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Vocality and internal voice automatically responding to questions


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I'm one of those people who finds it very easy to instinctively imagine a response when I have a conversation in my head. When I'm not actively thinking about the response would be I can still produce generic, bland responses without a distinctive "voice" (in the sense a writer would use the term) without any conscious thought, though they can often degenerate into meaningless collections of words. They still feel like they're coming from me.
So my question is how does this play into the development of a tulpa's vocality? Are these responses something to encourage or ignore?

Edited by eldomtom2
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unfocused/undirected thoughts aren't really good forcing for tulpas, I don't think they hurt but they won't strengthen your tulpa's feeling of "them" when they speak which is usually the goal


I'd recommend just making more of your time focused-on-your-tulpa time and trying to hear directly/consciously from them, and not letting your brain autopilot as much when you mean to be forcing

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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I don't think these hurt. However, you do want to try to think of them as coming from your tulpa, rather than you. This would help encourage them to speak more. If you think of the responses as coming from you, your tulpa is less likely to try to speak or reach out, and they won't have proper opportunities to try to speak to you. I agree with what Lucilyn said, try listening and hearing their response directly, rather than letting your brain autopilot and answer for your tulpa.

Lyceon (host) (they/he/xe/xe/cat/catself/it)

Currently most active tulpa: Ariya (she/her)

I have more tulpas, but I don't want to make a big list lol

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7 hours ago, Lucilyn said:

unfocused/undirected thoughts aren't really good forcing for tulpas, I don't think they hurt but they won't strengthen your tulpa's feeling of "them" when they speak which is usually the goal


I'd recommend just making more of your time focused-on-your-tulpa time and trying to hear directly/consciously from them, and not letting your brain autopilot as much when you mean to be forcing

This seems to contradict what LyceonCollective suggests (treating these responses as though they came from your tulpa). I think there may be a bit of confusion here - these autopilot responses occur both when I'm not actively forcing and when I am actively forcing and focusing on my tulpa.

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3 hours ago, eldomtom2 said:

autopilot responses occur both when I'm not actively forcing and when I am actively forcing and focusing on my tulpa.

Is there a way you can become basically hyper aware of your brain or something like that? If so, perhaps you can try doing that and seeing if that helps as you would be able to better control your thoughts. There is also the possibility that it actually is coming from your tulpa, because in your original post, you said they "feel like" they're coming from you. Often beginner tulpamancers can find it a bit hard to differentiate between their thoughts and the tulpas' thoughts and words.

Lyceon (host) (they/he/xe/xe/cat/catself/it)

Currently most active tulpa: Ariya (she/her)

I have more tulpas, but I don't want to make a big list lol

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6 hours ago, eldomtom2 said:

This seems to contradict what LyceonCollective suggests (treating these responses as though they came from your tulpa). I think there may be a bit of confusion here - these autopilot responses occur both when I'm not actively forcing and when I am actively forcing and focusing on my tulpa.


Sorry, that was a bit too nuanced to say for a beginner's perspective

Yes, the difference is when you're forcing or not

I was saying autopilot thinking where you aren't focused will not help develop your tulpa's voice, however that's different from attributing responses that don't fully sound separate from you to your tulpa when actively forcing, which is good! Because at the start your brain doesn't usually fully get how to have a tulpa yet, so you have to lead it with your intent/expectations, and that means focusing on thoughts that should-be your tulpa and saying "That's my tulpa learning to speak!", doing that will get your brain to actually develop your tulpa and over time they will start to actually sound and feel like themselves, until it's so clear you'll wonder how you ever doubted/couldn't tell the difference between you


What I was talking about is slightly different, it's just that if you aren't focusing on your tulpa's sense of presence then attributing autopilot thoughts to them won't help anything, it might or might not hurt depending on if you do it too much without enough active forcing to put something behind it

Edited by Lucilyn

Hi, I'm one of Lumi's tulpas! I like rain and dancing and dancing in the rain and if there's frogs there too that's bonus points.

I think being happy and having fun makes life worth living, so spreading happiness is my number one goal!

Talk to us? https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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