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Tulpas Making Tulpas, Extent of Brain Capacity, and Simulating Worlds


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People often make large and detailed worlds in their imagination here, complete with what they might call 'NPCs' - akin to dream characters - to populate it. Given a large population, how do you distinguish between these and a tulpa (assuming there is a solid distinction)?

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I myself have a small town with npc's. The way I tell the difference is they are always like a crowd. I never pass single people or specific townsfolk. If we are ever close to them where I have to imagine them, then they spawn as a mob, basically. There are a few times where I might be close beside a single person or whatever, but I never pay them much attention, I just know they are there and that's it.


It's like being on the bus. You know some people are sitting behind you, but you don't have to think about it. You also can't remember them either as soon as you get off the bus, same story. I'm not too worried about making an accidental tupper this way, but I'm not taking the chance. If I do decide to make a third tulpa it won't be some random person from the wonderland.


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