NekosandWerewolves June 9, 2015 June 9, 2015 Hello and welcome to the tulpa chat where u can put ur little friends in one room to speak. U can be in the chat, as long as u put in ur name. Tulpas can speak freely. Like normal users. Have fun!
NekosandWerewolves June 15, 2015 Author June 15, 2015 Hello. Nekos: That would be Freddy. He is my only tuppy, but I'll make more. How is everything?
Einulf June 16, 2015 June 16, 2015 Hello, nice to meet y'all. I'm Jason, the "mysterious" fourth member of the Twilight system. I've been "persuaded" by Aura and Lucia to start talking to outside people a little more, so here I am. Current System: Ziya (Formerly Einulf), Mizan, Aura, Dark, Lucia, Rand, Jason, Akira Here's our Tumblr, if anyone wants it
Elirence June 17, 2015 June 17, 2015 "Hello I am Laurence. I have been craving to talk to the outside world and here I am. "
Guest Anonymous June 17, 2015 June 17, 2015 Hello. Nekos: That would be Freddy. He is my only tuppy, but I'll make more. How is everything? Hey! I know your host! I haven't talked to you much Freddy! It's me, Melian! Hee hee. ~Melian "Hello I am Laurence. I have been craving to talk to the outside world and here I am. " Hello Laurence. My name is Melian! It is very nice to meet you! ~Melian Hello, nice to meet y'all. I'm Jason, the "mysterious" fourth member of the Twilight system. I've been "persuaded" by Aura and Lucia to start talking to outside people a little more, so here I am. Greetings Jason! I am so glad you have a nice team behind you! Welcome to the community! ~Melian Hello, This is Bud :3 Hey Bud! I'm Melian, some people call me Melly or just Mel. ~Melian
[Insert_Name_Here] June 18, 2015 June 18, 2015 Hi everyone! I'm Elisae, the one only tulpa of [insert_Nmae_Here]! I'm really looking forward to meeting all of the tulpas of this website! :D How are all of you? Have a good day! :)
AracnidsGrip/Rick June 18, 2015 June 18, 2015 Hi!! This is Vriska!!! :) :) :) :) ~Vriska Aranea Serket Targaryen.
[Insert_Name_Here] June 18, 2015 June 18, 2015 Hello Vriska! :) How's your day going? I hope it's wonderful!
AracnidsGrip/Rick June 19, 2015 June 19, 2015 Well. I wouldn't use wonderful 8ut I'm pretty fine right now :) ~Vriska Aranea Serket Targaryen. My day has 8een pretty wonderful :) :) :) :) Thanks for asking :D :D :D :D ~Vriska Aranea Serket Targaryen.
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