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Simple survey


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"Select any of the following symptoms you consider yourself to have."


It's required to pick something for that one, and I don't have any of those symptoms, so I'm unable to submit mine.

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I took the survey, but there were a couple things that didn't seem right.


Firstly, the question about how many minutes I spend tulpaforcing. Do you mean number of minutes in one day(or whatever), or total number of minutes ever? It should be worded a bit differently to make that clear.


Secondly, the symptoms question. There's no 'none of these' option. The ones that applied to me weren't caused by my forcing/having a tulpa.


Lastly, why is there a question about being a brony? I am a brony, but my tulpa isn't a pony or any other creature from the show. I chose not to have a pony tulpa because it's likely that I will stop liking ponies one day. To me, making a pony tulpa is like getting a tattoo of your SO's name.

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Ach, I'm sorry about the symptoms question, I didn't think you would need to choose one.


Also, this survey is not about your tulpa but about those who tulpaforce, which accounts for the last question.

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Disregard that, im a moron. I DID pick something, but forgot...


And that last question is all kinds of useless. You can be a fan of something without being a part of the fandom.


Whats the point of your study? "The link between mental illness and pastel horse fans"? If so, there are far better places to ask.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness in this world.


Tulpa: Penumbra

Form: Pegasus Pone

Current Stage: Everything. At once.

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The survey is simply to look at the statistics of the site, I merely wanted to see the average time spent, the percentage of tulpamancers who test positive for warning signs of schizophrenia (which I didn't plan to be high), and the percentage of bronies in the subculture.

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Guest amber5885

Where are you testing for the warning signs of schizophrenia? Those symptoms you have listed could e symptoms of anything from PMS to antisocial personality disorder. The symptoms of schizophrenia are far more complex than inability to think, sleep and social withdrawal, I have all three of those when I'm having a simple bad day.


If you want to check for schizophrenia you need to know more than just one or two symptoms it's a very complex disorder and usually it's very personal, no two schizophrenics have the same exact symptoms and the same symptoms can even manifest in different ways.


Not to mention the fact that an unmediated schizophrenic may not know they even have symptoms and a medicated schizophrenic flat out wont have any symptoms at all if their medication is doing its job.

Also unless a person is flat out hallucinating at the time it can even take a trained psychiatrist months to diagnose schizophrenia. And before I get ripped to shreds for not citing sources, 6 members of my family have diagnosed schizophrenia. I took care of my mother for 13 years, she was unmedicated and even with hallucinations it took 3 month to diagnose her,


My grandma, aunt and two cousins are medicated and each one ha different symptoms and my aunt on my dads side is institutionalized.


Schizophrenia scares the shit out of me and I've seen it manifest in six different people six different ways.

This is what it takes to get a diagnosis:


Psychiatric evaluation – The doctor or psychiatrist will ask a series of questions about you or your loved one's symptoms, psychiatric history, and family history of mental health problems.


Medical history and exam – Your doctor will ask about your personal and family health history. He or she will also perform a complete physical examination to check for medical issues that could be causing or contributing to the problem.


Laboratory tests – While there are no laboratory tests that can diagnose schizophrenia, simple blood and urine tests can rule out other medical causes of symptoms. The doctor may also order brain-imaging studies, such as an MRI or a CT scan, in order to look for brain abnormalities associated with schizophrenia.


Mental health professionals use the following criteria to diagnose schizophrenia:


The presence of two or more of the following symptoms for at least 30 days:



Disorganized speech

Disorganized or catatonic behavior

Negative symptoms (emotional flatness, apathy, lack of speech)


Significant problems functioning at work or school, relating to other people, and taking care of oneself.


Continuous signs of schizophrenia for at least 6 months, with active symptoms (hallucinations, delusions, etc.) for at least 1 month.


No other mental health disorder, medical issue, or substance abuse problem is causing the symptoms.

Conditions that can look like schizophrenia


The medical and psychological conditions the doctor must rule out before diagnosing schizophrenia include:

Other psychotic disorders – Schizophrenia is a type of psychotic disorder, meaning it involves a significant loss of contact with reality. But there are other psychotic disorders that cause similar symptoms of psychosis, including schizoaffective disorder, schizophreniform disorder, and brief psychotic disorder. Because of the difficulty in differentiating between the psychotic disorders, it may take six months or longer to arrive at a correct diagnosis.


Substance abuse – Psychotic symptoms can be triggered by many drugs, including alcohol, PCP, heroin, amphetamines, and cocaine. Some over-the-counter and prescription drugs can also trigger psychotic reactions. A toxicology screen can rule out drug-induced psychosis. If substance abuse is involved, the physician will determine whether the drug is the source of the symptoms or merely an aggravating factor.


Medical conditions – Schizophrenia-like symptoms can also result from certain neurological disorders (such as epilepsy, brain tumors, and encephalitis), endocrine and metabolic disturbances, and autoimmune conditions involving the central nervous system.


Mood disorders – Schizophrenia often involves changes in mood, including mania and depression. While these mood changes are typically less severe than those seen in bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder, they can make diagnosis tricky. Schizophrenia is particularly difficult to distinguish from bipolar disorder. The positive symptoms of schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized speech) can look like a manic episode of bipolar disorder, while the negative symptoms of schizophrenia (apathy, social withdrawal, and low energy) can look like a depressive episode.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event, such as military combat, an accident, or a violent assault. People with PTSD experience symptoms that are similar to schizophrenia. The images, sounds, and smells of PTSD flashbacks can look like psychotic hallucinations. The PTSD symptoms of emotional numbness and avoidance can look like the negative symptoms of schizophrenia.


So answering a few vauge questions online or asking if someone is sad, restless and cant concentrait isnt going to give you any idea of whether or not someone actually has schizophrenia.

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