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Walk-in tulpas?

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Ok, so I was reading River's post on meeting walk-in tulpas, and I got reminded of this tulpa that suddenly appeared one day. He was tall and strong, and had four arms. He talked kinda formally, was helpful, was some kind of butler, and I believe he said his name was Ajax?. I never really intended to make him, he just appeared, and was already talking to me and interacting with the headspace.
A while ago, before I started posting on the forums, I took an unintentional break from tulpamancy after constantly getting distracted and being busy. During that time, all of the tulpas I had been working with dissipated (none of them were fully formed), including Ajax. Someone in response to River's post said that walk-ins would insist on staying, but Ajax never really insisted on staying, he just talked with me, offered to help me with things every now and then, and when I asked him how he came to be in my headspace, he just shrugged.
Was he a walk-in? Is there a way to reach out and bring him back? I've heard of people being able to "revive" tulpas after they're dissipated or "deactivated", but I'm not sure about Ajax, and I've been busy working with my current two tulpas, and one I'm planning on working on eventually.

Lyceon (host) (they/he/xe/xe/cat/catself/it)

Currently most active tulpa: Ariya (she/her)

I have more tulpas, but I don't want to make a big list lol

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Well, it may have been poorly worded. They often insist on staying. A walk-in to us is simply an autonomous thoughtform that meets you seemingly fully formed. They can be anything a tulpa can be including a fictive, factive, soulbond, or unknown.


So yes, he qualifies as a walk-in. Most walk-ins we knew obviously stayed because system members of ours did and other systems we met had them.


He could be brought back easily just talk to him and ask him what he wants. If you want him to stay there's a good chance he will.

Edited by Autumn Ren
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