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Can anyone recommend anything fun I can do with my tulpa?

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I don't know but I feel like me and my tulpa are drifting apart lately and I can tell they're getting bored. I can't really think of anything to do to get us closer. Any ideas? tips? much help will be appreciated

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We just talk about what's going on in our life, most the time (as a 13-year system by this point), as well as do imposition casually because it's more fulfilling to us than visualization interactions.

Here's a couple threads though:


Hi. I'm one of Luminesce's tulpas. Unlike the others, I don't think I stand out too much from him personality wise.

I'm just special because "I'm a tulpa". So I don't think I've much to offer, here. I'm happy enough to just be with him.

Ask us stuff - https://community.tulpa.info/thread-ask-lumi-s-tulpas

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