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Well from my undetstanding it's a case of switching. That was a bit before I conciously acknowledged her mostly and some afterwards. Thats when I actually went, well hang on what? It's also why we have vaguely similar mannerisms I think. I have no idea really. I'm no expert on the subject. I just notice the events and compile them.

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

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Dude, you can’t just have the ability to switch after a few days. It doesn’t work like that. You could try, but it’d take waaay longer than if you were to save it for when you’re well into the process. Try not to take shortcuts. They ironically make the process more cumbersome to maintain. Sorry if I come off as mean, I just wanna give you a heads up.


7 hours ago, Devin and Sasha said:

It's also why we have vaguely similar mannerisms I think.

That’s normal. Over time, as her personality develops-slash-deviates more and more (as well as you getting to know her better as an individual), you’ll end up with a more distinct Sasha who may just think up things that you may not have embedded in your own subconscious dogma.

Edited by ringgggg

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

Ok me and sasha have done some research and we don't think sash is a tulpa. We beleive she is an Alter or something similar. We don't have any hard evidence though. Though now we want to try activly creating a tulpa to see if it turns out differently. Also it would be nice to have a new friend for both of us. Please let us know your thoughts on this.

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

We have an annoucment! I was letting my mind wonder a bit when out of nowhere without either of us conciously acting, a clear image has come to our minds of the head to hips of a figure. They were humanoid and had wolf ears and horns, red eyes an amused smile, Short black hair, Bonlike wings, moderate tan, simple black clothing with short sleeves and thats about it. Neither of us have ever imagined a character like this before. What does everyone have to say about it?

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

On 5/19/2023 at 3:51 AM, Devin and Sasha said:

We have an annoucment! I was letting my mind wonder a bit when out of nowhere without either of us conciously acting, a clear image has come to our minds of the head to hips of a figure. They were humanoid and had wolf ears and horns, red eyes an amused smile, Short black hair, Bonlike wings, moderate tan, simple black clothing with short sleeves and thats about it. Neither of us have ever imagined a character like this before. What does everyone have to say about it?

Having a second tulpa is all up to choice, but if you're still developing your first one it could have the potential to harm the process. You want to be able to focus on developing one tulpa at a time, and once your first one is there you can take what you've learned and use it to expand your system. It's pretty normal for your mind to think up certain concepts out of nowhere. It's happened in my meditations a couple times, so I'm right there with you when it comes to that. You'll have these encounters multiple times, but what I advise you to do is to not get distracted from the initial process of making a tulpa. Stick to it, man.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

Well here's an interesting update... I for about five seconds very clearly saw Sasha and very strongly felt her presence, which we imagine to be a passive chill on the back of my neck that actually raises my neck hairs (Sorry if that is TMI), and at the same time I felt a less solid presence in the form of what felt like being very lightly hugged from behind, which I think might be Alyssu... Sasha has been half-actively forcing her when I can't. Also to clarify some things, you may not believe me but I do in fact have a very basic form of parallel processing so I would appreciate it if you didn't shoot me down saying that Sasha doing stuff without me actively engaging isn't possible. It's very basic but our mind can process multiple things at once, but the more thoughtstreams as we call them the less powerful the thoughts. But anyway I would appreciate some feedback. Anyway we have to go now cause we have to go home and do our casual job.

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

I think I'm going to rename this to be more broad even if it's unnecessary, it just feels weird since it's not really living up to the name.

S: = Sasha

Aly: = Alyssu

Hada: = Hadayaki

Z: = Zakiel

A: = Alex

Zen: = Zen

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