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ask Demonic's system


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ah yeah, i have been wanting to make this thread a while ago, i finally got to it.



some info about us:


Sammy: i'm the host 'n stuff, i'm apart of a large system of seven. 


Dr. Wee: shes a tulpa, i consider her my co-host, she was originally a fictive, she currently helps me with my huge system.


Wisp: wisp is a tulpa, and she likes to do origami 


katie: katie was originally an NPC in our wonderland before becoming sentient, she used to be interested in witchcraft for a while.


Sunny: sunny is a walk-in, she can be very hostile at times without reason


Izzy: izzy's origin is currently unknown, shes very bubbly and loves to talk. 


ENA: ena is a fictive/soulbond from the series "ENA" she stutters a lot, unlike the others in my system, her voices is almost identical to her fictional counterpart.



feel free to ask us anything :)


the onyx system key:


Samuel - Host

Dr. Wee - 11/25/20

Wisp - 12/??/20

Katie - 1/6/21

Sunny - 2/9/21

Izzy - 4/14/21

Freddy - 1/2/22


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8 minutes ago, Gloomynoon said:

How do you keep this many? (Tulpas)

Also, what is it like taking care of all of them?


im not fully sure on how i'm capable of handling so many thoughtforms, and most just pop out of no where. but i just roll with it and do as much as i can for my system,


It is difficult but fun, i switch between who i talk with during the day, and have meetings with everyone in our system so everyone can make decisions and voice out any problems or concerns they have. 

the onyx system key:


Samuel - Host

Dr. Wee - 11/25/20

Wisp - 12/??/20

Katie - 1/6/21

Sunny - 2/9/21

Izzy - 4/14/21

Freddy - 1/2/22


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