Guest June 22, 2012 June 22, 2012 I probably should have thought my avatar through more.How about this one done by a fellow named Bl33d3r on deviantART? I mean, it is a burning fox.
BurningFox6 June 23, 2012 Author June 23, 2012 Day 7: Ending Intelligence One week in and I'm already halfway done with my umbrella traits. Gonna have to find a way to expand tulpaforcing time. Another late night session. The new discs were curiosity (black disc, white question mark) and creative thinking (tan disk, paintbrush). Scenarios given, prompts given, and the sphere gained two more traits. 30 minutes total with no after-effects except me being too tired to type this post coherently. Definitely need to tulpaforce earlier tomorrow. Total time: 3 hours, 13 minutes
BurningFox6 June 24, 2012 Author June 24, 2012 Day 8: Shyness Another day, another batch of traits. Today's batch: Shyness (Light pink disc with a blushing face), nervousness (dark blue with an ice cube), and warming up over time (light orange with a fire). Scenarios made, prompts given, yaddayadda, maybewe'llhavesomethingelsetomentionatsomepoint, and done. Making sure to review previous traits both before and after adding the new traits, I wrapped up the session. Total time, 28 minutes with no after-effects still. I'm also pretty much out of colors now and need to resort to different shades. Total time: 3 hours, 41 minutes
BurningFox6 June 25, 2012 Author June 25, 2012 Day 9: Done with Shyness Alright, I'm just going to condense my posts until something out of the ordinary happens. Traits: -Avoids Arguments (Violet, peace symbol) -Gentle (Light yellow, feather) Questions: -Is it safe to change a personality symbol when it's been worked on substantially? -How does one tell the difference between deviation and a wandering mind? Time: 25 minutes After-effects: None Total Time: 4 hours, 6 minutes
BurningFox6 June 26, 2012 Author June 26, 2012 Day 10: Outdoorsy Traits: Outdoorsy (Dark green, tree symbol) Loves nature (Light green, flower symbol) Loves animals (light brown, puppy symbol) Questions: -Same as yesterday. Time: 31 minutes After-effects: Mild headache. Total time: 4 hours, 37 minutes
BurningFox6 June 27, 2012 Author June 27, 2012 Day 11: Finishing Up Traits Traits: -Loves moving (Light gray, sneaker) -Energetic (Neon blue, lightning bolt) Questions: -Still the same Time: 30 minutes After-effects: Massive headache halfway through, mild one afterwards. Total time: 5 hours, 7 minutes And now I'm done with all the traits with 10 hours left to go still. Guess I'll just have to review every day for awhile. Maybe add more scenarios or focus on smaller traits.
BurningFox6 June 28, 2012 Author June 28, 2012 Day 12: First day of review Now that all the traits are done (and I still have ten or so hours to go), it looks like I'll have to do review for awhile. So, to start, I looked back on all the scenarios we'd made up. Unfortunatly, while I could sense the scenarios being there, I couldn't remember what they actually were at all. Looks like I'll have to replace some of them tomorrow. I almost overviewed a few smaller traits, going into the finer points of bigger traits such as energetic and helpful. Once done with that, I used the remaining time to give visualization a shot. I imagined her from every angle in a generic standing pose, focusing on each part individually and piecing her together. It was pretty fun, but I'm not sure how much visualization and personality-forming should mingle. 30 minutes total, mild headache afterwards. Total time: 5 hours, 37 minutes
BurningFox6 June 29, 2012 Author June 29, 2012 Day 13: Smaller Points Far too tired to start on fixing up scenarios today, so we opted to get more in-depth on some of the more ambiguous traits. For instance, for 'avoids arguing', we made it clear that doesn't mean she CAN'T argue. However, she would definitely take a less confrontational path over one that results in a fight. We did things like this for most of the other traits, including covering what kind of things she might like to read/do and how she might do something differently from someone who doesn't have the trait. I think I'll dig up some information myself on deviation later, since I'm still not sure how to tell when deviation is happening. Time: 30 minutes After-effects: None Total time: 6 hours, 7 minutes
BurningFox6 June 30, 2012 Author June 30, 2012 Day 14: Reinforcement Spent some time looking around today in order to discover more ways to work on personality and to learn more about deviation. While searching, I realized that while I'd given traits and given some reasons as to why she has them, I hadn't really gone that much in depth into it. As such, I spent this session going back and giving more reasons and details to every traits, including the umbrellas. I still have to do scenarios, but this feels like a step in the right direction. Also at the end, I did another introduction, though this time it was my introduction rather than an introduction to what's in store. I told her about myself, though it feels like I didn't tell enough. Finally, after a little more review, this session was over with. 36 minutes total, dull headache near the end. Total time: 6 hours, 43 minutes
BurningFox6 July 1, 2012 Author July 1, 2012 Day 15: Morality, New Traits, and Confusion After some more research into personality, I decided to expand upon traits even further by creating 'what would you do' scenarios for all of them, which culminated in a decent understanding of how my tulpa would handle things in general. Overall, this felt very useful; not only did it allow us to expand upon personality, but it also helped us remember a few of the scenarios we'd forgotten previously. Plus, coming up with the situations itself was fun. Also, a couple more traits have come out of nowhere. I haven't given them colors or scenarios yet, but so far there's Inventive (Wrench) and Gamer (Control pad). Funnily enough, I originally planned on having her only have a minor interest in games (if any), but it turns it she likes them more than I planned. Fine by me. Unfortunatly, it seems we're having a bit of an identity crisis. I feel a negative vibe when I try to imagine her in the form I'd planned, but it's hard to tell what form she'd rather have. I've decided to just wait until she's sentient so things will be a little less confusing. Until then, she's taken on a new form that produces little to no negative vibes, and it seems fine so far. The session lasted 40 minutes, with very brief but pretty strong headaches a few times throughout. I also felt emotions at various points, but I'm not sure if they're manual or actual emotive responses. Total time: 7 hours, 23 minutes
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