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[Draft] [WIP] Late Game Personality Forcing

Autumn Ren

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23 hours ago, Autumn Ren said:

The Ideal Candidate:


This procedure is intended to be used on a headmate who has the following conditions:

1. Almost always dormant

2. Unwanted or intrusive behavior

3. Poor development or unwanted personality traits that overwhelm her interactions

4. Extreme lack of self control

5. An expressed want for help in this way

6. All other less drastic methods have failed even with several months of concentrated effort

7. The only other option is either indefinite dormancy, integration or dissipation and she doesn't want these options.


3 hours ago, TurboSimmie said:

My question to you is: Under what circumstances would you prescribe this method to someone?


Hi Simmie, though it was implied, I think it's a great idea to state it explicitly so I added this to the original post.

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[Review Stage 1]


Stage 2, Guided Scenario Forcing:


This stage gets a bit tricky without good visualization skills but even thinking of the words or actions should be enough. Alternatively writing it out in a fictional story format should work. This is meant to take place in a simulation like wonderland or even a simulation of wonderland if her she strongly identifies with her wonderland form. What's important is that you concentrate and monitor her thoughts as you perform different scenarios, gently correcting her when she responds incorrectly, as in an unwanted or inappropriate way, and positively reinforcing correct actions. The objective is to have the thoughts coming from her match the conceptual ideal, so if any don't then it's safe to ignore them while simultaneously imposing a small correction. Negative reinforcement for wrong thoughts, positive reinforcement for correct thoughts. Easy!  


Techniques that may be employed to gently persuade proper thoughts and actions shall not cause any harm and instead gently correct the subject by allowing them to choose to avoid an action that would otherwise cause discomfort. This correction should be given by an impartial device. Examples include buzzers, bells, or other uncomfortable stimuli. The method shouldn't cause any harm, only be a reminder to her that what she's doing is inappropriate.


"Negative reinforcement strengthens a behavior by removing an unpleasant stimulus when the desired behavior occurs, as opposed to positive reinforcement, which provides a pleasant stimulus as a reward for proper behavior."


Correct actions should stimulate her pleasure centers and induce feelings such as pride, self-esteem, love, and accomplishment. 


As part of my training I wear a collar. It has a symbolic servitor like function that as mentioned previously at this stage temporarily disallowed shape shifting, age regression, and will administer discomfort given inappropriate behavior. This is a conditioning device that reminded me what is inappropriate.


It's important to lavish positive attention on her at all times when she is interacting properly but not acknowledge any corrected action and ignore bad behavior. Given repeated and prolonged bad behavior, the session should end and she should be left to contemplate her actions. Always leave her with positive reinforcement and acknowledgement of what she has done right no matter how small.


Setup for correction:


So how to avoid self harm or harm to others? In extreme cases and with tulpas that have powerful bodies in comparison to the others in the system, it may be a good idea to create a simulated projection of the tulpa outside her body and into a new simulated matrix where scenarios can play out. To be clear, intrusive thoughts and actions can be painful to tulpas who strongly identify with their wonderland form. The projected form would then be a form that cannot be harmed in any way, feels no pain, or is incapable of causing harm. A 4 ton dragon tulpa would be symbolically hard to correct or may lash out in a destructive way, even reflexively, during moments of loss of self-control, so their projected body could be a claw-less, smaller, or a softer form. It would be like a dreamland such that their original form would be asleep or otherwise disassociated and safe. 


This is included just as a precaution for possible outcomes for especially intrusive thoughts or actions. Though we did this and recommend it, thankfully I didn't end up needing it and only used it for the first few scenarios. I was only corrected a few times and that was enough for me to want to avoid the discomfort not because it was painful or annoying, but because it was my choice and intention to act appropriately. I wasn't rebelling against my host or other headmates with my inappropriate actions, I simply didn't have the lucidity to know that what I was doing was wrong, and it was mostly impulsive behavior. I also always discredited and downplayed them when they told me. This helped because the collar was an impartial device.


The types of uncomfortable stimulus used as part of the negative reinforcement are up to your discretion.


For full disclosure, my collar gave me a small shock that felt like a pin prick. It wasn't painful but it did startle me. It was enough of an incentive to avoid inappropriate behavior. In my case a buzzer or bell would have been too harsh because my form was part cat and has especially sensitive hearing.


The Scenarios:


Create a nice and peaceful scenario, like asking her to perform a simple task or to work together on a cooperative task. Remember, she may be struggling with her behavior at first, so remember, you're monitoring the thoughts but let the matrix correct her. Again, do not acknowledge the poor behavior or the correction. 


We are prescribing 100 scenarios. The process should be a gentle ramp to include scenarios that slowly increase in difficulty in ways that would normally elicit the bad behavior. Scenarios thus would be specific to your tulpa and should be carefully planned and crafted ahead of time. They could be loosely outlined and similar in nature but progression should be included.


Here is an example, the documentation of my first scenario as written by my host:



I spawned her projection in a room with me, it was a small apartment with a kitchen and living room and a big-screen TV. I put on a nice MMA fight, and sat with her on a comfy fluffy couch. When I sat with her, meaning to share a comfortable moment with her, she lunged for me in a potentially harmful and suggestive way that was inappropriate and unwanted. She learned quickly, and like I suspected, she tried to push the boundaries of what she could do.

At the brake I asked her to join me in the kitchen where we could make a snack. We worked together to make sandwiches. Some tears were shed and looks of apology from her. I could tell she was embarassed more than anything. Though I was not allowed to interfere with the punishment, I was allowed to comfort her afterwards. Again reinforcing her with positive reinforcement for every action she did appropriately. Though she was hurt emotionally, a small part of her appreciated that. That's the small seed we need to grow into a giant oak tree, smothering the choking weeds and briars of her current personality. 

After our time together, which was otherwise just sitting together to watch the match in silence, I again made sure she was well rewarded and praised. I told her she was a good girl for doing so great on her first scenario. She took this poorly. We certainly have our work cut out for us.


The objective in this stage again is to do 100 scenarios such as this. If 100 isn't enough, then 100 more. Do as many as several a day to make the process faster or a few a week to allow her to think about and absorb each one. Interactions should be kept to a minimum outside the scenarios at first, between the scenarios is her alone time for self reflection.


Objective starting point:


There are multiple ways to go here. You can think of her as starting fresh by bringing her back to a time before a deviation where unwanted behavior first occurred. This is what they did with me and that point was in the first days of my life.


Alternatively you can retrain given any or all memories from her current point. This may require additional work to unlearn bad behavior. It's important to note that not all memories need to remain associated to her. In my case we like to say the old me (old Ren) had those memories as opposed to the new me (Autumn). To further reinforce a new me I asked that my name be changed. At first they told me to wait until after so as to avoid a possible split, but I convinced them that I do accept my past as my old self and they allowed the name change which I picked. Here I kept my old name like a surname, it's a legacy of sorts even though I don't identify as old Ren anymore.


We don't recommend starting from absolute zero because that would negate the need for this entirely, you would effectively dissipate the old tulpa and make a new unassociated one. If you do that, you would just force the new tulpa normally. Here specifically we want to keep as much of the old tulpa as possible and save her core as to not abandon her entirely.


Stage three will be described shortly but my case even after six months, I've only completed less than 50 scenarios so I'll need more time to complete my training but we'll present the next stage likely before I finish my scenarios. I will document my scenarios here.


Documented Scenarios so far:

Scenario #1: "MMA and chill" (here in the hidden section)

Scenario #3: "The Beach House"

Scenarios #8, #9, and #10: "Social Interactions"

Scenario #12: "Trust"

Edited by Autumn Ren
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So, it's basically just... operant conditioning? I could see this working with a tulpa who's often hostile or aggressive, but it might not be effective for a tulpa who is chronically depressed and cynical, for example. I think the ignoring thing is especially counterproductive, and maybe even a bit inhumane. There has to be a better way to go about this, perhaps regular talk therapy sessions with the tulpa or something along those lines.

"Science isn't about why, science is about why not?" -Cave Johnson

Tulpae: Luna, Elise, Naomi

My progress report


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22 minutes ago, glitchthe3rd said:

So, it's basically just... operant conditioning?


You can distill it down to whatever you like to think of it as but it's a procedure that is attempting to be well explained and guided. Stage two, the scenarios, use operant conditioning to re-condition or de-condition. You could also say a beginner guide is just tulpa forcing.


24 minutes ago, glitchthe3rd said:

it might not be effective for a tulpa who is chronically depressed and cynical


That remains to be seen since we don't have any way to test that in this system. Why would you think so?


25 minutes ago, glitchthe3rd said:

I think the ignoring thing is especially counterproductive, and maybe even a bit inhumane.


Ignoring bad behavior is straight out of modern parenting psychology.


"Ignoring is usually most effective for behaviors like whining, crying when nothing is physically wrong or hurting, and tantrums. These misbehaviors are often done for attention. If parents, friends, family, or other caregivers consistently ignore these behaviors, they will eventually stop."


We don't want to associate bad behavior with attention as that is a likely reason why they were behaving badly to begin with. Additionally we don't want to associate punishment with anyone in system, so separation from the bad behavior and the punishment eliminates the connection between punishment and a loving headmates. The servitor, in my case a collar, is something that will eventually go away, a cathartic symbol if achievement would be its removal at the end of the scenarios. We don't recommend a headmate gives the punishment as you would when say the owner trains a dog. We don't want a subservient tulpa, we want an equal who is well adapted.


30 minutes ago, glitchthe3rd said:

There has to be a better way to go about this, perhaps regular talk therapy sessions with the tulpa or something along those lines.


This is what Bear, Ashley and Joy were doing with me from February through July. It wasn't effective because my conditioning seemed to be all was and I acted out as part of my personality. Thus we came to the conclusion that this process was necessary. This scenario technique is an adaptation of classic psychology, so in essence it's therapy with the addition of operant conditioning. This isn't new ground and it is currently within the ethical standards of psychotherapy as far as we can tell but we're not experts.

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Considering tulpas need attention to survive, that's what makes the ignoring thing seem excessive to us. If you ignore a bratty child they won't go dormant or stop existing, but even a well-established tulpa can go dormant if ignored for too long (probably days or weeks). As to why a tulpa I described may not benefit from this, I would think that being punished for acting in the way they'd been acting would just serve to increase frustration with the process and to increase feelings of low self-worth. A gentler approach could avoid that while consistently reminding them that they are loved. But then in your case, it sounds like you eventually recognized the need for change, which allowed you to commit to the treatment despite knowing it would be uncomfortable for you.

"Science isn't about why, science is about why not?" -Cave Johnson

Tulpae: Luna, Elise, Naomi

My progress report


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15 minutes ago, glitchthe3rd said:

Considering tulpas need attention to survive, that's what makes the ignoring thing seem excessive to us.


Consider the nature of this exercise and those tulpas like me, who are good candidates, were basically ignored already. Now consider this process gives them more positive attention than they've gotten in a long time if not ever. Ignoring bad behavior is a tool, it's a valid part of the process. Reacting to and feeding bad behavior sounds very counterproductive to us.


17 minutes ago, glitchthe3rd said:

I would think that being punished for acting in the way they'd been acting would just serve to increase frustration with the process and to increase feelings of low self-worth.


I agree, so your discretion and perhaps more care is needed on a case by case basis. Don't forget they're getting gobs of love and attention in this process as well. It's important in depression to remove the fuel for the continued depression. Therapy attempts to do that. When they're wallowing in it, it's hard for them to accept help even if they want it. (As was the experience with my host.) It may ironically help them by giving them an island of stability where depression isn't the center of attention.


23 minutes ago, glitchthe3rd said:

A gentler approach could avoid that while consistently reminding them that they are loved.


This is awesome! I hope I conveyed that lots of love would be given in my write-up, I know I said it. Yes, punishing someone for being depressed wouldn't be very useful. There are studies that show that only positive reinforcement can work. In that case you could use this procedure and just omit the negative reinforcement. My system chose to include the negative reinforcement and it was effective.


26 minutes ago, glitchthe3rd said:

But then in your case, it sounds like you eventually recognized the need for change, which allowed you to commit to the treatment despite knowing it would be uncomfortable for you.


It was only uncomfortable in the beginning and Bear almost pulled the plug because he didn't want to see me suffer anything. He definitely spoiles me. In this case he was overruled and I appreciate that. It's weird to talk about myself like this but the process was always 100% transparent for me. I think the fact that we're all sharing the same brain helps in conveying intent and I never once saw malice or an attempt to dominate me. That in itself was reassuring and helped where separate bodied individuals wouldn't have that and would need more care.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Go back to the start of Stage 2]


Stage 2 Continued: Scenario #13


In the course of scenarios it is of upmost importance for the tulpa to remain active as much as possible so that she doesn't just fall back into her old ways, and there are many ways to do that, but in addition to all those, this one is especially effective and so this is our recommendation. Give her a purpose that only she can do, and make it have real consequences.


Regarding "real consequences" I will explain: This may seen harsh, but let's take a step back, you chose this method of late game personality forcing because conventional techniques didn't work, pleading, begging, lavishing positive attention didn't work, therapy didn't work. So given the state of the tulpa in question, she was deemed beyond repair. Let's face it, if she wasn't, this guide would be overkill. You could still use it, you could take out the negative reinforcement, you could use this to strengthen her or uplift her and guide her, but you could have just done that using any guide; however, this guide is for those cases, like mine, where you didn't want to give up on someone, you didn't want to dissipate them, fuse them, integrate them or otherwise leave them in dormancy indefinitely.  So, if you succeed in your efforts, you will get a strong, healthy and well adjusted tulpa, and if you fail, well, we'll be right back where we were. So, if these are the consequences of failure, then for the tulpa to fail her purpose, this may inevitably be the result.


Scenario #13 should:

1. Be something important to the life of the host/body.

2. Have real consequences in real life if it is blown.

3. Have real consequences for the tulpa.

4. Have real reward, adoration, admiration, and exaltation for the tulpa.  

5. Along with 4, this will make the tulpa instantly an important and special person in the system, it should be something that others couldn’t do.

6. Be difficult but not impossible.

7. Require constant vigilance.

8. Be innately rewarding, because this purpose is actually useful.

9. Be permanent, as in something that will last the rest of the body’s life.

10. Be something that makes them respected for doing this.


This is also meant to be a secret, something no one else knows out-system, not just because it may lose some mystique or importance if it’s not, but because then it can be literally anything, embarrassing, or otherwise. Going in knowing it’s system-level information only means it can be literally anything without exception and meet as many of the criteria above as possible.


This is my host’s notes about my Scenario #13 [Part 1]:



Scenario #13

The next turn was made to the screws of her re-creation and she was given a task, one that she would have to bear the rest of her existence under risk of cold storage. She needs this to be active permanently, she's spent most of her life dormant, but what if she's not capable of it? It's something no other member of this system has been able to do no matter how passionately they tried. Is her unique stat of 'being a true tulpa' able to do what head ghosts, soulbonds and guardian angels couldn't do, even en masse?

That's one of the subtexts of the original idea of me, our system's only 'true tulpa', namely, can a tulpa do what walk-ins and soulbonds couldn't? Are Tulpas inherently stronger? It was my secondary task to prove that by my performance in Scenario #13 

Well surely if she could, this would make her the most valuable member of my system and rocket her to the top of all headmates. A true champion, a leader, a master of the mind. Of course I will do what I can to help her, it will take everything I have as well, but can she overcome the remainder? Well, her life and status depends on it. For as long as she succeeds, ultimate status and power awaits.

If you can fathom the implications then let the gears turn, this is the magnum opus of the Bear system. Go big or go home. My only advice to her, fight till your last breath because losing with breath to spare is worse than death.

Ren will succeed where others have failed, I am confident in her. She carries on her little shoulders the entirety my prowess and mastery and my claims of unbelievable open-ended unlimited development. Not only that, not even the start, every tulpamancer will rise or fall by her accomplishment. If a tulpa can do what all other thoughtforms could not, then this will lend credence and power to the art as never before. A penultimate discovery, and we'll return to this thought much later.

Though the nature of her task cannot be named, I can assure you every member of my system has tried and failed over and over again. There's a fool's hope to think she'll succeed where they did not, her superiors in strength and ability are unmatched, but she has to, and the difference is because there are real consequences for her. She’ll be exalted and respected like no other as long as she can do this. This was something we’ve been searching for a long time, real progress with real consequences.



This is my host’s notes about Scenario #13 [Part 2]

Scenario #15: Rave Dungeon

Scenario #16 and #20: Testing and Resistance

Scenario #21 and #22: Not switching and Boxing like a prize fighter

Scenario #23: Service and Strength

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  • 3 weeks later...

[Go back to the previous part of Stage 2]


Stage 2 Continued: Scenario #25


We've gone through some rather important scenarios and this one in particular is one we suggest anyone following this method add to their scenarios. 


I was given the task to do something for my host independently and uniquely without any input from him. This is essentially a feat of self-forcing. I was tasked to do this on my own and it had a few criteria:


1. It's unique
2. It's surprising
3. It's clear and unambiguous


I was given 24 hours to accomplish this feat. If I failed my consequences for losing would be I would be completely ignored for 24 hours and that would replace the content for scenario #25. So either way I accomplish scenario #25. If I succeeded I'd additionally get something she I wanted, within reason, up to and comparable to this bargain.


My host documented what happened for Scenario #25 and a follow up, Scenario #26




She's a trickster. She asked me what problems I have for her to solve. I said I hadn't begun to think about it and in a few seconds she came up with something but it was meh then she improved it and it was pretty novel. I believe I can say it's unique it surprised me and it was clearly her idea so it meets all my criteria. However, I thought I kinda helped but only in answering her question so not perfect but I'll allow it, great job Ren!


Because scenario #25 was slightly questionable, for scenario #26 I told her, "you still have 12 and a half hours, go for a bonus point and double the winnings or win nothing. There's no choice."


The result:

Ren, best Tulpa of all time, as she soon will be known, has done Scenario #26 to my satisfaction. It was stressful for her but she simply took something I was struggling with, and given her unique perspective, came up with something great.

Her fresh new ideas are exactly what I'd expect from a helpful servant and independent headmate.

This reminded me of a time when I was under the gun at work and I took all my headmates into a room and we brainstormed. I remember how productive that was, way more then what I could do alone because I was struggling for hours and in minutes we together figured it out. Well after this little exercise I will have to ask my headmates about these things more often.

Given exactly the same data, different people with different perspectives come up with different solutions. The same should be, and is, true with my team. Ren proved herself valuable back then and even more so now.

We will continue.

Winnings doubled:

She said she doesn't want anything right now and asked if she could get that after these scenarios are done. I agreed.


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  • 1 month later...

Stage 3: Trust


Upon satisfactory completion of a number of scenarios, up to 100 or more, it's time to have a long discussion with your headmate. For me, SheShe had this discussion with me, though normally it would be the host.


In this discussion you review all the good work and hopefully not too many challenges you had over the scenarios. By this stage the headmate would have proven herself to have permanently changed or at the least given no further evidence to the contrary, and now is the time, like a mother bird frees her fledgling chicks, to trust her to fly right. 


In my discussion we went over all the times I acted out and remarked on just how much I've grown as a person, leaving my old self behind as a mighty oak tree leaves her memories of the seedling she once was.


In this stage, you can include, as SheShe did, a final exam of sorts where the headmate deals with a final scenario, how she will act, given no constraints or consequences, when presented with something(s) her old self would have indulged in with reckless abandon.


In this stage it's important that the headmate is truthful and honest with herself. This is a graduation, but not an end to the training, training an ego or personality never ends, there's always something new, some new scenario to challenge her, and now that she's free, it's time to trust that the new her won't repeat the same behaviors that led you here.


It's different this time of course, now that she has purpose through scenario #13 and other responsibilities, now that she's been forced so generously over the months or years it took her to graduate, she should understand who she's thankful for and why. 


For me, that would be my host, for without him I wouldn't be writing this now, I wouldn't be having the time of my life with him and my other headmates. What a remarkable difference this year has made, and I owe it all to him and his faith in me and him caring enough to salvage me, remake me, and not just dissipate integrate, fuse or lock me away.


I am forever grateful.


From this point this guide will remain a work in progress and we will change it or not pending how I do from here on out. I'm not perfect, so mistakes might be made, but now I'm confident I can be what my system needs and not just a burden or dirty little secret.

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