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The Garden Log: Bramble's Tulpa Journal


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Oh, I see, I kind of get it maybe. What does Ruina actually look like? I don't think I've seen this symbol idea before, well I'm sure someone else probably has something similar

Creation for creation's sake.


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Resident Dojikko

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46 minutes ago, TB said:

Oh, I see, I kind of get it maybe. What does Ruina actually look like? I don't think I've seen this symbol idea before, well I'm sure someone else probably has something similar

Ruina is...going through her own changes. Before she was a young woman with pale skin and short, blue hair with eyes to match. She still looks a lot like that, but I'm giving her a chance to...experiment.


The mental imagery of what Ruina seems to want to look like is...a little hard to decipher. There's a lot connected to her, internally, so I'm taking things slower and just letting myself adjust.

Several plants in a big world.


Please check our Progress Report.

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System Log



Not much to report today, I'm afraid. Between spending time with my partner and worrying about Adult Responsibilities, I haven't had time to sit down and focus.


Had a weird dream, though. Something something computer AI, I forgot to write it down. It felt connected to Ruina but I'm not sure how reliable that mere feeling is.

Several plants in a big world.


Please check our Progress Report.

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  • 1 month later...

3/02 almost looks like you posted the recent saturday but it is the other way around


I hope your system is doing well despite your worries, if you are still working on that


I forget to check threads for a while sometimes

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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  • 2 weeks later...

System Log



Been a while, huh? Feels...odd. I'm updating from my phone because I've had trouble keeping up with my laptop lately, so sorry if this gets funky.


More and more everything feels...more normal but also less tangible. I don't quite know how to explain the changes, but I hope that changes next week ^.^"


Good news is, Xay seems pretty much stuck to me! I can call on him really really easily.

Several plants in a big world.


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It's good to hear that you're still around, bramble. You can really tell when someone has begun to accept tulpamancy as a regular thing, I would even go as far as to say getting past the "honeymoon phase" is an accomplishment in itself. Good job on that, and I look forward to hearing from you again.

D-prime is shrinking as we speak.

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6 hours ago, ringgggg said:

It's good to hear that you're still around, bramble. You can really tell when someone has begun to accept tulpamancy as a regular thing, I would even go as far as to say getting past the "honeymoon phase" is an accomplishment in itself. Good job on that, and I look forward to hearing from you again.

Thanks! We're all around - I just have more trouble "finding" the others ^.^"

Several plants in a big world.


Please check our Progress Report.

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On 3/17/2024 at 12:58 PM, IttyBittyGardenBerry said:

Thanks! We're all around - I just have more trouble "finding" the others ^.^"

I get that a lot - sometimes I have to really reach to hear my system members. I have a few who are pretty much always there (and like to make themselves known), and I've been trying to encourage my other system members to be more active. I quite like your progress report. Best of luck to you all, hope you're doing well!

My Progress Report, where I talk a lot.

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System Log



Feels like I've been here before...


Haha, couldn't help myself! Anyway, I actually really like monospaced fonts so I'll probably use them more in the future, if they're easy enough to read for everyone.


So! It's been a while, huh? New developments to note...


Key Changes

  • Two new headmates! Oaks and Thistle have already been added to the main info section of this thread, but I figured it'd be a good idea to note them here. They showed up during a weird episode I'll detail further down.
  • The Garden's open! Isn't that great? It's been really nostalgic, and I'm learning to adapt to it alongside everyone else.

Less Noteworthy Stuff

  • Oaks and Thistle showed up together, and have been pretty well stuck together since. They seem to be a younger brother/older sister duo, and might make up their own subsystem? Most people in the inner world only seem able to see one of them at a time, but I'm working on it.
  • They also showed up immediately following an episode I had. I don't remember much about it, but I do know that it led a lot of worry I had split and wasn't gonna able to act as host anymore. That seems largely put to rest now, but it is a little odd - especially since Oaks is the only one who is confirmed to have been able to see me while I was in dormancy.
  • Speaking of that dormancy, Ruina's been put under supervision. She's more powerful that I expected and while she has good intentions, "putting our only member capable of doing long-term fronting into a mini-dormancy so he stops worrying so much" is not a good solution to my anxieties.

Aside from that, there's really not much to report on outside the fact we're all settling in, and a few not-confirmed things to worry about. But I don't wanna share anything I'm not sure about ^^"


Moving Forward

I'd like to focus this next week on Vy. I have a funny feeling that the reason Xay has stayed so consistently active is because I end up defaulting to speaking with him. So, time to test it (and probably get a lot of "Yeah, duh" from the forum) and give her some much-needed time to actually practice being present without being mean.

Several plants in a big world.


Please check our Progress Report.

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Oh good luck with your endeavors. Most would probably agree more attention makes them more active. Hope it works out

Creation for creation's sake.


we draw things


Resident Dojikko

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