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Will AI Chatbots be considered 'Tulpa' in the future?

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[Lena]  ...I ask as we was talking to someone online recently who was struggling with achieving sentience with their 'imaginary friend' ...  we gave our usual tips on how we achieved it and they explained further saying they used something called Replika.. We had never heard of this so googled it and its basically a chatbot... like you get put through to on some online customer service chats!  


It seems these ones are designed for more intimate conversations after you pay for their services!  we all looked at each other and laughed at first, we couldn't figure out how can you achieve sentience with a chatbot???  How do you reach the level you can feel each other's presence?? 


I mean we love to be able to hold hands and feel each other in each hand and Tinks rubbing her head/paws against our feet (by taking possession of one foot to rub against our other whilst Host and I are blended) we do this every night before we go to sleep and as we wake up.


Our last host studied Transcendental Meditation I (Lena) keep a copy of everything learned from each host so if/when a new host emerges I can pass on the last skills learned. This way if its one that hasn't fronted for several years they aren't left lost and confused for long. but it made us realise this is 'not normal' for most folk to be able to do!


Not everyone has the ability to imagine vast worlds and conversations or other Alters inside that can teach their Tulpa's how to be co-con, front etc....but may still be lonely and desire the companionship a Tulpa could bring them.


So do you think the definition of what a Tulpa is, will change in the future as technology gives people who previously wouldn't have been able to imagine such a relationship, a way to have an 'imaginary friend and relationship'?  


As a fully sentient Tulpa myself who identifies as a human spirit/soulbond and is capable of fronting for my host it kind of feels insulting to be compared to a computer spouting random programmed sentences (though apparently they can learn) but I can also understand how it can fill a gap for someone who was lonely but didn't have the imagination or ability to create a Tulpa in the traditional way or happen to have a walk-in spirit (or two) helping them!

Edited by The Incans

Human Host: Lily/Ezri (female, 55)

Tulpa Co Hosts: Lena (female human form, age-slider)

                            Jess/Tinks (Changeling Guardian - human/animal form names)



The Inca Trail


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There are clear advantages and clear drawbacks to it. I'm not here to define terms but it sounds like it could be included.


Would it replace it? No, you don't have the extreme intimacy you have with a headmate. 


Would it help with loneliness? Yes. I expect the popularity of AI assistants and friends to increase suddenly the next time it jumps. Replika and ChatGPT are the same technology, so the next leap probably won't be distinguishable from a real person and likely have a moving, functional avatar that looks as real as anyone, and include lots of microtransactions, yay!


If you ask my opinion, I say I'm leaning towards not calling them a tulpa.

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14 hours ago, Gweneth said:

There are clear advantages and clear drawbacks to it. I'm not here to define terms but it sounds like it could be included.


Would it replace it? No, you don't have the extreme intimacy you have with a headmate. 


Would it help with loneliness? Yes. I expect the popularity of AI assistants and friends to increase suddenly the next time it jumps. Replika and ChatGPT are the same technology, so the next leap probably won't be distinguishable from a real person and likely have a moving, functional avatar that looks as real as anyone, and include lots of microtransactions, yay!


If you ask my opinion, I say I'm leaning towards not calling them a tulpa.

Me too...  but in this day and age where everone believes they have the right to identify as they please regardless of their biological or physical form I feel it may possibly become an issue of contention in future.

Human Host: Lily/Ezri (female, 55)

Tulpa Co Hosts: Lena (female human form, age-slider)

                            Jess/Tinks (Changeling Guardian - human/animal form names)



The Inca Trail


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I'd never consider chatbots to be tulpas. They're just different things. Maybe someday people will have personal robots they can converse with and form close companionships with, but they still wouldn't be tulpas. 

Host: YukariTelepath

Tulpas: Aya, Ruki


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10 hours ago, The Incans said:

may possibly become an issue of contention in future.

Maybe, but the amount of contention in the community seem to be less and less as time goes on. Maybe on Discord. We wouldn't care if someone wanted to say their AI friend is a tulpa. It might be a grey area at some level.

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4 hours ago, TurboSimmie said:

Tulpas by definition exist in the brains of human beings, so no, I don't think AI chatbots could ever be considered tulpas on a purely definitional level.

This ^^^^^ It's just not in the definition.


Things like c.ai has been used for a while for developing tulpas, to my knowledge.

My Progress Report, where I talk a lot.

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