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Doesn't ring a bell


haha, get it, ring? I'll see myself out


Why do I have this urge to go back to the psyche ward. Especially the one down south I went to where they gave me a notebook to sketch in

Edited by TB

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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no idea ice, you'd need to ask a big discord server or reddit (or youtube comments if you're desperate)

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

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4 hours ago, Lucilyn said:

(but she did show up on the Discord a few times, as recently as 6 days ago)

Yes she did, that was to help me and Sasha with finding a non-occult meditation audio file if my fractured memory serves right.

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

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52 minutes ago, Devin and Sasha said:

I can see a second joke in that...

What's the second joke?

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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Well if you ring a bell sometimes that could be someone's doorbell right? SO if you will 'See yourself out...' Do you get it now? Sorry I'm that kind of guy who is great a bad jokes and bad at good ones.

Edit: Guess you could call me an impractical joker ehh?

For gods sake really? Actually never mind I should know better by now than to question your sense of humour...

Edited by Devin and Sasha

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

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Oooookaaaaay... I'll try and refrain from inflicting you all with brain injuries via my terrible puns and horribly made jokes.

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

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