Crescendo November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 I.. still don't understand how this is relevant enough to everyone that it's supposed to belong in the General Discussion, instead of Lounge? Sure, it's great that you're able to understand your situation better, but why don't just post this in your usual rambling- or Manifesto-thread? Maybe a general post about this topic would fit better in this place. The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure, while always arriving. Maja will either use name tags, [brackets] or this colour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 So to get closer to Melians initial problem: Sharing the control about the physical appearance isn't really bad, if you're comfortable with it. Puppeting your MIND to move your physical body in a certain way is bad. Melian: Hmmm, oh gods NoneFromHell, let me roll that one around in my little mind for a day or two. Then we will give you another big Mistgod-Melian epiphany. I.. still don't understand how this is relevant enough to everyone that it's supposed to belong in the General Discussion, instead of Lounge? Sure, it's great that you're able to understand your situation better, but why don't just post this in your usual rambling- or Manifesto-thread? Maybe a general post about this topic would fit better in this place. Mistgod: I will leave that to the mods to decide if it should be moved there. I personally feel there is benefit to these kinds of personal insights in the General Discussion board or any of the boards for that matter. That has been a fundamental difference of opinion between me and some members since I joined the forum. I often present ideas for discussion by talking about my own experiences. In my opinion that is not blogging. It is fostering discussion. Crescendo, I have fostered a LOT of discussion this way in the past. People learn from it and they tell me so. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reisen November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 I'm lost. I thought this was a normal discussion on tulpa ethics, about the legitimacy of tulpas sharing control over their visualized forms with their host. But people are complaining about "blogging" again... Is it because it was phrased as a realization on their part? But that's the whole point of General Discussion. If you have a question to discuss, you put the thread in Q&A. If you have a topic already in mind, thoughts to share and discuss, then it goes in General Discussion. I really can't see where people get this impression from.. Hi guys, plain text is just me now! We've each got our own accounts: me, Tewi, Flandre, and Lucilyn. We're Luminesce's tulpas. Here's our "Ask Thread", and here's our Progress Report (You should be able to see all of our accounts on the second page if you want) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 This sounds interesting. A tulpa without a form to symbolically retain their consciousness and just be a consciousness in the mind. I could see some benefits to this. Yes, like you said visualization could be collaborative, and similarly to hosts choosing "avatars" in their mindscapes to assume the role of, the tulpa can do the same. Melian: Exactly! Hah, thank you. Yesh, see? This isn't a concept that has been universally explored by the membership yet has it? Thank you. Possession could be significantly easier. But I believe as the tulpa continues to develop and becomes nearly as strong as the host in terms of dominance of the mind, they could have more abilities over the host. What I mean to this is that tulpas have generally shown surprising capabilities over the brain. Being able to remember forgotten ideas and thoughts, as well as, in some cases, controlling the temperature over the body. And if they have learned how to possess, the power imbalance would flip at that point. The tulpa would be able to do almost everything the host can and more. But I'm not saying that tulpas will go rogue and take over the mind, and certainly not saying that this is a bad idea. I realize even a tulpa with a form could reach this point, but in a way the fact that they have a form could subconsciously hold us back from helping them realize this, in the early stages. Melian: Interesting. That concept! A tulpa without a form could be more closely associated with the hosts body sooner? No form to distract the tulpa? That is a very interesting idea. See? We are spawning thoughts. Hee hee I'm lost. I thought this was a normal discussion on tulpa ethics, about the legitimacy of tulpas sharing control over their visualized forms with their host. But people are complaining about "blogging" again... Is it because it was phrased as a realization on their part? But that's the whole point of General Discussion. If you have a question to discuss, you put the thread in Q&A. If you have a topic already in mind, thoughts to share and discuss, then it goes in General Discussion. I really can't see where people get this impression from.. Mistgod: I think the fact that so many are responding and that at least one person has even come up with some new lines of thinking from it, proves that it belongs in General Discussion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crescendo November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 But people are complaining about "blogging" again... I'm really not a Mistgod hater or anything like that. :D You have to admit, the first post is mostly blogging. (Not gonna complain about that, I don't have a problem with blogging, I just didn't see the point of this whole thread being in the General Discussion section.) But I guess it can be insightful after all? This whole "a tulpa doesn't need a form"-thing just seemed so obvious to me anyway, but I do understand that everyone has a different view on how tulpas work in general, so it might not seem that obvious to other people, especially newbies. Didn't try to complain, I just honestly didn't see the point of this thread, but I guess I do now. And it's evolving into something interesting, definitely gonna read the upcoming discussions here. The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure, while always arriving. Maja will either use name tags, [brackets] or this colour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 Thanks. I was listening to what you have to say. Melian and I mulled it over and decided it is a problem with format and how we present. We made some changes in the OP that I hope makes it look less "bloggy." Your point was actually very helpful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crescendo November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 The OP makes a lot more sense now imo! Also, that arrow does make it look a lot better. xD I'm really interested in input from some more people. It is an interesting topic after all, even though it took me a while to see its discussing potential. As stated before, Maja doesn't have a form, but some kind of humanoid presence. Even when we're doing stuff in our (also not really visualized) wonderland, I just sense her presence. I guess it feels like I'm blind when it comes to that? I know she's there, I feel her, but I'm not able to see her. We're both fine with that, since we're still able to talk and cuddle and stuff like that. Well, I'd like to know if there are more people who experienced something like that. The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure, while always arriving. Maja will either use name tags, [brackets] or this colour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous November 25, 2015 Share November 25, 2015 As stated before, Maja doesn't have a form, but some kind of humanoid presence. Even when we're doing stuff in our (also not really visualized) wonderland, I just sense her presence. I guess it feels like I'm blind when it comes to that? I know she's there, I feel her, but I'm not able to see her. We're both fine with that, since we're still able to talk and cuddle and stuff like that. Well, I'd like to know if there are more people who experienced something like that. You and Maja are the perfect persons to add to the discussion here then! What is crazy is this idea, that a tulpa needs no form or is separate from its form, took a while to become more significant and less foggy for Melian and I. We really didn't understand that aspect of tulpamancy seven months ago. It may seem obvious and fundamental and even elementary to many, but it escaped us at first. That is really ironic because it is absolutely essential in understanding how the Melian Show day dreams work for us. MISTGOD = made a tulpa accidentally and is now trying to understand and explain how the hell he did it and does it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crescendo November 26, 2015 Share November 26, 2015 I think in your case it's pretty natural that you didn't think of anything like that. I mean, you created her during the Melian Show, her form basically brought her to life if you want so. Besides of that, I guess the thought of a being who doesn't have or need a form is always kinda abstract to humans, since it's just so different from everything we know. Well, tbh I'm not that much of a "how and why does it work"-person, as long as it works. I like to keep things simple in my mind. Maja is the result of a lot of autosuggestion (make-believe, if you want to - sorry Melian, I know you don't like that term :p), the result of just telling myself over and over that she exists, until my mind started to believe it. That doesn't make her any less real to me, but it's just the most logical and easiest way to explain tulpas in my eyes. I'd be way too, eh.. simple-minded to bother "researching" how my tulpa was created if I was in your situation. xD like, I really wouldn't care about that at all, as long as my tulpa's with me. The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure, while always arriving. Maja will either use name tags, [brackets] or this colour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Anonymous November 26, 2015 Share November 26, 2015 @ Crescendo Posted my response here as it may go away form the theme of the OP a bit: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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