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Could Any Magick Practitioners Share Some Rituals for Tulpa Creation/General Tulpas?

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Guest Anonymous

Not sure if this thread is dead, but in my opinion you can just make your own ritual. I would assume a tulpa would be similar to an egregore, so probably planning out looks, purpose, and a name would be first. Then you create a sigil and charge it until you have a 'shell' created. You can do this through the ritual by using candles, moon phases, herbs, phrases, scents, and basically anything you associate with your tulpa or its purpose. After that you simply feed it energy until it achieves however much sentience/independence you want.


You can feed energy by charging the sigil under the sun or moon, through meditation, etc. Ritual is also not necessary to create a tulpa as it is all about energy feeding anyway. The ritual is simply a tool to help visualization.

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  • 1 month later...

This might seem unrelated, but bear with me.


I show magic tricks to liz for practice, thats the magic without a "K", like card tricks and whatnot. I find it to be a good separation exercise, that is, protecting my thoughts from her while feeding her energy and attention and requiring her to act autonomously. I may be unique in the way I created her long ago and had almost a decade to gather knowledge and skill while she was frozen in crystal before revitalizing and freeing her. I also restrict her access to my memories and she is only allowed into a specific "library" of knowledge and skills, so that she will be protected from the horrible memories from the decade that she was asleep.


Another semi-related thing, we all play a combat game called chi-sao, or sticky hands. Commonly among wing tsun practitioners, chi-sao is a game used to feel and react to a opponents energy and attacks with particular responses. The game, like many forms of energy work or qi-gong, builds the whole of the bodies energy and improves body awareness both for the host and in this case that of the tulpa.


I might also suggest doing tai-chi or qi-gong with you tulpa either in front or next to you, focusing primarily on them performing the actions and building their own energy as you effectively teach them to be more than just a imposed figment.


Really, that would be my primary point, don't think of the tulpa as a projection or thought-form; but instead try to see the tulpa as another separate and free being that it just so happens that only you can see. Play games with them and make rituals out of basic day-to-day tasks; make them brush their teeth, dress themselves, eat things that they created from memories, sleep, and generally live.


Take this as a manifestationally minded magick practitioners advice for whom of which hates the painfully declarative language used among the practice of alternative beliefs, and that of his shadow familiar and life-long friend, on how we both created our/my tulpa Elizabeth.


And of course, if you don't like the way I've said something or the words I've chosen, take not the word, but the meaning of my speech and the truth hidden within.

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This might seem unrelated, but bear with me.


I show magic tricks to liz for practice, thats the magic without a "K", like card tricks and whatnot. I find it to be a good separation exercise, that is, protecting my thoughts from her while feeding her energy and attention and requiring her to act autonomously. I may be unique in the way I created her long ago and had almost a decade to gather knowledge and skill while she was frozen in crystal before revitalizing and freeing her. I also restrict her access to my memories and she is only allowed into a specific "library" of knowledge and skills, so that she will be protected from the horrible memories from the decade that she was asleep.


Another semi-related thing, we all play a combat game called chi-sao, or sticky hands. Commonly among wing tsun practitioners, chi-sao is a game used to feel and react to a opponents energy and attacks with particular responses. The game, like many forms of energy work or qi-gong, builds the whole of the bodies energy and improves body awareness both for the host and in this case that of the tulpa.


I might also suggest doing tai-chi or qi-gong with you tulpa either in front or next to you, focusing primarily on them performing the actions and building their own energy as you effectively teach them to be more than just a imposed figment.


Really, that would be my primary point, don't think of the tulpa as a projection or thought-form; but instead try to see the tulpa as another separate and free being that it just so happens that only you can see. Play games with them and make rituals out of basic day-to-day tasks; make them brush their teeth, dress themselves, eat things that they created from memories, sleep, and generally live.


Take this as a manifestationally minded magick practitioners advice for whom of which hates the painfully declarative language used among the practice of alternative beliefs, and that of his shadow familiar and life-long friend, on how we both created our/my tulpa Elizabeth.


And of course, if you don't like the way I've said something or the words I've chosen, take not the word, but the meaning of my speech and the truth hidden within.



This is great advice. My servitors will learn qigong And be even more empowered. Thanks for the pointer.

Enoch, Chancellor of Mars.

"Follow your bliss."-Joseph Campbell

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Funny this should come up, and mention of sigils. I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but I did make a sigil in the off chance I decided to mix magic with my tulpa creation.


I made it from the phrase 'My tulpa is sentient'.


Edit: I actually didn't realize it looked vaguely human until after I had finished it and someone else pointed it out. Funny coincidence.


[align=center]Hear now the words of the witches

The secrets we hid in the night

When dark was our destiny's pathway

That now we bring forth into light[/align]

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  • 5 years later...

Will drop this link here for perspective. Tulpamancy isn't magick per se but has some similarities to some magickal techniques.


Ritual magicians create servitors by invoking their thoughtforms into sigils (talismans or amulets). These servitors are usually temporary and created to accomplish real-world goals. A good book on servitor creation is Creating Magical Entities by Taylor Ellwood and Mike Cunningham.


Necromancers invoke totems such as power animals or dead spirits, in addition to establishing shrines for the totems' subconscious energies. You don't create necromantic beings, they pre-exist. Necromantic beings are the minds and souls of dead people and dead animals. Different people speak about 'taking back your power' or 'calling in your High Self' but in reality the High Self isn't high nor is it the self, it's often a totem. New Agers preach nonsense but the old school Magnetic and Spiritist manuals tell you about totems outright. A good book explaining the basics of necromancy is Communing With The Spirits by Martin Coleman, and a classic in the field is The Spirits' Guide by Allan Kardec. 


The flip side of necromancy is redirecting dead minds and souls lost in purgatory, and removing those things from you. Take time to look into spirit releasement (including de-possession. parasite removal, etheric cleansing, and soul rescues) in addition to learning necromancy if you're headed in that direction. Good books covering this include The Essential Guide to Possession, Depossession, and Divine Relationships by Diana L. Paxson, and The Soul Stuff by Ayla Doan. 


Spirit guides can be called for advice, prophecy via mediumship, and trance healing (similar to co-fronting). used to pathwork, evoke (externalize), or invoke (internalize or house) different spirit and elemental forms. Like necromancy, these beings are pre-exist, you don't create them. The simplest and most useful of these books that i've read are The Seven Types Of Spirit Guide by Yamile Yemoonyah, and Magickal Mediumship by Danielle Dionne. I also like Practical Elemental Magick and Practical Planetary Magick by Sorita d'Este and David Rankine for more intermediate ritual magick work, and Jason Miller's Consorting With Spirits is for more advanced work in that direction. A(n often hilarious) book that explains what it's like to have worked this type of angelology/demonology is My Life With The Spirits by Lon Milo duQuette, while Urban Voodoo by S. Jason Black is more serious from a quasi-ATR perspective.


Authentic magickal tulpamancy is the creation of a literal physical being through thoughtform projection. Nobody on this board practices thiat, it's more from a bon-po/vajrayana Buddhist lineage. Tmk those techniques aren't taught to the general public. Magic and Mystery in Tibet by Alexandra David-Néel and An Unlikely Prophet by Alvin Schwartz explain some of this information, the rest is kept private.


Keep in mind that necromancy, spirit guide/mediumship work, and magickal servitor/thoughtform workings are NOT tulpamancy. The magickal side is a lot less reliable and can be unpredictable due to unknown factors. Depending on what you call in, it  can sometimes be a waste of time, and at other times it can be deceptive or even dangerous without knowledge or preparation. On the magickal side there is a lot of fraud and imposture, so caveat emptor.


Living things don't suddenly become wiser or more virtuous just because they're dead. There are plenty of astral trash: departed but not ascended human beings that led unproductive lives and have little to offer you now that they're gone, depraved minds and souls astral projecting around spying on people's business, dead criminals or malcontents that plot to do you harm from the other side; predatory animals that aim only to kill and eat you, and viruses that attach to you as a feed host. Their natures don't change when they die. If anything, they're harder to get rid of when they're no longer visible or subject to the laws of physics.


Mages practice daily banishing, grounding, and centering rituals as well as etheric cleansing and environmental hygiene to keep type of garbage out of their energy fields. In the old school of Spiritism you were taught to test your guides and verify their messages for truth before you let them into your energy field. The old school Spiritist and Magnetists also took pains to expose fraudulent mediums for the sake of public safety. The message back then was clear: believe not every deceiver, test your spirits.


New Agers generally don't seem to do this. Instead, they tend to run with open arms to welcome every parasite and low-level being into their lives. The prevailing New Age idea is that pollyanna principles (such as toxic positivity or spiritual bypassing) are guaranteed to protect you from harm and that nothing can go wrong. When you run into trouble, New Agers tend to spout some nonsense about how you 'chose' to 'attract' negativity into your life 'to learn a spiritual lesson' or whatever excuse they invent to shuck blame onto you, and they run off leaving you to deal with your spiritual emergencies alone. In many of those cases, THEY were the ones who got you into that quagmire in the first place. You can feel conned dealing with that type of New Ager, so again caveat emptor.


Just because something is spiritual doesn't mean it's good, powerful, wise, or useful. Opening up to spirit is no different than giving your bank info, address, and house keys to a stranger in a big city. In both cases you need to use your common sense, otherwise you really don't know what you're going to get or how it can turn out. Furthermore, no matter how it ends up, YOU end up taking the glory - or being stuck with the blame.


This board is about tulpamancy. If you're inventing tulpas, you don't have to worry about most of this as long as you keep in mind your tulpa is a figment of your imagination.


But when you start calling in actual dead people and potentially parasitic dead animals as your tulpaforces, look before you leap. Those things are NOT a figment of your imagination and they can have their own agendas. Understand what you're doing when you deal with them and don't get in over your head.

Edited by dw
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  • 9 months later...

Back after time off


Not chaos magick, more Rosicrucian work. But you can try this if you want


After creating your tulpa in the form of a sigil and an image (draw a picture of it in a pose), you may use either one of these Golden Dawn techniques:


1. Invocation

1. Do The LBRPLBRH, and GBRH

2. Say 'I now invoke and merge with <tulpa name>.' 

3. Turn East and do the LIRP only in the East.

4. Visualize a light about the size of a baseball shining just above your head. This light is the sphere of Kether Elyon, your Crown Chakra.

5. Within that light, visualize your tulpa in as much color and detail as you can.

    Repeat the tulpa's name several times while you visualize their image seeping into your Aura. 
    Identify yourself with the tulpa: 'You are <tulpa name>, i am <tulpa name>, we are <tulpa name>.' 
    Imagine yourself becoming your tulpa.

6. Still visualizing the light and tulpa over your head, inhale and then exhale breath into it, saying Eheyeh Hu (I Am Him) or Eheyeh Hua (I am Her) as you breathe.

    Watch the light and tulpa grow brighter with each breath.

    Identify yourself with the tulpa: 'You are <tulpa name>, i am <tulpa name>, we are <tulpa name>.' 
    Imagine yourself becoming your tulpa.

7. Visualize a chute of white light from the top of your head down to your solar plexus.

    Let the light and tulpa image sink down to your solar plexus as you inhale.

    When the lit tulpa reaches your solar plexus, visualize the light and tulpa image expanding to become larger than your entire body.

8. Say 'I merge with <tulpa name>. Speak through me <tulpa name>.' 

9. Visualize the tulpa turning into you at your the Tiphareth sphere, your Solar Plexus Chakra. 

    Again breathe into this light, saying Eheyeh Hu (I Am Him) or Eheyeh Hua (I am She).

    Watch the light grow brighter with each breath.

10. At this point repeat 'create yourself <tulpa name>. Speak through me <tulpa name>.'

      Begin working on sentience usiing any sentience or vocalization method you know.


Lmk if this works for you. I modified it based on some Golden Dawn techniques for invoking spirits to speak through you. In ritual magick this is known as the Assumption Of The Godform. An example of this is Alan Bennett's Liber 64 (Liber Israfel sub figura LXIV). If i'm not mistaken, the Silva Mind method also uses a variation of this called Putting On Someone's Head to enable thought transference and telepathy. It's a useful technique

Edited by dw
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