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This is my hand with mark of Allah  الله  , but it's  " لله  lellah  " & that mean  in  classic arabic "  for god" .


I got this mark when I talked  to God if he exists  & loving  me .


If you focus  u can see it in the middle  of hand .


Edited by suhail Al ketbi
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World : prahtoolf. 

Location  : pearl beach. 


We sat on ground  , on something  made of fabric  & there were  two pillow.


The sea sparkling on the horizon  , and  there are white clouds. 


We talked  a bout god , & pain . It's  a bout if God control  everything  & let other harm u , where his control  to defend  his lover .


& the test seems to me someone  doesn't  know  what  the  result  of the test   , but god knows  everything  thing & may be I'm  gonna not passing  the test .


Of course  I don't  have answer  , except  I love my god only .


Yanus give me three  things  also to search  them today  in movies  & reality  & they are  golden cube , mango fruit  & black panther. 




World  : prahtoolf  .

Location  : white room. 


We sat on a white sofa  , there are nothing  except  white paint  & cube shape. 


Yanus  gave me three things  to search  on them in movies and reality  . They are can opener  , passion fruit  & Chris pratt actor.


I noticed  I feel guilt  because  I take a pretty  video of a guy I like   & write  poetry  a bove  it .


The guilt  because  I want Yanus  is my only partner  . Yanus said it's  ok if you like something  on a video and imagine  me instead  .


I said that truth , we some how like something  on people  & put family  or friends  or lover instead  of them .




World  : prahtoolf. 

Location  : apartment. 


Yanus  was nudes  completely  , we sat next the window & talked. 


yanus  give me the same thing he gave me yesterday  to search  of them in movies & reality  & they are  can opener, passion fruit  & Chris pratt  actor.


We talked a bout animal  kingdom   & if Human live  a present moment he gonna reach how animal  live.


i mean without open question  with no answer  yes or no .


so to me living  present moment is the Kay to be harmony  with animals  kingdom  .







World  : prahtoolf  .

Location  : giant trees  & Versailles palace  .


First  I started in giant trees  & I saw yanus wearing  a wrestling  clothe like one piece & it's white mixed with little red  lines . 


Then I change  the location  to Versailles palace  .


yanus  give me three  things  I should search  on them in movies and reality  & they are  star gate , papaya  fruit & Chris pratt actor. 


We sat On window that open to garden. 


We talked  a bout god love & if I like to be a messenger  of him I must start in love , love him , love people  & love  to learn & understand  knowledge  .


Yanus  was clear in my eyes & handsome  looking , I could  see him clearly. 




Edited by suhail Al ketbi

World  : prahtoolf  .

Location  : Versailles palace. 


There was a hall  with golden  decoration & in  a middle  of it , there was a bed with white  mattress & cover .


They were soft , yanus was completely  nude & has great body shape. 


We lay on bed & talk , he gave me three things  to search  on them in movies  & reality  , they are wheel , humanoid  tree & Jennifer Lawrence  actress. 


We talk about 80 hundreds derham that I want the customer  of my villa to gave me .


I'm  wishing  he do , so I talked  to yanus a bout it to see if he can help me on that .


Of course  I will never know until  he say   so or I see the payment .


We change the place then to a restaurant  , yanus wear shirt & outfit boxer .


We drink lemon  juice. 




World  : prahtoolf. 

Location  : garden. 


We sat in sunshade made  , we eat  toast  with jam & butter then we walk  in trees  road .


We talk a bout prahtoolf  , is it magical  place or advance  technology  place .


Because  I try to live a  technology  place with yanus , but I felt  the technology  became a magical  environment. 


 I mean it more logic & more advanced but in  a another  hand it's  become  like magic touch  .


So we talk  a bout the matrix  & simulation  , the machine  World where the technology  is the reality. 


For example  it's  start when we open a  screen web  by both thumps in the air  , I notice  it's  also controlled  by mind to search .


There is a device  that control mind also , or the mind can use it .


So the matrix  talk start  from there .


That mean it's all by mind  , I can change environment  & show device  like weapon by changing  the cells  of my body .


It's  start exactly  through  mind & the device  let the mind   do whatever  he like.


But of course  if the device  is exist  , that mean he is in the same dimension  , but the mind is the whole issue  here .








World: prahtoolf. 

Location : rock islands  beach .


We were walking  at the beach  , yanus  wearing page  color  outfit boxer  & whit shirt. 


We talk  a bout the vocabularies  in language  , if there meaning  of things with one word  , it's  can make problems  to people to understand  u .


And that when the meaning  inside  the belly of   poem writer , metaphor. 


Sometimes  u feel that some problems  to understand  other  when u learn something  from other but they  don't  give  the exact  meaning  definition of words  & you also you don't translate the exact meaning  to other . 

Bodybuilder Batman.jpeg

Edited by suhail Al ketbi

World: prahtoolf. 

Location  : Versailles palace. 


The same hall with golden decoration  & windows to gardens. 


Yanus was wearing  singlet & sport brief. 


He dance balleh with  symphony music  in background  .


I see that I want a activity  to have time with yanus  .


Studying  faith  subject & no clue  about the past and future & open  question  get u nowhere  .


So I decide  to spend  joyful  time in prahtoolf  without  thinking  much  .



World: prahtoolf. 

Location  : beach .


We sat on sofa at shore  , yanus was wearing  dark brown  singlet  & pearly sport boxer .


I intend  to not get deep to open question  & that mean the question  with no answer  yes or no .


So I try to have fun in prahtoolf  , we played  volleyball  with light rainbow  ball .


We set rules  on playing  the game & I'm  not sure if they play the ball like we did .


Then we went to food cabin  & bought   lemon Juice .


Yanus give me three things  to look after   in movies and reality  . They are green flash cube , red coconut  and lemur animal .


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