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Yeah GER confused me too when I first got here. Bre also used to post "flip flapping" all the time and it took me ages to realize it was actually a reference to the name of an anime and not just a random phrase. And yeah, it's been so long since Bre posted!

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Maybe I just forgot, idk


I find GER to be a funny term. Just imagine saying it like, GER


I'm a little concerned about Bre

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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3 hours ago, ringgggg said:

Is public transit better than owning a car? I've seen people argue online that some aspects are better than others, but I'm not really sure how to go about it.


if you live somewhere with very reliable and nearby public transportation...


though the further you live from a dense city the more reasonable it is to have a car as transporting yourself becomes more necessary



Bre PM'd us like a week in saying she wasn't ready to post her 30,000th post yet, but yeah no word since (but she did show up on the Discord a few times, as recently as 6 days ago)

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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1 hour ago, Lucilyn said:

Bre PM'd us like a week in saying she wasn't ready to post her 30,000th post yet, but yeah no word since (but she did show up on the Discord a few times, as recently as 6 days ago)

Looks like it's gonna be hefty if she's not ready yet


1 hour ago, Lucilyn said:

f you live somewhere with very reliable and nearby public transportation...


though the further you live from a dense city the more reasonable it is to have a car as transporting yourself becomes more necessary

Noted, thanks

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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in Japan (cities) people just take public transport & walk everywhere and owning a car isn't so common, but of course that's because their cities are super dense (and also walkable, where walking isn't aaalways so easy in US cities, but it should generally still be possible)

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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I'd like to visit Japan someday. Maybe even live there for an extended period of time.


I wish I could keep a sustained effort on Japanese acquisition. I'm just a 3 day monk. Which is where you work really hard for 3 days then stop (doesn't have to be 3 days exactly but you get the idea)

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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hey nerds I need help remembering the name of an old game

it was a 16 bit style game (either for the snes, n64, or on xbox 360 arcade). it was a shmup in space that had this one boss that was like a silver spaceship disc with a face on it. when it hit you, you'd instantly die and it'd present you with a creepy gameover screen

Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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