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About unintentional or accidental tulpas

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I don’t know how to structure this, I’d rather it just be more of a discussion lead by me.

I’m unsure if my headmates are tulpas or what and that’s what I hope to figure out.

Mystic System 💫


Leith/Dust -🧋🍄

Ebony -🕷

Luna -🌙

Cetus -🐉
Antony -🕰

Oliver -🫧

Nikki -💄

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Accidental tulpas, walk-ins, and tulpas-you-just-started-trying-to-create are all roughly the same. They will become full-fledged tulpas when you treat them as autonomous, independent individuals and have given them enough attention and practice to get to that point.


Thoughtforms or general "system mates" are tulpas when you/they decide tulpa is the term you want to use for them and how you want to think about them. I mean, as long as they qualify as "Apparently-sentient and independent from the host", of course

Edited by Flandre

Hi. I'm one of Luminesce's tulpas. Unlike the others, I don't think I stand out too much from him personality wise.

I'm just special because "I'm a tulpa". So I don't think I've much to offer, here. I'm happy enough to just be with him.

Ask us stuff - https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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@Flandre What if they don’t want to be called Tulpas?  Like Cetus doesn’t like being called a tulpa cos he doesnt think he is one-


he always says he’s just as much a person as Linkie and he’s been around for just about as long-  🕷

Edited by Dust_lostt

Mystic System 💫


Leith/Dust -🧋🍄

Ebony -🕷

Luna -🌙

Cetus -🐉
Antony -🕰

Oliver -🫧

Nikki -💄

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That's why I said part of "being a tulpa" is choosing to call yourself that. The term you use doesn't change the you

Hi. I'm one of Luminesce's tulpas. Unlike the others, I don't think I stand out too much from him personality wise.

I'm just special because "I'm a tulpa". So I don't think I've much to offer, here. I'm happy enough to just be with him.

Ask us stuff - https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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I don't call my headmates/systemmates tulpas but I have in the past. All can be considered thoughtforms so I call them that. All can be headmates, so I use that term too. 


I went through this exercise years ago here on this forum and whether you want to call them tulpas or not, there's always someone saying they're this or that. 


I stopped calling mine tulpas when elders of the community said they weren't but when I got over that I didn't go back because it doesn't matter. It's better to call them something else than be told they don't belong for whatever minute reason.


So call them whatever they want to be called or whatever you want to call them.

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I don't often call my system mates tulpas because I feel like it's dehumanizing in a sense, thus I refer to them as headmates/system mates. It's purely preference, though, because for all intents and purposes, they are tulpas. Really though, call 'em what you want. It feels like everyone these days (us included) has some sort of special role/title that a system mate uses that isn't the standard "tulpa," "head mate," "system mate," etc. Whatever tickles your pickle 

Hey there, the name's Bryan. In system Re:Body(In order of the rainbow): 

Sean, Esper, Blinky, Compact, Janey, Kyle, Gwen'd, Gwen, Emily, Rollin, Waynin, Trease, Layy, Justin, Chloe, Zachery, and Elliot. 

I've been here a while. Much longer than I thought I'd be. Our system was founded October 2nd, 2018. In early 2020, we decided that due to our systems exponential growth, we'd limit who would be active. Now, every month, we do a check to see who wishes to be in dormancy and who wishes to be active. Currently, for the month of April, 2023, we've got myself(Bryan), Janey(Co-host), Emily, Layy, Chloe, and Esper(sub-rep). After over 2 long years, we can finally switch :) 


Bryan is currently swapped in as host, Esper is sub-rep. 


"There used to be 7 wonders of the world, but now there's 8, as everyone wonders how much of a fool you are."


Ice909#0065 -- Always down for a chat 


https://discord.gg/89qN59SbRp Plural safe-space 

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23 hours ago, TurboSimmie said:

What makes you think they're not tulpas?

Idk-  i didn’t put any effort into making them, they made themselves?  Or like?  They were always there?  Like cetus has been around peetty much as long as I have (I also don’t think im the original/host/core of our system which is weird)

Mystic System 💫


Leith/Dust -🧋🍄

Ebony -🕷

Luna -🌙

Cetus -🐉
Antony -🕰

Oliver -🫧

Nikki -💄

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That's really interesting--and I'm guessing it's much more than "elements" of them existing in your mind for years, but them as full thoughtforms having long existed. I'm curious, do they have their own ideas on their origins? And how separate are their thoughts and memories from yours?

Tulpa Wife & Mother! 💚 

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1 hour ago, TurboSimmie said:

That's really interesting--and I'm guessing it's much more than "elements" of them existing in your mind for years, but them as full thoughtforms having long existed. I'm curious, do they have their own ideas on their origins? And how separate are their thoughts and memories from yours?

yes, we’ve established who “owns” which parts of my life.  This system has experienced trauma so the workings of who handles what parts of the trauma has been discussed as well.  I tend to organize things-  it’s like, one of my jobs…

Mystic System 💫


Leith/Dust -🧋🍄

Ebony -🕷

Luna -🌙

Cetus -🐉
Antony -🕰

Oliver -🫧

Nikki -💄

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