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To be paranoid of what one would label as their subconscious/unconscious mind is to question the very nature of predispositions (e.g. to survive as long as possible) of the brain that would keep your mental and bodily faculties intact. It's like saying that your own brain and mind will turn against you mentally while you're still breathing and operating as you usually do in your life; that your own beliefs are suddenly dichotomous from your mind that would have the totality of your schemata of many things (e.g. upbringing, social conditioning, biases) stored inside (in a loose sense of course to prevent implications that there's some metaphysical plane inside your own head).


Like Ganymede stated, it's kind of setting yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy that may backfire on you, and surprise, surprise, the same mind you're questioning and being paranoid about may end up being the conduit that fuels those same doubts and fears you have about it in general. In other words, you're the author of your own fate, and the rest of the confines of your mind may probably orchestrate all the psychosomatic experiences, relapses, paranoia, and other unfortunate turn of events because you believed in them so much that you became suggestive to them in general.


When you conquer that insecurity and fear, and cling onto the belief that your own mind isn't going to backfire and negate every single predisposition, process, mechanism, etc. used to keep you alive, and hopefully your own sanity intact, the intensity behind the fear and doubting reduces tremendously, but for some, it may not be eradicated completely, maybe repressed. Who knows?


But that reduction would be an improvement.

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Is that why I saw an image of a robot Celestia saying "kiiiill meeee"?


That would be an intrusive thought. Intrusive thoughts indicate your subconscious is a separate entity about as much as your hand slipping while writing or drawing indicates that your hand is controlled by a separate entity. You don't worry about your hands turning against you, do you?


Isn't the subconscious described as "alien", which is why tulpas are sentient?


No. First of all, "sentient" means "capable of having subjective experiences". If a tulpa is just controlled by your subconscious mind, then it wouldn't be sentient; it'd just be a mindless puppet controlled by a runaway imagination.


The general consensus here is that a tulpa is another mind running parallel to yours in your brain. It isn't part of your subconscious mind; it's a separate mind (with a subconscious mind of its own, as "subconscious" refers to pretty much everything outside of your conscious awareness).

I come out of hibernation once in a blue moon.


They/them pronouns, please. (I've been using this display name since 2012 and people won't recognize me if I change it.)

Guest amber5885

I actually did some research last night. The subconcious mind controls automatic function, like breathing, blinking heart beating ect and it's responsible for storing data......


That's it.


It's the part of you that holds on to bad memories and throws them back in your face at the worst times and it's the part of your brain responsible for fight or flight but it's not capable or doin anything that it doesn't already know how to do,


The subconcious mind can't think, it can't learn it only reacts so it doesn't have the cunning, the intelligence or the foresight to do anything other than breath, blink or remember that one time you were embarrassed in front of your crush in 8th grade.

That's it? Nothing about dreams, hypnosis, or all the quirks of psychology?


Also, not that anyone takes him seriously anymore, but Freud disagrees.

In Freud's opinion the unconscious mind has a will and purpose of its own that cannot be known to the conscious mind (hence the term "unconscious") and is a repository for socially unacceptable ideas' date=' wishes or desires, traumatic memories, and painful emotions put out of mind by the mechanism of psychological repression.[/quote']

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. <3

Amber is right. Subconscious and unconscious are easy to confuse, but they mean very different things. More and more these days, psychologists are saying that the unconscious mind doesn't exist at all. It's a good metaphor for how the mind works, but when you treat it as more than a metaphor, it starts falling apart.

"Some things have to be believed to be seen." - Ralph Hodgson

Guest amber5885

The subconcious stores that data. Think of it this way when you were little a dog bit you. Consciously though you're not afraid because you know logically that not all dogs are bad. Your subconciouse however only remember thg first initial dog bite so now every time you see a dog you flinch and your heart begins to race.


That is because the subconcious is workin off of what it knows to be true. One time a dog bit you.


That's Litteraly the only thing the subconcious has control over and I didn't take my data from psychology which is basically guessing I took it from experiments where they hooked users up to machines as monitored their brainwaves an whatnot to see where in the brain certain triggers and actions come from.


Your subconcious, the part that makes you breath, stores and retrieves memories is around the base of the skull. It encompasses parts of the back brain and the brain stem.


That's whee automatic reaction is ad that's what lights up when users were reminded of previous traumas and past events.


Some new agers might even call this area of the brain you ego.

Okay, so tulpas aren't controlled by the host's subconscious. Then why is it commonly accepted that tulpas deviate toward what the host subconsciously desires? Doesn't saying "tulpas aren't controlled by the host's subconscious" throw a wrench in something? If that's true, then where do tulpas get their sentience from? The same place dream characters do?

They do? Negative deviations exist too. Or do you mean when there's no personality forcing?

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. <3

Guest amber5885

Because subconcious an unconscious are terms that get mixed up also we don't 100% actually know anything about tulpas ad were they come from.


It's actually more apt to say that they are a concious mind runnin parallel to your own.


But again assuming we know the actual details of something that we don't actually know a lot about only leads to trouble.


What I was saying was just that subconcious and unconscious are two different things and since the subconcious minds only instinct is base survival then there is no possible way it would ever try to hurt you IE hurting itself.


The mind is a truly tricky thing but it's main goal is survive and repopulate. At least on a basic instinctual level. It would go out of its way, concious or unconscious to survive. Hence gaspIng for air despite being submerged in water.


A drowning victims last instinct is still to breath.

Okay, so tulpas aren't controlled by the host's subconscious. Then why is it commonly accepted that tulpas deviate toward what the host subconsciously desires?


Is that true, though? There have been many cases of tulpae deviating in ways that the host doesn't expect or want, including with some of my own tulpae. In some cases, deviation even leads to problems, so I doubt that deviation is simply a result of the host wanting it.


If that's true, then where do tulpas get their sentience from? The same place dream characters do?


I doubt that dream characters are sentient. They're just simulations. Tulpae get their sentience from the same place you do - whatever structures in the brain give rise to consciousness and awareness - which even science currently has a very limited understanding of.

I come out of hibernation once in a blue moon.


They/them pronouns, please. (I've been using this display name since 2012 and people won't recognize me if I change it.)

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