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How I ended up in a padded cell

Allison the Tulpa

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no idea what a transcript is in this case.

You and me both.



I've been narrating. A lot. And I'm having a bit of trouble on what to narrate about. I tell Allison what I'm doing, and then I'm at a loss for words. Any suggestions?

And that's how I ended up in this padded cell


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Any suggestions?


Well, I do narrate about what I'm doing at the moment as well, but of course that doesn't cover nearly enough time. So I've resorted to narrating about my hobbies, my classwork, my opinion on the news, sporting events, and sometimes I'll even sing (this is in the car, I have an hour long commute one-way to college every single day).


If you can't talk for hours and hours on end (like me) you can sometimes sit in silence and try and project your tulpa's presence next to you.


As for the transcripts: in the US, it's what you will spend your entire post-secondary (and maybe even secondary) education worrying about. It's a collection of all of your grades for every class you've ever taken. It's probably the quickest way potential employers are going to judge if you are worth hiring.


I've re-taken college classes that I've gotten C's in to get a higher grade. For my major, I should ideally have a 3.6 GPA or higher. It isn't cheap to go to college, so getting good grades is a good thing if only because it's lighter on my finances.

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so, I had MAP testing today. I forced with Allison while I waited to be dissmissed after I had finished the testing. I did personality. I'll edit this later with the personality traits I gave her (I didn't use some of them from my original post)

And that's how I ended up in this padded cell


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I have a question. If I were to watch an anime that requires me to read subtitles, how would I passive force at the same time? Still haven't heard her first words yet, sadly.

And that's how I ended up in this padded cell


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I have a question. If I were to watch an anime that requires me to read subtitles, how would I passive force at the same time? Still haven't heard her first words yet, sadly.


Have you ever tried reading to Allison?


Of course, when reading you can take as much time as you want. When I first started reading to my tulpa, it was hard to maintain focus on her and still actually take in the story at the same time. It definitely took practice, though I'd like to say my reading speed has increased over these last two months while trying to passive force.


If you can't keep up with what is being said in a subbed anime, I'd suggest pausing every ten minutes or so to narrate your thoughts to Allison. You can try keeping her in your thoughts, but it will probably still work if you can't. Alternatively, only passive force with dubbed anime.


I don't watch anime or any TV shows really. I still prefer my reading, so this is just my two cents.

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Oh my God my head hurts. I suspect that Allison is to blame...


In other news, Allison helped me on a test! I was stuck on this one fill in the blank, and then the word 'similar' popped into my head after I had asked Allison to help me out. After I finished the test, I checked my study guide and IT WAS RIGHT. After thanking Allison, I just smiled to myself as though sharing a joke with a friend, which was psychologically true.



And that's how I ended up in this padded cell


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