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4:30 AM is a fun time to be awake if you can wake up that early, 3 is too early though and not even 100% on-track for circadian rhythm lining up with daylight/night

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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-some family friend or whatever he is sees me- "Damn man you got fat as hell" ;-;


Also how healthy is it to live off sweets and vitamins. The sweets cover the 2000 calories i need a day and the vitamins gives me all the nutrients. It's a well rounded diet


I'm going to die in my 50s aren't I

Edited by TB

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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Well hey I'm about to eat a papa john's pizza for my vegetable

Edited by TB

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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that's not how it works 

Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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IF your vitamins are good enough, then you're mostly covered, but as we've said before the 100% DV's food labels use are extremely outdated and almost all of them are lower than they should be (a couple are actually higher though), so I really recommend these ones (not that there aren't other multivitamins out there that get the numbers right, but these are the only ones we know our friend was satisfied with after researching all the amounts of vitamins your body needs), the percents on this are basically what SHOULD say 100% (with the * that some are higher because they're accounting for vitamins getting canceled out and not absorbing enough from taking them all at once in small pill form) - oh, and those specific vitamins have a few "oo fancy nature stuff!!" pointless things listed at the bottom to appeal to people who think you need that stuff, but they won't actually affect anything


So taking good multivitamins like that, from there you need:
A lot of water a day (if your local tapwater isn't 100% safe, but probably just in general, installing a water filter in the sink/fridge/standalone water filter tank that you fill manually is a very good idea)


Vitamin D (if you're a shut-in, even when taking 100% recommended daily vitamin D it would still help to get some sunlight every so often)

and omega-3's, which are kinda impossible to put into a multivitamin, you either need to eat fish (omega-3 content & safeness of eating them often due to mercury vary by the fish), take the giant fish oil pills, or take like a tablespoon of flaxseed oil every day (the plant kind of omega-3's don't convert to the kind you need very efficiently, so you need a lot more of it than from fish, but "a lot more" is still just a tablespoon or so of flaxseed oil a day)



if you do all of those things then as far as what you could lack goes you should be totally covered


but obviously you can eat too MUCH of things and that's a whole different problem, high amounts of sugar is never good for you and even controlling for calories all sorts of sources of health info say you should eat as little sugar as you can


when we asked our friend about this stuff (namely sugar->diabetes), he said that sugar is basically unrelated to diabetes, though it's easy to gain weight from sugar and higher weight = higher risk of diabetes

for insulin, he said bodies adapt to how much insulin they should be making for their natural diet over time, so as long as you don't eat a ton more sugar than you normally do all of a sudden you should be fine, ie your body adapts to a diet that includes a lot of sugar insulin-wise if it's consistent (that DOESN'T mean that sugar is not bad for you though, that's just talking about the insulin/diabetes aspect)



and that's just diet, you also need preferably at least 20-30 minutes of elevated heartrate from exercise a day to avoid the majority of bad lack-of-exercise issues, more is always good ofc


and uhhh, that sounds like about it? pretty open-ended to talk about health as a whole since there's so many things that go into it, but that seems like most the basics covered

Edited by Lucilyn

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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I see. Maybe I will order those vitamins if I ever get money. Also I had vitamin d supplements but I droped them and they rolled under my bed in a way that it is impossible to retrieve them, so that sucks

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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