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Mew's Theory of Subconscious Personality Development


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Hypothesis: A tulpa created without clear interests or traits will develop some from the host, some opposite to the host, and some that are in the hosts best interests.

This would make a particularly large amount of sense to me at least, because the nature of tulpae makes them want what is in the host's best interests, and because the tulpa/subconscious would have difficulty trying to think of other interests that can be logical. (eg. if you knew little of fishing, your tulpa is not going to develop an interest in fishing since a) it can't actually fishing unless you do, which is unlikely and b) despite its interest in fishing, it wouldn't have a clue about it)

Something that is either black or white (eg. left/right handed, sexuality or potentially gender if that was left undecided) will be either lifted from the host in contrast or similarity to the host.

Finally, traits which would benefit the host may be chosen by the tulpa/subconscious since it wants the host to live healthily and well.

I mentioned this in my progress report. Since the development of Kiki and talking to people on the IRC who did not actively force their tulpa's personality, I have come the conclusion that this is probably correct. Whilst I cannot currently say which traits will be passed on, I would like to find out if there are any patterns to this.


Currently however it would be really useful if I could just have some feedback from people who did not work on their tulpa's personality.


Thank you for reading.

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  • 8 months later...

Seems so far the case in my xp with my tulpa. Didn't force personality/appearance etc it does have some of my personality traits but some unique complimentary ones. It also chose an agreeable appearance. I agree with you on the point that tulpas want the best for their host.

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