Pleeb April 28, 2012 April 28, 2012 Are you new to the community? Introduce yourself here! Returning? Let us know in this thread! Spoiler An image in a signature behind a hidden tag!
Starstruck April 28, 2012 April 28, 2012 I'm Starstruck, or Matt, whichever. I've been doing this tulpa creation thing for 46 days now, and my tulpa Lucy is sentient, just waiting on her to speak. I actually started with very little time into personality and spent hours trying to visualize a pony. Finally, after enough time had passed I started to realize what exactly this tulpa thing meant, that it was more than just wanting a pony to cuddle up next to at night. So I decided to change my tulpa's form and name and do a massive personality overhaul. Now, I have postponed visualization and tulpaforcing until Lucy has achieved speaking ability.
Albatross April 28, 2012 April 28, 2012 Hello all. I am Albatross. I started with creation about a week ago and do not plan on stopping. I'm not feeling productive but I have faith that it will come with time. My tulpa's form is/will be Octavia. Personality is still in the works.
B_P April 29, 2012 April 29, 2012 Howdy there, folks. B_P here. I'm quite new to the /mlp/ threads, and to the concept of tulpae in general, but it sounded right up my alley, so I've started giving it a shot. The tulpa I'm going to be working on is based off of my headcanon Trixie. I've only just begun with personality, and I'm trying to do it via writing. I've gotten very mixed responses about my choosing to try and do it that way, so for now I'm just going to stick with it for a while to see if it gets me any results, after which I'll post about them (or the lack of them).
spoot April 29, 2012 April 29, 2012 so for now I'm just going to stick with it for a while to see if it gets me any results' date=' after which I'll post about them (or the lack of them).[/quote'] You'll probably have to stick with it for a good while before you get results. The thing about writing to work on your tulpa is that you're not completely concentrated on the tulpa. Remember that a tulpa is essentially one big lump of concentrated thought, so doing something on the side while working on them may delay your progress.
B_P April 29, 2012 April 29, 2012 You'll probably have to stick with it for a good while before you get results. The thing about writing to work on your tulpa is that you're not completely concentrated on the tulpa. Remember that a tulpa is essentially one big lump of concentrated thought, so doing something on the side while working on them may delay your progress. I'm aware, and the issue of concentration has been my main concern. But again, I've gotten a decent range responses about this (including ones an awful lot like yours) and given it thought. I'm of the opinion that it may work well for me, at least for the personality stage, so I'm giving it a shot for a while. I won't know if I don't try. Still, thank you for your input.
DreamCloud April 30, 2012 April 30, 2012 Hello, I'm DreamCloud, a self-declared philosopher. Just thought I'de check this place out. The whole tulpa thing very intriguing, and I'll definitely be trying this out after the semester is over when I have more time.
Hayaku April 30, 2012 April 30, 2012 Hey, names Hayaku / Adam, I'm 22 from Birmingham UK, started creating my tulpa, Illyasviel von Einzbern, Illya for short, about 2 weeks ago, i keep a log irl in a book, might transfer to a blog or something at some point, ive got about 10hours in personality as of typing this post, but now im just recapping and adding things as they come along. My goal is to get a Sentient tulpa just from working on personality and narrating, and from there, work together with Illya, to create whatever she would like as a body and things that i would normally do under the visualization process. Illya is also just a temporary name to make narration easier, and when sentient i'm more than happy to let her choose her own name. Following a reply from FAQ in the thread yesterday i think it was, i downloaded alot of manga and put them on to my tablet, and i have started narrating them to Illya. It's really got me pumped as not only am i being constructive towards creating Illya im also thinking about what the fuck i just read, which is giving me a whole new outlook to the story instead of just blasting threw till the end.
FAQ man April 30, 2012 April 30, 2012 Hey all you new people, don't hesitate to make topics and what not.
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