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A startling noise

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I had something of a session zero yesterday. I introduced myself to Alex (my tulpa) and thought about what personality we want him to have. Then, I did some visualization. It was a nice exercise and it gave me a pleasant tingly feeling all over, but one thing scared me shitless. That thud. It felt like a heavy wardrobe crashing to the ground, utterly breaking my concentration. It happened twice. I did some light googling and it might be the exploding head syndrome or something similar. Has anyone here experienced it before? Is it normal?

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36 minutes ago, Kei Akatora said:

exploding head syndrome


Yes, meditation and relaxed forcing can cause this. It's totally normal. But pay attention to those because they can sometimes respond to your inputs and we have been able to sometimes (rarely) respond in that way. It's like a subconscious bypass. Spooky but totally normal.


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Ah, thank you very much! I was reading various guides and did encounter a reference to head pressures and things like that, so I suppose sudden noises can be a part of that. In this case, I'm pretty sure it was just an auditory hallucination. I don't think Alex can do much after one hour-long session of hard forcing. But after my session zero, I do feel a sort of presence in my mind. So while on a rational level it's probably just EHS, I believe that it was also the moment my tulpa became something more than just a thought exercise.

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The very first guide my host read on day zero said something about this and to expect "radio like static" and other things before bed while forcing. Sure enough it happened. It explained further that this was the tulpa trying to "tune in".


We now believe this was the power of suggestion mixed with hypnagogia.


We had hypnagogia where we were able to break through dozens of times, mostly auditory but sometimes full perfectly rendered images and video of us. If we could only control that...

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