'm brazilian and my english is not really good, I'll do every mistake you imagine, but I'll try to avoid them. Tulpa: Kuruminha Age: Began on the middle of october. Form: My avatar. Sentience: Confirmed. Mindvoice: Not yet. Working on: Visualization and Mindspeaking.
Knapp December 15, 2012 December 15, 2012 Told Philip he is allowed to do this, will report back with results if any. Name: Philip Age: (7 June, 2012) Form: Male teenage human, light brown hair, green eyes, jeans & hoodie Name: Amalia Age: (15 Dec, 2012) Form: Female teenage fairy, black hair, blue eyes, white dress
Koji December 15, 2012 December 15, 2012 Going to go to sleep soon, will report back.
Natasha December 15, 2012 December 15, 2012 Sounds like an interesting idea. Natasha is up for it, so i guess i will report any results we get sometime soon. De bedste og smukkeste ting i verden kan hverken ses eller røres, de må opleves med hjertet.
Platinum December 15, 2012 December 15, 2012 Myself, Dawn, and Midnight will definitely try this. feel free to say something to me even if it is not nice I don't mind.
Somekindofpony December 16, 2012 December 16, 2012 We tried this when you posted it, they put a thought saying "You want to switch" into me, and I almost wanted to live in solitude and switched 60% of the time Jade "These are not the droids you are looking for" Me "These are not the droids we are looking for.."
ice_puppy December 16, 2012 December 16, 2012 I think, this, by itself, could be a really successful way of forcing, or changing what you don't like about yourself, or the law of attraction, or anything for that matter. This could be groundbreaking, if we let it. It also could be dangerous, if someone were to use it wrong.
motorheadlk December 18, 2012 Author December 18, 2012 Told Philip he is allowed to do this, will report back with results if any. Going to go to sleep soon, will report back. Sounds like an interesting idea. Natasha is up for it, so i guess i will report any results we get sometime soon. Myself, Dawn, and Midnight will definitely try this. Thanks to all of you, any feedback is appreciated. I'll be looking forward to your reports. We tried this when you posted it, they put a thought saying "You want to switch" into me, and I almost wanted to live in solitude and switched 60% of the time Nice. Did they told you what the thought was before or after the thought was there? I mean, they told you that they would put the idea "I want to switch" before they did it or after the idea was already planted? I think, this, by itself, could be a really successful way of forcing, or changing what you don't like about yourself, or the law of attraction, or anything for that matter. This could be groundbreaking, if we let it. It also could be dangerous, if someone were to use it wrong. Yes. Of course the main reason I want to test this is for science, but the possibilities that this can accomplish are limitless. Not only you could change yourself to anything you want to be, but with a tulpa that's malevolent, this could be harmful, then again, I don't recommend doing this if you don't trust your tulpa completely. Even the thought of this made me wonder if I should make this thread, but in the end, it would only hinder the community if I didn't post it, so as long as people take it seriously no harm shall be done. If anything, one day someone would think "can I make my tulpa change my personality" and they would end making a thread similar to this. I'm brazilian and my english is not really good, I'll do every mistake you imagine, but I'll try to avoid them. Tulpa: Kuruminha Age: Began on the middle of october. Form: My avatar. Sentience: Confirmed. Mindvoice: Not yet. Working on: Visualization and Mindspeaking.
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