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I want to make a servant Godform that I have contracted with (without loss or risk) and I want it to be neither servitor and nor a tulpa. its possible? what do you think? how it will work?and how to make a one of them????

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I want to make a servant Godform that I have contracted with (without loss or risk) and I want it to be neither  servitor and  nor a tulpa. its possible? what do you think? how it will work?and how to make a one of them???? I want him to be independent, but he still follows me and is obedient.


can you describe what you mean by a Godform or servant Godform?

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

3 hours ago, MMM6666X said:

اصلا هیچ بلد نیستم با این سایت کار کنم:((

(no we can't speak persian, only Google Translate)

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It will put a View Today's Posts button in the top right of the site


Post a topic in the correct board and wait for a while, and someone will reply if they can help


Although, this is primarily a tulpa forum, meaning we're more science-minded than spiritual-minded. So, I moved this thread to the spiritual sub-forum


(I do not know anything about "Godforms")

Hi! I'm Lumi, host of Reisen, Tewi, Flandre and Lucilyn.

Everyone deserves to love and be loved. It's human nature.

My tulpas and I have a Q&A thread, which was the first (and largest) of its kind. Feel free to ask us about tulpamancy stuff there.

 a godlike tulpa but its  obedient cuz i will make a contract with that tulpa and kinda servitor ? 

3 hours ago, MMM6666X said:

a godlike tulpa but its  obedient cuz i will make a contract with that tulpa and kinda servitor ? 


3 hours ago, MMM6666X said:

I want him to have the powers of God and help me and be independent but also obedient.

You might have to find an even more esoteric site to find people who would know about that. I don't know anyone here who's done something like that. That sounds more related to people who practice magic or other similar occult things, especially if you mean for them to actually have supernatural powers


Here there would just be guides and advice for making a tulpa, and you could choose to have your tulpa have an aesthetic of a God, but I've never seen them have God powers outside of the mind and mind generated perception


I don't know for sure what all is possible, but practicing tulpamancy has made me and others here experience strange things sometimes, but not everyone


I'm unsure what ways you mean for them to help you, but a tulpa can help psychologically no matter what form they take


ممکن است مجبور شوید یک سایت باطنی تر پیدا کنید تا افرادی را پیدا کنید که در مورد آن می دانند. من اینجا کسی را نمی شناسم که چنین کاری انجام داده باشد. این به نظر بیشتر مربوط به افرادی است که سحر و جادو یا سایر چیزهای غیبی مشابه انجام می دهند، به خصوص اگر منظور شما این باشد که واقعاً قدرت های ماوراء طبیعی داشته باشند. در اینجا فقط راهنماها و توصیه هایی برای ساخت یک تولپا وجود دارد، و شما می توانید انتخاب کنید که تولپا شما زیبایی یک خدا را داشته باشد، اما من هرگز ندیده ام که آنها قدرت های خدا خارج از ذهن و ادراک ایجاد شده توسط ذهن داشته باشند. من مطمئناً نمی دانم چه چیزی ممکن است، اما تمرین تولپامانسی باعث شده است که من و دیگران در اینجا گاهی اوقات چیزهای عجیبی را تجربه کنیم، اما نه همه. من مطمئن نیستم که شما چه راه هایی را برای کمک به شما در نظر می گیرید، اما یک تولپا صرف نظر از اینکه به چه شکلی باشد می تواند از نظر روانی کمک کند.




I just used google translate to make a Persian translation. I don't know Persian at all, so I am sorry if it doesn't make sense. Sorry that I was not able to help much


من فقط از google translate برای ترجمه فارسی استفاده کردم. من اصلا فارسی بلد نیستم ببخشید اگه معنی نداره. ببخشید که نتونستم کمک زیادی کنم

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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