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[Game] Last one to post wins!


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I don't play the sims 

Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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:3 well it's true I do love layy lol 

Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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11 hours ago, Miri said:

TBAnything besides drawing? Because it takes a long way to be able to make money from your art, if you ever manage. It's hard unless very lucky. And it's not good to work a miserable job until you get to that point

it's not so much that my job is miserable it is that having a job in general is miserable because it chunks my free time drastically and disturbs my TB sleep schedule of 12 hours of sleep. I actually somewhat enjoy my job. it is very busy with little downtime and on paper that might sound annoying because you are constantly working non stop with minimal breaks, but in reality that makes the day go by so fast because of how busy you are you don't notice time moving by. 


One of only things I'm concerned about though is that that warehouse has some sort of black dust that is invisible and I can't see it but it gets up into nose because when I blow my nose black stuff will come out and I assume it gets in throat and lungs too if it gets in nose. idk if I'll get a chronic Illness from it. 

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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Awesome @Miri

Hang in there @TB!

a level of not-having-fun-for-a-while is necessary to getting your life back on track, remember even if things suck now as long as you're moving in a good direction they can not suck in the future

so, like, don't worry about drawing too much during this stressful time, because there will definitely be much more lax times in the future


still shouldn't be THAT hard to find time to do just some doodling here and there, but if it is, just hold out until life's not moving so fast again

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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