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Creating a tulpa out of the TV?

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I know how unhealthy this sounds but I’m genuinely curious if anyone has done anything like this or experienced anything like it. Would your tulpa (almost communicate with you through your tv, and would you hear the original audio at all. 

What about stuff that would be dismissed as delusion of reference, for example if a person were to instead of hallucinating they interpret random segments or phrases from the broadcast/ radio station as forms of communication. Would those coincidences increase, stay the same etc. speech might be more difficult but coincidences like gestures,  head nods, I think could be possible

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I think encouraging your brain to make meaningful connections out of non-meaningful things is generally bad for you. For example, I believe it worsens schizophrenia and (in my own assumptions) makes later-onset schizophrenia or dementia happen sooner/with worse intensity. It's best to keep your brain grounded.


To sum up my advice on the general subject, I would say to always make tulpamancy intentional and orderly, and to stay away from believing your tulpa manifests in random ways, as that gives away control over your thoughts and contributes to disorderly thinking. So for example, you could dedicate a session to looking at static (like TV static, but youtube videos would be easier) to try and see your tulpa in (an imposition practice method some people do) or something, but shouldn't randomly attribute everyday stimuli to your tulpa. Imposition can be practiced on purpose as controlled pseudo-hallucinations, but you shouldn't assume random things out of the corner of your eye were "actually your tulpa" when you weren't intentionally imposing.


I guess it can be hard to understand why exactly I say this, but it just comes from observing a lot of people over the years, and seeing the patterns in how disorderly people think (and that it leads them to poor mental health, delusions, loss of grip on reality or sense of self, etc.) versus how accomplished, healthy tulpamancers work (ie high-proficiency impositionists, or people with healthy switching habits and zero blending or identity issues - like my system!)


People who give their power away to random non-meaningful pattern recognition like thinking "oh I guess my tulpa must have {blank} without me knowing" or seeing importance in randomly seeing "lucky/angel numbers" on clocks and stuff are, across the board, more likely to have disorderly experiences that cause them distress

Edited by Luminesce

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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1 minute ago, Luminesce said:

I think encouraging your brain to make meaningful connections out of non-meaningful things is generally bad for you. For example, I believe it worsens schizophrenia and (in my own assumptions) makes later-onset schizophrenia or dementia happen sooner/with worse intensity. It's best to keep your brain grounded.


To sum up my advice on the general subject, I would say to always make tulpamancy intentional and orderly, and to stay away from believing your tulpa manifests in random ways, as that gives away control over your thoughts and contributes to disorderly thinking. So for example, you could dedicate a session to looking at static (like TV static, but youtube videos would be easier) to try and see your tulpa or something, but shouldn't randomly attribute everyday stimuli to your tulpa. Imposition can be practiced on purpose as controlled pseudo-hallucinations, but you shouldn't assume random things out of the corner of your eye were "actually your tulpa" when you weren't intentionally imposing.


I guess it can be hard to understand why exactly I say this, but it just comes from observing a lot of people over the years, and seeing the patterns in how disorderly people think (and that it leads them to poor mental health, delusions, loss of grip on reality or sense of self, etc.) versus how accomplished, healthy tulpamancers work (ie high-proficiency impositionists, or people with healthy switching habits and zero blending or identity issues - like my system!)


People who give their power away to random non-meaningful pattern recognition like thinking "oh I guess my tulpa must have {blank} without me knowing" or seeing importance in randomly seeing "lucky/angel numbers" on clocks and stuff are, across the board, more likely to have disorderly experiences that cause them distress

I understand, just curious

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We have heard of systems making use of spirit boxes, white noise, other tools used by mediums such as pendulum and automatic writing, all these can work because whether you believe your brain is influencing these techniques or not, any valid communication is still up to you and your interpretation.


What I wouldn't like about TV or a spirit box is you might get nonsense that would be more of a distraction than anything useful. However, our opinion is, if it works for you then do it.

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On 7/17/2024 at 11:57 AM, Gweneth said:

We have heard of systems making use of spirit boxes, white noise, other tools used by mediums such as pendulum and automatic writing, all these can work because whether you believe your brain is influencing these techniques or not, any valid communication is still up to you and your interpretation.


What I wouldn't like about TV or a spirit box is you might get nonsense that would be more of a distraction than anything useful. However, our opinion is, if it works for you then do it.

that sounds awesome, I wonder if the noises from the spirit box would be clear and consistent enough to get good recordings out of 

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