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Corvus's Draw Request Thread


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(Thankyou very much ^^)

Here you go:


DA link: http://www.deviantart.com/download/362243239/red_and_gerry_by_themightycoolblender-d5zo4o7.png



I'm more than happy to take another request ^^

Name: Luna (Used to be "Dashie")

Birthday: Jan 29, 2013

Form: Rainbow Dash

Stage: Imposition/Visualization/Voice

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That is simply amazing. Also quite convenient to be finished on my birthday, haha. Thank you so much for this.

Name: Red

Stage: Imposition

Form: Androgynous human

Sentience: Most definitely.

Vocal: Sometimes.

Date of Creation: 8/20/12

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Well then, Happy Birthday! ;)

Name: Luna (Used to be "Dashie")

Birthday: Jan 29, 2013

Form: Rainbow Dash

Stage: Imposition/Visualization/Voice

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Heeers yuki:





After I took the time to view your linked images, I think I'm going to consider removing the 'N0 Pr0z0rz' policy, as the images trail a bit on the edge of that xD. s'all good though ;)

Name: Luna (Used to be "Dashie")

Birthday: Jan 29, 2013

Form: Rainbow Dash

Stage: Imposition/Visualization/Voice

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Awww! Thank you so much we love it! She's adorable :3



Form1-Arctic wolf, big blue eyes

Form2-Long white hair, blue eyes, pale skin, white wolf ears/tail, light blue jacket

Personality-Compassionate, calm, sarcastic, playful, protective, introverted

Stage-Sentient, vocal, working on possession

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Allison the Tulpa:

I have this sketch here so far:


It's *highly* wip (human allison looks abit insecure and should be looking forward+pose needs moar work).

Besides my self-criticism in the paranthesis, any suggestions of what I could be doing differently so far?

Name: Luna (Used to be "Dashie")

Birthday: Jan 29, 2013

Form: Rainbow Dash

Stage: Imposition/Visualization/Voice

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(Fluttershy time!!)

Well, the wings on human should be surrounding her, try redrawing the dragon(head), if you didn't know, Allison has knee-long hair (human and pony), human sleeve end should be free(no band thingy), I will save this picture and circle the things to make changes to on my photo editing app :3.

(I feel so bad, I can't give constructive critisism without feeling like I'm being too harsh :( )

And that's how I ended up in this padded cell


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Allison the Tulpa:

I guess then I'll be on standby until you post the annotated sketch. I appreciate constructive criticism, so don't worry 'bout offending me ;). Do you have any more specifics on how I could improve the sketch while I awaiting the annotation?



I conjured up a couple sketches that are awaiting scans (I've decided to keep the edginess of the provided images xD). You're account says "unregistered", so I'm guessing you're switching accounts?

Name: Luna (Used to be "Dashie")

Birthday: Jan 29, 2013

Form: Rainbow Dash

Stage: Imposition/Visualization/Voice

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So, here's the pic, edited :3 and more changes


Pony has a scarf too, the hoood is too thick, the dragon should have a content smile, don't try to perfectly mimic the reference drawing for the dragon, all allisons should be looking at the viewer, and that's all I have.


And that's how I ended up in this padded cell


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