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Can sleep deprivation aid in tulpa creation / development?

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Sleep deprivation is not something I've experimented with myself, and I've heard a few very experienced tulpamancers (10+ year old tulpa's) describe sleep deprivation experiences as being characterized by a greater degree of mental separation (the tulpa's thoughts sound more like they're coming from "someone else" than usual), a stronger sense of presence, and even a more vivid imposition. How valid is this?





Edited by quality_krisps
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  • quality_krisps changed the title to Can sleep deprivation aid in tulpa creation / development?

You might hallucinate more while sleep deprived, but it's a poor state for learning anything. It's not really good to talk about experiences while sleep deprived like they're high-quality, and all typical tulpamancy skills can be learned just fine while fully awake & sober. (Though meditative states can help with focus and clarity)

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

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This is a method of putting the cart before the horse. Of course, it is understandable to have this impulse in the early stages of boring creation. The lack of concentration caused by sleep can only worsen the effect, such as when the host is sick and Tulpa can only reply to some simple sentences or no response at all.

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I can tell you from experience that the level of sleep deprivation where you start to see things is the same as the level of sleep deprivation where you feel like hot garbage. Granted, this was unintentional and before I had even heard of tulpas, but I can't imagine it would help things. I would compare it to being really drunk in the least fun way possible. I felt sick, weak, and couldn't think straight. 0/10, would not recommend

Host: Bee 🐝

Tulpas:  Lenore 🕸️ Calliope 🐲 and Athelas (aka Tea) 🌿 ((Sometimes we talk on here too.))


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