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M- I don't really do kid things either, but I guess that's just how I was raised. I get teases a lot by my host and Amy for being a small kid and stuff as it is, I'm not sure I wanna add to it by doing kid stuff anyway.

Amelia- Oct. 7, 2012

Mitsuki- Oct. 31, 2014 

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It's funny because I "remember" bits and pieces of being a little girl even though it never happened. Realistically it's probably just my mind inferring things. For example I "remember" being obsessed with Avril Lavigne when I was a kid, but in reality Phil was already 16 when her first album came out and he didn't even listen to it until much later. I feel nostalgia whenever we drive through the particular suburbs of Trenton where I "grew up" even though Phil didn't grow up in the same place. It's strange.

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M- I guess that makes sense. It's weird, my host and us were talking about his family, and how they're basically our family too. It doesn't feel like it though, never really has. He has family, and he is like our family, but his family isn't ours. Or something. Being a tulpa is complicated sometimes 😖

Edited by PsychoticDoc

Amelia- Oct. 7, 2012

Mitsuki- Oct. 31, 2014 

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Yeah I agree. Phil's dad and mom are my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I know tulpas in some other system talk about "our" father and "our" brother but it just doesn't feel natural to me. I feel like I had my own mother and father and they were different people from Phil. I distinctly feel like I also have an older brother named Jeff. Not sure why that detail is so specific, but there it is.

Tulpa Wife & Mother! 💚 

💍 11.28.21 👶 4.7.23
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M- Amy is like a mom and sister put together, and my host is like my dad. Ages ago we decided to get rid of the title stuff because "tulpa" is like an all in one relationship anyway, but still. It's nice to have them, even if they just bully me all the time 😣

Amelia- Oct. 7, 2012

Mitsuki- Oct. 31, 2014 

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M- Amy is I guess married to my host, but I think its more her dragging up stuff to tease him from years ago instead of serious stuff 

Amelia- Oct. 7, 2012

Mitsuki- Oct. 31, 2014 

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23 hours ago, Glaurung26 said:

I guess I haven't done too much stereotypical girl child things 🤔 He doesn't have much experience in that department and he doesn't want anyone looking at him weird in the "should I call the cops?" kind of way. I like fashion and arts and crafts but don't do it too much. I guess I'm an outdoorsy tomboy. 😊 Why is it tomboy and not tomgirl? We never understood that.

Im not sure. Maybe it’s from something?


I have a few memories from before. Not very specific or strong usually.


My host’s family does not feel like my family at all. I figured I’d be more familiar with them cos I still have the same brain but no. I guess they’re my family genetically?


im eating a popsicle rn :3

This was Betty's account. Now we'll all use it.

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Im gonna tend to my abandoned Animal Crossing NH world lol. I'll visit the gamecube one later

This was Betty's account. Now we'll all use it.

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