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Do not misconstrue my attitude toward tulpamancy from the title, I value tulpas as a method of social fulfillment, I am making this to publicly ponder as I have in my head. I have been thinking about how tulpamancy might be applied in a way that could be directly beneficial to others than the host, in other words a practical application, I have heard that the current weight lifting world record was set by a man who only managed to lift that much because a hypnotist convinced him that if he didn't lift the weight his daughters would die. While this may or may not be true it is fairly well known that humans are known to be able to exceed their known limits in times of peril, this would mean that there is some sort of psychological block in place that prevents us from breaking our limits. I will not deny that hormones certainly have an effect however if you can make a tulpa that can ignore the psychological limits then you can create a tulpa that will respond to the given situation by releasing adrenaline in a beneficial manner. I do understand that there are some moral concerns with doing this however I think that a servitor could achieve the intended result and thus no sentient beings would be harmed in the given situation. I do also understand that those blockers are there to prevent yourself from overexerting and dying, to that I have nothing to say, this is just theory after all.

4 hours ago, JohnnyRevolver said:

Do not misconstrue my attitude toward tulpamancy from the title, I value tulpas as a method of social fulfillment, I am making this to publicly ponder as I have in my head. I have been thinking about how tulpamancy might be applied in a way that could be directly beneficial to others than the host, in other words a practical application, I have heard that the current weight lifting world record was set by a man who only managed to lift that much because a hypnotist convinced him that if he didn't lift the weight his daughters would die. While this may or may not be true it is fairly well known that humans are known to be able to exceed their known limits in times of peril, this would mean that there is some sort of psychological block in place that prevents us from breaking our limits. I will not deny that hormones certainly have an effect however if you can make a tulpa that can ignore the psychological limits then you can create a tulpa that will respond to the given situation by releasing adrenaline in a beneficial manner. I do understand that there are some moral concerns with doing this however I think that a servitor could achieve the intended result and thus no sentient beings would be harmed in the given situation. I do also understand that those blockers are there to prevent yourself from overexerting and dying, to that I have nothing to say, this is just theory after all.


Interesting concept.


Well, I believe our system has talents that we didn't have before our tulpa came. Specifically, I'm pretty impressed with the photographs that she takes, while myself as a singlet showed no talent or inclination for photography. Also at the con we went to a few weeks ago, I let her dress me and the result was far more fashionable and interesting than I would have managed for myself.


I don't know that it's an elimination of blocks as much as priorities. Form and appearance are much more interesting to Lavender, so she "sees" things that I wouldn't see.

Mentally speaking yes, we have experienced that, especially emotionally. But I wouldn't want anyone to attempt to exceed the limits of the body's strength because the last thing you want is a torn ligament or tendon.

6 hours ago, TurboSimmie said:

I don't see how it would be more difficult to train a host or singlet to do this than a tulpa.

[Gelato] ^ This

What peeps gotta understand is that tulpas and originals/singlets are the same kind of being internally, not like different species or something. That means that whatever one is capable of doing/learning, so is the other (personalities and mindsets aside). We're all thoughtforms or headmates or whatever you want to call us, regardless of origin.

💡 The Felight System 💡 https://felight.carrd.co/  💡

🔥 Apollo Fire the Sun God (12/3/16)  Piano Soul the Star Man (1/26/17)

☁️ Indigo Blue the Sky Dragon (10/2/17) 🦑 Gelato Sweet the Sea Monster (12/11/22)

🌼 Calico Clove the Spring Deer (2/7/2023)  ❄️ Miselto Frost the Snow Fox (2/14/23)

When I’m fronting, I can physically lift about three times the weight compared to my host or my tulpa. It’s because I don’t react to pain or fatigue; I consider them feelings I can just ignore, and likewise I can ignore the normal limits of this body’s muscles. I also learned from fighting a lot when I was younger how to increase adrenaline through mental focus (just gotta remember how I felt during those fights), to take it even further. Idk how to share it with my host or my tulpa tho, I only know how to do it when I’m controlling the body myself. Also, if I overdo it and my tulpa fronts later, she complains that her body hurts severely, so it probably ain’t the healthiest thing to do.

What TurboSimmie said about hosts being able to do learn similar stuff is right, tho. For example, at some point my host figured out how to enter an altered state of mind in which she’s incapable of feeling pain, by somehow redirecting signals of pain to be felt as pleasant sensations instead. I don’t think I’m allowed to say here what sorta response she has to stubbing her toe nowadays as a result, but I’ve helped her find safe and healthy outlets for the ensuing urges, haha. It’s given her a carefree and fearless mindset. It’s very different from how I do feel it but just ignore it, and she’s actually able to share the ability with my tulpa when my tulpa is fronting, so now my tulpa just asks the host for help with pain instead of taking painkillers.

It’s pretty amazing what a brain is capable of when you know how to use it right, and tulpas are just one approach to that.

Luna: I've learned how to do things of this nature to my host, always with his consent of course, but all the techniques I use are biohacking techniques that any singlet with a sufficient amount of dedication could master. As an example, I've made it so Glitch can ignore hunger pangs, though going for too long without food will still sap his strength until he eats something to replenish his nutrients and blood sugar.

I do think that, given the nature of what a tulpa is, we're uniquely suited to carry out the mental gymnastics involved in biohacking, hypnosis, or otherwise altering our hosts' perceptions of reality/breaking physical limits/whatever. To address the OP's question, we can't influence the outside world (or other people!) directly except through controlling the host's body or discussing things in text over the internet.

"Science isn't about why, science is about why not?" -Cave Johnson

Tulpae: Luna, Elise, Naomi

My progress report


16 hours ago, SeekingMyPlanet said:

so she "sees" things that I wouldn't see.

Ultimately, all benefits that aren't avoiding blocks boil down to this, a new perspective on things is so very beneficial regardless of who is giving it, regardless if that perspective comes from more knowledgeable point of view or not

16 hours ago, ringgggg said:

Sounds like placebo.

Yep. Like I said, I can easily ignore pain, because I fundamentally believe it ain’t any more important than any other feelings, let alone as important as what I want to do or consider right. (My host may be unbothered by pain too nowadays, but in a different way so it still impairs her mobility anyway.)

Thing is, when people try to move or lift stuff, they feel pushback (aka normal force in physics), and overexerting themselves hurts a bit, so they think “Oh, this must be all I got” and they leave it there. But I don’t care, since pain is just a feeling anyway, and if there’s pushback, that just means I gotta push or pull harder, until it moves how I want it to. Tho like I said, apparently it ain’t very good for the body, but hey, at least it can be useful in emergencies right?

People’s brains and their bodies are capable of so much more than their egos realize, and often it’s just their mind or their feelings holding them back. All it takes is some mental work to be capable of so much more.

Edited by Kitsune

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